French presidential elections.

The American main stream media is EATING THIS UP - look at this picture running with the headline on Yahoo news -

He's pointing at god saying, "thanks, I got your back, big guy". Seriously, that is how most Americans will read this picture (even if he's not). They won't think he's thinking, "Hey, that's my bookie in the balcony, right next to the hit man I hired last week" - a person points up, they're thinking god - ain't America grand?

Anyway, I know you all know this by now - but this is a major piece of the strategic puzzle and the Neo-Cons are partying hard tonight.
I'm with you Aude, totally depressing. I guess that it's like our last great hope is gone.

And the image anart put up. Oh, gag me with a ginzu. As soon as I see someone acting like they are on a first name basis with god, my suspiciousness just kicks in tenfold.

What a jerk!
Here's another image from yahoo news...he's thanking God again, how sweet

PARIS (AFP) - Right-winger Nicolas Sarkozy, who had sought a mandate for radical reform, emphatically won France's presidential election on Sunday, but promised to heal the wounds of the bitterly fought campaign.
"I will not betray you, I will not lie to you, I will not disappoint you," Sarkozy told tens of thousands of supporters packed into a Paris square as news spread of his triumph over the Socialist Segolene Royal.
Translation: I've already betrayed you, and you can be assured I'll continue to do so - only to a greater extent in the future. I’ve already lied to you - and you can be assured I'll continue to do so - only to a greater extent in the future. I will not disappoint you as long as you don’t expect very much, are capable of great feats of wishful thinking, have a great deal of naivety, never question that what I do is for your own good not mine, and remain blissfully ignorant of what goes on around you.
completely depressing, like with these results traditionalist and conservative France is pleading for major staged
911 'terror;' coup-d-etait so Sarko would quickly seize opportunity to forse EU to pass European Patriot Act to seal marriage of psychopaths in power on both sides of Atlantic. And today's night protesters' ruthless dispelling in France is an early call...
there is no safe place without psychos in power in Europe...
Beloved France what are you slipping into in your new silky quiet Sarko slippers?
Anart said:
Hope it doesn't work there as it does in the States - as in widespread demonstrations that give the control system more reason to clamp down. Provocateurs pushing the crowds to violence so Sarko can show what he is really good at. This entire situation does not bode well at all (yes, that's an understatement).
Maybe that's why some persons in the Parti Socialist have made a call for peace after the results?
Or the PS accepts too easily its defeat? The "elephants" of PS speak about the necessity of a great renovation...explain-me why they didn't make it after the 2 others electoral defeats ( 1995 and 2002)?

In the incidents, it seems that this is anarchists and communists who are the most violent.
Reading the sites of pple from the suburbs, antisarko sites and so on is heartbreaking : everyone is depressed and angry.
"NAUSEE, DEGOUT, COLERE, AMERTUME .... La France FUT, La France N'EST PLUS, ... L'air est saturé et malodorant... Cette France là n'est pas la mienne !!"

"sickness, disgust, anger, bitterness... France WAS, France is no more... the air is saturated and stinking... This France is not mine!!".

That's the feeling of many people, and mine too. Plus a feeling of disbelief, like it was unreal.
France is now divided in 2. I can't imagine there won't be violent clashes, and not only with the suburbs. It's worrying and very sad.
Read on : Already students *would* ( hearsay - to confirm or infirm) spread messages calling for a blocking of the schools and universities today.

The CRIF (representative council of jewish institutions of France) and Bush congratulated "our" new president... who is leaving Paris :"il devrait prendre, comme il l'avait annoncé, quelques jours de repos et de réflexion, dans un lieu tenu secret par son entourage. Cette pause lui paraît nécessaire pour "habiter la fonction, prendre la mesure de la gravité des charges qui pèsent désormais sur (s)es épaules, se reposer après le fracas de la campagne", avait-il expliqué vendredi."
"he should take, as he had announced, a few days rest and reflexion, in a place kept secret by his closed ones. This break seems necessary to him in order to "inhabit the function, take the measure of the gravity of the responsabilities which now weigh on him, and to rest after the tumult of the campaign", he said last friday."

It looks like the total takeover of the mass media has been completed, and it's only the beginning of the police state : on saturday, 2 brothers of 9 and 11 have been arrested for stealing tamagoshis in a supermarket, policemen came to their house to take them and take their genetic prints, and keep them filed. The father is gonna oppose this. I saw this event NOWHERE reported in the TV news.

53% of the French asked for it, the disillussion will be cruel.
Israelis call Sarcozy "Frech Bibi", while lot of them say that he is "good for the Jews" (the same slogan they've used for Bibi) and some say that he will ruin France the same way as Bibi ruined Israel.
In any way, Bibi probably will be the next PM, then the preparations will be complete.
Outcome of last night :
347 burnt cars and 270 people arrested in Paris and around.
In Lyon, Nantes Paris and Toulouse or Rennes, there were gatherings of extreme left, anarchist or independent movements which ended in figthing with the police forces.
There's a call for an anti Sarko demonstration in Caen today:
According to the comparison between the big media sites and alternative/more leftist sites, the media and the police seem to attempt to minimize the real impact of last night's incidents. The propaganda greatly focuses on last night's big celebration, feast and people laughing and dancing. Some newspapers litterally talk of a coronation. Napoleon revival ? After all, he was a dwarf, too :) Like Hitler, too :O
Francois Bayou's live speech censored : (sorry, for the moment the sources are only in french).
To sum up : France2, France3 and TF1, the big national channels, had promised to retransmit live the totality of Bayrou's speech yesterday ; they had an agreement and had ensured Bayrou of a live retransmission. Yet, they only transmitted a very small, expurged part of his speech afterwards, and not live. Bayrou is angry and bitter.
Censorship alive and kicking...
Prayers for rain said:
53% of the French asked for it
This figure reminds me of a transcript, though this connection is probably the fruit of my sadness.

951111 said:
A: Look: 353535.
Q: (L) What is the 35 sequence?
A: 5 minus 3.
Q: (L) Okay, we have strange math. But, you can do anything
with numbers because they correspond to the universe at
deep levels...
A: Is code.
Q: (L) What does this code relate to? Is it letters or some
written work?
A: Infinite power.
Q: (L) How is infinite power acquired by knowing this code?
If you don't know the correspondences, how can you use a
numerical code?
A: Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power
which they must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which
they pledge allegiance infinitely for which they possess for all
eternity, so long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they
search for all infinity.
Q: (L) Well, that is a round robin... a circle you can't get out
A: And therein you have the deception! Remember, those
who seek to serve self with supreme power, are doomed only
to serve others who seek to serve self, and can only see that
which they want to see.
Sorry to hear about the nastiness guys. Thou i must admit it doesn't surprise me. Elections seem to have this way of not really representing the people anymore, and it's always 'sooo close'.

I wonder what the real results were...
Axel_Dunor said:
Prayers for rain said:
53% of the French asked for it
This figure reminds me of a transcript, though this connection is probably the fruit of my sadness.

951111 said:
A: Look: 353535.
A: And therein you have the deception! Remember, those
who seek to serve self with supreme power, are doomed only
to serve others who seek to serve self, and can only see that
which they want to see.
Well I don't know if I'm being subjective as well because of sadness, but this sentence strikes me as very accurate a description of Sarko and the 53% French who voted for him.
If the French who voted Sarkozy had voted with their hearts and not only with their heads - which we know lack data on psychopathy - Royal would probably have won. Stating the obvious perhaps, but there's a lesson there.
Three things come to mind.

1) Laura mentioned in the Mongol series (I couldn't find the link to it, sorry), that Nostradamus predicted the return of the Mongols. Sarkozy is from Hungary, so there is a connection there. As far as I know the Huns were what is commonly associated with the mongols (eg. Attila the Hun).

2) Laura mentioned in the transcripts about how a certain contact potential is needed in order to create enough 'polarity' for the spark to jump. In this way it was mentioned how evil can be of use for good, contrary to what was intended.

3) I guess we have just been presented with another of the many names of God.

On the basis of what we have learned from the experience here, it is possible to continue to educate people, as these things take time. A few months effort is not going to do it. It has to be a sustained effort and having less illusions due to the experience is always welcome. OSIT

All there is, is lessons.

Cyre2067 said:
Elections seem to have this way of not really representing the people anymore, and it's always 'sooo close'.

I wonder what the real results were...
I wonder as well since electronic voting machines were used for the first time in France.
IHT said:
Up to 1.5 million of France's 44.5 million registered voters - about 3 percent of the electorate - are expected to cast their ballots electronically in more than 80 municipalities across the country, according to the Interior Ministry.
If there was any vote manipulatin, and it is a possibility, then the 3% of the vote would be very significant in this case. Has anyone looked into this possibility?

It is a sad time not just for France but for the whole of Europe as the pathocrats will consolidate their power further. The future does not look good, osit.
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