Free energy and HAARP technology

Ask_a_debtor said:
NewMexicoArt said:
just a thought

Rife spent years of his early career grinding precision lenses for Carl Zeiss. his greatest genius may have been in designing microscopes. the ones he built far exceeded the capabilities of electron microscopes. he could see the live viruses, and tell instantly when a frequency affected them.

there are dozens of rife type machines available today, but with little more than anecdotal evidence of the best frequencies to use.

it might be better to redirect emphasis towards rife microscopes.

The Rife stuff looks interesting and I'll look into it. My first thought when you said he made lenses and achieved better resolution than electron microscopes was "no way, because of the diffraction limit". However, there is some interesting speculation on how he could have possibly overcome this problem here _ but I doubt anybody has the money or time to attempt to build one. I'd have to carefully investigate possible flaws in the logic there before even considering it possible, but it is interesting nonetheless so I'll check out the thread here on the forum too.

Here is a PDF scan of the entire 1944 Smithsonian Institute annual report. The section on "The new microscopes" covers electron and rife microscopes of the day.

On a subject with so much disinformation, i like to review original documents as much as possible.
i personally think a rife machine should be in every home, if we can just verify effective frequencies with such means as the rife microscope.
i hope it would be effective on micoplasma.
Apparently I need to look into Reich, not Rife..


Because here's the holy grail of extracting energy from the quantum waves;

Quantum Energy Receiver Dr Stiffler
Inquorate said:
Apparently I need to look into Reich, not Rife..


Because here's the holy grail of extracting energy from the quantum waves;

Quantum Energy Receiver Dr Stiffler

What's the quantum energy receiver made out of in Dr Stiffler's video? Is it just 18 magnets and a copper plate? If so, are there any tricks needed to get this working, or is it just as simple as it looks?
The Cs have made some comments about Orgone:,18640.msg324841.html#msg324841

I wonder what is that square thing between the magnets he doesn't explain.
Part 2
Part 3

Interesting days indeed. He's moved beyond the limitations of components in his older spatial energy coherers. These are much cheaper and easier to make, as well as fully scalable.


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I wonder what happened in 1969?

Q: (L) Do orgone accumulators accumulate orgone? {giggling}
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is orgone?
A: Life-force.
Q: (L) What is life-force? (A) What is the closest expression in physical terms?
A: EM substrate.
Q: (A) What is substrate?
A: Base.
Q: (L) How does EM substrate or base... (A) Vacuum point? Vacuum.
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to what people call zero point energy?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to 1969?
A: Pronto!
Inquorate said:
I wonder what happened in 1969?

Q: (L) Do orgone accumulators accumulate orgone? {giggling}
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is orgone?
A: Life-force.
Q: (L) What is life-force? (A) What is the closest expression in physical terms?
A: EM substrate.
Q: (A) What is substrate?
A: Base.
Q: (L) How does EM substrate or base... (A) Vacuum point? Vacuum.
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to what people call zero point energy?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to 1969?
A: Pronto!


I think you are the most persistent member I know of to explore the zero point energy quest. I just follow your quest with awe due to my limited scientific skills. I feel like you are truly seeking the answers that many of us only hope for but are not blessed with the skills you may bring to the table. The question about 1969 is one that I am trying to answer because I truly believe (due to my application of the Cs clues for my life in gratitude to Laura and Ark and the forum) that you are a true blue seeker of truth.

Here is the one quote that I think may be approprate to the 1969 question:

1997 August 18 Session - Archived:

July 18, 1998 Frank, TR, JR, Ark, Laura
Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Donillo.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Now, frivolous question number one: Do you guys like Pink Floyd?
A: "Like" is a bit off base.
Q: (L) What would be more 'on base?'
A: Absorb.
Q: (L) Do you absorb Pink Floyd?
A: We are Pink Floyd, and all other facets of your higher consciousness.
Q: (L) Well, cool! I would like to know if you could comment on what we were discussing earlier, the
purported idea of mans' destruction of the planet. This is, of course, a disturbing aspect of mankind,
but I wonder if mankind is as guilty as he is made to feel?
A: Mankind, so called, is one element of creation.
Q: (L) When you say 'one element of creation' in relation to the question about man's destruction of
the planet, are you saying that this so-called destruction can, in a sense, be considered to be
A: The "destruction" is merely one segment of all that exists in a long wave cycle.
Q: (T) Basically, man is doing what he is supposed to be doing, whether we know it or not. One
thought is, regarding crop circles, is that even hoaxed crop circles are what they are supposed to
be. I mean, do little balls of light do it, or does the Universe get Doug and Dave to go out there and
do it? It's still a crop circle, it's still there for some reason. (L) Now, one question that we were
discussing earlier is: how can the close approach of the companion star cause an increase in the
Sun's gravity when there is no reason why it should change anything since gravity is a function of
A: But do you rally know all there is to know about gravity?
Q: (A) No, we don't know. But, does this mean that this will be an effect that does not follow from the
theory of gravity that we know already?
A: Gravity is the life force that binds all realities as one.
Q: (L) What are the mechanics of the increase in the Sun's gravity? What is going to cause this?
A: In order to understand this, you would need a reworking of the theorem.
Q: (L) Can you help us in this reworking of the theorem?
A: Waves.
Q: (A) What I want to ask is: we have Einstein's theory of gravity, and the question is whether the
effect of increasing the Sun's gravity is something that goes beyond Einstein's equations or not?
A: You must see the wave.
Q: (A) What wave, a gravitational wave, or an electromagnetic wave, or some other wave? What
A: Arkadiusz, how do these intersect?
Q: (A) Gravity and electromagnetic?
A: Yes. And others.
Q: (A) How they are described within a theory, or how they intersect in space when they come
A: Both.
Q: (A) Okay, why does this increase in the Sun's gravity have anything to do with
electromagnetism? We were told that the Brown star will not radiate any radiation, so, in particular,
no electromagnetic radiation. So, where does electromagnetics come in? I do not understand...
A: Gravitational pull incites electromagnetic impulse.
Q: (A) Okay, that means we go beyond gravitational theory, and this is part of Unified Field Theory?
A: Yes, exactly!! The complete UFT was withheld from you!
Q: (L) I think they mean humanity in general...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So, the complete UFT is known to someone here on the planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And they are not making it available...
A: Oh no, because "The Truth Will Set You Free!"
Q: (J) From gravity!
A: You may access hyperspatial truths with UFT.
Q: (A) Is it a good time for me to know more on that, to work on that? Can you give me a pointer so
that I can discover it for myself?
A: Back up to where you were in "69."
Q: (T) You must have been looking into something in 1969... you were a young'n then and didn't
know you had stumbled onto something. (A) I was reading books by Lichnerowicz on UFT...
A: Yes. Check the notes.
Q: (L) Well, we have a REAL problem with these notes and papers and things because of the fact
that the bags that they were packed in have disappeared!
A: Gee, we wonder why?!?
Q: (L) If we make a stink about these bags, will we get them back?
A: No. Wait to see if they arrive.
Q: (L) We have been waiting a year! Well, there was a lot of stuff for them to go through... we'll have
to wait awhile!
A: Even without notes, the lonely young man walks down the concrete walk with the clumsily
arranged light poles, contemplating the truth, the REAL truth. You were in an alpha state, a
crossroads, wondering "where do I go from here?" "And why are all these things being pushed onto
me?" Go back to then, Arkady. You know you are really a "Russian" at heart!
Q: (A) Well, we started with the increased mass of the Sun, and we came to UFT which is hidden
from us because it would make us free; there is this tendency in me to follow this road because it is
science and would open a new road. The question is whether such activity or knowing such things
will lead to other densities? Is it just for satisfaction, or is there real value in knowing more in this
A: Well, the Unified Field Theory unlocks the door completely to the higher densities.
Q: (T) But there are parts of this that have yet to be discovered by the general research books
because it is being kept secret?
A: No.
Q: (T) Has science acknowledged that gravity is a wave, as something that can be measured,
A: Controversy.
Q: (L) What gravity is and what it is not is a controversy. (T) But if gravity is part of the UFT, and
somebody knows what it is... (L) They are building HAARP. (T) I think there is more to it than this
HAARP. UFT is a major step...
A: Grids.
Q: (L) What kind of grids... (T) They keep jumping off... wait a minute...
A: We are not "jumping off."
Q: (L) What kind of grids?
A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.
Q: (T) Are these the ley lines?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they artificially generated?
A: Contoured.
Q: (L) They are artificially contoured. What is the result of this shrouding?
A: Manipulated for use by 3rd/4th Consortium.
Q: (A) What kind of EM grid? (L) The natural EM grid is being contoured...
A: Like a gently waving geometric "blanket."
Q: (T) Is it on the surface of the planet, through the planet, or where?
A: Above.
Q: (J) Do microwave towers factor into this?
A: Indirectly discovered by same principal. [person?]
Q: (A) Who is this principal? A name? (T) The gravity waves, whether they exist or not, are a
controversy, yet they are part of the UFT, and someone already knows how it works. Therefore, it is
only controversy to those who don't know what the answer is, and it is not a controversy to those
who know. They know what it is and how to measure it and how to use it.
A: Of course.
Q: (T) So, it is only a controversy that is allowed to be. (L) Or created. (A) Some power is used to
sustain this grid. What is it?
A: Land and space based generators.
Q: (T) What can it be used for?
A: Multiple uses.
Q: (L) Well, what are the top three, for example?
A: No "top three."
Q: (T) Just an example, give us an idea? How does this affect us?
A: Broaden concept.
Q: (T) Can this grid be used by other objects as a power source? (J) Can it be tapped into?
A: Net.
Q: (L) It is a net that traps things?
A: Broaden.
Q: (L) It is a net that...
A: Calculates...
Q: (J) Internet? (T) Is it like a big fence to keep us in?
A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. "Alice likes to go through the looking glass" at
the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.
Q: (T) The Atlanteans who have reincarnated are getting ready to do the same thing they did before
with the crystals. So, this is an Atlantean type thing that is being done now? Different equipment, but
the same type of thing?
A: All lessons must be learned before you can move onto bigger and better things.
Q: (L) Is that a general statement about the Atlanteans repeating the lessons, or that once we learn
this lesson, we can move onto bigger and better things in counteracting this grid?
A: All that is present and future too.
Q: (T) Well, maybe it is a defensive shield that has been put up to protect us since we have
monkeyed with the ozone so much...
A: No. Better to contemplate and meditate. No linear thinking please, you know better.
Q: (J) I think they just slapped your hand. (A) I want to ask if there is something that we can and
should do about this grid for ourselves?
A: Why? To know was all you need.
Q: (A) Well, it was said that this was for the purpose of control and manipulation. So, knowing is all
that we need. Or, we could try to shield... (L) But, to know IS the shield. I don't know how that works,
but it seems to be so.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Now, how did we come to this grid from UFT?
A: Grid construction represents application of...
Q: (L) Somehow we went from the increased gravity of the Sun, to UFT, to the grid...
A: UFT explains the "increased" gravity of Sol. But, is there not something in UFT about
Q: (A) There is no reason for it to increase or decrease...but this is Einstein's theory which we were
told is incorrect... (L) Well, maybe it is speed? When two things are rotating in tandem, when they
come together, wouldn't it increase their speed, and doesn't speed increase gravity? (A) No, wewere told that there is some interaction between gravity and EM wave, and this is what UFT is
about... If we use other dimensions which we are supposed to use in this UFT, going with Kaluza-
Klein, then the very concept of mass is something which is not so clear, and mass can be variable...
A: Yes, variability of physicality.
Q: (T) Fourth density. (A) We were told earlier that this UFT opens the door to other densities...
A: Yes.
Q: (A) And, some time ago Santilli was here and he had his own idea about UFT; gravity and antigravity,
and he was told that he had a good idea of UFT, but that he only has one seventh of the
equation. I don't understand why UFT has to go to other densities? Does it follow, or is it necessary
once we have UFT, that the other densities will become clear in that they are necessary? How is it?
A: Fragmented inquiry.
Q: (A) Can we have a UFT which unifies EM and gravity and does not include the concept of other
densities. In other words, can we put in a textbook all about the gravity and electromagnetics, and a
student could learn all of this and still know nothing about other densities?
A: No. Other densities become apparent when...
Q: (A) So, it means that Einstein and Von Neumann knew about these other densities?
A: Yes, oh yes!!!
Q: (T) Just a thought: having UFT and being able to manipulate different fields within it, creates
different effects. So, as we understand it in the apparent present state of science, we have to spin
something in space in order to create gravity. But, with the UFT, one small offshoot is that one could
create real gravity without spinning anything. So, the problem of weightlessness is really already
A: Elementary my dear TR, elementary.
Q: (T) So, this whole thing with the space station and all the trouble they are having readapting to
gravity when they come back, is all a game...
A: When you "let the cat out of the bag," you create an entire feline "nation."
Q: (T) So, we are capable of "Star Trek" right now?
A: In a sense, but there is so much more than that.
Q: (T) Of course. Most people would say that 'cutting edge' science is 25 years ahead of what we
see, and I say it is more like a hundred years, and I am even off? Cutting edge science on this
planet is more like 3 or 4 hundred years ahead?
A: More like 30 to 40,000 years "ahead!"
Q: (L) Is that because of 4th density influence and information?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) 30 to 40 thousand years? Let me get that number right...
A: Yes, at least.

With the above quote in mind I think you may get the immence sense of how difficult it might be to unlock the secrets of zero point energy and even the key to how we might utilize this energy for STO purposes. But I really like your spunk in persueing the quest to help all of us realize that goal of independence from the PTB and the grid of control we face as we flap our butterfly wings! I wish you the best in trying to figure this out and hope this is relavant to your question. Keep in mind Ark was asking about some similar points.

Here's to you :thup:
When I was in the Navy, my boss at the time was nicknamed 'Fusebox', because he would test fuses by running his fingers over them (they were exposed). [not recommended, by the way]
When he got zapped, he would say "That is the blown fuse", and he was always correct.
Another 'trick' he had, was to hold the leads of a microammeter, one in each hand, and he could generate a current. About twenty of us tried this, and only he could do it. About 600 microamps he could push.
He might have been able to channel the 'zero point energy'.

Another point from the quote above, is to do with gravity and spinning, and maybe the UFT.
If you take two coins (circular or spherical objects) and spin them in the same direction, when they come together they will come to a grinding halt (zero gravity).
If you spin them in opposite directions, when they come together they will co-operate, or combine, or merge, depending on the shape and mass of each, enhancing the spin.

Extrapolate that to black holes which are supermassive and rotating at unbelievable speeds, and you get an idea of what I am talking about.

A physicist or a mathematician should be able to be a little more succinct than I am.
Zhane7 said:
Thank you for sharing this information. I'm new here. :cool:

Hi Zhane7,

Since this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc. There are examples of introductions in that section to give you an idea. Welcome to the Forum! :)

I know the previous quote was lengthy but I hate to throw out what may be unnoticed clues.

I have another quote among several I found. If these don't apply just ignore them. I just hope they may be relevant.

Session 10 October 1998
Q: (A) It is not important. Now, he is talking a lot about p-adic
numbers which are different from real numbers, and they are related
to prime numbers, and it is a whole big area which may be important
for development for the right mathematics for the future. What about
p-edic numbers? Are they important?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Should I learn them?
A: With room for alterations the key to quantum jumps is always in
discovering "new" mathematics.
Q: (A) Now, concerning new mathematics, I wanted to ask also,
because I have received an elaborate treatise from somebody in
China who is sending this treatise to all the greatest mathematicians
of the world, and apparently I am one of them, and this is about
what he calls the mathematics of Unified Field Theory which is based
on I Ching. There are a lot of things that are very hard to follow. It is
all about Chi and the way the Chinese philosophy tells us that our
mathematics should be built on a different principle. Why am I
repeatedly getting this? Is there some meaning, that I should really
look into this?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) What, in particular, should I pay attention to?
A: The connection between philosophy and math.
Q: (A) A connection between philosophy and math. Okay, I will look.
A: You will find.
Q: (A) When I was asking about UFT, you said I should go back to
1969. I went back to 1969, but I don't have any notes from then, so
the only thing I can remember that I was doing then which could
relate, was that I was thinking about certain algebraic machinery
which tells us that there is a kind of perfect symmetry between
matter and anti-matter. Was this the clue?

A: Yes!
Q: (A) I was looking for the connection between the square root of
13 and phi, and I couldn't find any. So, my question is, when you say
square root of 13, do you mean an ordinary square root, or using one
of these p-adic number fields?
A: Latter.
Q: (A) But, if so, then last time I took the calculator and computed
the ordinary square root of thirteen; yet you did not stop me at this
point, but ask me to subtract from this ordinary square root, the
number phi. So, if it is not an ordinary square root, as you suggest, I
would expect that you would not ask me to subtract from the wrong
A: We did not ask you to subtract from the "wrong" number. Besides,
you did what you are supposed to do; think!! This quest is for you.
Our prime channel is becoming weak and fatigued, so we must now
Archaea said:
Inquorate said:
Apparently I need to look into Reich, not Rife..


Because here's the holy grail of extracting energy from the quantum waves;

Quantum Energy Receiver Dr Stiffler

What's the quantum energy receiver made out of in Dr Stiffler's video? Is it just 18 magnets and a copper plate? If so, are there any tricks needed to get this working, or is it just as simple as it looks?

In the first video he mentions there is a copper plate on one side and an aluminum plate on the other with two other plates in between. He never says what the other plates are, but in the third video he goes on to say that the spacing is important and he uses a film as a spacer that is 1/1000 in. thick.

I have all the materials so far presented but no information on the other two plates. He suggests that people have tried to replicate it but hasn't asked for replications nor "posted a schematic". He goes on to state some "gotchas" for people who have the schematic (he says a schematic has been floating around) or those who are familiar with Reich's work. The "gotchas" are just about the capacitors and scaling.

He seems to bumble around a bit and some of the things he says suggest to me that he doesn't really know what he's talking about (saying things like the "magnetic force" between magnets, and "capacity" of a capacitor). He says his unit is similar to something Reich was using but Reich was wrong about it being "orgone energy" but it is in fact due to "quantum translational waves". Again this terminology never seems to be precisely defined.

If I had info on the other plates I could try to replicate it. I might take a cursory look at some Reich stuff for information on this. I have a feeling that there is probably an explanation for whatever effect he is seeing using modern electromagnetic theory. I would still like to investigate myself as I have the means to do some more extensive testing than what he shows. I just don't have info on the other two plates. At some point he mentioned not providing information for "legal reasons" but I can't seem to find it again in the videos and don't have time to watch them all again.
He's connected to the military, and what he reveal is quite limited. I think it shouldn't take long to experiment with materials. Perhaps plastic is one of the layers. Spacing will be related to quantum speed of transmutation, 1.094 million meters per second. Thats a guess. Look up znidarsic.

Thanks Goya, ive fwded that info to him
I understand well the need for independent power suppl;y for the home, as if in emergencies the power goes out for an extended period or maybe even indefinitely if the entire grid goes down. It would also be great if the cost of electric service could be cut to nothing excepting the cost to purchase a unit which would provide permanent supply.

Such has now come about. There is now available for purchase for about 950 Euros which includes tax and shipping a device which can power your home indefinitely or your electric car. The car unit can also reduce fuel usage to very low amount if used on a car with an internal combustion engine. It can be found here:

Note: the sizes shown are not the sizes which will be shipped. They have been substantially reduced in size to 1/3 or maybe 1/4 of the size shown because of development of the technology so as to be able to miniaturize them.

No output power specifications are given, and none can be given, because the output of the devices is a plasmatic energy flow and does not result in the flow of electrons until the point that it is to be used in whatever device needs the electricity. In addition, it will supply a DC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device, as well as supply any AC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device whether 50 hertz or 60 hertz, 115 or 230 volts. No inverter or any type of electronics is needed at all as it automatically adjusts to whatever is needed by the device.

Not only will the unit supply as much electricity to a home as needed at any time, even with everything in the house turned on at the same time, it will also supply the outside electrical grid with over 5 times as much as is being used internally at the same time. So, if you have everything turned on and are using 20 kilowatts in your home, over 100 kilowatts are being sent out to the grid at the same time. The more you use, the more is sent out to the grid.

Sounds crazy huh? A demonstration system has been running now at the Keshe headquarters in Italy for over 3 weeks with no noise, no heat output and steady supply of electricity for whatever type of device which is plugged into the system.
Richard S said:
I understand well the need for independent power suppl;y for the home, as if in emergencies the power goes out for an extended period or maybe even indefinitely if the entire grid goes down. It would also be great if the cost of electric service could be cut to nothing excepting the cost to purchase a unit which would provide permanent supply.

Such has now come about. There is now available for purchase for about 950 Euros which includes tax and shipping a device which can power your home indefinitely or your electric car. The car unit can also reduce fuel usage to very low amount if used on a car with an internal combustion engine. It can be found here:

Note: the sizes shown are not the sizes which will be shipped. They have been substantially reduced in size to 1/3 or maybe 1/4 of the size shown because of development of the technology so as to be able to miniaturize them.

No output power specifications are given, and none can be given, because the output of the devices is a plasmatic energy flow and does not result in the flow of electrons until the point that it is to be used in whatever device needs the electricity. In addition, it will supply a DC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device, as well as supply any AC device with whatever voltage and current is needed by the device whether 50 hertz or 60 hertz, 115 or 230 volts. No inverter or any type of electronics is needed at all as it automatically adjusts to whatever is needed by the device.

Not only will the unit supply as much electricity to a home as needed at any time, even with everything in the house turned on at the same time, it will also supply the outside electrical grid with over 5 times as much as is being used internally at the same time. So, if you have everything turned on and are using 20 kilowatts in your home, over 100 kilowatts are being sent out to the grid at the same time. The more you use, the more is sent out to the grid.

Sounds crazy huh? A demonstration system has been running now at the Keshe headquarters in Italy for over 3 weeks with no noise, no heat output and steady supply of electricity for whatever type of device which is plugged into the system.

Richard S,

For some reason I get a database error when trying to access the link you provided. It may be an error on the site itself.

The error is: "Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL.Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL."
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