George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Looks like someone really wants to ignite a civil war. It's amazing how apparently easy it is to work up people, like these 'Black Phanters', up into a frenzy to the point that they are chanting in unison, wearing automatic weapons and marching like a military unit. Things are not looking good! One of the problems, as I see it, is that these easily duped individuals have no or little training in real combat with weapons, as the 'rednecks' probably have more experience in this. So, these guys are basically cannon fodder to be used as bait in order to start a civil war.
From what I gather from various tweets, this is a peaceful protest. Many of the people don't look like military types at all. I did find this which includes the videos already posted here.

Huge group of armed Black protesters march on Confederate monument in Georgia

So this is happening in Sacramento and somewhere in Georgia? I wonder if there are other areas as well. I combed thru my usual sites to see if there is coverage and found nothing so far. People are celebrating the 4th I guess. But, even so, we aren't looking at a lot of people and what will they do? My concern is there are more waiting in the wings we haven't seen yet. Looks like the sh*t is about to hit the fan and go flying in all directions. I can't help but think of Ketone Cop's dream. I surely hope not.

I'm sitting at my table at home in Sacramento, and the fireworks are already intense. They started even before it got dark. I've heard a lot of really big bangs, like M-80's. Every once in a while I'll hear one and check out the windows. Some of them are being set off right on my sidewalk. There have already been fire trucks in the area today. It all seems to be real fireworks so far though, no molotovs or gun shots. If any real hijinks happen, it might not be until much later. It's going to be a long night.

Not much more that I can do other than be ready to put out a fire if one starts. I've got four hoses ready, and a ladder so I can access my roof just in case. I also have three fire extinguishers. I hosed down the walls of the house and soaked my lawn. I've got stuff ready to toss in my car if something gets out of hand. I've secured the doors and windows and my garage as best I can. And I have protection ready.

Really, though I am concerned and ready I'm also kind of unattached. Whatever happens, happens. I've done what I can and released the rest to spirit. How I got there though is interesting...

Yesterday as I showered, I was fretting about what other things I needed to do in order to prepare for tonight: did I have enough fire extinguishers? Do I need some plywood and wood screws if my windows get blown out? Do I need some extra locks for my gate and garage doors? While I was soaping up however, I noticed that the water in my tub was not draining. So when I got out I did what I always do, and put some Drano down the drain as I shaved and dressed before going shopping (with mask, unfortunately). It was only right as I was leaving the bathroom that I noticed my sink was draining into the bathtub! But I left and let the Drano do it's thing.

When I got home, nothing had budged in the tub. So I took a plunger and tried to plunge the heck out of the drain. All that did was bring up some evil "black goo"...which mirrored the thoughts going through my head as I worked about antifa and the BLM movement, and how I had surmised that they really mean to kill me. So I took a pound of evil white powder, sodium hydroxide, and placed it down the drain to do it's dirty work over night.

This morning I got up and looked in the tub, and still - nothing had moved. And I still had the same thoughts racing through my head about BLM and Soros and how he wants all us whites to die and how can I stop it etc. as I once again used a plunger - and this time I brought up not only black goo, but unmentionables. I kept on doing that, and I used a massive sponge to remove the worst of it hoping that it would eventually clear, with successive rounds of more plunging, but even though MORE gross stuff kept coming up, the drain was STILL clogged. As was my mind, with even more dark thoughts.

So now I'm resolved to crawl under the house and remove the trap so as to get rid of the clog, since the snake I bought to use isn't doing anything. I put on my worst clothes and start crawling under the house, an 18" crawlspace where I keep bumping my head while moving through pure dirt while pulling a box of tools behind me, and I have to crawl at least sixty feet to reach where the plumbing is - only once I get there, I see that there are THREE TRAPS that I would have to remove, all in sequence, and the main lug nut that I would have to start with is encased in a stiff wire mesh - and I don't have wire cutters. Not only that, there isn't enough elbow room to use hand tools there - the only way I can see to fix the problem is to cut the pipes out and install something more sensible - which is out of my realm of ability.

So now I have to crawl out of that place backwards, smearing my naked belly in the dirt while cursing up a storm and thinking what a waste of time when I should be preparing to face these evil jerks coming to set fire to my place instead.

Once out of there, I am totally soiled, just beyond anything PigPen ever experienced. I need a shower!! But...the shower is clogged!! So I go in the bathroom and start sponging out the black water enough so I can take a quick shower, and fill a bucket with clear water to stick my feet in quickly so the lye doesn't burn off the bottoms of my feet afterwards, and I take a shower...all the while again wondering if I am prepped enough, and what else I need to do especially now that I've wasted so much time.

After that I went to a hardware store and got more lye, and Drano, and a sponge, and locks and wood screws etc. - and it FINALLY dawned on me that what I need to clean is what I said I needed to do in my last post - MY MACHINE. And it is being viscerally shown to me in literal black-and-white, as-above-so-below terms in ways that I'd have to be totally blind not to see. It is my MIND dredging up all this gunk to be dealt with, and creating the clog in consciousness that is manifesting in my reality.

So here I sit, still with all these explosions going off outside and my bathtub still clogged, but I'm mostly OK with it. I can deal, and let spirit lead when needed. I'll be here tomorrow, though tired, and I'll call Roto Rooter. And I'll ask if they dabble in mind-cleansing, too.
I have to serve on jury duty
A little birdy said the next time you get a jury summons in the mail, throw it away immediately (as demonstrated on the Simpsons) without calling in or going to the website, because they can't do anything to you because they can't prove the mail reached you, unless you call in or go to the website.

If there had been such a decentralized network of truth-tellers like this before 9/11, that whole ball of wax would have been exposed for what it was within days, instead of years.
It has not worked for COVID-1984, so I doubt it would've worked for 9/11.

Justice Trudeu is also apparently a white supremacist.
He did wear blackface.

Finally, meet the resistance. This guys seems serious.
Their hand signal reminds of gang signs. Where you from? Bloods? Crips? 3 Percenters? I'm from nowhere man.
From what I gather from various tweets, this is a peaceful protest. Many of the people don't look like military types at all. I did find this which includes the videos already posted here.

What is your definition of a peaceful protest? They are marching like soldiers heavenly armed and shouting black power. On 4th of July no less (Independence Day) This is a provocation and intimidation.
What is your definition of a peaceful protest? They are marching like soldiers heavenly armed and shouting black power. On 4th of July no less (Independence Day) This is a provocation and intimidation.

@bjorn correct me if I'm wrong but in America their 2nd amendment allows people to walk around with guns. I'd guess a place like Georgia allows people to walk around with guns in the open and it's not against the law.

We've seen similar videos of white militia types marching around with their guns and it's always a 2nd amendment issue, not some criminal element issue.

Sure, show us something of these black panther types breaking the law during this (peaceful) march and I think you have a point in calling them an insurgency or whatever.


Georgia allows any person to openly carry a handgun if the person has a “weapons carry” license.1 Georgia also allows any person to openly carry a long gun.2 In fact, if a long gun is carried while it is loaded, it must be carried openly.
@bjorn correct me if I'm wrong but in America their 2nd amendment allows people to walk around with guns. I'd guess a place like Georgia allows people to walk around with guns in the open and it's not against the law.

Is this some form of cognitive dissonance? It's not about that. Just for the record, what you are seeing there is not the boy scout association.

Sure, show us something of these black panther types breaking the law and I think you have a point in calling them an insurgency or whatever.

The ideology of these black panther, SJW, radical Left types is one of confrontation. To purge the world of ''white supremacy'' If you can't see the writing on the wall. You simply don't get it.
Is this some form of cognitive dissonance? It's not about that. Just for the record, what you are seeing there is not the boy scout association.

The ideology of these black panther, SJW, radical Left types is one of confrontation. To purge the world of ''white supremacy'' If you can't see the writing on the wall. You simply don't get it.

There's a difference between opinion and law.

Your opinion is that these black panthers shouldn't walk around with guns because of a,b,c...

However, the law allows them to as it does everyone else in America who has the correct permits in a place like Georgia.

That's the difference. Just saying no laws were broken is all.

As to the matter of opinion, everyone is allowed theirs especially in a place like America with "free speech" albeit that isn't so free nowadays mind you!
Indeed, I don't like it when people with a hatefull ideology are armed to the teeth. Especially in groups.

I totally get you @bjorn...

Hate to beat around the bush... Here again we run into law, especially in American society.

Not only do you run into the second amendment rights, you also run into free speech.

In Europe, this wouldn't happen. You wouldn't have people carry guns out in the open like this legally because the law doesn't allow them.

However, on the hate speech, it depends what you mean by hate - radical islam terrorists probably can't march as that's not allowed by law but extreme left and right can march and do all the time.

In China, probably none of these can happen because of their laws and rights.

Just saying the rights afforded to us by western society doesn't necessarily translate to things you always agree with. It's one of the prices we have to pay to live in western society.

As you know, these are subjects JP / SOTT post a lot about.
I don't believe you do. But I fear that there will be plenty of moments to come that you eventually will. This is a harbinger of things to come. I don't mean to talk you down. But I believe you don't understand the gravity of the situation. We will see. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Okay, I don't see the apocalypse the way you do which is okay as we're 2 different people.

On the apocalypse, it's also worth noting at this point - the below "intel" proved not to be correct from the reports I'm reading this morning. Black people and antifa didn't go around massacring white people yesterday.

Just stating for the record.

One of my Facebook friends received this in Messenger.

I received this in Messenger - just putting content out - FYI ent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:59 AM
Subject: PLEASE be aware this July 4.......

⚠30,000 members per state...many trained by radical Islam they plan on killing as many Trump supporters and whites as possible!!

⚠ANTIFA To Desecrate Gettysburg National Cemetery on July 4 - Then MURDER & BURN White Suburbs under cover of "Fireworks"

⚠ANTIFA is planning to desecrate the Gettysburg National Cemetery by burning flags there on July 4; just before they begin MURDERING White people and BURNING DOWN Suburbs the same day. It will start at the desecration of Union Solder graves at Gettysburg, Pa.

⚠According to the Controlled Unclassified Law Enforcement Bulletin issued as "Law Enforcement Sensitive - For Official Use Only" to Police and Fire Departments about ANTIFA already using fireworks to acclimate suburbia with sounds of explosions, so they can use those to cover for gun fire when they attack white, suburban, neighborhoods the same day.

⚠According to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in a Bulletin issued to Police and Fire Departments, ANTIFA has been taking deliveries of very large shipments of professional-grade fireworks. They have been sending teams out to various areas throughout America to detonate those fireworks for the past two weeks, to achieve Three (3) specific objectives:

🔴1) The first objective is to test the response of local law enforcement. If fireworks are going off around the clock and residents are filing complaints, will police respond? How long does it take them to respond? How many officers? Do they even respond at all? This data is being recorded by these groups, and will prove to be very valuable intel for what is to come. This is a very accurate barometer to test the waters.

🔴2) The second objective is to get local residents (ie: white people in nearby neighborhoods) acclimated to the frequent sounds of explosions that often sound like gunfire.

🔴3) The final objective: Knowing response times and manpower of police, and having acclimated the local population into explosion sounds that mimic gunfire, to then commit arson attacks with professional fireworks to set so many fires, local Emergency Services are immediately overwhelmed, and enter houses to actually fire guns and kill as many as possible in white suburbs.

⚠ Unless you have been living on different planet, you should be fully aware that America is currently under attack. While mass-media has portrayed this situation as "peaceful protests" those engaged have been rioting, smashing private property and businesses, looting on a scale which is un-paralleled, and beating, stabbing, shooting innocent people in the areas where these activities are taking place.

⚠You have probably also read or overheard many reports of illegal fireworks and explosions that are currently taking place throughout many different US cities. If you do a Google search for "fireworks complaints" you will find countless articles posted just in the last week or so.

⚠Most of these news reports are local, since local news is far more likely to have boots on the ground and residents reporting an accurate assessment as to what is actually going on. However, national media outlets are largely attempting to paint this "uptick" in fireworks activity as a sign of people being overly "celebratory" in preparation for the 4th of July.

⚠Here in Roanoke I have been hearing fireworks(?) each PM. Last PM there were a lot!! At first I thought of gun fire because the way they went off. Don’t know.

Here are the facts, so please pay close attention.
As a result of major 4th of July events being shut down and cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, an overwhelming surplus of fireworks have flooded the market. Several activist groups including ANTIFA, BLM and Weather-Undergound are exploiting this surplus and are bulk purchasing from suppliers in extremely high volumes.

In many cases, these are highly dangerous, professional-grade fireworks.

The number of people within these groups must not be underestimated. They operate like terrorists and use clandestine communication strategies. There are many members of these in groups in most major cities, and have been for several years. Yes, these are essentially domestic terror cells, and as you've likely guessed, this is indeed the year in which they have been instructed to carry out their master's dystopian agenda.

What they are doing is delivering fireworks in bulk, via moving trucks and vans.

You may have remembered the pallets of bricks that were being dropped off at various locations so Rioters could use those bricks to destroy property? This is a similar strategy.

Once these fireworks are delivered, they are then distributing them to any black people who wish to set them off for their own entertainment, previously under the guise of the non-existent "Juneteenth" holiday, and to make sure these fireworks were set off almost continually all day and night in various cities.

This may not be a shock, as you're likely aware that white, Marxist radicals are the ones who have been frequently arrested for burning buildings cars during these riots. Again, these are activists/terrorists who have covertly infiltrated these predominantly black areas. So, this answers the question of "who" is responsible for the huge number of fireworks complaints that have been circulating for a week or more.

You may remember a blip on Drudge and various other outlets not long ago about the riots reaching white neighborhoods, and this is indeed the objective.

The foundations of this great nation are in the process of being literally erased. This should be clear by now. There is much hatred out there and I expect it so raise its ugly head locally soon. I sure hope I am wrong.

Pray for us and America. We R going 2 need it!!!!!!!

Side note: I Jonesey and adding a confirmation to this posting as yesterday I was on my way to my lawyers and at our local firework stand that has been at the same spot for years...there was a semi truck delivery. I have never seen this happen before...they are within walking distance to our home and I told my husband, that's odd that a truck would be delivering more fireworks days before July 4th...I told him it must be Americans are being very patriotic this year because of all the madness going on. For a week now fireworks have been going on which is not unusual...we typically get a panoramic view of fireworks for at least a month. But some of these fireworks made such a book my husband commented about it. Some are sounding like gunfire. So I believe this because of what I just witnessed yesterday. Be aware of what is going on around you!
On the apocalypse, it's also worth noting at this point - the below "intel" proved not to be correct from the reports I'm reading this morning. Black people and antifa didn't go around massacring white people yesterday.

It's not about white people generally. It's about anyone who rejects their ideology. And no, perhaps not yesterday. But plenty of lynching killings already occured by these radicals. And there are no signs things are de escalating. On the contrary, it's only getting worse.
On social media celebrities kneel to ask forgiveness for their ignorant ''racist views.'' Stalinistic show processes are now common place in the West and If you don't partcipate in it, others will try to force you to take part.

Kneeling before BLM is kneeling before tyranny.
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