Francesco Fucilla & Co. Steriwave Stock Scam

Another thing is that what we have done is explore and connect publicly available material, we have not inquired into, or denigrated Fucilla's private life, threatened him, nor attempted to degrade him ad hominem style with insults as he and his gang have done toward us. In other words, HE is the one committing defamation and libel. A certain Dutchman had to pay us 5K for doing that just once.
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Talking about clue... :shock:

Laura said:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: re; First Affidavit from shareholders for the police in france and UK more to follow
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 12:34:24 +0100
From: francesco fucilla <>
To: (...)

Dear All
I find it difficult that such an illogical mind can be such a respected scientist !!
He is by far the worse case of autism I have seen !!
Mathematics is logics and this man is VOID any any logics !!
I am sure beyond doubts that he has learned well ( like parrots )
how to jerk around with number and symbols knowing nothing of
what he talks about !!
I am horrified to see such vendetta over the fact that Pierre never
put forward his name for award, and as a result he and his wife
designed a defamatory campaign against my business group
in order to discredit his CAIROS colleagues merited awards !!
We are dealing with reptilian DNA in this case !!
As you now all living organism run on the same software
and share the same sequence of amino acids and nucleotides
and that certain sequences from time to time are shifted back
by millions of years, hence feeding in certain individuals reptilian or and lower form
of ancient sequences present today in lower form of animal life such as reptilians life,
altering in them the limbic system behavioural functions to mimic its predecessors .
well, Mr Ark has exactly the reptilian DNA sequence of nucleotides presently shares by all Reptilian life
entranced in his limbic system whose main functions are the survival one .......... hate, aggression, fear, vendetta and so on !!

It is a good specimen for my research in human behaviour.
He belongs to a lab and dissected for research in evolutionary inversions traits in animal life !!

Please send this email and the attached to the world
I will post all data to a dedicated website for research in Reptlian DNA inversions in humans DNA
and or correlations in nucleotide sequences in reptilian and human DNA !!!

With affection
your francesco
I'd be interested to read such a "dedicated website for research in Reptilian DNA inversions in humans DNA"... !
(The part about dissection would be frightening in a less mad mouth. :scared: )
In fact this was discussed before in this message (and the following ones) :,27261.msg333851.html#msg333851

(Sorry, I didn't read far enough the TGA thread.)
From the TGA thread:

ark said:
One particular example. We have the company Steriwave Plc, with:

Jeremy Dunning-Davies

Francesco Fucilla
Managing Director

Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr.

Bruno. E. Denantes.
Director and Chief Engineer


It is using all kind of tricks in order to attract naive investors. For instance it announces "inventions". And so, we can find there this "invention":


It sounds "scientific" and "innovative" - a great breakthrough!



To make it more "convincing" we have also the list of references:


Ref. [7] is a paper by Myron W. Evans, published in a Polish physics journal Acta Physica Polonica B. This paper is a complete nonsense. When I wrote to the Editor in Chief of this journal, I received the answer that indeed it was a mistake, the paper should have never been published - it is false. And the Director of Steriwave, Waldyr Rodrigues Jr., knows perfectly well that this "invention" and other "inventions" advertised by Steriwave, are based on complete nonsense clothed in a scientific jargon that investors will not understand.
The latest barrage of nonsense:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Subject: Abuse Department: Subject: Abuse towards French Government Ministers, Universities, Innocent Group of Companies and Private Individuals.
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:49:30 +0100
From: francesco fucilla <>
To: {Deleted usual CC list]

Dear Ark, Scott, quinn and Laura
Would you please make available to me the list of the donors of your 130+K EURO
( name address and so on ) .

We have reasons to believe that Hungarians Australians and Slovakian parties
that have defrauded our companies of some 15Million$ +_ in total
may have paid in some of the Donations received by you !?

We have outstanding investigations lodged with Governments in Slovakia and Hungary and australia
for Fraud suffered, and we need to know if any donations have come to you.

Thank you in anticipation


Francesco Fucilla

What an absurd request. Even the police are not entitled to such information without a court order!

I think it would be far more interesting to have a complete list of Fucilla's "investors" so as to be able to contact them for their opinion of how their money has been managed. Oh, wait, yes! Many of them have already been complaining on the internet and, in one case, Fucilla sued the website to remove the thread loaded with complaints.

Next, it appears we have great expectations!!!

Subject: re: Group Company Website Disclaimer Cassiopaea Affair.
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 22:13:31 +0100
From: francesco fucilla <>
To: {Deleted usual list of recipients}

Dear All
The Criminal disclaimer has been posted on all the group company websites, see;









Tomorrow the Gang will receive the Legal paper.

By friday we hope to freeze the Gang assets

Keep u all posted



Our U.S. attorneys find it fascinating that Fucilla thinks he can do that when he can't even get our website removed without a court order. Especially since, I, personally (nor Ark), have no assets! What little we do have is owned by QFG, Inc.

Next, more fun:

-----Original Message-----
From: francesco fucilla
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:42 AM
To: pierre angles ; anil phakkey ; pritchard fellow ; Sunil Phakkey ;
Wolfgang Sprößig ; �ндрей Гриб ; Jeremy Dunning-Davies ; terry gsrrett ;
franco selleri ; bruno newest email denantes ; Denantes Bruno ; br Denantes
; Group Administration ; Mike Goodrich ; goddard mike ; 'ivan steele' ;
william fucilla ; carlos castro perelman ; Christian Corda ; Vincenzo
Valenzi ; Joseph Vitti ; Dr Terence Clifford-Amos European higher Education
Subject: Fw: [#1001960969] Your Request to Google

I Have instructed our lawyers
to go for google 2 !!!

-----Original Message-----
From: francesco fucilla
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:37 AM
To: ; robert fucilla ; william fucilla ; bruno newest
email denantes ;
Subject: Fw: [#1001960969] Your Request to Google

Further Criminal damage

-----Original Message-----
From: francesco fucilla
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:35 AM
To: ; robert fucilla ; william fucilla ; bruno newest
email denantes ;
Subject: Fw: [#1001960969] Your Request to Google

see attached and deal with it urgently !!!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:04 AM
Subject: Fw: [#1001960969] Your Request to Google

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

-----Original Message-----
From: "The Google Team" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 09:41:06
To: <>
Subject: Re: [#1001960969] Your Request to Google


Thanks for reaching out to us.

To request that we remove information from our service because that
information violates your rights under the laws of your country, please
identify precisely the exact text or content you claim
violates your rights under applicable law, and the reason you believe
the content violates your rights or is illegal under applicable law. If
possible, please cite the specific law(s) of your country you believe to
be applicable.

Please note that a copy of each legal notice we receive is sent to a
third-party partner for publication and annotation. As such, your letter
will be forwarded to Chilling Effects ( )
for publication. You can see an example of such a publication at A
link to your published letter will be displayed from the blocked Blogger

In the event we do not receive further information from you as requested
above, please be advised that we will be unable to take any further action
on your removal request.


The Google Team

Original Message Follows:
Subject: Your Request to Google
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 13:05:51 +0000

> AutoDetectedBrowser: Firefox 4
> AutoDetectedOS: Windows XP
> IIILanguage: en
> IssueType: lr_legalother
> Language: en
> agree: checked
> companyname: Jurassica Oil & Gas Plc
> country_residence: GB
> dmca_signature: Adrian John Eyre
> dmca_signature_date_day: 10
> dmca_signature_date_month: 4
> dmca_signature_date_year: 2012
> full_name: Adrian John Eyre
> geolocation: GB
> hidden_dmca_category:
> hidden_product: websearch
> legalother_explain: VERY URGENT ATTENTION
> Abuse Departments
> RE: Cassiopaea Forum »Science »Outer Space and "Inner Space" Sciences
> »Telesio Galilei Academy of Science a Fraud?

> Dear Sir's/Madam's.
> A group of individuals are running forums/blogs through your
> network/systems and are seriously contravening your abuse policy.
> The inappropriate content of the forums/blogs is very offensive and very
> untrue. Arkadiusz Jadczyk and his partner Laura Knight-Jadczyk have
> targeted French Government Ministers, Universities, Innocent Group of
> Companies of which I am the Chairman and or a Director and Private
> Individuals. The motivations for these attacks are due to Arkadiusz
> Jadczyk's removal from the University of Toulouse, Paul Sabatier, France.
> Also Arkadiusz Jadczyk wanted a Gold Medal Award from the Telesio Galilei
> Academy of Science which he did not get. Resulting in Arkadiusz Jadczyk
> accusing the TGA of fraud.
> I have contacted the administrators/moderators of the forums/blogs to
> remove the offending and misleading posts but they just do not reply and
> continue to spread false or fragmentary and very selective misleading
> information. Creating false statements, thus triggering false rumours and
> false innuendo’s through their cadre network. This in turn is being
> propagated through the World Wide Web and obviously picked up by
> Academics,
> Politicians, Business Associates, Shareholders and Clients alike. These
> kinds of tactics are very well known with the usual associated motives
> which are very clear in this case judging by all the posts that have been
> made.
> Therefore in conclusion can you please intervene and request that the
> administrators/moderators of these forums/blogs respect the requests from
> their targets and remove the offending information and settle their
> differences in a clear and transparent manner without subjecting innocent
> and upright people to this very unsavoury and one could say extortionate
> modus operandi.
> As a footnote all our Group Businesses are free of any litigation, claims
> or pending claims whatsoever. All legal and financial statutory
> obligations
> are fully in order and the Group Businesses have no debts or financial
> obligations. The companies have been very successful and it is a matter of
> record that we have had no complaints from our own legitimate shareholders
> only continued support and praise. All this is well documented from
> credible independent sources. This Cassiopaea affair has come out of the
> blue for us and one can only speculate as to the real motives behind this
> very coordinated and malicious attack. Your company is appearing to be
> used
> as a vehicle for these attacks and hopefully you can remediate.
> We have invited the perpetrators to examine our companies fully and to
> freely give them any information they may wish to see and answer any
> questions that they may have in an effort to satisfy their enquiries and
> ensure the absolute truth is laid before them and becomes a matter of
> record. Again we have had no response from the Administrators/Moderators,
> only a wall of silence. Therefore in conclusion can you please remove all
> the posts from the forum/blog given the extraordinary efforts made to
> date.
> Home Number: 44-1332-766973
> Mobile Number: 44-7501583051
> Adrian J. Eyre
> Chairman and Director
> url_box3_1:,27261.0.html
To request that we remove information from our service because that
information violates your rights under the laws of your country, please
identify precisely the exact text or content you claim
violates your rights under applicable law, and the reason you believe
the content violates your rights or is illegal under applicable law. If
possible, please cite the specific law(s) of your country you believe to
be applicable.

Please note that a copy of each legal notice we receive is sent to a
third-party partner for publication and annotation. As such, your letter
will be forwarded to Chilling Effects ( )
for publication. You can see an example of such a publication at A
link to your published letter will be displayed from the blocked Blogger

In the event we do not receive further information from you as requested
above, please be advised that we will be unable to take any further action
on your removal request.

Even if there was text which "violates" his rights, I don't think FF would have the patience to sit still for long enough to actually do that :)
Therefore in conclusion can you please intervene and request that the administrators/moderators of these forums/blogs respect the requests from their targets and remove the offending information and settle their differences in a clear and transparent manner without subjecting innocent and upright people to this very unsavoury and one could say extortionate modus operandi.
AWW, did anyone get the poor whining puppy dog impression when reading this. Basically self pity after the ginormous amount of self importance already shown, text book psychopathology IMO, fascinating to behold.

"Settle their differences in a clear and transparent manner without subjecting innocent and upright people...." The pot calling the kettle black if ever i heard one.
Hi all,
wow, It looks like a Tax Exemption, unhealthy relationship between public subsidy and private research, VAT and more...Perhaps I am wrong.
More deranged ramblings from Fucilla. It appears that Fucilla engages in insane nonsense as both his first and last resort to deal with something he doesn't like. He sent this to Ark, me and Kniall, and QFG's attorney in the US.

With every psychopathic missive, Francesco Fucilla is proving himself to be precisely what the evidence suggests he is.

dear John
enjoy the reading in your spare time !!
this is inverse metric solution ..........that the so called great polish mathematician
could not find................ and closes this case with a cherry !!

Francesco fucilla satire on logics ( no;166 )

“ Ark in cassiopaealand “


Ark the leading the great logician and Mathematician is taking the stand to give his
Illogical Sciiiiiientffffffffic evidence in the trial of san Francesco Fucilla Da Cosenza

The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ Your honour........ ladies and gentleman of the jury............ today........ we shall
prove.......... that the infamous San Francesco TGA et al......... are guilty of fraud ....
......... indeed we shall further prove.......... that all of the accusations made by
mr Ark ..........(in aid to avenge his canine like dismissal from Toulouse)............ARE TRUE !!


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ Mr Ark can you please tell this honourable court how you first meet
San Francesco Fucilla, family, partners directors companies et al !?

“ But.............. I never meet any body .............eheheheheheh !!! “


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ Ark............... can you please tell the court..........the reasons for your team
of 90, investing time, money and energy to expose the infamous San Francesco
............ TGA ..........his family .....companies ...and every man around him............. !!?? “

“SURE !! I was accused of fraud..... and the Paul Sabatier uni management dismissed me
......... as a result ...........I designed a plan to revenge hitting all concerned
............ and using as bait ................. San Francesco.............! i heard from some Welshmen
................... that he is very testy......... when used as a bait ......... ehehehehgrrrrreheh .!!! “


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ ark.......please tell it true that....... you discovered that....... TGA is a fraud !!??

“ yes ............and............ I can prove it......................!!! I know for a fact that, TGA paid
all bills for the TGA awards in Toulouse ..................including food drinks, tickets
and hotels bills !!!!!! “

The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ .................... AND WHAT did TGA.......................... get in return !!!!!?????

“ TGA.......... paid twice the agreed price to the event hosting restauranteur
........and never complaint for the theft ...... !! ehehehehehgggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrreheheh !!!! “


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau

“ Ark.............. in your many published FALSE ..........SLANDERS .....!!! ehehehehehggggrrrr


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ ....................... you have proven beyond reasonable doubts ........that the fucilla family had done fraud.......... !!!
.......... Please tell the court............ how the fucilla ........... responded !!! “

“ YES........... The fucilla reported me to Interpol, Scotland yard, CIA, Fraud squad
Google, the Hosting web servers, The Pope and Saddam Hussain...... and ........
...............they are planning a multitudes of legal actions !!! gggggrrrrrrrrrr eheheheh !!! “


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ Please Ark..................continue.............. !!! “

BOOKS................ Invited me to London at their expense to do
REPORTS , and take lie detectors test at the Fraud squad to prove that NOT
stop SLANDERING TGA and all his family and companies .........!!! his investors..........
( which includes politicians, lawyers and other well do people)........... have testified
with affidavits that Francesco fucilla is the most honest businessman ever known
to them ......... and called for me and my gang stop the criminal comedy !!! “


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ And.................. how did you respond to that request.......... Mr ark !!?? “

“ I will continue the slandering for its not in our gang PROTOCOL TO STOP
THE SLANDERING ONCE WE START !! ehehehehggggggggrrrrrrrr eheheh !!!! “


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ WHY............. !!?? “

“ WHY !? What do you mean why !!?? this is what we do !! if we dont do it
we dont make a living !! we get donations from innocent people that we convinced
that they are creatures from the future ................ if we stop feeding them lies.............
we starve !! ......... these innocent people that follow my cult ...................... need
stories like Ark in cassiopaealand ... and so......... we GIVE THE PORKIES ......TO THEM
.................. so in turn i can live in a 20 bedroom mansion in southern France !!
eheheheheheheheheh !!!!!!!! “

all in court EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH clap clap clap clap clap

The prosecutor Mr Pierre Clouseau
“ eheheheheh.................... Mr ark............ your honour.......Mr ark.... eheheheh..... !!!
................. Ark.............let us now take a step back in your “Porkies in cassiopaealand “
and talk about the Fucilla companies fraud !!................... Ark............ Tell this
honourable court how you discovered that the Fucilla have defrauded
investors ........ since you knew nothing of the companies, and you never had
any relation with the companies or its directors or shareholders !!

“ we searched on google and found another set of Organised criminals like
us ................and we copied the PORKIES they wrote on their website !!


The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ I see !! I guess as a result of your discoveries you alerted the
defrauded shareholders.............. and you got thanks and praises !!??

“ no they have not !!! The shareholders are also gangsters !!

The prosecutor Mr Pierre Clouseau
“ REALLY !!?? that is an amazing job WELL DONE Dear Boy !!
And how did them gangsters of shareholders defrauded by the Fucilla
................ that are part of the Fucilla Gang ........................reacted !!??

“ They made written statements ...... that ..........they want Fucilla to Crucify me in a court of law !!! “


I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin?for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Look all around, there’s nothin?but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin?but blue skies

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Well. Judging from this latest mail, FF is not able to understand that the opinions expressed here about him and his chosen way of making a living is based on information freely available on the internet.

If he for all practical purposes is unable to understand this, to my eyes this would strongly suggest that he has a cognitive malfunction. If this is the case he would be better off getting a medical evaluation of his mental faculties, as his emails viewed from this angle shows that he is not able to think logically and seemingly is unable to separate facts from wishful thinking.
A person who claims to be capable of objective reasoning but at the same time chooses to present himself in the manner we see, is clearly not presenting himself in a manner consistent with a self-professed ability to think logically.

If he really is unable to see how his expressed views of the matter at hand differs from the provable reality, somebody who cares for his wellbeing should try to take steps to protect him from himself.

If he on the other hand writes these emails knowingly and is applying fear inducing narratives in order to manipulate and subdue those whose view of him differs from his own self-image - well, that would indicate a personality with little care for the truth, whose only objective is to manipulate facts, and through this scientists and possible investors, all in order to gain personal wealth - presumably.
I think that in truly childish fashion, he must have read the Ignatious O'Reilly piece and decided that he would write his own "satire". :rolleyes:
In honor of this latest email, I feel compelled to dedicate a very small piece of prose the this great man.

Instability grasps for a firm foundation
To try vainly to prove itself beyond its station
The quirky tale of the great Foolscilla
Who writes as well as a wild gorilla

Maybe that is the key to our confusion
As to why he suffers from such great delusion?
Perhaps it is the gorilla's mating call?
The cry of “ Eheheheheheheheh” that is heard by all?
I found the following parts particularly interesting:

dear John
enjoy the reading in your spare time !!
this is inverse metric solution ..........that the so called great polish mathematician
could not find................ and closes this case with a cherry !!

Does this mean he's going away?

“SURE !! I was accused of fraud..... and the Paul Sabatier uni management dismissed me

Since Ark was never employed by the University Paul Sabatiar, one wonders where Fucilla got such an idea?

I know for a fact that, TGA paid
all bills for the TGA awards in Toulouse ..................including food drinks, tickets
and hotels bills !!!!!! “

The prosecutor mr Pierre Clouseau
“ .................... AND WHAT did TGA.......................... get in return !!!!!?????

“ TGA.......... paid twice the agreed price to the event hosting restauranteur
........and never complaint for the theft ...... !!

So, Fucilla is saying that University Paul Sabatier - or the organizers of the event - stole from him?

The fucilla reported me to Interpol, Scotland yard, CIA, Fraud squad
Google, the Hosting web servers, The Pope and Saddam Hussain...... and ........
...............they are planning a multitudes of legal actions !!!

The Pope and Saddam Hussain (sic)?! Multitudes of legal actions? Oh, by the way, today was the day all our assets were supposed to be seized... no sign of a court order so far.
Hithere said:
If he on the other hand writes these emails knowingly and is applying fear inducing narratives in order to manipulate and subdue those whose view of him differs from his own self-image - well, that would indicate a personality with little care for the truth, whose only objective is to manipulate facts, and through this scientists and possible investors, all in order to gain personal wealth.

I guess he still thinks he can manipulate us, not to change the view of him but to force a step back, I can only see pathological persistence here, I've never seen such lack of lucidity...
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