General mental health decline

I just read this metastudy of adolescent mental health decline in the Anglosphere. Things started looking pretty bad around 2010, and for teenage girls in particular. Here's the conclusion of Part 1:

6. Conclusion

In sum, all five Anglosphere countries exhibit the same basic pattern:3

A) A substantial increase in adolescent anxiety and depression rates begins in the early 2010s.
B) A substantial increase in adolescent self-harm rates or psychiatric hospitalizations begins in the early 2010s.
C) The increases are larger for girls than for boys (in absolute terms).
D) The increases are larger for Gen Z than for older generations (in absolute terms).

Why did this happen in the same way at the same time in five different countries? What could have affected girls around the English-speaking world so strongly and in such a synchronized way?

As discussed in previous posts and as Twenge et al. (2022) showed, it can’t be the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. The timing of that event is exactly the opposite of what you’d expect, namely: the epidemic should have started in 2009 and then gotten progressively better after 2012 as the economy improved in the USA and other countries. In an earlier post, Jean Twenge showed that it can’t be caused by rising academic pressure either. And it certainly can’t be caused by the most popular theory we hear in the USA: school shootings and other stress-inducing events. Why would school shootings or active shooter drills implemented only in the USA lead to an immediate epidemic across the entire English-speaking world?4

At this point, there is only one theory we know of that can explain why the same thing happened to girls in so many countries at the same time: the rapid global movement from flip phones (where you can’t do social media) to smartphones and the phone-based childhood. The first smartphone with a front-facing camera (the iPhone 4) came out in 2010, just as teens were trading in their flip phones for smartphones in large numbers. (Few teens owned an iPhone in its first few years). Facebook bought Instagram in 2012, which gave the platform a huge boost in publicity and users. So 2012 was the first year that very large numbers of girls in the developed world were spending hours each day posting photos of themselves and scrolling through hundreds of carefully edited photos of other girls.

If you suddenly transform the social lives of girls, putting them onto platforms that prioritize social comparison and performance, platforms where we know that heavy users are three times more likely to be depressed than light users, might that have some impact on the mental health of girls around the world? We think so, but if anyone can offer another explanation that fits the graphs we’ve shown in this post, we’d love to hear it.

So now we're over 10 years in from the introduction of the iPhone and social media platforms. The platforms themselves really seem to play on the worst fears and insecurities of teen girls and nearly ruined a generation of them. Teen boys less so, but it's still had a major impact on their health, too.

It's kinda like everyone began channeling the archetype of the Evil Queen in Snow White. I know that in those years I was also addicted to 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall - who's the fairest of them all?' And then the tragedy of it is many willingly to eat 'the poisoned apple' and go into a sort of hypnotized sleep state in a glass coffin. Because the mirror shows inevitably that you're not enough, you're lacking, you don't measure up to some air-brushed standard of life.

Then the iPhone ensures that the Evil Queen is always with you, always accessible, wherever you go.

So yeah, 10 years on and a lot of people are still living with the consequences of all this. It's no wonder things are such a mess in the West. And it'll take finding some sort of healthy masculinity in the Soul in order to shake the poisoned apple free, according to the story at least. And it'd good to see that there is some of that out there, especially in the MAGA crowd and the CDN Truckers, the resistance to illegal invasion in Ireland and... I'm not sure what might be similar examples in Australia and NZ.


I'll be curious to see what happened beyond the Anglosphere, which will be the next parts of this series:

This concludes the first part of my report. In Part 2, I’ll examine the Scandinavian countries. In Part 3, I’ll examine studies that collected evidence from multiple countries, mostly in Europe. In later posts, I’ll examine the limited data we have from non-Western nations. To give you a sneak preview, there are cultural variations within the West, and the Anglosphere was hit a bit harder than other regions. Whatever it was that changed about childhood in the early 2010s, it took the greatest toll on teens in the most individualistic nations.
We are in full decline. While in Germany a woman considers playing the flute with her vagina a talent, another one marries a hologram in Spain. Meanwhile in Mexico a trans woman is offended because a shoemaker does not call her "Miss" and threatens to provoke the authorities to close the small business because now he does not feel safe.
German TV channel RTL shows an Australian woman playing a flute with her vagina.​
Spanish artist Alicia Framis, the first woman to marry a hologram​

Transsexual asks shoemaker not to call him aggressive because he gets more violent, after an argument where the shoemaker called the customer "he" and not "she."
I just read this metastudy of adolescent mental health decline in the Anglosphere. Things started looking pretty bad around 2010, and for teenage girls in particular. Here's the conclusion of Part 1:

So now we're over 10 years in from the introduction of the iPhone and social media platforms. The platforms themselves really seem to play on the worst fears and insecurities of teen girls and nearly ruined a generation of them. Teen boys less so, but it's still had a major impact on their health, too.

It's kinda like everyone began channeling the archetype of the Evil Queen in Snow White. I know that in those years I was also addicted to 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall - who's the fairest of them all?' And then the tragedy of it is many willingly to eat 'the poisoned apple' and go into a sort of hypnotized sleep state in a glass coffin. Because the mirror shows inevitably that you're not enough, you're lacking, you don't measure up to some air-brushed standard of life.

Then the iPhone ensures that the Evil Queen is always with you, always accessible, wherever you go.

So yeah, 10 years on and a lot of people are still living with the consequences of all this. It's no wonder things are such a mess in the West. And it'll take finding some sort of healthy masculinity in the Soul in order to shake the poisoned apple free, according to the story at least. And it'd good to see that there is some of that out there, especially in the MAGA crowd and the CDN Truckers, the resistance to illegal invasion in Ireland and... I'm not sure what might be similar examples in Australia and NZ.

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I'll be curious to see what happened beyond the Anglosphere, which will be the next parts of this series:
tbh social media isn't the only culprit imo. I think the way people parent their kids has also massively changed. Parents in the West no longer say no to their kids and don't create any boundaries or any sense of responsibility or morality. In addition, they empower their kids' worst excesses and never call them on their BS. For example, what is the normal stress of life is now anxiety that requires medication. The fact that unfairness exist and that things can be tough is regarded as evil and wicked. Worst of all is that there isn't any distinction between kids and adult. People take their children's feelings and thoughts way too seriously. Sometimes, all a kid needs is a little "Get over yourself and your entitlement" but parents don't provide that.

It is the same with the LGBT madness. I've always felt that a lot of it really is the fault of parents. If your daughter wake up one way and say that she's a boy, and if you don't agree , her first reaction is to either runaway or stop talking to you (which is often what occurs in these sorts of situation), then I'm sorry but society/ the media/ liberal policies isn't fully at fault, but your parenting is.
Capitalism run amok is also to blame. It hyper focusses society on the material and so kids grow up without developing healthy spiritual perspectives about life and its many challenges.

I believe this is why the Anglosphere is doing worse in terms of this mental decline - capitalism run amok is the strongest here.

These are the fruits of our labour.
For example, what is the normal stress of life is now anxiety that requires medication.
Yup, drug companies need to sell sell sell and find new markets for the endless insatiable growth demon to be fed. Doctors need their bonuses for the holiday home they plan to buy. The sales rep needs his commission. Etc etc.

Capitalism run amok.

If society was spiritually developed and doctors literally refused to prescribe drugs for such things which are part of normal life, kids wouldn't be over medicated. Dabrowski comes to mind.
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Society convinced people that they are always missing something. The endless search for the 'missing piece' creates an imbalance which can be exploited by the 'elite.' People are offered 'partial' solutions that have significant 'side effects,' leading them further astray.
  • Want to socialize with your friends? You need a smartphone.
  • Want to interact with your friends in real-time? You need a VR headset.
  • Want to pay your bills? You need to download the app.
  • Want to be cool? You need to take pictures of yourself.
  • Want to travel? You need a vaccination passport.
  • Want to be powerful? You need a chip in your brain.
Fear-based manipulation, fear-based decision-making.
We are in full decline. While in Germany a woman considers playing the flute with her vagina a talent, another one marries a hologram in Spain. Meanwhile in Mexico a trans woman is offended because a shoemaker does not call her "Miss" and threatens to provoke the authorities to close the small business because now he does not feel safe.
What the heck did I just watch?!

Luckily on that last one, the shoe maker guy received all the support from everyone, so that one will be a case of a lunatic making a huge ridicule online.
When the Css say that "programming is complete", this report "metastudy of adolescent mental health" helps to shed light on one of the methods they used for execution. The bitten and poisoned apple. 10 years after 2012 the generation of children who survived it are approx 20-24 years old and are the "adult" people who are now in "pro-something" movementsi-Human.png indoctrinating the children and we have seen the acceleration factor after covid in terms of depopulation and the destruction of the integrity of the mind, this allows them to control part of the self, so that these entities hack the mind and violate behavior making it possible to fit less than acceptable situations, without going any further ,and saying little, we have accepted to see a bio-robot, with dementia and clear signs of pedophilia in a traumatized family as president of the world's power (!!!). And things like this happen not only in the Anglo-sphere, but all over the planet. That's the way it is.
So yeah, 10 years on and a lot of people are still living with the consequences of all this. It's no wonder things are such a mess in the West. And it'll take finding some sort of healthy masculinity in the Soul in order to shake the poisoned apple free, according to the story at least. And it'd good to see that there is some of that out there, especially in the MAGA crowd and the CDN Truckers, the resistance to illegal invasion in Ireland and... I'm not sure what might be similar examples in Australia and NZ.
Yes, I agree that it is the masculine force that must act and as a more than curious fact I have seen the trend lately of training in parks and boxing and wrestling centers in different parts of America and Europe in both men and women, perhaps as an unconscious mode of defense and / or as a form of programming, as well as I have also seen a myriad of small "churches" and congregations especially in Latin America. However and at another level many of the souls are in "inner" struggle:
The endless search for the 'missing piece' creates an imbalance which can be exploited by the 'elite.' People are offered 'partial' solutions that have significant 'side effects,' leading them further astray.
These entities also recognize in us this struggle, and carry out their next "apple" (Kalergi Plan) in this strategic front of the migration plan, which comes from everywhere to stay, which causes the right-wing and ultra political forces to take advantage and manipulate this masculinity and execute it.
Well what a drama!.

The Css. were right when they suggested that we should see right and left (the good, the bad and the ugly) and stop defining the aspects of life from these programmed limits. It seems that this chaos of drama is needed to continue to "evolve" and balance the masculine vibration in every human being -no one is a nobody- (although holograms don't count) to think and feel male and female within the same person. I think that this could be interpreted as the kiss of the transformed prince to the lady and that is where the story begins.
I think this message belongs in this thread. Despite the amount of information that exists about the adverse effects of the covid vaccine there are still people who continue to inoculate themselves and promote the vaccine. If this is not mental health decline then it is bad faith, something sinister.


I think this message belongs in this thread. Despite the amount of information that exists about the adverse effects of the covid vaccine there are still people who continue to inoculate themselves and promote the vaccine. If this is not mental health decline then it is bad faith, something sinister.
I saw a meme the other day about the generals that would be launching a war against Iran, and they were all guys who identified as women.

And this one now, it's a professor of Military and Aerospace, and I keep wondering, could these folk really fight a war? and win it? like.. if this was your professor about military and aerospace, would you feel like this person could come up with strategies and win a conflict?

I wonder if the rest of the world sees this also, I mean they have to be looking at the immensely expensive war machine of the USA and going... who's in charge of this thing?
There is something that I've been noticing lately, is that these mental/emotional issues affect adults too. Things like wokism and so forth are partly due to propaganda and social contagion. They mostly affect young people while they're still in the stage of developing their personalities. However, some adults who are not affected by these things show some cognitive decline. Forgetfulness, ridiculously short attention spans, inability to concentrate or to keep a conversation, and also a regression of emotional control. I've seen this in many people in the direct entourage, people who didn't have these problems before. It is possible that some socio-psychological phenomena that are amplified by social media mask a problem affecting a larger proportion of the population, which because it's more silent and subtle, goes unnoticed.
I think this message belongs in this thread. Despite the amount of information that exists about the adverse effects of the covid vaccine there are still people who continue to inoculate themselves and promote the vaccine. If this is not mental health decline then it is bad faith, something sinister.

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I think this message could also belong to the Best Jokes or Truth memes thread...
Here are a few more global teen mental health epidemic studies, for those interested.

In the Nordic countries, the same general pattern can be seen, with teen mental health problems greatly increasing in the early 2010's, though self-harm and hospitalization rates are not consistent with the Anglo pattern.

As you can see, there is more variation and less data available, compared with the Anglosphere countries, four of which have much larger populations than Sweden (the largest Nordic country, with a population of 10.4 million). Nonetheless, the same trends appear to be emerging: Across all five nations, there has been a substantial increase in anxiety and depression since the early 2010s, the increase was larger for girls than boys, and it was larger for Gen Z than for older generations.

Self-harm and psychiatric hospitalization trends are less consistent, with some disconfirming evidence (i.e., declines in Denmark until 2016, and steady rates until COVID in Sweden). At this point, I do not know why these trends differ. Potential reasons for the occasional misalignment of these trends with anxiety, depression, and poor mental health trends are explored in Appendix A of Nordic Adolescent Mood Disorders since 2010.

Importantly, when we zoom out and analyze the Nordic region as a whole, the basic pattern reveals itself to be nearly identical to what I found in Anglosphere nations, at least for depression, anxiety, and psychological distress. Figure 22 demonstrates that the increase in self-reported mental health problems among Nordic teens increased around the same time, in the same way, and to the same degree as in the United States (and other English-speaking countries).


In the preamble below, for the study of Europe, the author writes that there are undoubtedly many factors that have contributed to this decline of teen mental health. iPhones (the poisoned Apple) and constant access to social media is their main focus, and in addition to the general shift away from play-based childhoods, a big factor is also a decline in religious life.

When we take these points into consideration, we find that both datasets—the HBSC and Eurostat—reveal the same mental health crisis that we have found in the Anglosphere: worsening adolescent mental health that begins in the early 2010s, especially among girls, and especially among girls in the most individualistic and wealthy nations. But a surprising finding also emerged: Across both datasets, among the most important variables relating to regional variation in youth mental health was the rapid decline in religious life that has happened to various degrees across Europe.

In this post, we will examine European youth mental health data and look at psychological distress trends across 33 different European nations using the HBSC from 2002 through 2018. We will then look at how those distress trends relate to measures of GDP per capita, individualism, and religiosity. We then use the same approach to examine European youth suicide trends in 28 different European nations.


The core argument we make in this post can be summed up like this: Adolescent mental health began to decline across Europe in the early 2010s, with girls and Western European teens hit the hardest. Underlying these regional changes is a story about how adolescents from wealthy, individualistic, and secular nations were less tightly bound into strong communities and therefore more vulnerable to the harms of the new phone-based childhood that emerged in the early 2010s.

The study indicates that:

(1) There is an East/West divide - before 2010, mental health problems were all generally steady, although Eastern European youth had more issues compared to those in Western Europe. Beginning in 2010, rates of distress for all teens across Europe began to rise, with the sharpest increase among girls in Western European nations.

(2) There is a GDP issue - high-wealth nations had lower rates of mental health problems compared to lower-wealth nations. However, young people in high-wealth nations had higher rates of increase in mental health problems after 2010. The increase was particularly large for girls in the wealthiest nations. Something happened in the early 2010s that had a devastating impact on girls in wealthier countries.

Countries with higher economic inequality have higher levels of mental health problems. But equality had no safeguarding effect whatsoever on happened in the early 2010s. Psychological distress rose faster in the more equal nations than it did in the less equal nations. The largest rise was among girls in the 'more equal' nations - the Nordic nations, Slovenia, Belgium, and The Netherlands.

(3) individualism/communalism -

Although individualism has been understood as a force that generally improves well-being by improving freedom, we believe this may have begun to change in the 2010s, especially among young people. In a rapidly transforming technological world that has amplified the importance of the self while greatly decreasing the time young people spend in face-to-face interaction with other people, individualism may actually exacerbate poor youth mental health.

Once again, while more individualistic nations in Europe seemed to be doing better overall, they had a higher rate of increase of psychological distress, which the data shows began in 2010.


(4) Religiosity - I didn't know this, but religiosity is one of the most stable predictors for good mental health among youth (in the USA). However, something happened in Protestant Europe, where the largest increases in psychological distress was seen. This was compared to Orthodox and Catholic Europe. Something happened to the girls in historically Protestant nations, where the psychological distress increased by 62%, which the authors say is the largest increase anywhere in their report.

To put all of our findings from the HBSC together, we can say the following: Before 2010, rates of youth psychological distress were lower in nations that were wealthy, or individualistic, or less religious. But something happened in the early 2010s that caused rates of distress to rise faster in those nations than in nations that were less wealthy, more collectivist, or more religious, and this was always more true for girls than for boys.

And then an interesting conclusion:
In 1897, Emile Durkheim published one of the foundational works of sociology, a book titled Suicide. In the book, he explained that suicide rates should be understood as sociological facts in their own right, rather than just as manifestations of individual psychology. He showed that rates go up and down as a function of social forces that bind groups of individuals together, or that make such binding less likely. Durkheim found that protestant communities had higher suicide rates than did Catholic and Jewish communities, and he argued this was largely due to the fact that individuals in protestant nations were more socially detached, individualized, and free to make their own choices. This left them more vulnerable to anomie, or normlessness.31

Durkheim’s findings can help explain what has happened to the mental health of young people across the Western world since the early 2010s. As young people traded in their flip phones for smartphones and moved their social lives largely away from (already weakened) real-world communities and into chaotic virtual online networks full of loosely connected disembodied users, those who made the move most fully found that their sense of self, community, and meaning-in-life collapsed. Those who were more firmly rooted in mixed-age real-world communities of family, neighborhood, and religion had some protection from this transformation.

It makes the phrase 'Life is religion' really stand very clearly. What kind of life? What kind of religion?

Seems to me that in many religions there are still the everyday things that really feed the Soul - community life and gatherings, celebrations, customs, annoying or even oppressive rules and norms, specific ways of dressing and certain types of food and shared music, history and tradition, stories, wisdom and meaning.

That's part of why mainstream culture of the West is so unpalatable to me. It's kind of like a lonely, forgotten can of Coke left out in the sun - lukewarm, too sweet, and flat. It's not the kinda drink a Soul can thrive on. I think that's maybe what I'm seeing in these studies on the teen mental health epidemic, their souls are starving.
There is something that I've been noticing lately, is that these mental/emotional issues affect adults too. Things like wokism and so forth are partly due to propaganda and social contagion. They mostly affect young people while they're still in the stage of developing their personalities. However, some adults who are not affected by these things show some cognitive decline. Forgetfulness, ridiculously short attention spans, inability to concentrate or to keep a conversation, and also a regression of emotional control. I've seen this in many people in the direct entourage, people who didn't have these problems before. It is possible that some socio-psychological phenomena that are amplified by social media mask a problem affecting a larger proportion of the population, which because it's more silent and subtle, goes unnoticed.

Well, there's the fact that lying damages your brain, and as such I would imagine that adopting and needing to daily reinforce a paradigm that is so against reality has an effect on your ability to think straight, but then that becomes a chicken and egg problem, because is it the adoption that affects people? or is that affected people adopt it because they see in it an outlet for something within.

Perhaps it is individuals who lack some sort of agency, who need an external source of moral and intelectual compass, who eagerly adopt this, it outsources all of their positions, at which point, if you don't use it you lose it, you don't need a mind to think because you're refusing to use it, so it starts to wane.

Just a few musings from observing some of these individuals in my daily life, where you can talk to one of them and you could be talking to millions of them, all with the exact same thoughts, like a hive mind.
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