Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Don't be put off by the title.
It is quite an interesting document.

Discusses many aspects of the fire.

It was Not an accident.

That a multitude of photographs of the Notre Dame fire, from all angles, show clouds of white smoke, with high bright glowing orange plumes as flames.
International military intelligence confirm that such building fires, intense and efficient enough to generate mostly white smoke, and to radiate orange heat waves, can only be caused by military "Energy Weapons"

That the person seen moving on the roof from whom could be seen an instant flash of light was an operative projecting a light beam on the building as a target?

Video already posted by Ursus Minor.
Got this email to English translation by me.

Hello, I'm writing this email following your article of April 17th concerning Notre Dame and to bring new additional information.

With good reason you questioned the unusual closure of the [notre-dame] tower walk at 17h 30.

As it happens, I asked that question to checknews on april 23rd and a response was published 2 hours later.

The exceptional closure was due to a meeting of agents of the national center of monuments in the high room of Notre Dame during the time frame of the outbreak of the fire! but NO media outlet has published this information in the last 3 weeks, and many questions arise.

I've written to 100 parliamentarians on this subject...

Incendie de Notre-Dame - Pourquoi les médias MSM censurent-ils cette information importante ?

Bonjour, je vous adresse ce mail, suite à votre article du 17 avril concernant Notre-Dame, afin d'y apporter une information importante complémentaire.

Vous posiez, à juste titre, la question au sujet de la fermeture exceptionnelle à 17 h 30 du circuit des tours.

Il se trouve que j'ai posé la question à Checknews le 23 avril et qu'une réponse a été publiée sous 2 heures.

La fermeture exceptionnelle a été causée du fait d'une réunion des agents du Centre des Monuments Nationaux, dans la salle haute de Notre-Dame...donc dans le créneau horaire du départ de feu !...mais AUCUN média ne publie cette information depuis 3 semaines alors que nombre de questions se posent !

J'ai écrit à des centaine de parlementaires à ce sujet.

Bien cordialement.


Incendie de Notre-Dame - Pourquoi les médias MSM censurent-ils cette information importante ?
That a multitude of photographs of the Notre Dame fire, from all angles, show clouds of white smoke, with high bright glowing orange plumes as flames.
International military intelligence confirm that such building fires, intense and efficient enough to generate mostly white smoke, and to radiate orange heat waves, can only be caused by military "Energy Weapons"

Maybe, although I think that was unnecessary and a simpler mechanism would have been the use of thermite which produces white smoke and an intense orange flame and I think would certainly have been hot enough to ignite those oak beams.
Got this email to English translation by me.

I don't believe it for a minute! Probably part of the advance party to make sure everything goes according to plan. Too much of a coincidence, and remember there is no such thing as a coincidence.
Ask who was at the meeting, give names, minutes of the meeting etc.
Maybe, although I think that was unnecessary and a simpler mechanism would have been the use of thermite which produces white smoke and an intense orange flame and I think would certainly have been hot enough to ignite those oak beams.
The colors of combustion were very revealing. Yellow has some inserting characteristics on the brains and reactions, to yellow.


Size comparison, human, say

The exceptional closure was due to a meeting of agents of the national center of monuments in the high room of Notre Dame during the time frame of the outbreak of the fire! but NO media outlet has published this information in the last 3 weeks, and many questions arise.

Translated from French by Microsoft
The damage of the fire of #NotreDame SUV by #Pleiades: behind the current image, the operation of #satellites observation at very high resolution and their use in case of crisis Incendie de Notre-Dame de Paris : les dégâts vus depuis l’espace - Un autre regard sur la Terre#EmergencyManagement #Emergency #space #EarthObservation

Reported comment:

May be a bit much but, it's the YT's opinion....? The respirator....?
I watched a National Geographic show on Marvels of Engineering, and one of the buildings they showcased was the Chartres Cathedral. It was built in close to the same time period as Notre Dame was.

And in that time in history, there were the aristocracy, and the church. Everyone paid taxes to them.

And it is supposed that there were rivalries between the two - over who taxes what - but maybe it was like what we have today in our left/right politics. It is to the common man a division by which they can be turned against each other. But in the places of power all divisions feed into their control.

And it was - in the documentary - that the architect of Chartres was a mysterious man that history forgot. Isn't that strange? The church - in its construction - was lengthy like Notre Dames construction, and the architect was around for decades, but his name eludes history. Maybe he was a member of aristocracy?

And as this could have been suspicious in the eyes of the commoners, his identity shrouded and forgotten so that the church/state rift is maintained.

So, authority has to manage humanity. And commoners are as children to the aristocracies. And the churches are as mediums that buffer the children from the explicit nature of human control. And the bulk of humanity somewhere between, keeping the extremes intact with the whole.

And so, with population instability - with plauges, illnesses, birth mortalities, wars, resouce depletion - aristocracy had to moderate the population with order and control. So, aristocracy is aside from humanity. And from a common perspective they are mysterious, inspired, or otherworldly. But they are ordinary people that excel and have to do what must be done, and it involves the unspeakable - adding to the mystique, and drawing suspicion. But the commoners look to their selves and see that unspeakable eventuality, and turn to faith.

So all the symbolism, art, ect. and the things they signify, were the state of the art at the time. And from our perspective seems inspired or divine, and it was. Things were simpler and limited in what could be done, and they mastered what it was they could do, and in our modern state of the art, our stuff is readily replaced with the next innovation.

They made their things to last, and as it was made to last, why wouldn't they adorn their works with classical depictions? The cosmos, mathematics, lore, ect. Their architecture was like a precursor to our mass media.
I don't know if - the Notre Dame Cathedral's spire, being it's highest point and the first to be destroyed by fire, could be "symbolic" of a beheading?
I think so, yes. But I also think it more to do with resurrection such like the phoenix rebirth rising from the ashes. Here's something interesting about the spire being the highest point and its relationship with the grounded epicenter of France

Point zéro des routes de France — Wikipédia
(from 'Translate') The zero point is located fifty meters before the entrance of Notre Dame , on the Ile de la Cite , in the 4 th district . The bus terminal that materializes this point in the cobblestones of the square of the cathedral takes the form of a compass rose etched in the center of a medallion octagonal in bronze ; it is surrounded by a circular stone slab divided into four quarters, each of them bearing one of the inscriptions in capital letters : "POINT", "ZERO", "ROUTES" and "DE FRANCE".
It should not be considered as a geodesic marker that would materialize a geodesic point ; for example, the closest geodesic point in the RGF was until the fire of 15 April 2019 the spire of the cathedral1 . Following its collapse, the nearest geodesic point is the spire of the Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis 2 church , located just under 800 meters to the northeast.

So here we have the Zero Point of France using the Notre Dame spire as its geodesic point, before its destruction, with a name rather synonymous with "Ground Zero" of New York (9/11). The new One World Trade Center tower at Ground Zero is, essentially, an 8 sided octagon - symbolically representing the 2 former twin towers merged together in one building. Here's a recap of its architectural design of the One World Trade Center (from Wiki)

From the 20th floor upwards, the square edges of the tower's cubic base are chamfered back, shaping the building into eight tall isosceles triangles, or an elongated square antiprism.[136] Near its middle, the tower forms a perfect octagon, and then culminates in a glass parapet, whose shape is a square oriented 45 degrees from the base.

And here's the latest construction project in La Defense... Starting this year! Hermitage Plaza - Wikipedia

Hermitage Plaza | Foster + Partners

As can be seen, the soon-to-be Parisian 'Twin Towers' are each designed to be like squashed octagonal buildings adhering to similar architectural design principles of the "chamfered back isosceles triangle antiprism" used for One World Trade Center.
They will become the tallest buildings in Paris and the European Union, at just one meter lower than the tip of the Eiffel Tower pinnacle, or 'spire'. They are scheduled for completion 2024 (in time for the Olympics)

The name "Hermitage Plaza" is interesting too, because a hermitage is a religious retreat in Christianity. Also, John the Baptist was thought to be hermit living in the wilderness before baptizing Jesus (after which Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting in the desert. This was known as the Temptation of Christ and is reflected in the tradition of the 40 days of Lent leading up to Good Friday). This also adds further possible meaning behind the Hermit card on the cover of the Economist: World in 2017 magazine Chu brought to attention earlier in the thread, with the Hermit standing atop a flat-top 'tower' overseeing/commanding the 'Yellow Vest' movement marching below.

Add to that, the desecration and treatment to the statues before removal. I don't know any Cultural Minister who would be stupid enough, to permit the use of a blow torch, on a Centuries old National treasure? Plus, how did they get that stunt past the UNESCO Officials?
Yeh, its mind-boggling. Its definitely something worth investigating. The official reason was given due to safety procedures. But what does that even mean? Was there a possibility their heads were gonna just what, fall off?? I mean, how preposterous is that! Where did that order come from - and how was it even allowed to be followed on down through the chain of command without even a sniff of consultation? The totally unnecessary removal of the heads alone stinks of occult symbolism of a satanic agenda.
There's also the thought - the C's have mentioned - to look for 3's in events.
Well, on a lighter note: I mentioned in my earlier post Notre Dame aligns perfectly with Troyes Cathedral.
The original name of Troyes is interesting because it comes from Augustabona Tricassius, also Tricassae, named after the Tricasses tribe.
I also think it likely its namesake was also blended with "Troy" of Helen fame, the lover of Paris - in the same way the city of Paris named after the Parisii tribe was blended with "Paris" the lover of Helen of Troy.
The funny thing is, Troyes name of origin "Tricassae/Tricasses" is represented by the prefix 'tri' which means 'three' (or 3-ways) of Casses or Cassae, which would make Tricasses or Tricassae to mean "3 Casses" or "3 Cassae" - a most appealing name to forumites for obvious reasons :wizard: ;-)
In that regard and with respect to St. Denis, as Patron Saint, could the damage to the roof and spire be considered - the defacing "spiritually" of the heart-soul of France?
Yes, before 'resurrecting' it shaped in the image in homage to their twisted version of 'spirituality'.
So here we have the Zero Point of France using the Notre Dame spire as its geodesic point, before its destruction, with a name rather synonymous with "Ground Zero" of New York (9/11). The new One World Trade Center tower at Ground Zero is, essentially, an 8 sided octagon - symbolically representing the 2 former twin towers merged together in one building. Here's a recap of its architectural design of the One World Trade Center (from Wiki)

3,631 miles
One World Trade Center → Notre Dame Cathedral

World Trade Center spire lit red, white, blue in tribute ...
Apr 16, 2019 · NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - The spire above One World Trade Center was illuminated in red, white, and blue—the colors of the flag of France—in solidarity … (US flag is also red, white and blue.)

The Latitude of World Trade Center is 40.7129.
The Longitude of World Trade Center is -74.0132.

The latitude of Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France is 48.852966.
The longitude of Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France is 2.349902.

St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, NY
The Latitude of St. Patrick's Cathedral is 40.7585.
The Longitude of St. Patrick's Cathedral is -73.9762.

Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Christchurch, New Zealand
The Latitude of the Blessed Sacrament is 43. 5383.
The Longitude of the Blessed Sacrament is 172.6460.
(The Cathedral was closed after the 4 September 2010 Canterbury earthquake - A statue of the Virgin Mary that was in the north tower of the Cathedral turned 180 degrees during the February earthquake so that instead of facing into the Cathedral it was facing out.)

Are most Historic Cathedrals built - on or near - the 40th parallel?

Is the energy connecting the Cathedrals on the 40th parallel being adulterated?
I came across this today, the mention of a 40 degree zero point...

The pole shift might be something to keep in mind I think. That would probably change whatever the grid has been possibly utilized for.
The magnetic north pole is shifting 25 miles to the NW.
Thanks, Potatoes and Tomatoes.
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Are most Historic Cathedrals built - on or near - the 40th parallel?

Is the energy connecting the Cathedrals on the 40th parallel being adulterated?

I am not sure that the "grid" is going to stay the same with the magnetic polar shift moving at the rate of about 25 miles per year to the NW.

I am thinking that The Wave will possibly result in many frequency changes depending on our individual locations around the planet based on "who you are".

This may be a little off-topic or not. The changes we are seeing may be reactions to the shifting emotional reactions of people around the world. In a discussion of the Roswell crash the Cs talked about little boxes carried by the grays as protection devices from the negative emotional reactions they encountered from humans.

Session 21 October 1995:
Q: (L) OK, the story that came from the camera man who shot the video was that there were these four beings. One was dead, and three were standing outside the craft, crying and clutching boxes to their chests. Is this an accurate...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What were those boxes?

A: Storage of translation matrix group to individual, emotion stabilization units.

Q: (L) What is a translation Matrix?

A: Translates foreign thought patterns, not needed except in emergency loss of electromagnetic grid wave.

Q: (L) OK, what is an emotion stabilization unit used for?

A: Variety of uses, mostly for survival by neutralizing thoughts of harm by emotionally charged beings, not accustomed to shocking turn of events.

Q: (L) Were the harmful thoughts that they were designed to neutralize, thoughts of other beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, they didn't work very well, did they?

A: Did not have chance to activate.

Q: (L) OK, so if they had had the opportunity to activate these boxes, they would have been more or less able to extricate themselves from this unpleasant situation?

A: Not extricate, lessen negative aspects.

I guess we could use a few of those kinds of boxes. :huh:
So the 'Pivot' that has been mentioned in news articles and opinion pieces in the last few years, re Eurasia, could be an actual pivot. Of power, I thought, political power and global influence, but didn't think any deeper than that. Maybe the pole is shifting towards the most positive mindset?
So the 'Pivot' that has been mentioned in news articles and opinion pieces in the last few years, re Eurasia, could be an actual pivot. Of power, I thought, political power and global influence, but didn't think any deeper than that. Maybe the pole is shifting towards the most positive mindset?

The mindset being positive is probably up to the individual. The "pole shift" affects things on a much larger scale and I don't think we really have a full understanding of all the factors involved. I suppose it is just something to keep in mind in these chaotic times.

Session 31 October 2001:
Q: (L) Okay, in a pole shift does the lithosphere of the planet slide on the core? (A) No. We have to be very precise. There are three possible things that would come under the name pole shift. Only one of them may come, or two, or three, okay? And these are the following -1) the axis of rotation with respect to stars is changing, straightening out for instance; this is one thing; while all the rest goes with the axis, the lithosphere and the magnetic field. 2) Second, the axis stays where it is, maybe it shifts a little bit; the lithosphere stays where it is - maybe it wobbles - but the magnetic field changes: for instance reverses. 3) Third, axis stays, magnetic field stays, but the lithosphere is moving. So that's three ways a pole shift can happen. And of course there are things that come together. The most dramatic one which is seen from outside is when the axis of rotation changes. The next dramatic one is probably when the lithosphere changes. And the third of unknown consequences is when the magnetic pole changes, okay? So, we want to have an understanding what will be the main change. (L) Well I guess we ought to ask an even more basic question: are we looking at a pole shift happening? That's starting at the beginning. (A) Alright. (L) In the next ten years. Is a pole shift possible in the next ten years?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is a pole shift of the axis...(A) Honey, you ask if the pole shift is possible, of course it's possible. But suppose it's almost zero probability? 'Is it possible' is not the right question. 'Is it going to happen?' That's a question. (L) Okay you ask, carry on. (A) Are we looking at a pole shift during the next ten or so years with a high degree of probability?
A: Yes.

Q: (A) In this concept of pole shift, what would be the main feature of this pole shift, of all those which we were discussing?
A: New axial orientation, and magnetic reversal.
Q: (L) That's fairly dramatic. (A) Alright, now, change of axis or orientation of axis of rotation: can we say we would straighten up, getting almost perpendicular to the ecliptic? Or the other possibility is that it will fall down being almost parallel to the ecliptic. The third is that we'll flip completely by 180 degrees. We know it's highly unpredictable, but can we have a clue from which one is, so to say, dominate?
A: Perpendicularity will be restored.
Q: (A) We know the axis will change dramatically and magnetic reversal will happen. You didn't mention a change or shift of the lithosphere alone. Can we...
A: Lithospheric shift will feature to some extent.
Q: (A) But, that means eventually that the equator will almost not change because...
A: Correct.
Q: (A) So it will just shift a little bit, but its not going to go to Hawaii? (L) Oh rats! That was my theory! Well, it was a good idea. (A) What about changes in the lithosphere: can we predict a little bit of change in geography, coming from motions in lithosphere and changes in water level?
A: Chaotic features predominate but in general it will be safer inland and in mountainous areas since less folding occurs in such locations.
Q: (A) Now, the major, the change of the orientation of the axis, what would be the main trigger, force, or activity, or what kind of event will trigger this change of the axis?
A: Cometary bodies.

Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?
A: Yes. Twin sun also.
Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?
A: Some will hit.
Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?
A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?
A: Yes, more or less.

Like they say at the car races "Gentlemen start your engines". :-/
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