finding partners...

This is a really interesting thread....

I have met a lot of people who found 'true love' from online dating. It is seems like an unnatural process that works eventually.

How do people get on meeting others when the issues of aliens, conspiracy theories come up in general conversation? ..... I find some people are repelled by the subject, or cast it off as a part of your personality that is'nt right..... Given that I think about these things quite often, it usually comes up in general conversation pretty quickly and sometimes I am told specifically not to mention the subject before going out.

I sometimes wonder if it would be much easier with a companion who at least was open to some of things discussed on or at least have a spiritual dimension to them.

Is there a thread on what the C's say about the nature and meaning of true love, intimate relationships, sex, and physical attraction?.
In today's world it is very difficult to find a soul mate, someone who will love you as you are .I think except the initial spark, a man and a woman above all to be better acquainted, first need to be friends, not immediately try to change the others to some of its ideals .I am a widower over 24 years and with my late wife I spent a very nice year, together we are respected, listened to each other, cared about itch other .together we were without bread to eat, and when we had a full table. From this connection today I have a beautiful daughter that I teach those same values in life, of course, does not impose her own will, because until someone know that each individual has himself come.
Hi Casper, thanks for sharing that. I am sorry about your loss.

Always good to be reminded that friendship comes first !!. Will checkout the link.
nothingman said:
I don't seem to have access to that page??

Hi nothingman,

I checked for you and could gain access easily, so I suspect it's one of those topics you cannot yet read unless you've reached a certain number of posts -- which stands at 50 momentarily, if I recall correctly. In other words: you'll have to be patient for a little while till you gain access to this one...
I got this from unholy hungers & found it quite funny:

"that's an interesting question, why do you ask"

I guess it would depend on who is asking though, and what you think their intentions are, are they asking to be nosy, to get info about you to later use against you, or because they genuinely are interested...

hope this helps :D
Like many situations, there's a time to be truthful and a time not to be. So, it depends on the situation.
luke wilson said:
Simple question:

Someone asks you, are you a virgin? What do you say?

I've often found the look on my face answers the question quicker than i do! (Kinda joking)

Then again, friends from way back have been charting my lack of progress with concerned glee and new friends don't tend to ask (probably due to my age), and people i don't know (and probably shouldn't be so nosey!) ive lied a few times (more from omission than outright) or i make a joke. But with the 'most important people in my life' i told the truth; even the odd stranger because, tbh, i am pretty much ok with it.

With that in mind, lest we forget strategic enclosure. If they won't understand, why make a issue of it? We are aware that there are more things than sex many on the BBM don't care to even try to understand.

My 2 cents.

Added: agree with Hlat!

I only asked because in some situations it feels like not sharing feels like it essentially means putting certain relationships at a surface level with no chance of them ever developing into something more - interms of sharing/vulnerability etc. I personally feel like it is such a huge part of my identity that anyone who doesn't know this, doesn't actually know me, can't know me, all they have in our relationship, whatever it may be, is an idea of who I am, they are relating to an idea. In certain contexts this doesn't matter, e.g. if the other person is a co-worker, an acquaintance etc, but if I suppose they are what you would consider a 'friend', then it holds the friendship from developing. At least sometimes that is what I feel.

Sometimes it just feels like to be open about it, without fear, will also relieve so much internal stuff, about how I feel about it. Like all those internal dialogues will lose there power.

On the other hand there is obviously the fear, the voice that tells you to be quiet, to guard it like some form of secret, that to talk about it is to reveal you are some form of freak, that there is something wrong with you etc.

There is validity in both being open and being secretive I suppose. It depends.

Despite all the images projected by the media/society of virgins being social outcasts, disfigured, ugly etc (at least guys, not women) after much personal examination, I don't think that actually applies in reality, not to everyone, maybe not even to the majority. People develop at different rates and we shouldn't all be running after things just because society says you should, and also like those who aren't virgins, we have 'work' to do on ourselves, we aren't perfect, but we are certainly not freaks for not being perfect!

Why the media and wider culture has decided to stigmatize this state is beyond me, to stigmatize it to such a degree as to make us appear freaks, social failures.

People of all different sexual persuasions are out there fighting for their rights left right and center and yet those who have simply not had sex due to whatever reason are left in the dark, ignored, sometimes ridiculed and ostracised but also projected upon by all sorts of negative thoughts.

To me personally, it's not a choice, it's not really social rejection, it is just how things have happened in my life. The simple act of letting things take their natural course on an individual level is made to appear like a revolutionary act by the wider society, it's mind-blowing.

Not confronting how I am, juxposed against how society expects me to be, has led to a deeply embedded and hidden feeling of shame. One that I didn't even know was there. Shame is the hardest emotion for me to deal with, simply because I truly don't know how it feels. It's not like anger, happiness, anxiety, shyness, guilt etc, I have no idea how shame feels like whereas I know how the others feel like. I feel like a blind man guessing at how a tree looks like. I know how in some moments I feel about myself, and I can trace this to amongst other things, this whole virgin thing, and who I think I am agrees with what I have read about shame. My experience of what I think of as shame is not a feeling that I feel, it is in who I think I am, a state that I have normalised for many many years. It has become so normal that you would never guess it just by looking and talking to me. In this state of shame, I feel perturbations of sadness, guilt, happiness, anger, joy etc, all the other emotions a normal person feels.

Parts of this article struck me...

Shame is different from guilt because it's about who we are, not what we do.

Do I feel different? I do! Do I feel less? Yes I do. Did I do anything to feel this way? Not really, I just lived my life and it turned out not to be acceptable in the eyes of society. Did I choose to be this way, as a form of rebellion, as some form of virtue? No I did not, I simply just lived my life and accepted it. This is the hand the universe dealt me. Am I a freak? No, not anymore a freak than an average person in a relationship.

Then why is my idea of who I am plagued by what I can only guess to be feelings of shame when all I did was just live my life and accept it the way it was as it was.
Thorn said:
I guess it would depend on who is asking though, and what you think their intentions are, are they asking to be nosy, to get info about you to later use against you, or because they genuinely are interested...

Yep, I agree. As ever, it's context that helps decide what we choose to do as others have mentioned. Strategic enclosure to consider always too, as it doesn't sound like a question coming from somebody with the best of intentions. With that in mind, it's probably most appropriate to firmly tell the person it's none of their God damn business one way or the other!
luke wilson said:
Then why is my idea of who I am plagued by what I can only guess to be feelings of shame when all I did was just live my life and accept it the way it was as it was.

Shame seems more to do with the pain / fear associated with a mental construct, rather than a whole emotion in itself if that makes sense. It implies that one thinks oneself faulty in some way, that there's 'something wrong with me'. I think you're right to look toward society / 'education' in general for the root of it.

Maybe you could look at it as a part of the predators mind, the thing that keeps us in our place. As such, when those thoughts arise, you could counter them from the part of you which knows better and can reason. It's the being your own parent/coach thing, sometimes we have to keep talking ourselves through these glitches until the message finally sinks in.

Little by little it can change, but we have to keep up with the positive self parenting where unwelcome thoughts take up too much head space. There's only a limited amount of space up there, and for something new to come in we have to somehow make some room.
I just recently -as in 8:22am via text message- was dumped with one the sentences being "I am not on your spiritual level and probably never will be", and for the most part, it hurts.

I am finding the vast majority of people are closed to the message of love, forgiveness, and anything STO - though they nod their heads and say otherwise.

I will continue to seek out someone who already understands the universe as we see it or is ready to receive the message, accept it, and live accordingly. If this means online dating so be it. I will express my belief in my profile if need be to screen away those who cannot accept the message they will hear if we meet.

But yes, finding a partner I am realizing is going to be incredibly difficult because so many in this world are a-okay with doing mean/unkind acts and violating freewill as a matter of everyday action. And that may be judgmental but wow, people call me crazy because I don't support actions of revenge, hate, or verbal berating behind peoples backs, so I am rather at a loss.

It seems that only by networking with like minded people either online or starting a weekly group meeting in real space will I find what I hope is my soul mate - a soul I have existed with before we ever decided to come incarnate in this crazy Karmic Vegas.

Just another lesson. These lessons are far harder than anything I had to deal with in getting my degree, i mean my life debt. Expensive lesson.

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