Fluted columns

It is exactly, how I thought about it first. The latter reason is not applicable - there were no other branches or trees beneath that one, to slow down and delay the fall of a large broken branch. The former reason is, indeed, the only possible scenario, that would exclude the action of the fluted "transciever". This installation was sitting there for a year with no other visible effects. So, you can imagine that I was eager to see any results that could be potentially linked to it... So far, we have no idea how it works, how to operate it and if it was constructed properly. But, it is the only technical instruction to build anything, given by the Cs ever. I will keep watching.
Add to the mix that the spiral flutes may have a specific magnetic field creation effect depending on the composition of the column and its usage and function (which may be more than we are told such as for healing or impacting human consciousness in some way)
I was thinking about the vortex spiralling in water when I read your post -maybe a similiar effect ?

I dont use the marbles for my home made device!!- I use some quartz crystal beads !Plus a C charged crystal :thup:
If this transciever apparatus, that I have built according to C's instructions, is failing to produce any sensible/detectable output, maybe I built it incorrectly? We would need more input from Cs on how to fix it and make work as intended, IMHO. Why would they shared these instructions in the first place (28 years ago)?
trees have ways of communicating with each other
Being a "transceiver" apparatus, as Cs defined it, it should be capable to not only transmit, but also receive some energies.
A working transceiver of that kind might have picked up the energies, that these trees crashing into each other, stirred... Then it would not have mattered in which order the tree ripped off the branch. Tearing off a huge branch off a live tree would be sending a strong signal to the surrounding forest. And being in such close proximity to the 4D transceiver, these energies may have been detected and sent.
Just a possibility.
I think there is more to this than just building and wait sitting on a fence to see if something happens. The first thing that comes to my mind is the intention behind, the intention on using it, the second thing is that intention maybe it needs some type of activity to activate a circuit or sort of communication, maybe your internal state or your mind needs to be tuned as well. There can be many variables to this. It’s good that they were very detailed on how to build one however there is so much missing information about it too.

Now, the purpose of STO communication, let me ask you this; what do you want to achieve with that? Don’t get me wrong I would love to communicate with STO beings but I guess that you have to have a goal or a specif request for such? Maybe think on this.
Also, if you did it for experimentation purposes, have you tried to do guided meditation inside this area? Just curious.
I started building this device with no preconceived ideas. By 2022, 26 years since these plans were shared to the whole world, to my surprise, no one else has ever built it. (Or, at least, it was not talked about or shared on the Internet.) Another puzzling idea was that the Cs must have shared the plans knowing all too well that Laura was not going to build it. They must have something else in mind and I took it as a challenge.
In 1996 that would have been built, probably, using molds and slipcasting from clay. In 2022, 3D printers and PLA filament became affordable for my budget and that technology would have provided very exact products.

Only after it was built, I found out that the ancients had been erecting these fluted spiraling columns all over Northern Africa and Asia Minor. As everything else built for and by the giants, its purpose and usage became a mystery. But, since it is so much harder to manufacture such spiraling grooves then straight ones, I would imagine the builders were extracting something out of it. Or, maybe, the were also asked to stands them up and they couldn't have refused?

The Cs defined it as a transceiver. In the imperfect implementation, it may work better as a transmitter then a receiver. Thus, I wouldn't have seen any visible or sensible output from it, but it doesn't mean it is not working as a transmitter... And I totally agree, "there can be many variables" involved. I did spend a lot of time sitting and musing within that triangle enclosure over the last 2 years. If nothing else, it helped me to relax and "to go away from it all". I placed a silver coin and a stone that the Cs selected from me on top of a column at one time. It is said that the little folk (that live in the woods) like such offerings. Several months later I found the columns toppled, which would have required some fore to do and couldn't have been done by the wind alone. The silver coin and the crystal were thrown in the grass and I got them back. In summer 2022 and 2023 I had placed pool size water vessels nearby and watched generations of tree frogs being nursed in there. At least, someone already benefited from my experiment in a big way.

Gotcha, well, whenever the next sessions is, and, (if there is an opportunity or Laura agrees with the question that is), I’ll try to ask about this, no promises thought, but since you did the effort to built something according to their indications years ago, maybe we can try and see if there is something of importance behind this project or if there is something else needed to this. We’ll see!
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Barber poles, candy canes and hey: if history has been doctored and the collapse/reset of the Roman Empire happened in 528 (?) in one cataclysmic fairly rapid fire series of events, then, I seriously doubt that construction date of Canterbury. Of course that is fodder for a couple different threads.
C'mon now, it was all done in the 1800's. Wasn't it?
This exchange about twisted/groove columns reminded me of a demonstration I'd seen about dynamizing water by passing it through twisted pipes, giving the water a vortex effect.

Les maîtres de l'eau (English subtitles available)

Cette échange sur les colonnes torsadées/cannelées m'a fait pensé à une démonstration que j'avais vu concernant l'eau dynamisée en passant dans des tuyaux torsadées et qui donnent un effet de vortex à l'eau.

Les maîtres de l'eau
well, whenever the next sessions is, and, (if there is an opportunity or Laura agrees with the question that is), I’ll try to ask about this, no promises though
I appreciate it, @irjO
The installation has been in this place for 2 years already. If it is working and doing something, I would like to know about the parties on this and other side. I, for one, did not notice any specific effects, that so could attribute to the transceiver. But, it doesn’t mean it is not functioning- just we do not know how it works and the operational manual has been missing…
Although, I had a helluva lot of fun, I did things I wouldn’t have done in absence of this contraption. Like these wooden dragon heads (you can’t see the bodies since they curl around outside the frame). I never knew that chestnut roots are so intricate and can fight rot for many years after a tree falls. I was thinking to keep adding more complexity in the proximity of the doohickey- giving this place the unique 3D signature….

I made a shaman drum and learn how to use it. I am thinking to amplify the message, but not sure if it comes across… Ask the Cs, if it is not pushing it, 🙏🏿
Hello there.

In a bold experiment last night, I streamed a couple of phrases, using a text transmutation method, that I have developed (https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/streamed-text-is-it-inter-dimensional.33262/ )

In the first instance I sent my hello to the Cs in Russian language (Привет Кассиопейцы) - just to grab their attention

In the 2nd test I streamed a question to help me operate this transceiver device

FYI: There was no instant feedback.
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