Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

I'm open to there being more than one shooter, but my main problem with the idea is this: if Crooks was a patsy, and there were professionals involved in order to make sure the assassination happened, then why didn't it? Did the pro sneeze at an inopportune moment or something?

Divine intervention. The bullet that hit Trump's ear may not have been fired by crooks.
Here is a theory of a target triangulation by forensic experts:

Forensic Analysis Reveals Multiple Guns Fired at Trump RallyForensic analysis indicates that up to three firearms were discharged during the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday.An audio analysis conducted by Catalin Grigoras and Cole Whitecotton from the University of Colorado's National Center for Media Forensics suggests that the initial three shots matched a suspected weapon A, followed by five shots from suspected weapon B, and concluding with an acoustic signature potentially from weapon C.According to the FBI, the shooter acted independently.



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Here is a theory of a target triangulation by forensic experts:

Forensic Analysis Reveals Multiple Guns Fired at Trump RallyForensic analysis indicates that up to three firearms were discharged during the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday.An audio analysis conducted by Catalin Grigoras and Cole Whitecotton from the University of Colorado's National Center for Media Forensics suggests that the initial three shots matched a suspected weapon A, followed by five shots from suspected weapon B, and concluding with an acoustic signature potentially from weapon C.According to the FBI, the shooter acted independently.

That matches our speculations here. I think weapon A was possibly from the hypothetical professional sniper near the rooftop shooter, probably inside the building. The first shot hit Trump bullseye fashion averted by him slightly turning his head just in time. A pretty definite sign of a professional shooter. Weapon B was probably the amateurish rooftop patsy, presumably Crooks. And weapon C the shot that killed Crooks. The shot that maybe killed the tower shooter was probably too far away and/or later to be noticed in the videos. And/or it was done with a silencer.
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2:12 in the video above.
I think I know what that is - notice how fast the crane holding the giant black speaker descends it to the ground? I think they shot the hydraulics hose of the crane, releasing the pressure. I dunno if it was the bullet directly or shrapnel/ricochet, but it's more evidence to help narrow down where the shooter may have been shooting from exactly. If you draw a straight line from Trump to that hydraulic hose, theoretically that should point to the shooter.

Here are a few videos of a hydraulic hoses bursting:

If you draw a straight line from Trump to that hydraulic hose, theoretically that should point to the shooter.
That's my thinking. You should be able to get the elevation/angle from the video of the spray, but for the angle between Trump and the hydraulics (looking from above) that's more difficult. So I'm playing with turning drone footage/footage/photos into 3D models to try and make it simpler to work that out.
We have Trump as the target and three people hit + the hydraulics. So I may be able to work out some probable angles from a 3D reconstruction. Hopefully.
I don't know what kind of campaigning itinerary there was - how much in advance everyone had to know the rally's location, but it looked like a rural location, where only few people would know intimately - unless it was a fairground type location that routinely holds gatherings, but in absence of that, how could a hit on Trump take place with security - the security itself would have the best intelligence, and authority over the area where the attempt took place.

So it was a failure. What's left? Intimidation.

So in all but declaration, we are shown that this was a set up. And if a failure happened, the apparatus for it to happen again is still in place - weighing on Trumps mind, as well as those around him. It's like a terrorist aftermath which strikes fear that looms over the present course of this country. Well, that's nothing new, but it has reached the level of assassinations of leaders.

So we know as well, without declaration, who they are, and we too strike fear in return to them, by not being afraid.
At this point it looks likely there was another shooter, possibly inside the building, and they did the old Kennedy routine: mind-controlled patsy, professional team actually shooting. Like, "let's do the Kennedy thing, but since there was all that jazz about the magic bullet, let's make sure we shoot from the same angle as the patsy"...
Yeah and we can see the building have windows. Would be interesting to know if the windows had glass (or if one hadn't). So it would be handy to for the shooter to be a bit inside the building, in the dark, hidden from view, without a glass breaking when doing the shoot. Is there a risk that the flame of the weapon will be filmed? Is it a concern? I know nothing about this point

And this make think it would be interesting to know who organized the meeting, I mean who said we will place the podium here and it will be at this angle and so on.

There are now reports that officers have shot a man outside the RNC security perimeter.

It sounds like a homeless man attacked police with steak knives. Pretty hard to claim that he is another assassin, but I'd bet there is an increase in beaming setting people off.

A knife-wielding homeless man who allegedly “heard voices” was shot dead outside the Republican National Convention Tuesday.

A witness at the scene told The Post that the man was swinging two steak knives at police near the GOP event’s headquarters — just two hours before the nation’s leading party members were slated to take the stage.

A man claiming to be the victim’s brother told The Post that the unidentified man was homeless — there is a large “tent city” in the area.

Another homeless man claiming to be the victim’s best friend identified the dead man as “Sam,” but was known by others in the encampment as “Jehovah,” referring to a voice Sam heard in his head.

Sam had a crazy look in his eye before he approached police Tuesday, his friend, Edward Watkins, told The Post.

It was known in the community that Sam “wanted to die,” Watkins said, adding that the pair did crack cocaine together.

The shooting comes just three days after former President Donald Trump was nearly assassinated in a shooting on Saturday. There has been a heavy police presence at the RNC throughout the week.

Source: Suspect wielding knives shot dead ‘in the back’ by cops near RNC: sources, witnesses
This was what went through my mind also yesterday. The fact that they could not get into the boys phone was insane, dont they have all our data saved on guarded servers?
There was a video posted here, (sorry can't remember the exact one), that said that handlers would put some sort of encryption on the phone of their patsy, so that after the fact, no one could get anything off it. So another clue to this guy having handlers, and being set up to being a patsy.
I don't know what kind of campaigning itinerary there was - how much in advance everyone had to know the rally's location, but it looked like a rural location, where only few people would know intimately - unless it was a fairground type location that routinely holds gatherings, but in absence of that, how could a hit on Trump take place with security - the security itself would have the best intelligence, and authority over the area where the attempt took place.

So it was a failure. What's left? Intimidation.

So in all but declaration, we are shown that this was a set up. And if a failure happened, the apparatus for it to happen again is still in place - weighing on Trumps mind, as well as those around him. It's like a terrorist aftermath which strikes fear that looms over the present course of this country. Well, that's nothing new, but it has reached the level of assassinations of leaders.

So we know as well, without declaration, who they are, and we too strike fear in return to them, by not being afraid.
Yeah that's a good point, how can he be comfortable knowing it's an inside job, and not knowing who the insiders were? They could still be around him waiting for another opportunity to present itself. I only hope that the "impossible oversight" is seen by the majority for what it is - an inside job. Even without the perps being caught, that knowledge alone, if widespread, would rally the people against the PTB.
We have one woman reporting personally seeing a sniper on the water tower that was killed afterward, clearly indicating that he was one of the shooters:

A second woman reporting that she heard that there was a sniper on the water tower, while not having seen it herself:

Now we possibly have a third witnesses talking about a sniper and the water tower, possibly having seen it herself.

Definitively interesting. Here's the transcription of the videos :

- hit the ground and he kept standing. You've got to get down. Well, you've got
to get down. They're gonna shoot you because if they would have had like a
machine gun, they could have taken us all up. So then, uh, we laid there for
a while. We saw different places where the gunshots were at and then they got
President Trump down Secret Service did and they took him out of there and got
him off of the stage and he was bleeding. And so then my son and daughter
all was back behind us behind the fence. We was worried about them. We
couldn't calm. And so we started trying to get after them then when he finally
let us up and they had been right by the fence where the other shooter was.
There was one I heard in the water tower. There was one by the fence.
- And still obviously initial reports. But what we do know

- Sharpshooter shot to the left. He killed the gentleman in the water tower here
Now when I called my husband at home who's watching TV
He said I thought Trump heard his ear when he went to the ground, but he said no on TV
They showed before Trump hit the ground the ear was bleeding
So that sharpshooter went across Trump turned his head his ear must have been nipped and it killed somebody in the stands
Over to the left.
- Could you see anyone injured besides the blood on the former president?
- I saw was the gentleman from Beaver County who spoke earlier in the day who was running for the state house representative Elmore
I know his name. He had a white shirt on and I saw him come from that left stands where the people were mostly
Shot, I think there were several they said three medevacs left here blood was down the right side of his he wasn't shot
But you could see that he was next to somebody who must have been bleeding profusely
Because he either helped them and ran you know rubbed against them or tried to get them help or something
It was covered so I knew that he was near somebody that was my first indication
Indication that somebody was actually shot when I saw his blood on his shirt.
- And when did you realize that hey, this might not be fireworks. This might be something else.
- When they got Trump down on the ground.
And then we were just so concerned that he wasn't hit because we couldn't it happened so fast
You know, it's really hard to process it.
You know, I guess it when they if you have it on your camera to see the exact minute you can tell
But when he got up he did not look.
I heard coming out here is now they feel that there was two shooters on both sides.
So they got the one on the tower on this side, but the one on the right side.
They never got so they that's why they wanted us to leave immediately because they thought there's still a shooter out there somewhere.

So there could be in these woods around Butler and I feel sad for our country. I feel sad for everybody, you know
You don't like the guy don't vote for don't kill him. We love the guy. We're gonna vote for him
You know, I mean what what what is up with his violence? I mean, it's just it's just terrible
I just I just wish that people that I'm glad that guy's no longer with us anymore in that tower
And I hope they get the other one too.

- First crack of the gunfire and I just screamed "It's the sniper, it's the sniper"
and he was firing down toward the water tower that's what we're hearing and yeah
and then at that same exact moment there was a spray from the right side of the
stage that I thought was some type of gas, like or not gas but smoke
- Sure
- [noise] and then a few minutes later there was a couple more shots down the hill
and that's when they started pushing everybody out.
I listened to a former secret service member talk on the radio as he outlined ways their security protection totally messed up coverage. Two things in particular: When he was in the service they would have either rotated the stage to block a path from the metal building roofs, and/or parked a big tractor trailer truck and trailer bed in the path with something on top of it, like a flag or whatever, to obscure the view to the stage; and/or they would have positioned people (possibly local law enforcement) at those metal buildings with specific instructions that do not require decision making, for example "no one goes up on the roof, period", and similar instructions.
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