French presidential elections.

Antipasti fascisti You tube for Berlusconi
Berlusconi 'fait la petit dejeuner a trois' with Aznar and Sarcosy
According to La Repubblica
Berlusconi is quoted saying 'Io tifo per Sarkozy' and if Sarkozy wins in the second tour 'that would make Europe more occidental and more atlantic'.
Sarko's cordial personal friendship with spanish ex-president Aznar (who sent spanish troops in Irak in coalition of the willing'0 should be mentioned too.
Sarcosi's political model is ex-major of NY Rudolf Juliani

Michel Rocard, 'Sarkozy est un danger public' interview L'Express
Michel Rocard podcast
very good youtube record of Sarkozy 'accomplishments' 'Sarkozy le Magicien'
Along the development of my little blog I keep going trough material relating to Sarkosy, the more it goes, the more I think that N. Sarkosy is a psychopath.

Here's an extract of a discussion between Michel Onfray, a french philosopher and Nicolas Sarkozy :

"Dans la conversation, il confie qu'il n'a jamais rien entendu d'aussi absurde que la phrase de Socrate «Connais-toi toi-meme ». Cet aveu me glace pour lui. Et pour ce qu'il dit ainsi de lui en affirmant pareille chose. Cet homme tient donc pour vain, nul, impossible la connaissance de
soi ?"

During our conversation, he said that he never heard anything as absurd as Socrate's phrase "Know thyself" - This consent struck me. For him. And because of what it shows about him when he states such things. Thus, this man considers as void, null, impossible to know oneself ?"

A few minutes earlier I was writing about psychopathy and gave the simple and usual defintion : "an individual without conscience".

From this perspective Sarkosy statement about Socrate's phrase became crystal clear and 100% honest.

Self observation requires a kind of duality : an observing entity (the conscience) and an observed entity (the predator/the tonal).

If the former one is missing self observation, knowing oneself becomes a paradox, a null, void and impossible thing as stated by Nicolas Sarkosy.

On another level, it's also interesting to think about Sarkosy's hungarian origins while keeping in mind the Huns-Khazars-Magyars-Hungarian line described by Laura in 9/11.
Axel_Dunor said:
A few minutes earlier I was writing about psychopathy and gave the simple and usual defintion : "an individual without conscience".

From this perspective Sarkosy statement about Socrate's phrase became crystal clear and 100% honest.

Self observation requires a kind of duality : an observing entity (the conscience) and an observed entity (the predator/the tonal).

If the former one is missing self observation, knowing oneself becomes a paradox, a null, void and impossible thing as stated by Nicolas Sarkosy.

On another level, it's also interesting to think about Sarkosy's hungarian origins while keeping in mind the Huns-Khazars-Magyars-Hungarian line described by Laura in 9/11.
Interesting statement from Sarkozy and also your clarity in seeing it from a PP perspective.

Hungarian origin. Wonder if Sarkozy is one of the Mongol's that Nostradamus talked about and which Laura explained in the Mongol series?

A documentary realised by 2 journalists and deciphering Sarko's speech was censored by Dailymotion... happily, it's still available on the Nouvel Obs' website :

The phone number of a high official in the French Ministery of the Interior was found on ETA members arrested by French customs officers:
English article about it :
Google News only lists 2 French articles talking about it.
We all know Bush is not one to partake in even a modicum of introspection - read "cannot" - but didn't he actually say something to this effect once..?
PFR said:
A documentary realised by 2 journalists and deciphering Sarko's speech was censored by Dailymotion... happily, it's still available on the Nouvel Obs' website :
all nouvel obs links give 'page not found'

In dailymotion:
Content rejected. This video has been removed due to a breach of the terms of use
Sarko mot a mot... le documentaire non diffuse a la tele
Correction du 18 avril : la video est maintenant non diffusee aussi sur Internet... mais pourquoi?
Petit nota : il s'agit d'un vrai reportage de 2005 realise par deux journalistes de France 2 et du JDD et qui n'a jamais ete diffuse en Tele... Mais pourquoi?
Content rejected. This video has been removed due to a breach of the terms of use
Craig said:
We all know Bush is not one to partake in even a modicum of introspection - read "cannot" - but didn't he actually say something to this effect once..?
Yep - and I quote
"I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." — G.W. Bush aboard Air Force One, June 4, 2003
There is this small video excerpt from "Faites entrer l'accusé" about (greenbaumed?!) Erick Schmitt (who nicknamed himself HB for human bomb) who held hostage small children in a school and where Sarkosy use the event to portray himself as the "action" guy who "saves" little children.
It was in 1993.

At one point during the hostage crisis Sarkosy asks for a kid to be released, you can hear him say "give me the little black kid".
Nice one when you consider he likes to use immigrants as scapegoats.
(People have noticed this as well in the comments below)

Everything he did during the crisis really struck me as very calculated imho.

Video :

Erick Schmitt got shot with three bullets in the head while asleep (drugged with the complicity of the school teacher held hostage) and could never explain himself.

A brief recap in french here :

And let's not forget his private meeting with Tom Cruise in 2005.
Some info in french (second article)
CarpeDiem said:
PFR said:
A documentary realised by 2 journalists and deciphering Sarko's speech was censored by Dailymotion... happily, it's still available on the Nouvel Obs' website :
all nouvel obs links give 'page not found'
the links were wrong, there was a space in them.
right links for the videos :

To be able to view them, you must view them with Firefox (for Mac), or Flash 9 (for Windows).
Another news to put on the blogs :
Le livre "Ruptures" de Serge Portelli, magistrat, vice-président au tribunal de Paris, président dela 12e Chambre correctionnelle, auteur de nombreux ouvrages, vient d'être empêché de publication avant les élections. Cet ouvrage concerne le bilan de Nicolas Sarkozy.

Serge Portelli est membre du syndicat de la magistrature. Son livre "Ruptures", dressant le bilan de Sarkozy au ministère de l’Intérieur, devait être publié par Michalon... qui vient mystérieusement d’y renoncer au dernier moment, empêchant toute publication chez un autre éditeur avant les élections.
À défaut de pouvoir le trouver en librairie, il est d'extrême urgence et d'utilité publique de lire et de diffuser par internet cet ouvrage interdit, décrivant les années de pratiques ministérielles de M. Sarkozy que la population est ainsi empêchée de connaître.
Livre téléchargeable en PDF :
The book "Ruptures" by Serge Portelli, magistrate, vice-president of the court of Paris, president of the 12th "tribunal correctionnel", author of many books, has been prevented to publish his book before the elections. This book, exposing the results of Nicolas Sarkozy as a Home secretary, was to be published by Michalon... who have just mysteriously changed their mind at the last minute, preventing any publication by another editor before the election.
While one can't find it in the bookshops, it is vital for the public sake to read and spread this forbidden work on the Internet, this work describing the years of ministerial functions of M. Sarkozy, which the public has been deprived to know.
The book in PDF version here :
Sorry if this is off-topic but this thread made me want to read about the french revolution.

And to get back to the topic, with the genetic psychopathy trait being much more common in males (1:10?) isn't better to vote for the female, as a general rule? Still there is the off-chance that she is a bit like Condoleezza, but the 1:10 odds, isn't better?,_2007

(Wonder what makes him sweat so much?)
For people like me (who knows very little french) could someone please highlight the main topics dealt with in the "Mot a Mot " video.
aurora said:
For people like me (who knows very little french) could someone please highlight the main topics dealt with in the "Mot a Mot " video.
25 people, from politicians to regular citizens, analyze Sarkozy's speech and the contradictions present in his arguments, on the main subjects treated by Sarkozy : Work and working legislations ("to work more in order to earn more money", "to give more to those who work more", to priviledge work over social assistance > which means for him cutting assistance) - republican "equality" (positive discrimination) - chosen immigration - religion and cult sponsored by the State ("to train Imams in France exclusively, and with the State money") - family and education (advocation of the "old methods" of teaching).
Thanks, Prayers for rain. This looks bad. Install "wild capitalism" with workers who work like slaves to "earn more".
Probably not. Those running for elections at highest levels have been vetted. Also, the percentages you refer to are for the general population. The percentages of psychopaths at the top of large power pyramids are way different.

GRiM said:
Sorry if this is off-topic but this thread made me want to read about the french revolution.

And to get back to the topic, with the genetic psychopathy trait being much more common in males (1:10?) isn't better to vote for the female, as a general rule? Still there is the off-chance that she is a bit like Condoleezza, but the 1:10 odds, isn't better?,_2007

(Wonder what makes him sweat so much?)
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