This video is from an Italian psychiatrist. It is in Italian and French subtitles, sorry about that. But, the main point is that Macron is a psychopath was was raped by the one who became his wife, driving him to this high narcissism and others things explained in this video making him a psychopath, a very dangerous man. That's what I say about him from the very beginning in my personal conversations. I saw the psychopath and my husband saw the created puppet.
For those who understand Italian and/or French, you will easily recognize what we have learned about psychopaths that rule the World here on the forum (and their mechanics to get more authoritarian followers, aka, victims in the first place), as well as works like those written by Andrew Lobaczewski, Robert Hare, Martha Stout, Natasha Walter and Laura of course.
That's the first time I hear a psychiatrist giving a diagnostic of an electable candidate. That should be the rule.
I'll start to translate them in English on this afternoon, and will report as soon as it is done; I hope before tomorrow.