Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The chart with US immigration statistics that Trump credits with saving his life (he was referring to it, displayed on a giant screen to his right, when he was shot):
So in a round about way, Biden saved Trump. If Biden hadn't let in tens of millions of illegal immigrants, then Trump wouldn't have had that chart and thus wouldn't have turned his head. :lol:
Interesting moment from Biden's TV address to 'calm the nation'. It wasn't a 'gaffe', it wasn't a 'stutter', and it wasn't a 'senior moment'. It was Biden realizing what was about to come about of his mouth and quickly checking himself!

MAGA is so hot right now, even Biden's *this close* to being converted!


(Couldn't get chatGPT to depict Biden lol)
I don’t think the footage we have so far necessarily makes the alleged account of the police officer fake news.
The story is up on SOTT and the comment I made is the following:

I doubt this story of the police officer going up on the roof and it comes conveniently from anonymous sources.

‌Think about it. The police officer would go up the ladder with his gun ready to fire and it would obviously be pointing forwards towards the target. The shooter on the other hand is armed with a riffel, which takes longer to turn around and point at the officer. In that time lapse, the officer would simply had fired.

‌Let us say that the shooter already had turned his riffel around, then the officer could still fire if not before then when he was out of sight so as to alert the whole security team of the danger.

‌Thus the story in the article is very doubtful or to be honest bogus unless the actual police officer comes forward and tells us why he responded in such a strange way.
Apparently Crooks "had material for bombs in his car and home".

How come these "lone wolf" gunmen always seem to have this kind of stash? To me this is evidence of them having been groomed by FBI.

And how come they never found the obligatory passport? Joking aside, it is strange that a guy that allegedly was fed up with the status quo and also wanted his 'moment of fame' - whether greenbaumed or not, he supposedly failed to have any identifiaction on him?

Also, if correct, Luschenko will now have some explaining to do, as Russia will not fail to connect the dots on that obvious gaffe.

It will also be interesting to watch how many other wishful thinking moves have to be explained away now that through their hubris, and divine intervention, Trump failed to die to their hurried orders!

As more supporters come to rally around Trump, we will also notice that the Biden team's plans become more desperate and just as hastily cobbled together before the election date.

I pray Putin and all the 'good' guys we are rootin' for stay safe. As the C's said, we will see more things happen in ore places now.

I hope Tucker does get to do an interview with Trump shortly, even that he may become VP! And drops the Zelinsky interview - he is no more lucid than Biden, and just as barbaric. Anyone any suggestions what reasonnig was behind it, other than to 'hear the other side'?

No doubt in the deep state's panic there will be many clamp downs, and nefarious plans will be brought forward faster. Israel certainly took advantage of the distraction with their huge carnage of innocent children.

All hell will be let loose now as I doubt everything will be restrained until the elections.
Plus it will be interesting to follow the mood and reactionary intentions of the Trump supporters now too.

This is all a valuable lesson in objective investigation for us. For which I am grateful.
Big picture version:

Representatives of part of the current Chinese ruling elite have tried to persuade Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to stop cooperating with the Kremlin.
The well-known Russian economist Mikhail Khazin told about it on the air of the YouTube channel "Not Time", DEITA.RU IA reports.
According to him, it happened during the recent military maneuvers, as a result of which Belarusian troops were withdrawn from the border with Ukraine. After that, as noted by Khazin, Lukashenko announced the possibility of peace talks, which is not yet on the agenda in the Kremlin.
This event, as the economist noted, coincided with the failed assassination attempt on US presidential candidate Donald Trump. They were supposed to produce a synergistic effect that should have eventually weakened Russia's position.
Sorry, but that does not sound very plausible to me even if Khazin believes it. It just goes to show that just like people in the West, Russians also have very different views on things.
Also, if correct, Luschenko will now have some explaining to do, as Russia will not fail to connect the dots on that obvious gaffe.
Even if true, that some part of the Chinese leadership would go to Belarus to try to influence Lukashenko, then he would only have something to explain if he acted on such an alleged attempt. Something which I doubt he would as Belarus strategic partnership with Russia far outweighs anything the Chinese might offer.

Who would benefit from such an offer? Not China, not Belarus, not Russia, not BRICS+, not SCO, not EAEU, not the one Road one Belt project, not the multipolar world. In other words, the unipolar world lead by the US would benefit and some 5th column elites in China perhaps.

Saying it was meant to coincide with the assassination attempt on Trump takes it into the realm of the absurd, but what do I know.
The story is up on SOTT and the comment I made is the following:

I doubt this story of the police officer going up on the roof and it comes conveniently from anonymous sources.

‌Think about it. The police officer would go up the ladder with his gun ready to fire and it would obviously be pointing forwards towards the target. The shooter on the other hand is armed with a riffel, which takes longer to turn around and point at the officer. In that time lapse, the officer would simply had fired.

‌Let us say that the shooter already had turned his riffel around, then the officer could still fire if not before then when he was out of sight so as to alert the whole security team of the danger.

‌Thus the story in the article is very doubtful or to be honest bogus unless the actual police officer comes forward and tells us why he responded in such a strange way.

The rooftop shooter could have heard someone climbing up the stairs thus being the first one pointing the rifle at the police officer. In fact, I think that is likely because he probably already heard people screaming that he is up there (thus he knew that he had been discovered). Thus he was likely extra attentive to sounds/movements. Plus the type of building looks like a typical light metallic building often used for company type buildings. In other words: a building were you can easily hear and/or feel even small movements because walking or climbing on it gets emplified by the light metal structure all around even far away in another part of the building.

So far for me the story given about the police officer sounds plausible from the data we have (and especially because of the lack of footage from that side of the building, where the ladder was). That however doesn’t mean that it actually happened, just that the story presented is a plausible one that can’t be disproven so easily at this point. And maybe that’s by design, if it is a fake story? Wouldn’t surprise me. That the police guy is anonymous though and that the shooter supposedly was so cool/unafraid that he turned his back and went back to the shooting position after the police officer went down the ladder and then in a matter of seconds made the bullseye hit, is somewhat implausible though, but not impossible.
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So far for me the story given about the police officer sounds plausible from the data we have (and especially because of the lack of footage, from that side of the building that the ladder was on). That however doesn’t mean that it actually happened, just that the story presented is a plausible one that can’t be disproofen so easily at this point.

From what I've seen this story comes from anonymous sources, and contradicts witness testimony that police were told about the shooter and did nothing about it.

I believe it is damage control by local police.
Here's where I stand.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I'd rather lay out these thoughts now and in one piece in case shit really hits the fan.

Whatever the real nature of this event may be (genuine, coordinated, interfered or otherwise) there's important, at least for me, things to consider for the relatively near future:

  1. Biden being thrown under the bus sometime during his presidency, is something that's has been floating on the internet as a possibility for a couple of years now. To what end really, besides managing to give the democrats a bad rep altogether?
  2. WEF's "prediction" of a cyberattack was said to occur sometime before 2025. Before or after election results? Don't know.
  3. Trump himself has made a rather confident remark that a major terror attack on US soil is not a matter of if but when. Whether it's the long-warned about cyberattack, another pandemic, weather wars, a nuke or a combination of everything, remains to be seen.
  4. Potential scapegoats: Islamic extremists, immigrants like this guy, Russia, China...perhaps aliens? anything to sow division and bring the world to its knees really.
  5. In that case, marshall law is likely, and whether it's Trump or someone else leading the charge in "restoring order", the MIC gets what it wants, a regime where everyone's a suspect and a world in lockdown.
  6. Flow of information and resources will be tightly controlled and compartmentalized across the board. Trying to get to the bottom of things at that point will become increasingly harder if not impossible, no matter which part of the world you reside in, i.e. the "multipolar", 1984, "divide and rule" world.
Following the recent event and given Trump's steep rise in popularity, again, whether genuine, coordinated, interfered or otherwise, here's a few things to keep in mind:

It's no secret that while some view Trump as a savior figure, others view him as the next "hitler" or the charismatic "anti-christ" installed by the PTB to appeal to the hearts of Christian nationalists...boosting morale, fixing the economy only to end up dragging the US into another war, just like onkel adolf.

It's also no secret that he has received the highest award by ZOA and a neat menorah by the Israel Heritage Foundation. If that's not being a poster child for Zionism, I don't know what is. Christian Zionism, Jewish Zionism, republican or democrat...whatever the case, it really is Israel first.

Judaism seeks to introduce stricter laws globally, persecuting all kinds of criticism against it, and judging from what I've seen over the years, Trump would at least entertain that one way or another.

In my opinion, these are the Noahide laws, some of which may sound nice on paper. They are also, at least in part, known as "Education Day, U.S.A", promoted by Schneerson (the alleged mastermind behind whatever is happening in the eastern block of Europe) and signed by Bush Sr in 1989, but is yet to be fully enforced. 'Fully' meaning "a talmudic world order". Needless to say, a lot of these laws will aid in WEF's goals, like banning meat and dairy for example. More about the laws and how they may be abused, in this presentation.

Trump's admiration for the work of the Lubavitch crew is shady at best. Ivanka's prayers near Schneerson's tomb were apparently not strong enough to get her father reelected back in 2020. Israel is after Lebanon, and to cut to the chase, it also seeks to expand its territory and fulfill the Greater Israel "prophecy". I for one, can see how America may "aid" in that process until it's bled dry, particularly if the middle east is to blame for a terror attack on USA as I mentioned above, with or without Trump at the helm.

If push comes to shove, they'll have no problem sacrificing some of their own, using white people as a weapon, only to have history repeat itself by demonizing them later, while sparing the "chosen ones" Haavara-style in the process. Perhaps this is where the "destruction of jews" or Israel, as suggested by the Cs comes into play again. Something which by the way has been hinted at by Svali in 2006 as part of the "Illuminati" plan. Either way, Ukraine seems to be important regardless of Israel's or USA's fate. And "real" or "fake" jews, who's who at this point, really? Maybe it's all just business and most of us end up getting the shitty end of it every time.

In short, whether Trump is in office or in a grave, one has to wonder how much difference that really makes in the grand scheme of things, in a post-truth era, a grey area of confusion where instead of facts, we're fed "great narratives" to fuel emotions (or nihilistic lack thereof) to use as a driving force of "progress", but I digress.

Some things to look into for 2025:
That's it for now.
after the police officer went down again and then in seconds made the bullseye hit, is somewhat implausible though but not impossible.
Not impossible but unlikely. If the police officer steps down the ladder enough to be out of sight by the riffel but enough to raise his arm to shoot then I can't see that as more probable if the situation was such. Shooting accurately with riffel from a short distance of 5 mtrs is very hard whereas shooting from cover just below the rooftop is easy. The shooter can not move fast on a tin roof and in the video we saw that he scuffled around and didn't stand up at all. If the alleged police officer had fired just one shot, the whole assassination attempt would have been ruined as it would have created massive panic and commotion and alerted the the rest of the security.

For that matter police officers could have shot him from where the video was taken which looks to be a distance of 25-35 meters away, which is well within the range of a pistol, which police officers are trained to use after all.

Anyway, no cigar on the story of the ladder climbing police officer.
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