Actual Energies - What is the outlook for April, May, and June?
- Things are being programmed to exhaust people in France.
- Tension, exhaustion, stress in France (as if people were holding their breath).
- Acceleration of energies in the months to come. It's very important to keep calm and not get attached emotionally.
- One one side, things are falling apart and, on the other, things are getting better.
- Avoid projecting yourself into the future; no anticipation or wishful thinking.
- There are plans to crash the economy, create more fear, financial instability. Switzerland, weakness even in "rich" countries.
- "Higher" elites are aware of what is happening, but "lower" elites are agitated.
- Every time there is a human awakening, dark forces are viciously trying to "reclaim" it.
- Economic situation is creating discomfort (fear of material losses).
- Economy is becoming a more metaphysical construct.
- Something is progressively being replaced by something else. It will not be brutal, people will not feel it.
- Negative frequencies are sent to induce belief systems and limit people.
- In the negative scenario, there are light beings who are preventing totally sinister sub-scenarios.
- People are entering a "non-duality." Duality can attract negative things.
- A "non-dual" energy is being born from people who are detaching from the system.
- Detach yourself from the falling pack of cards.
- Each individual has a particular role. Some people act more physically, some more energetically.
- Emergence of new ways, new technology (Nikola Tesla) in a not too distant future. "Wireless" (free) energy available to everyone.
- Emergence of a society where money is not pervasive. A more human life, service-based, exchange-based. More collaboration.
- Humans will be more aware of the properties of water, electricity. Elevated consciousness.