General mental health decline

From my experience, dopamine withdrawal symptoms were quite mild; I was surprised how the body 'got back to normal' within a few days. However, what was not mild at all was the hardwired response to unpleasant stimuli. For example, if you play violent video games to cope with a stressful life, once your gaming console gets 'smoked' by an EMP, you'll be left with fewer mechanisms to 'discharge' your anger, but the strong urge to dissociate will still be there! It's going to take some time to 'reshape' your brain circuitry and 'realign' your spirit—a long and tedious process during which you learn to face reality head on.
Yeah, and because it's something that has to be expressed, I daresay a lot of people would turn to those around them for release and tragedy could ensue, being dramatic of course.
If there is no mobile app to teach them courtesy, then how could the youngsters know? No app, no notification... no action! :rolleyes:
This "app-driven" culture is disastrous for mental health...
all too prevalent app culture in these times, also the rapid increase of automated machines in stores /banks etc all seem to contribute to mass dehumanising influence on people - human contact and sense of real community is decreasing at an ever increasing rate. Too much screentime and disassociation from real substantiated core values.I see this trend alot in my mentoring work with young people.I ve seen real benefit from some individuals who have engaged more actively in community service to others orientation- less alienation and more sense of purpose and fulfillment.
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That is something I concur with you as well. Today's generations in the West seem to demonstrate a lack of true grit (also the title of wonderful movie I enjoy). However, that is a certain portion of that demographic and not necessarily all of them.

I have one example that I want to dive into specifically, but it is personal so please bear with me as I do my best to explain.

A family member of mine recently passed away at the age of 40yrs. He was someone I looked up to for the most part, he possessed a blunt and sobering view of life that I really liked. There were times his raw intelligence exceeded mine and we debated many areas of life. He was also very funny, moral and had to do the right thing. I miss him a lot.

He had been covertly going through health problems and allowing himself to suffer needlessly for months. I took it upon myself to lift him up in his spirits any possible way that I could. I was adamant that he take care of his health in what he revealed to me anyway, and stop allowing his insecurities to take over. I was unsuccessful in my efforts to change his patterns and now he is gone.

Suffice it to say I am shocked beyond belief. I should have been tougher on him despite his vulnerability and myself being younger. If I had just been more of a dick head and stopped being so soft on him perhaps he would be alive.

Men and women nowadays cannot allow themselves to be so displaced from self work, awareness and accountability. I am upset with the way things are currently in society with respect to our growth. What is the proper course of action to remedy this
my condolences on your loss, youre in my my thoughts and prayers ,lets us know how youre doing 🙏
More than once it occurred to me, whether we are doing a disservice to our kids by shielding them from a lot of things what we consider even remotely "harmful".

Realising this really, really made me dropped on my knees. Without knowing, we cut the wings of our own kids over and over again and stop them from growing. My take now is we do a disservice to our kids in the name of LOVE and protection.
My intention is not to hide the truth from my daughter; after reading in one book that the children sense when the words are not congruent with what they feel: they will grow-up not trusting their intuition. (example: at the age of about 3,5 my daughter sensed that my wife was not feeling well, she asked her and received the automatic reply that mommy is well. Luckily I remembered the above advice from the book and told my wife this. Then she told the truth).
During my plays with my daughter I introduce concepts regarding STS, STS; not to be arrogant, fear is used to control and feed of the people etc (in terms that she can understand).
Also remember in one recent session that the C's advised not to hide this information from the children; my intention being not to scare her, but to make her aware.
"(thorbiorn) Digitalization makes knowledge formerly written in books more accessible, but also more controllable and volatile, since digital storage mediums are more sensitive to electromagnetic disturbances and digital editing. How important is it for the preservation of knowledge to make efforts to preserve knowledge in books and printed matter?
A: Very!
Q: (L) So it's very important.
(thorbiorn) What is the most reliable way to preserve knowledge?
A: Carved in stone or written on wet clay and then baked "
Not sure how we'll go about this assignment now. 🫠
I also was thinking about this: the most convenient method IMO is to print and laminate (at leats for 200 years, some important information); next step (if still on this planet) is to get yellow earth (close to my home) and transcribe to clay tablets and then bake it in a oven.

But also, in moments like the one you described with your friend, I like to remind myself that this is one big school, maybe your friend had several events that he needed to go through in order to learn something very specific for himself, something that included an early departure.

But also, sometimes it is also part of our own lessons to witness someone we care about go through difficult times, and experience the frustration and grief that abounds when they won't heed our advice, when we dispense what we think it's the best piece of advice for someone.

In such instances, while remaining objective about it, and having a semi detached outlook on the situation, also experience whatever it is you're experiencing, allow yourself to feel the frustration and grief, it's only natural, but don't become those feelings. But eventually, take that a step further and honor him by reminding yourself of what you wrote above.

You cared about him enough not to want to see him gone, and you miss his presence in your life, but you can honor him by realizing he had his own path and accepting that peacefully, even if that peace includes sadness.

Who knows what is best with someone going through a difficult time, different people take different approaches differently, some people take different approaches differently in different points of their lives, sometimes a gentle approach is more effective, sometimes a harsh one is, sometimes a combination of both, sometimes a humorous one does the trick.

I think that we can only do our best, sincerely and respectfully and then allow them to choose. But sometimes, specially when it is someone not directly related to us, the best thing we can do is behave and live in a way that may inspire someone who may be looking for such inspiration.

"You cared about him enough not to want to see him gone, and you miss his presence in your life, but you can honor him by realizing he had his own path and accepting that peacefully, even if that peace includes sadness."

I'm feeling it everyday, the frustration and grief.

"Who knows what is best with someone going through a difficult time, different people take different approaches differently, some people take different approaches differently in different points of their lives, sometimes a gentle approach is more effective, sometimes a harsh one is, sometimes a combination of both, sometimes a humorous one does the trick.

I think that we can only do our best, sincerely and respectfully and then allow them to choose."

I will have to work on this and realize the complexity of other people's nature.
Suffice it to say I am shocked beyond belief. I should have been tougher on him despite his vulnerability and myself being younger. If I had just been more of a dick head and stopped being so soft on him perhaps he would be alive.

Men and women nowadays cannot allow themselves to be so displaced from self work, awareness and accountability. I am upset with the way things are currently in society with respect to our growth. What is the proper course of action to remedy this
I understand your feeling because I went through something similar with a very dear friend, he died of covid, in other words, three heart attacks due to a bad praxis by intubation, I could not talk to him to warn him about what was happening because many things-"vectorial" happened to me..anyway, maybe he could have been saved, so I understand that you are angry with yourself for not having acted... but it is as Paul says - and it is not a game - people perish because they believe the lie and do not accept the love of the truth, one must be on guard and be preserved from the impious, resist the wicked and although it sounds very biblical "know the spirit of the times, studied to be able to avoid as much as possible its influence". Certainty that is faith, that may be the lesson to be learned.
What I have noticed most in those around me, and mostly out of those in my age group or younger (40 and under) is a general and dangerous passivity.

Passivity isn’t quite right, because it implies acceptance, and the sense that I have is a sort of quick mental switch to distraction - as though having a feeling about the plight at hand (whatever it may be) is the same as taking action.

An example: a coworker of mine struggles with money. It started when she got a promotion which allowed her to work less hours, and she dropped her overtime to sleep in. Now, there is no problem with that, provided one can adjust lifestyle habits to suit the new budget. But she didn’t do that either.
Before too long, she was getting loans from our employer to pay for car repairs, and then past due bills.
Then, our generous employer allowed employees to enroll in a payday loan program. I warned this coworker that, in her situation, if she did one payday loan she might never be able to escape the loop of payday loans.
And down she went. And the whole time she was understandably distressed by finances. Then her truck was about to get repossessed and she was too afraid to tell her husband.
I asked her if she had ever considered a part time job, just a couple of hours a night or a few hours on weekends until she got her debts caught up. No, she had not.

And while this is a very particular and individual doom spiral, that same pattern shows itself time and again. Something bad is happening and I don’t like to think about it. Something bad is happening and I need to talk about it. Something bad got worse and now I need to hide it and betray those close to me because I let this happen. Now I am underwater and there is nothing I can do.

But of course, there is always something that can be done. But many people are not considering possible solutions. They aren’t even considering that solutions might exist!

I have noticed it much more in myself lately, but I think that is the result of learning how insidious it is. It isn’t that I have become more passive, myself, only that I notice all the ways that it manifests in myself. So I think that is a glimmer of hope, and I’ve been getting better at working through the sense of resistance that used to stop me from doing things.

I think a lot of it is learned helplessness, brought to new heights by convenience culture and automation. “I need a thing, so I press this button and it comes to me.”

It isn’t just a disconnect from community and humanity - it is a loss of comprehension for how anything comes to be. How items come to exist. How seed comes to harvest. How relationships hold together. And many are high on the idea of “connection” without a solid definition of what connection even is.

Another sign of pathology at a social level, maybe - people don’t know how to get the desired result without “pushing buttons.”
I'm feeling it everyday, the frustration and grief.
And it is normal, it's natural.. but you don't have to add extra stress to it. That's what I meant by peaceful sadness, you can be sad and be ok with the fact that you're sad, instead of trying to shut it down.

It is sad, but as much as we're intertwined and our destinies meet, one of those difficult things to realize is that, people's lives are theirs, their lives aren't about us.

It's the first step to escape the rumination of wondering what could have happened differently which could've resulted in a different outcome. You did your best, and I am sure your friend knows this, he doesn't blame you, don't blame yourself.
What I have noticed most in those around me, and mostly out of those in my age group or younger (40 and under) is a general and dangerous passivity.

Passivity isn’t quite right, because it implies acceptance, and the sense that I have is a sort of quick mental switch to distraction - as though having a feeling about the plight at hand (whatever it may be) is the same as taking action.

An example: a coworker of mine struggles with money. It started when she got a promotion which allowed her to work less hours, and she dropped her overtime to sleep in. Now, there is no problem with that, provided one can adjust lifestyle habits to suit the new budget. But she didn’t do that either.
Before too long, she was getting loans from our employer to pay for car repairs, and then past due bills.
Then, our generous employer allowed employees to enroll in a payday loan program. I warned this coworker that, in her situation, if she did one payday loan she might never be able to escape the loop of payday loans.
And down she went. And the whole time she was understandably distressed by finances. Then her truck was about to get repossessed and she was too afraid to tell her husband.
I asked her if she had ever considered a part time job, just a couple of hours a night or a few hours on weekends until she got her debts caught up. No, she had not.

And while this is a very particular and individual doom spiral, that same pattern shows itself time and again. Something bad is happening and I don’t like to think about it. Something bad is happening and I need to talk about it. Something bad got worse and now I need to hide it and betray those close to me because I let this happen. Now I am underwater and there is nothing I can do.

But of course, there is always something that can be done. But many people are not considering possible solutions. They aren’t even considering that solutions might exist!

I have noticed it much more in myself lately, but I think that is the result of learning how insidious it is. It isn’t that I have become more passive, myself, only that I notice all the ways that it manifests in myself. So I think that is a glimmer of hope, and I’ve been getting better at working through the sense of resistance that used to stop me from doing things.

I think a lot of it is learned helplessness, brought to new heights by convenience culture and automation. “I need a thing, so I press this button and it comes to me.”

It isn’t just a disconnect from community and humanity - it is a loss of comprehension for how anything comes to be. How items come to exist. How seed comes to harvest. How relationships hold together. And many are high on the idea of “connection” without a solid definition of what connection even is.

Another sign of pathology at a social level, maybe - people don’t know how to get the desired result without “pushing buttons.”
Maybe you identify with your friend's situation so what is happening to her is perhaps a mirror of what is within you.

Maybe something in you has to come to terms with/or needed a closure with it? When you learn a lesson, you come full circle and for the next time wiser.

Just my two cents 🤔
Maybe you identify with your friend's situation so what is happening to her is perhaps a mirror of what is within you.

Maybe something in you has to come to terms with/or needed a closure with it? When you learn a lesson, you come full circle and for the next time wiser.

Just my two cents 🤔
I have been paying more attention overall to this sort of attitude since Covid nonsense, when I became aware of how easily our ability to care for ourselves is threatened.

In a big way, I had to search for how we as a species could just let this happen. And it quickly became apparent.

So yes, there is some mirror work happening. I can’t help but have empathy for the people around me who haven’t discovered the value of some level of self-sufficiency, so I try to gently offer advice when I have an idea. But I am coming from a more personally responsible perspective than they are in simple ways - finances (not great, for sure, but not crushing), food and where it comes from, purposeful honesty with those I cooperate with, etc.

But I still notice the impulses to throw that care away arise from time to time. It is interesting to observe, and getting easier to say no to.
I'm reminded of history class when men were conscripted to go to war and women were holding things down at home with production and family.

There's a serious lack of accountability, a dumpster fire if you will, of our modern youth taking advantage of the privileges and entitlement they have been granted. These times are actually very easy in terms of having advanced technology and services or convenience for our whole lives but they don't see it that way because they haven't known real hell.

There's that infamous quote:

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” -Hopf

There's another quote I think that stands out the most to me that should be taught in any classroom:

"To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities - I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not - that one endures." - Nietszche
In a big way, I had to search for how we as a species could just let this happen. And it quickly became apparent.
I think that what they hooked their narrative in was something we protect more than our well being, it was our identity. It was rather brilliant when you think about it, they hijacked that characteristic of ours that dictates we're social beings, our need to belong to humanity, which regulates our behavior, our morality. They told everyone that unless you complied, you'd be considered by everyone to be a criminal element within society

Because proving that one is a good person is so darn difficult, it was a lot easier to comply and keep some company (even if locked down by ourselves) and belong to the larger group, than to risk being seen as a bad person and face isolation.

But, interestingly enough, that is where the best way to dispense advice came from, IMO. Because it meant that one can serve as inspiration by behaving instead of by debating. And that to me is the best way to give advice, to respond when someone asks, and to live a life that may resonate with someone who may be looking for something similar for themselves.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” -Hopf
This reminded me of a song in Spanish,

I only ask God
That the pain may not be indifferent to me
May the dried out death not find me
Empty, alone and without having done enough

I only ask God
That the unjust may not be indifferent to me
May I not be slapped on the other cheek
After a claw scratched me into this fate

I only ask God
That war may not indifferent to me
It's a big monster and it stomps hard
All the poor innocence of people

It's a big monster and it stomps hard
All the poor innocence of people

I only ask God
That deceit may not be indifferent to me
If a traitor can do more than a few
May those few not forget him easily

I only ask God
That the future may not indifferent to me
The one who has to leave is evicted
To live a different culture

I only ask God
That the war may not be indifferent to me
It's a big monster and it stomps hard
All the poor innocence of people

It's a big monster and it stomps hard
All the poor innocence of people
I think that what they hooked their narrative in was something we protect more than our well being, it was our identity. It was rather brilliant when you think about it, they hijacked that characteristic of ours that dictates we're social beings, our need to belong to humanity, which regulates our behavior, our morality. They told everyone that unless you complied, you'd be considered by everyone to be a criminal element within society

Because proving that one is a good person is so darn difficult, it was a lot easier to comply and keep some company (even if locked down by ourselves) and belong to the larger group, than to risk being seen as a bad person and face isolation.

But, interestingly enough, that is where the best way to dispense advice came from, IMO. Because it meant that one can serve as inspiration by behaving instead of by debating. And that to me is the best way to give advice, to respond when someone asks, and to live a life that may resonate with someone who may be looking for something similar for themselves.
Absolutely,I agree. And it is fascinating.

I was discussing with a like-minded friend a few weeks ago, the way of western modern medicine. She was recently diagnosed with hashimoto’s and pre-diabetes. And she has gone both routes, looking to her primary doctor and a natural health doctor. And she found the difference interesting, in that one focuses on pills to manage symptoms while the other focuses on diet and supplementation to manage systems and heal. The biggest difference that she noticed was, the modern way is to change nothing but prescriptions, while the other integrates action.

So this is the crux that I feel lies at least as deep as doing the right thing or being a good person.

The question we ask is “what can I do about it?”

And we are given “nothing. You must be taken care of.”

Or, if we care to keep looking:

“There are some steps you can take.”
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