Yeah, not holding my breath here... it sure is nice not to have to look at Sharko's face again, and Hollande does act more humanly (not hard compared to dear Sarko), but he sounds too much like Obama. "Change and hope", etc. And he's in cahoots with Julien Dray. Or at least he used to be. And J.D is a dangerous eeevvvilll Sionist.
So, I don't know. Maybe with Sarko, there would have been a better change for a "revolution". With Hollande, it is likely to be the same of worse, but people might just relax too much. On the other hand, a revolution might not be the solution, if it turned out like the previous one...
I seriously doubt the result! Hollande probably won by far more, but the lovely voting machines made it look less humiliating for Sharko, who wouldn't have been able to stand it.
Let's wait and see, I guess. For now,

at the possibility of the garden dwarf starting to pay for his crimes and ending up in a really bad light!