French presidential elections.

today at 21-00 CET direct teledebates Sarkozy - Segolene, France 2.
and who doesn't have France 2, any other channel will be transmitting teledebates?
The debate will be transmitted live in the parliamentary website :

I watched Royal's meeting yesterday, on the same website, her speech was good (I'm no pro Royal at all, but compared to Sarkozy, well...). The atmostphere was festive and friendly, more than 60 000 persons, a lot of artists, young and old, from every style and background. Compared to Sarko, that's not quite the same. All the "has been" artists and the ringards are on Sarko's side (Hallyday, Enrico Macias, Roger Hanin, Doc Gyneco, Clavier...). That's Sarko's France.
What's completely insane, is that a member of the Socialist party - Eric Besson - suddenly "changes his mind" and rallied Sarko. The same for the well-known ad man Jacques Séguéla, who had done Mitterrand's campaign. Even more insane : he voted Royal in the 1st round, and he decided to vote Sarko in the 2nd :O As an adman he even made a slogan : "Royal dreamed it, Sarkozy did it".
This is sickening. As if they're all afraid of Sarkozy, and as they believe the polls who give him as the winner 52% / 48 %... they want to secure their position in case of a Sarko election.

In case he's elected, we'll have this : (very well made videos, quite frightening but realistic)
Prayers for rain said:
This is sickening. As if they're all afraid of Sarkozy, and as they believe the polls who give him as the winner 52% / 48 %... they want to secure their position in case of a Sarko election.

In case he's elected, we'll have this : (very well made videos, quite frightening but realistic)
Yes, it is sickening and truly mindboggling the mental disconnect that is happening also called cognitive dissonance.

Yesterday I watched the French news from FR2 ( yes, it is broadcast in OZ) and it showed Sarkozy being on the campaign tour in Corsica. Corsica has for quite a few years had some unrest, as some people want more autonomy. Strangely enough the people there think that Sarkozy is the only hope that will change things for the better.

WHAT! The man has been in the government for the last 5 years with the powerful portfolio of interior ministry, which includes law enforcement.. On top of that he has been president for the governing party, so he has had a LOT of influence in the last 5 years. So how come these people think that he is going to bring change? It will only be more of the same only worse and more repressive.

The tempering influence of Chirac (strangely enough) especially in regards to foreign policy will be gone and the Zionist neocons will have another willing puppet to follow their orders. That is IF he wins on Sunday. The polls indicate that he will, but then again, we live in an open universe. Until then there is more to DO to wake up the French electorate to the danger awaiting unless they become aware of it.

Anders said:
WHAT! The man has been in the government for the last 5 years with the powerful portfolio of interior ministry, which includes law enforcement.. On top of that he has been president for the governing party, so he has had a LOT of influence in the last 5 years. So how come these people think that he is going to bring change? It will only be more of the same only worse and more repressive.
That one baffles me too. They've this kind of government for more than 5 years, obviously nobody is satisfied with it, and yet people vote Sarkozy (well, 30% of the electors), trusting him to change things whereas his government just made the situation worse during 5 years.
He plays on fears, people want to feel protected and to be in security against these evil arabs and immigrants just waiting to rush from their ghettos and assault them, from Paris to the countryside of France.
I'm anxious as tonite's debate's approaching. A lot of people who are still hesitating about who to vote for are going to decide at the outcome of the debate. I know that's stupid, but that's how a lot of people make their choice.
But as you said, this is an open universe, and everyting is possible.

Still carrying on spreading the word through the net...
One of our mainstream magazine called "Telemoustique" has published his new edition with a close-up of Sarkozy on the cover.
The title says "Our poll : Sarkozy elected président (He is the favorite candidate of Belgian people)".

Excuse me ??!!

They organized a poll-contest online to see which President would be elected (I did not see how this was organized so I can't comment on it).

The article states that 67.5% of the voting people chose him but they defend themselves that this wasn't a serious poll and that it does not represent the "average Belgian".

Sure, only above (below?) average people would vote Sarkozy right ?!

There is also an interview about a Biography written by Catherine Nay called : "Un pouvoir nommé désir" (A power called desire).
Catherine Nay, Journalist for Europe 1 has been for thirty years in the inner circle of French politics and has written several biographies about Mitterrand, Giscard d'Estaing and Chirac.

It is interesting that it is sounds like the "official" biography of N.Sarkosy considering that Sarkosy usually hampers any attempt to tarnish his personality (see the great blog Pouvoir et psychopathie.
I haven't read it but I'd bet that this biography is probably biaised from the cover to the back.
At the same time, she let something slips out of the real man if you pay attention to it.

Her view of N Sarkosy is someone whose flaws gave him the energy to go for the presidency since he was ninteen. According ot her "indepth" knowledge of him, he is often misquoted and misunderstood.
He is a "top athlete" who is always full of energy (I quote/translate from the text : he drinks gallons of fruit juice and regenerate himself by sweating. o_O).
If he is crazy, paranoiac and megalomaniac ? sure he is, that's what make him so great.
At the same time he is "fragile" because of his dependance to his feelings but he also can be unfair, bad and cruel. (note: that sounds like a good old psychopath imho.)
Although she speaks of his high connections with the Media, she only goes as far as saying that Sarkosy like all the glamour associated with Stardom, nothing more.
She also compare Sarkosy and his wife to the Kennedy couple.
But he is not an Atlantist (Atlantide ? :P), he just love the American dream, anyone can make it to the top.


God complex ?
Great pic Tigersoap, I took him for the Messiah :)

Well, how can I say ? The French are... just a bunch of idiots. Ignorant idiots. A lot of reactions on the net after the debate are that people who didn't know for who to vote or whether they would vote at all have now decided to vote Sarko.
Ségo is judged ridiculous, incompetent, manipulative and aggressive, reciting her lesson like an automaton (god, they apply all Sarko's traits to her, how blind they are). But he was good as the eternal victim, polite, respectful, nice, always kept his temper (which is ironic, when one knows how violent and cruel he can be, has been, is and will be). So I guess that fooled a lot of people.
We won't say we didn't try.
Ok, all is not lost, Universe open, still 3 days to spread the word...
There are new articles on Pouvoir et Psychopathie, if you want.
Prayers for rain said:
Well, how can I say ? The French are... just a bunch of idiots. Ignorant idiots. A lot of reactions on the net after the debate are that people who didn't know for who to vote or whether they would vote at all have now decided to vote Sarko.
Ségo is judged ridiculous, incompetent, manipulative and aggressive, reciting her lesson like an automaton (god, they apply all Sarko's traits to her, how blind they are). But he was good as the eternal victim, polite, respectful, nice, always kept his temper (which is ironic, when one knows how violent and cruel he can be, has been, is and will be). So I guess that fooled a lot of people.
We won't say we didn't try.
Ok, all is not lost, Universe open, still 3 days to spread the word...
There are new articles on Pouvoir et Psychopathie, if you want.
Hi Prayers for rain,

As Martha Stout said, it is very difficult to win again a sociopath, psychopath. I think she said something like, if you encounter a sociopath, the best way to win is to run and do not confront him.

In hers 13 rules:

7. Do not join the game. (p. 159)
8. The best way to protect yourself from a sociopath is to avoid him, to refuse any kind of contact or communication. (p. 160)

It is very difficult if you do not have the knowledge, to detect one. They are very wise and have a manner to manipulate the others person. The french are not bunch of idiots but a bunch of people who do not have the knowledge.

It becomes very difficult to awake the people and to help them see the personn as he really is in a short period of time.

Nevertheless, we mus try and continue to spread the world. The Universe is open.

I am with you in that fight. We are fighting for all of us.
Namaste said:
Hi Prayers for rain,

As Martha Stout said, it is very difficult to win again a sociopath, psychopath. I think she said something like, if you encounter a sociopath, the best way to win is to run and do not confront him.
A bit difficult for Ségo yesterday ;)

The french are not bunch of idiots but a bunch of people who do not have the knowledge.
Yes that's a bit idiotic to say all the French are idiots. Yet, the cumulation of reading certain messages that are so stupid and nasty make you hopeless, sometimes, and prone to be a bit too generalistic.
A lot of people see clear in Sarko, a lot of people who know nothing of ponerology and psychopathy but yet feel the danger that he represents. There are videos, articles available : we have the information (on the net, I mean). Some people just don't want to know and, as Ra or the C's say, crave authority. This is somewhat upsetting.

Nevertheless, we mus try and continue to spread the world. The Universe is open.

I am with you in that fight. We are fighting for all of us.
Thanks Namaste, that's encouraging, and thanks to everyone for their participation in the French ODS. Even if he's elected, we'll continue to try to spread the words along with others (as far as the Net is free).
Namaste said:
The french are not bunch of idiots but a bunch of people who do not have the knowledge.

Namaste said:
It becomes very difficult to awake the people and to help them see the personn as he really is in a short period of time.

Nevertheless, we mus try and continue to spread the world. The Universe is open.

I am with you in that fight. We are fighting for all of us.
Yes, the French election has been/is a test case in some ways on how to spread this information on Ponerology. One could get disappointed and depressed if Sarkozy gets elected and say " well we will do better in 5 years time". But the point is that we don't have to wait 5 years, but simply just continue to educate those who are interested in SEEING and Learning. The effort that has been put in by the French cass group to bring awareness, could be duplicated on a mass scale. There are examples in the press everyday, from which we can write articles showing and educating people about ponerology and how to counteract.

We are in this for the long haul, even if things appear to be coming down the pipeline.

A win by Segolene could/can easily be taken as a final victory and lead to complacency. In that we would be mistaken, as the need for educating people about psychopaths and their rule in our midst is still top priority. NO time to let up!

Further it has to be remembered in regards to France, that there are French parlamentary elections coming up and we saw a few years ago, what a lame duck Chirac was, when the 'socialist' were in majority in the parlament and formed the government. So any effort now can plant seeds that will bear fruit later. Learning on a macro scale does normally not happen overnight.

SO keep flapping those butterfly wings ;-)

Or so I think,

PFR said:
We got a blog too, with my partner, don't update it regularly but have put the Marianne article on Sarko recently.
The Marianne article has been circulating in the restaurant of my work today among the French employees and i had the chance to look at it. They told me briefly what it talks about and they are all running at the French embassy to vote on Sunday, although they are pessimistic about the results. Just so you know that there few people from outside the country that see the terror in this situation and don't want to see France in the wrong hands. "few beans here, few beans there, you can get the bean bag full eventually" goes a greek saying. :)
Sense of humor is a mental protection for me :
being depressive don't change anything to the reality and keep me from going forward.
The world have not wait Sarko to be in the "Big Sh*t".
Don't forget the legislative elections, and become hopeful again.
PS has promised a very big mess if Sarko was winner, and don't forget they can send in the street millions of people if something doesn't please to them...
Several incidents have occured and are occuring in Paris and the suburbs, and nobody in the media is talking about it !!
Just the beginning.
See here :
Hope it doesn't work there as it does in the States - as in widespread demonstrations that give the control system more reason to clamp down. Provocateurs pushing the crowds to violence so Sarko can show what he is really good at. This entire situation does not bode well at all (yes, that's an understatement).

The fact that the main media is not covering it is really not a good sign - I bet they don't cover it until it benefits Sarko to do so.
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