The Living Force
cheezemurda49 said:This question occurred to me;
How can we find romance and at the same time "expect attack" ...
By remembering and applying what has been learned. Most especially that to ‘expect attack’ here, also means to also expect it from within.
cheezemurda49 said:And then this girl needed a place to stay. My friend brought her to the camp. But they didn't click. And I could pretty much tell she is psychotic, and by that I mean ..I don't just resemble her dad, at times she thought I WAS her dad.. And also various celebrities, and/or she would think I was someone from her past. But then two minutes later think I was someone else. And you know... The thing is, I love learning! She even looked me in the eye once and she said "Mmmm you are the pinnacle of human perfection". Her eyes had this lizard like look to them, briefly. And of course reading sott, etc for the past 8yrs, I'm thinking.. Veeeeeerrryyy interesting. But also having just arrived at the 2nd chakra, I need some answers. About... Food. And how's the best way to eat, in an STO fashion.. and sex, which is like food, energizing (to me). And I can feel she's possessed by, something, demons, I don't know. But yah, pinnacle of perfection, now I'm not gonna die per se, so get milked, so let's begin.. I've had to dance with devils all my life, so.. Its all just math. And you know, math is fun too. FEAR NOTHING, I guess I went in out of simple curiosity.
The above reads as the predator predatory feeding... nothing more mysterious or exotic than that. You took advantage of this woman and are hiding the fact behind a bunch of ‘woo woo’, so it seems to me.
So maybe the first question would be better phrased as “how can the predator get sex for itself and at the same time still “expect attack”. When put like that, you see the incompatibility of the two ideas. You can’t answer that question in any way that makes sense, when the root of it (the part that is asking) is also a form of attack!
This is a thread about finding partners after all, and you used the word ‘romance’. But from your actions and way of thinking it would seem these concepts are a waaaay down the list of priorities here.
A clever person would spend a great deal of time getting to know a potential partner, would cultivate a relationship, allowing anything (if it is there in potential) to grow of its own accord. That makes for plenty of time to see how things fit (or not), and to head off potential attack whether from our own predatory mechanical behaviors, or from the other person who is wearing a mask that may take time to see.
One also has to remember that pretty much everyone else suffers with the same predatory mechanical behaviors, especially around this subject. So it seems to me if we can see a dynamic forming (especially an unhealthy one), where the other cannot yet see it, the duty and responsibility is ours to make sure that does not take hold. A relationship founded on that basis is sure to fail in terms of being helpful and productive in any Work on oneself.
And that applies to both parties, we should care enough about a potential partner to help them keep well away from the predatory, mechanical parts of themselves when it comes to forming relationships, so that they too are protected from unhelpful influences, in themselves as well as in us.
Did you read the latest session? What you wrote sounds an awful lot like some of that. You know, call it what you will, the ‘indigo hue of the fourteenth chakra’ or whatever, but when it boils down to it, its about sex and the predators mind. Your just painting a pretty picture of it to yourself to mask it is all. Or so it seems to me.
We have to learn to think and act consciously when it comes to forming relationships, not just mechanically follow what is in our trousers.