Professor Adriano Segatori is an Italian psychiatrist and psychotherapist. His analysis of the profile of Emmanuel Macron, based in particular on his biography and his campaign images, leads him to conclude, in a very argumentative way: "Macron is a psychopath who works only for himself.".
The disturbing psychological profile of Emmanuel Macron
"My analysis of Emmanuel Macron comes both from the images I have in my possession and from the biography of which the candidate is claiming.
The young Emmanuel Macron at the age of 15 suffered a serious sexual assault through his teacher who at the time was 39 years old.
Instead of the vision with the rose water of this union that could be defined grotesquely as a repairing marriage (to repair the rape), I see rather the fact that prematurely
blocked the development of Emmanuel Macron during adolescence because of an operation of seduction both psychic and physical.
What has happened is both to go beyond the taboo and go beyond a limit. The very limit prescribed by the taboo. So the first passage was convinced that
everything was allowed. Naturally, this feeling of total power took place within the good bourgeois society of Amiens - in the North of France.
If this union had taken place in the proletarian social environment, this environment which Emmanuel Macron despises deeply, well, Emmanuel Macron would have been destroyed and would be followed by the social services and Brigitte Macron in prison.
That is the sad truth.
We are faced with a pedophile problem. Once the limits of the taboo were overcome,
the idea of omnipotence specific to each child was later encouraged. Until it goes beyond its own overlap of reality which,
reinforced by intellectual advantages, makes it extrapolate its personal limits.
The paradox is that
it seems pathologically normal, but we are in full narcissism. Macron, from his youth, has an extraordinary ambition.
He needs the gaze and admiration of others to compensate for an inferiority complex.
So we are confronted with three paradigms that define a certain type of personality:
- 1- The idea that there is no limit.
- 2- A feeling of omnipotence from childhood, but still more present in adulthood.
- 3- A narcissism that is not forbidden to define as malevolent.
What we see well in the crises of hysteria of Macron at the moment when admiration paled and
underlines the weaknesses of its identity. This hysteria is characterized by her interest in theatrical productions which does not fail to remind her -
troubling coincidence - her personal history with her teacher - who taught theater.
The psychopath is not trustworthy but succeeds
through the fascination it exercises to convince its interlocutor.
He has no remorse. When Macron speaks of the poor or insults the proletarians of the North by reducing them to smokers and alcoholics, when Macron denigrates women by reducing them to the rank of ignorant, we return in the speech explained by Jacques Lacan.
And it is true that he did not really want to say it, but his unconscious spoke for him. Because he believes in what he says and
cannot help expressing it. Macron defends himself by altering the meaning of his statements - but never expressing remorse -
because he feels no guilt.
So what is the problem from the psychiatric point of view? What is the character's dangerousness? I answer that there is no doubt: Emmanuel Macron, like all psychopaths is particularly dangerous.
An American intellectual specialized in the so-called "well-integrated disturbances" among notables - said verbatim: "Serial killer destroy families while psychopaths at the top of politics and economy ruin societies.".
Why is Macron dangerous? It is dangerous because:
- 1- Like all psychopaths, Macron has a high sense of himself.
- 2- Macron does not like France and does not fight for the people of France.
- 3- Macron loves himself enormously and struggles to maintain his fragile identity.
The confrontation with Marine Le Pen is not for him only a political conflict. He can not accept that a woman, the Marianne, the representative of France, is her antagonism. He needs a foster mother. Any other relationship with a woman becomes difficult to assume.
Thus, this fragility is very dangerous because, as for all psychopaths who work only for themselves, and
who considers others as instruments for their own greatness, stresses in this case how dangerous a country such as France against a candidate of this kind.