Free energy and HAARP technology

I believe he has a doctorate in electrical engineering. I recall that he indicated that somewhere, but am unsure where; I've been in contact with him for a long time and have a terrible memory.
I wish I could edit.

For the benefit of users here, I have set up a username Cassiopaea password cass01 for that site so the attachments can be viewed.

Please don't post but feel free to access attachments for a short while until I disable the account. It would be better if those interested followed the directions in my signature there to create their own accounts.

Yes, our you could watch the video Links I have posted. Busy atm, but will forward you some documents if you're interested.
Could you just post them here instead of forwarding (I'm not sure if that's what you meant)? I'm still interested, and I have acquired more test equipment and knowledge in electronics and such since this thread was started (along with finishing my physics degree). I would still like to test a specific claim but it is hard to find one that is not convoluted with terms that are not adequately defined.
Yeah, I did look through a lot of the links, but I couldn't find anywhere where both voltage and current are measured. You can't have power without both. This is the closest I found so far:

But, I'm not sure what I'm looking at since I'm not familiar with spectrum analyzers.
Inquorate said:
Yes, our you could watch the video Links I have posted. Busy atm, but will forward you some documents if you're interested.


I try to follow your progress from a distance so to speak since I currently am not blessed with the DNA requirements of receivership capacity to absorb what you are attempting to discover. I just want to say that I really respect your perseverance in following your quest for new energy sources that would free us from the PTB system. With a family, health issues and having to find new ways to support a family I don't know that I would still be able to pursue such a daunting quest.

That being said, I know that we should always try to think in terms of possibilities even if the world doesn't march to our tune. I am just a curious person and can't seem to not try to observe as much as I can when it comes to new possibilities. One of the terms used in a quantum system is Density Matrix. As I was reading the definition on Wikipedia I noticed a term that the Cs used which was "Orthongonal".

The brief formula below was an example that I don't even understand but the word "orthogonal" stood out to me:

Density matrix
Explicitly, suppose a quantum system may be found in state | \psi_1 \rangle with probability p1, or it may be found in state | \psi_2 \rangle with probability p2, or it may be found in state | \psi_3 \rangle with probability p3, and so on. The density operator for this system is[1]

\hat\rho = \sum_i p_i |\psi_i \rangle \langle \psi_i|,

where \{|\psi_i\rangle\} need not be orthogonal and \sum_i p_i=1. By choosing an orthonormal basis \{|u_m\rangle\}, one may resolve the density operator into the density matrix, whose elements are[1]

\rho_{mn} = \sum_i p_i \langle u_m | \psi_i \rangle \langle \psi_i | u_n \rangle = \langle u_m |\hat \rho | u_n \rangle.

My only skill at this "time" is using a search engine so I will give you a strange link I found while searching for "orthogonal" to something the Cs said to Ark:

Session 23 March 2013

Q: (Belibaste) So if a group of individuals acquires, stores, information that is orthogonal to truth, i.e.
lies, will this fact of acquiring information that is orthogonal to truth increase the attraction to
meteorites or cometary bodies?
A: Yes
Q: (Belibaste) How does it work?
A: Other realm just mentioned... Gravity waves.
Q: (L) Are you saying that gravity waves are a property of a different realm?
A: Mostly.
Q: (Ark) Why I am spending so much time on quantum theory instead of gravity waves?
A: Get your book finished to open the new door!
Q: (Ark) A new door for me?
A: Yes

The above quote was a fairly recent one and I am not sure how this relates to your research but I just thought it was interesting.

Best regards,


Just another Cs quote that I noticed that really shows me that our science has been hi-jacked for a very long time:

Session 23 March 2013

Q: (L) So Earth really isn't a closed system where it would be possible for... Well, I don't want to say
that. It's just not a closed system and there are all kinds of things on Earth that are influenced by the
solar system?
A: And more.
Q: (L) From outside the solar system... From the universe?
A: Yes. But scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind!
Q: (L) Hmm. So you say, "Scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind." Do you mean that...
A: When science is used for killing they have lost their honor and their way. Remember the parable of
the talents. The man who was afraid and hid and hoarded? Then when the master came he was cast
into darkness with the weepers and wailers. Thus shall it be yet again.

Science has been hiding and hoarding for so long it is almost unbearable to those who want to share ideas and information.
The entropy caused by continually "gathering" instead of "dispersing" gravity waves is something that I think will result in "dramatic change" when the Cosmos begins the natural balancing process.
goyacobol said:

Just another Cs quote that I noticed that really shows me that our science has been hi-jacked for a very long time:

Session 23 March 2013

Q: (L) So Earth really isn't a closed system where it would be possible for... Well, I don't want to say
that. It's just not a closed system and there are all kinds of things on Earth that are influenced by the
solar system?
A: And more.
Q: (L) From outside the solar system... From the universe?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Hmm. So you say, "Scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind." Do you mean that...
A: When science is used for killing they have lost their honor and their way. Remember the parable of
the talents. The man who was afraid and hid and hoarded? Then when the master came he was cast
into darkness with the weepers and wailers. Thus shall it be yet again.

Science has been hiding and hoarding for so long it is almost unbearable to those who want to share ideas and information.
The entropy caused by continually "gathering" instead of "dispersing" gravity waves is something that I think will result in "dramatic change" when the Cosmos begins the natural balancing process.

OK; Goyacobal and all you smart Guys, Which is it? I have studied gravity waves and that Unstable Gravity Waves are which that have been Utilized, that is gathered for energy. Does Gravity push down or does gravity pull down? Of course, building an anti-gravity device, one needs to know this.But scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind!

Alright, no sense talking to those guys, so- whadda yuh think? Oh, and Free-Energy devices are a No-No Because they will come and take you and it away, but solar panels are OK.
Exploring the Gravity of the Situation, Wyatt :cool2: :lkj: :phaser:
Wyatt Shipley said:
Oh, and Free-Energy devices are a No-No Because they will come and take you and it away, but solar panels are OK.

Wyatt, can you elaborate on this? Or is it sarcasm?
Wyatt Shipley said:
OK; Goyacobal and all you smart Guys, Which is it? I have studied gravity waves and that Unstable Gravity Waves are which that have been Utilized, that is gathered for energy. Does Gravity push down or does gravity pull down? Of course, building an anti-gravity device, one needs to know this.But scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind!

Alright, no sense talking to those guys, so- whadda yuh think? Oh, and Free-Energy devices are a No-No Because they will come and take you and it away, but solar panels are OK.
Exploring the Gravity of the Situation, Wyatt :cool2: :lkj: :phaser:

OK, Wyatt,

At least you didn't include me with the smart guys, but why do you think there has to be a specific direction involved with gravity? What if it is 360 degrees in orientation? And I didn't see Inquorate mentioning an anti-gravity device although that could be one application I suppose. Are you doing some research yourself or just hoping someone else can spoon-feed you?

I am not sure if you are being sarcastic saying "Free-Energy devices are a No-No Because they will come and take you and it away, but solar panels are OK." or if you think there may be a reluctance/restriction on the forum to take new sources of energy seriously. Only you can clarify your meaning.

As a matter of fact I personally feel that the danger of finding or sharing new technology has always been hazardous throughout history. I think it is a matter of "timing" as to when it will be possible for "truth" to be commonplace in safety.

Here is one Cs quote:

Session 31 August 1996

Q: (L) Is Ark going to be able to help us with technology, to help other people, or to protect ourselves
in some way? In this really bizarre stuff going on here on our planet?
A: Too much, too soon, my dear. Curiosity killed the cat.
Q: (L) Well, satisfaction brought him back!
A: Not in this case!!!

Even just getting warm on the trail of "secret" technology can get you into trouble:

Session 20 October 2005

Q: (Perceval) What did they use then to make the steel beams collapse in the way they did, so completely? Did you have a question
about that? (A) Well, specially prepared is essentially explosives that would cut the beams. But there are many. (Galahad) But we’ve
asked about explosives in the building, and they’ve said it was more something to shape the… (Mr. Scott) Yes, EMP (Perceval)
Conductors with shaped EMP. (Galahad) That means that using shaped EMP waves is “fairly simple”. (Laughter) (Perceval) If they
could take down the Columbia… (Galahad) Was it the same technology as with the shuttle Columbia?
A: Yup.
Q: (Galahad) Did it come from the same source? (Perceval) Space-based satellite?
A: Now you are getting into warm water.
Q: (Galahad) I guess we don’t want to get into hot water… (Laughter) (A) It’s not our business. (Galahad) Curiosity killed the cat.
A: Let us just remind you that it scared even George.

I am admittedly a curious type but can we be too curious? Well, if we want to find out too much too soon I think it can be a problem. With all the events happening now and on the horizon we all sense the need for "new" sources of energy but our "timing" may be an important consideration. Ark's warning came in 1996 so maybe we are closer to the point that we can advance in discovery but that is not my call to make.

The Cs do give clues on advanced science that would be very useful but they are only clues. For instance they recommend learning about the Rife machine which Royal Rife invented sometime in the 1930s which might help kill the Ebola virus and other viruses:

(L) Moving along! Let's get another question.

(Approaching Infinity) I've got a question kind of related to that, and to what trendsetter37 was saying. In the book The Field, she talks about the kind of homeopathic experiments where they were able to record the EM signature of a certain compound and then play the recording of that signature back to water. Then the water would react as if that compound was present. So, would it be possible to use an EM signature to reverse something like a physical disease or virus like Ebola?

A: Yes. Look into Rife.

A whole thread on such technology was started here: Rife, radionics, PEMF, nano, fir, EAV, physioscanning, scenars, etc...

With limited resources it is not likely we small potatoes garage inventors would be of much interest to the PTB but who knows if even having the "knowledge protects" maybe that is enough to attract unwanted attention.

If you were just trying to use a little "mirth" I am OK with that but if we were all sitting around a table wouldn't you first bring something to the table to share before cracking a joke? :huh:
goyacobol said:
The Cs do give clues on advanced science that would be very useful but they are only clues. For instance they recommend learning about the Rife machine which Royal Rife invented sometime in the 1930s which might help kill the Ebola virus and other viruses:

(L) Moving along! Let's get another question.

(Approaching Infinity) I've got a question kind of related to that, and to what trendsetter37 was saying. In the book The Field, she talks about the kind of homeopathic experiments where they were able to record the EM signature of a certain compound and then play the recording of that signature back to water. Then the water would react as if that compound was present. So, would it be possible to use an EM signature to reverse something like a physical disease or virus like Ebola?

A: Yes. Look into Rife.
just a thought

Rife spent years of his early career grinding precision lenses for Carl Zeiss. his greatest genius may have been in designing microscopes. the ones he built far exceeded the capabilities of electron microscopes. he could see the live viruses, and tell instantly when a frequency affected them.

there are dozens of rife type machines available today, but with little more than anecdotal evidence of the best frequencies to use.

it might be better to redirect emphasis towards rife microscopes.
(L) Moving along! Let's get another question.

(Approaching Infinity) I've got a question kind of related to that, and to what trendsetter37 was saying. In the book The Field, she talks about the kind of homeopathic experiments where they were able to record the EM signature of a certain compound and then play the recording of that signature back to water. Then the water would react as if that compound was present. So, would it be possible to use an EM signature to reverse something like a physical disease or virus like Ebola?

A: Yes. Look into Rife.
asino said:
Wyatt Shipley said:
Oh, and Free-Energy devices are a No-No Because they will come and take you and it away, but solar panels are OK.
Wyatt, can you elaborate on this? Or is it sarcasm?
Wyatt here: I was not being sarcastic; I would never/never do that. My brother in law has a Doctorate in Math and he was helping some graduate students on their project. Nothing like Cold Fusion, but a way of catching ambient energy. Anyway, as Ark can tell you about his friend who fell and oozed some kind pink stuff, I can tell you that the students hit on an idea and to make a long story short, They were told to stop. My Brother in law, whom I am close to, won't talk about it.

At least you didn't include me with the smart guys, but why do you think there has to be a specific direction involved with gravity? What if it is 360 degrees in orientation? And I didn't see Inquorate mentioning an anti-gravity device although that could be one application I suppose. Are you doing some research yourself or just hoping someone else can spoon-feed you?

Hmmm? 360 degrees? Well according to the guy who built Coral Castle, Gravity pushes down and knowing that was how he built it; said Pyramids were built the same.
"AS FAR AS Spoon feeding, Gerbers out of stock! My research involves people I know already. Did you think I would make such a comment so lightly? My design involves a 6-rotor with 5-rotors held together metallic ceramic with sequential metal plates, all encased in glass. each rotor spins in the opposite direction (Not exactly a rotor/ donut inside a donut inside a donut--) Anyway, the computations so far look good, The technology to build it -- Not so good. And so it goes. look me up in 4th Density, I might be trying to get the buggs out of my Energy Propulsion Device.

Best of Everything Always, Wyatt :cool2: :cool2: :lkj: :lkj:
Wyatt Shipley said:
asino said:
Wyatt Shipley said:
Oh, and Free-Energy devices are a No-No Because they will come and take you and it away, but solar panels are OK.
Wyatt, can you elaborate on this? Or is it sarcasm?
Wyatt here: I was not being sarcastic; I would never/never do that. My brother in law has a Doctorate in Math and he was helping some graduate students on their project. Nothing like Cold Fusion, but a way of catching ambient energy. Anyway, as Ark can tell you about his friend who fell and oozed some kind pink stuff, I can tell you that the students hit on an idea and to make a long story short, They were told to stop. My Brother in law, whom I am close to, won't talk about it.

At least you didn't include me with the smart guys, but why do you think there has to be a specific direction involved with gravity? What if it is 360 degrees in orientation? And I didn't see Inquorate mentioning an anti-gravity device although that could be one application I suppose. Are you doing some research yourself or just hoping someone else can spoon-feed you?

Hmmm? 360 degrees? Well according to the guy who built Coral Castle, Gravity pushes down and knowing that was how he built it; said Pyramids were built the same.
"AS FAR AS Spoon feeding, Gerbers out of stock! My research involves people I know already. Did you think I would make such a comment so lightly? My design involves a 6-rotor with 5-rotors held together metallic ceramic with sequential metal plates, all encased in glass. each rotor spins in the opposite direction (Not exactly a rotor/ donut inside a donut inside a donut--) Anyway, the computations so far look good, The technology to build it -- Not so good. And so it goes. look me up in 4th Density, I might be trying to get the buggs out of my Energy Propulsion Device.

Best of Everything Always, Wyatt :cool2: :cool2: :lkj: :lkj:


Thank you for clarifying what you meant. I am glad you are out of the Gerbers and I apologize for being a big baby. :cry: No more spoon talk from me. Your work sounds interesting as many others' work here. I am more of an observer/listener scientifically and mathematically. The only project I have attempted was a Karpen generator and I haven't even gotten that to work yet. Compared to what others here are doing I am just a tinkerer. :rockon: :cool2: :cool2:
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