French Presidential Elections 2017: Fillon vs Macron vs Le Pen

In this video (3:25) Asselineau talk about the FN (Marine Le Pen party) and say: « The party was financed between 1985 and 1992 by Pierre Ceyrac, member of "CAUSA International", the financial arm of the Moon cult, this the CIA, the Bush family ».

Pierre Ceyrac:
He is known to be the representative in France of the "Church of the Unification" (named "Moon cult") [...] and want propel Le Pen to the Elysée to be the megaphone of the cult.

[...] He is also General Secretary of the CAUSA Movement (Confederation Of Associations for the Unification of American Societies) - Political Branch the Moon cult - for Europe

[...] He come with Marine Le Pen during her "private travel" to the USA in January 2017 , always with Louis Aliot and Guido Lombardi, "member of the Trump network" at the moment.

Unification Church

I don't know much about the "Moon cult". Anyone ?
thorbiorn said:
Niall said:
Great. How many of those articles are still online? Can you post a list of functioning links here? Thanks.
I'll do it.
Here is a list of rectified links. To sum up, one was really deleted, and for one the information in the link was too little to identify the source with any certainty. Along the way of checking out links, I found a few more, since much has happened since the list I checked came out.
[Comment: Along the same line:]
[Comment: first of all, I could not find the link where the "www" is "m" in "" and also not in the following link, still that should not be important, as the content ought to be the same.]
_ [Comment: men denne artikel henviser til LeMonde:
_ ]
_ [Comment: I don't understand this link, François de Siebenthal is a Swiss banker, _, who decided the practices of international banking are unethical, see the previous video from minute 6-15, by making the rich richer and the expense of the poor. The above article explains why voting fraud is possible in Switzerland. This might go into a later post, but for now I keep hammering on the faulty links.]
[Comment: I could not find anything live but there has been something which is still maintained by the search engine Duckduckgo and Google. Through them I found the original links to be:
[Comment: I guess this portal only uses news as a way to keep people clicking the ads. Once that is done, the news item is overwritten to keep the operational costs down. Considering the vast amount of data now available, I decided to delete the content lines from the Google and Duckduckgo search results.]
_ [is repeated at the end]
0 votes blancs à Lyon.
_ [It has only title and links to:]
[Comment: this was difficult since "un-bug-informatique" to the search result I added "election" guessing that might help and it did, but we can't be 100% sure this is the right one, although the time of publishing april 24 2017 gives hope it is the right one.]
[Comment: Same story from Marseille as previously reported by Le Monde.]
[Comment: There is too little identifying data to locate original.]
_ [Comment: This is a repetition of the first.]

Other links
_ /IrregularitesElectionPresidentielle2017/

Strasbourg Selon Eric Elkouby, des électeurs ont été radiés des listes électorales, mais des personnes décédées y figurent encore
_ [Comment: Google map of persons who claim they could not vote.]

[Comment: On this page there are loads of links about the irrigularities before, during and after. If one follows the links on the page, fx
[Comment: There are links to articles and links to youtube testemonies.]
_ A young voter explains his observation regarding the irigularities in a FB video.]

[Comment: On this pages there was:] _
_ [Comment: Protests against the irregularities planned in about 39 cities. (April 29th 14-17.]

_ Les élections 2017 sont bien truquées! Voici les preuves! Macron était déjà annoncé président!
[Comment: Has point about Jacques Attali. Some of the observations in the video interesting, but some also speculative. Although not related to the French election directly, but I mention it for later reference, there was also a quote from _, who played a role in the establishment of the EU, and wrote a book called "Practical Idealism" in 1925 (Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi Praktischer Idealismus), excerpts from which, with link to the text can be found on _ ]


In general, there are some videos, but there are no doubt more articles.

By crowding the whole post with links, I wonder if I did justice to all the efforts to expose the problems, becuase certainly some pages are more informative than others. In any case there is something to work with and some of the pages will no doubt also have clues to offer after the 2nd round. As I collected all the links, I thought, this is way worse than a remote nation in Africa.

What is interesting is the difference between the coverage inside of France and the reporting of the irregularities in other EU countries. Or do they just look the other way? Of course one could also use this observation to justify the claim that the European reporting of events in other countries of the world is equally skewed.
Another video (in Fench) explaining the link between the FN and the Moon cult:
On a French forum, a reader say he followed the results on a regional site (Sud Ouest) which show the count for 6 regions. This what he say he saw:

1 - Marine Le Pen (around 25%)
2 - Jean Luc Mélenchon (23%)
3 - Jean Lassalle (17%)
4 - Hamon (6%)
- Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Poutou, Asselineau, Cheminade around 5%
- Fillon, Macron, Arthaud around 2% !

Note that Jean Lassale originate from the "Sud-Ouest" region so his hight score here seem logical.
Maat said:
Ellipse said:
I don't know much about the "Moon cult". Anyone ?

see here (balanced source) : _

There was a really interesting interview of Thierry Meyssan on MetaTV on the 17th April, about Trump's apparent turnaround (and more generally, the Deep State): _

I mention it in this thread because at one point, Meyssan and the 2 interviewers (Tepa and Alain Benajam, the co-founder of the Voltaire Network) discuss the National Front's creation.
Here's a summary of what Meyssan has to say about it:

The National Front was created at Charles De Gaulle's request, by his own intelligence agencies, in order to "coral" his old "Vichy France" opponents and control them. At the beginning, François Duprat, an agent of the DGSE [French intelligence agency], was put in charge of the National Front. When he was assassinated, Jean-Marie Le Pen was put in charge. The original NF members were pure fascists according to Meyssan, but Le Pen gradually brought other categories of people into the NF (for exemple, Pieds-Noirs) and is thus responsible for the party's positive evolution. For Meyssan, one should be grateful to J-M Le Pen for making the NF's party line far more republican than it originally was.

Regarding the alleged connexion of the NF to the Unification Church (secte Moon):
Apparently, at one point, a (crazy) member of the Unif. Church gave some money to the NF, in exchange for a seat at the European Parliament. That's all: it was mainly a business/money connexion, and a way for the NF to fund itself. For Meyssan, there was never any "domination" or takeover of the NF by the Unif. Church.

Meyssan and Benajam talk extensively about the Deep State (they both were insiders at some point, Benajam even mentions he still has some "friends" within the French Deep State), and the fact that every structure, party, organisation, is at one point approached by the Deep State. Benajam says that, no matter who is elected as president, there's no way anyone can really do anything about it beause it's too entrenched, there's too much money at stake etc., but Meyssan thinks that the "fight" against the Deep State is the only revolution that matters.

For Meyssan, Great Britain is really the heart of the Deep State structure, along with Saudi Arabia and Israel. France, Germany and the likes are just small fry and mainly follow along. He talks about the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood (aka Daesh / ISIS) and its takover by the State Deep, which has made it its armed wing.
911 is also discussed, of course, in relation to the Deep State, as well as the situation in Libya (Meyssan has first-hand experience) and Syria (same).

All in all, it's well-worth watching - though unfortunately, there are no English subtitles.
And it goes on… Results (amounting to 302 ballots) have been cancelled in another town, in Seine-et-Marne this time:

À une semaine du second tour de la présidentielle française, la colère est montée d’un cran chez les habitants d’un village en Seine-et-Marne lorsqu’ils ont appris l’invalidation des résultats du 1er tour. Le maire a présenté ses explications et excuses. Et dans cette commune, la candidate du Front national était arrivée en tête...

One week before the 2nd round of the French presidential election, residents of a village in Seine-et-Marne have become increasingly angry after they learned that the results of the 1st round were cancelled. The mayor has explained the reasons and apologized.

Guess who came first in the results? Marine Le Pen.
Adaryn said:
There was a really interesting interview of Thierry Meyssan on MetaTV on the 17th April, about Trump's apparent turnaround (and more generally, the Deep State): _

Meyssan and Benajam talk extensively about the Deep State (they both were insiders at some point, Benajam even mentions he still has some "friends" within the French Deep State), and the fact that every structure, party, organisation, is at one point approached by the Deep State. Benajam says that, no matter who is elected as president, there's no way anyone can really do anything about it beause it's too entrenched, there's too much money at stake etc., but Meyssan thinks that the "fight" against the Deep State is the only revolution that matters.

For Meyssan, Great Britain is really the heart of the Deep State structure, along with Saudi Arabia and Israel. France, Germany and the likes are just small fry and mainly follow along. He talks about the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood (aka Daesh / ISIS) and its takover by the State Deep, which has made it its armed wing.
911 is also discussed, of course, in relation to the Deep State, as well as the situation in Libya (Meyssan has first-hand experience) and Syria (same).

All in all, it's well-worth watching - though unfortunately, there are no English subtitles.

Thank you for that link. Very interesting interview. I have only watched the first half (51minutes), but it is well worth it and not difficult to understand if one is not a native French speaker. He defends Trump, by suggesting to put oneself in his shoes and that the struggle with the deep state will take a minimum of 4 years. He says that Trump only has 2% of the high level bureaucrats who suppport him and 98% against him, which is very likely even if the numbers are pulled out of the air.

A number of things they discuss is linking to the book that Meyssan published in March 2017.
Something came to my mind a few minutes ago by reminding one rule about French presidential election:

The expenses of candidates engaged for [French] election are subject to strict rules of capping and reimbursement, under the control of the National Commission of Campaign Accounts and political financing.

Depending on the results obtained, the maximum amount for each candidate is:
EUR 800,423 for candidates who have not received more than 5% of the votes cast;
EUR 8,004,225 for the other candidates present in the first round;
EUR 10,691,775 for the candidates present in the second round.


Hereafter I recall the after 1st round official results expressed as a percentage of the total:

24,01 M. Emmanuel MACRON
21,30 Mme Marine LE PEN
20,01 M. François FILLON
19,58 M. Jean-Luc MÉLENCHON
06,36 M. Benoît HAMON
04,70 M. Nicolas DUPONT-AIGNAN
01,21 M. Jean LASSALLE
01,09 M. Philippe POUTOU
00,92 M. François ASSELINEAU
00,64 Mme Nathalie ARTHAUD
00,18 M. Jacques CHEMINADE


IF those numbers are not real, it is not only to make win this one and/or make lose this other one. I think that if officially 6 candidates did not reach the 5% of the votes cast, it is a way for Government to not have to reimburse them for their campaign, in second place, and in the third one do not give audience to those little candidates and then keep power for mainstream ones.

Kind of winning on three parts. How many times this happened in our History? Will we know one day?

Aeneas said:
Adaryn said:
There was a really interesting interview of Thierry Meyssan on MetaTV on the 17th April, about Trump's apparent turnaround (and more generally, the Deep State): _

Meyssan and Benajam talk extensively about the Deep State (they both were insiders at some point, Benajam even mentions he still has some "friends" within the French Deep State), and the fact that every structure, party, organisation, is at one point approached by the Deep State. Benajam says that, no matter who is elected as president, there's no way anyone can really do anything about it beause it's too entrenched, there's too much money at stake etc., but Meyssan thinks that the "fight" against the Deep State is the only revolution that matters.

For Meyssan, Great Britain is really the heart of the Deep State structure, along with Saudi Arabia and Israel. France, Germany and the likes are just small fry and mainly follow along. He talks about the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood (aka Daesh / ISIS) and its takover by the State Deep, which has made it its armed wing.
911 is also discussed, of course, in relation to the Deep State, as well as the situation in Libya (Meyssan has first-hand experience) and Syria (same).

All in all, it's well-worth watching - though unfortunately, there are no English subtitles.

Thank you for that link. Very interesting interview. I have only watched the first half (51minutes), but it is well worth it and not difficult to understand if one is not a native French speaker. He defends Trump, by suggesting to put oneself in his shoes and that the struggle with the deep state will take a minimum of 4 years. He says that Trump only has 2% of the high level bureaucrats who suppport him and 98% against him, which is very likely even if the numbers are pulled out of the air.

A number of things they discuss is linking to the book that Meyssan published in March 2017.

Thanks fo the link Adaryn, I'm about to watch it now. I read the last Meyssan's book Right Under Our Eyes. From September 11 to Donald Trump, and I highly recommend it as it was published in several languages at the same time (9).

An article about it on Sott: Thierry Meyssan interview on his new book: 'Right Under Our Eyes: From September 11 to Donald Trump

Meyssan takes an approach from three perspectives: French Government one; Muslim Brotherhood one; and from US Government one. This was pretty interesting to run along those three points of view giving us the absolut certainty than things are far more complicated than we might imagined, even if sometimes very simple as can be psychopaths.
Adaryn said:
And it goes on… Results (amounting to 302 ballots) have been cancelled in another town, in Seine-et-Marne this time:

À une semaine du second tour de la présidentielle française, la colère est montée d’un cran chez les habitants d’un village en Seine-et-Marne lorsqu’ils ont appris l’invalidation des résultats du 1er tour. Le maire a présenté ses explications et excuses. Et dans cette commune, la candidate du Front national était arrivée en tête...

One week before the 2nd round of the French presidential election, residents of a village in Seine-et-Marne have become increasingly angry after they learned that the results of the 1st round were cancelled. The mayor has explained the reasons and apologized.

Guess who came first in the results? Marine Le Pen.

Do you know which reasons the mayor gave for cancellation? This is quite undemocratic. I think some French people probably have an idea about what's really going on.
Oxajil said:
Do you know which reasons the mayor gave for cancellation? This is quite undemocratic. I think some French people probably have an idea about what's really going on.

According to the article, the reason given was that the official report regarding the sorting process was not delivered to the prefecture, because it was not printed on the evening of the election.
Aeneas said:
Thank you for that link. Very interesting interview. I have only watched the first half (51minutes), but it is well worth it and not difficult to understand if one is not a native French speaker. He defends Trump, by suggesting to put oneself in his shoes and that the struggle with the deep state will take a minimum of 4 years. He says that Trump only has 2% of the high level bureaucrats who suppport him and 98% against him, which is very likely even if the numbers are pulled out of the air.

Indeed, and as has already been said here and on SOTT radio shows, Meyssan says that for anyone really wanting to fight the US Deep State, it would take 4 years at the minimum just to reverse the trend / course.

A number of things they discuss is linking to the book that Meyssan published in March 2017.

I haven't read it yet, but it looks like a must-read.
Another interesting thing Meyssan revealed is that not only Gaddafi funded Sarkozy's campaign in 2007, but he also funded Ségolène Royal's campaign!

I came across an article by Alain Benajam yesterday where he says he will vote for Marine Le Pen on the 7th May.
Here's an improved Google translation:


Why, as a marxist, ex-communist and Jew, I will vote fore Marine Le Pen at the Second round of the presidential election:

The first-round, a low-level manipulation

1- The Anglo-Saxon Deep State wanted to destroy the old traditional parties, which are now completely discredited thanks to the action of social networks, and wanted to rebuild a new political force which they called "anti-system" out of mockery, in order to deceive the people. This political force had to be a single entity, but could only consist of former politicians from all the old parties of the right and left, something which Sarkozy already tried to do when he integrated "socialists" into his government. This party was to be strictly at the disposal of the US Deep State, and serve to further its warmongering agenda against Syria and Russia, especially after Trump's alignment with this agenda (the rest of the sentence is incomplete, so I leave it out).

2- They chose a puppet, Emmanuel Macron, just as they had chosen Obama. A young man, new, handsome (for the female electors). Behind this puppet, all the usual politicians were to rally eventually, obviously starting with the ones who were not so "stained" by the old powers, like Bayrou, and even and above all, former communists like Robert Hue or Patrick Braouzec. Their role was to give an anti-establishment "touch" to this new political group, just as the Deep State had chosen a black man in the USA to deceive the people.
First problem: Macron was a casting mistake. Even if he had proved efficient for the Rothschild Bank, which presented and promoted him, a good banker does not make a good politician. Macron quickly revealed himself as stupid, incompetent, not at all up to his mission.

3- To promote its candidate, the US Deep State had to sweep away the candidates who might overshadow him and who might become less obedient. The first to be destroyed was Fillon; the media heavy artillery was launched against him, and he was destroyed by the MSM, although he had committed no offense.

4. Then, as expected, the single and massive argument against Marine Le Pen – who had to face Macron (that was the plan of the Deep State) – was to call her a fascist. The personalities / politicians who have access to the MSM in France were tasked to do this. But in the first round campaign, that kind of argument was not very much used, since Le Pen's presence at the 2nd round was absolutely necessary (for the Deep State).

5- Patch-up job in the first round. The real polls weren't probably very favorable to the totally useless Macron, who accumulated blunders upon blunders. Obviously, the results were manipulated and many irregularities were committed and found out.

The second round, or the essence of the struggle

6- As expected, the candidate of the US Deep State and the globalist finance is now facing the nationalist candidate.
As expected, the "Le Pen fasciste" slogan was shouted by everyone in the media artillery; a slogan that was simple, unfounded, and which appealed more to the heart than to the mind of people. They all thought it would be a walk in the park. As expected, a pseudo-republican front was launched and joined by all the has-been politicians of the French misery, who either called to vote for Macron or called for abstention.

7- Marine Le Pen strikes back
First, a small Marxist aside.
Today, the main contradiction between capital and labor has shifted. Capital is now globalist and the main action of capitalist accumulation is through the indebtedness of nations. Virtual capitals are occasionally produced, but the enormous interests of these debts are paid by the money taken from all the French through Tax.
So the main contradiction is between nations and globalized finance.

The National Front, a classic nationalist party, found itself obliged to follow its own logic and thus to present a policy of fundamental opposition to globalized capitalism.
On the other hand, the former Communist Party and the left followed an opposite path. As soon as 1972, the French Communist Party shot himself in the foot by signing a joint program with the Socialist Party which, after the Liberation, had become an instrument in the hands of US imperialism. Like the National Front, the Communist Party continued its logic and, after morphing into a common leftist party, virtually disappeared.

The labour and revolutionary left was replaced by a liberal societal left, gathering only small bourgeois and wealthy people from the city centers. The Communist Party collapsed everywhere where its basic population was gradually being replaced by a massive immigration which obviously did not recognize itself in this party. The rest of the working class, seeing where its class interests lied, massively turned to the National Front.
Marine Le Pen's recent visit to the threatened Whirlpool factories soon to be relocated in Poland is a brilliant illustration: she was triumphantly welcomed while Macron, who arrived after her, was greeted with jeers.

8- The Social Networks strike back.
Today, much of the political communication is done through social networks, including Facebook and Twitter.
The gathering of all the old has-been politicians, the entire MSM and the wealthy celebrities around Macron has had the same effect as in the US with Trump. People have stopped trusting these institutions for a long time.
In spite of the endless repetition of the "Le Pen fasciste" slogan, the opposite effect is starting to be felt, especially as Macron is shining less and less due to his lack of political intelligence.
The "Le Pen Fasciste" slogan is an antithesis, because the National Front was the only party which criticized the Nazi coup in Ukraine and which supported the revolt of the Donbass people and their war against the real Ukrainian Nazis. The "Le Pen fasciste' slogan has proved at odds with the facts.

9- Today, there is a great deal of anxiety within the US Deep State and its puppets; a re-play of Trump's election against all odds might happen, because this moronic Macron makes people so sick, and because Le Pen's campaign is so clever.
This second round is morphing into a popular referendum initiative for or against capitalist globalization, for or against the independence of our nation.
Everyone will have to choose on which side they're on, because there are only two sides left. The "Le Pen fasciste" effect seems to be fading. Indeed if the National Front really was Nazi, fascist, negationist, it would be against the Gayssot Act, which is not the case. Therefore, the NF is a nationalist party embedded in the Republic.

10- The future of France is being played out through the complete reshaping of the political landscape and stakes. Now the class struggle is embodied by the opposition between Nationalists and Globalists, and it will be the same thing everywhere, in Europe as in the USA.
The endorsement of Le Pen by a few Gaullist figures, like Nicolas Dupont-Aigant and Marie-France Garaud, will un-demonize the nationalist struggle and open the floodgates for the French people's rush towards independence.

Note: the debate between Le Pen and Macron will take place tomorrow on French TV (France 2 and TF1).
Thanks, Adaryn, that was an interesting read.

It's obvious, that they are trying a similar recipe as with Obama. Macron is just a talking head, and a puppet, without any substance, just like "the coolest president ever" (Obama). It surprises me, how people I know, still keep praising Obama as the greatest/coolest president, posting his "historical speeches" etc. You've probably seen those videos, where the teleprompter stops working, and Obama doesn't have any idea what to say, he just can't think for himself.

I wonder how they're going to make Macron say anything intelligent at the upcoming debate. Perhaps a secret earpiece or screen (like Hillary had)?

What do you guys think of Macron's history with his school teacher? The age difference isn't the problem, but I do find the whole thing of how this teacher had her eyes on him when he was a teenager and her pupil, and vice versa, a bit peculiar. That's not quite normal, osit.
If it previously wasn't obvious that Macron was an Establishment pick, it should be now:

French Presidential Candidate Bans Kremlin's RT, Sputnik From Campaign Headquarters

The Russian state news services have been denied accreditation by Emmanuel Macron. The Kremlin's international TV news outlet RT has cried foul over a decision by French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron to ban it, along with affiliated radio outlet Sputnik, from his campaign headquarters.

Campaign staff for Macron told media outlets that RT and Sputnik spread "fake news" and seek to undermine the independent candidate's campaign.
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