George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

I wanted to share a few thought that I had tonight regarding this situation, I live in a predominantly black neighborhood and I saw a protest taking place today in a park a few blocks away from my apartment. The situation was mostly amicable from what I was able to see, no violence and the police officers seemed to be assisting the protesters in ensuring that they were ok, controlling traffic and things as such, which was good, that as a report.

But what I was thinking about was more in line with the shortsightedness of psychopaths in power, and how they truly don't seem to be able to think past their wishes.

I thought about it today as I was talking to one of my neighbors the other day about his situation, after covid he was furloughed and so started collecting unemployment, after all the measures desperately put in place to keep him from getting the virus, the government decided to throw the economy down the drain and at the same time throw money at people, where he was telling me that he now kind of didn't want to go back to work, he was making way more money than he was as an employee.

I can see someone obsessed with control, attempting to keep people locked down by whatever means, thinking about paying people to stay home, and how that would have only one possible outcome. And for a while that may have been the case, but the thought occurred to me tonight, and I may be completely wrong here but, that one of the things that keep people from protesting en masse is the fact that they have a job to keep, a schedule to follow and a livelihood to withhold.

One of the reasons people usually list as why they didn't or don't follow their "dreams" is regular life, a job, bills and school... regular life prevents these sort of mass uprisings from taking place because one, it keeps people in place chasing stability, and two, it gives people hope that the future looks bright, so they want to keep things as they are for a while, as a platform from which to launch, and the immense uncertainty created after covid was the perfect breeding ground for chaos.

They didn't count on people being unemployed, and having no reason to find a job or a place to apply for one, suddenly really buying into the propaganda the media continues to throw at them, deciding to go out and protest and loot and riot all over the place. They didn't think that creating 36 million of bored individuals in the US with money was going to backfire so spectacularly. You have your regular protesters and everyone else that agrees with them who now have no reason not to go out and night, rioting.

It's like, they didn't really think about what would happen if their programming of the population actually really worked out, like it was so successful, that people would actually buy into it so completely that the country is on fire.

I mean, I think that there's an agenda from creating chaos, and maybe I am looking at the situation backwards and this is exactly what someone wanted, but I can't help but wonder that the reason all of this spread so quickly was because people had nowhere to be tomorrow at 8 AM, so to speak, and so they decided to do the one thing they were allowed and encouraged to do outside, protest.

And from there to falling into the mob mentality of rioting and looting, it really doesn't take much. I am by no means justifying the destruction, but when you realize that you took away from people most if not all of the outlets for their pent up energy, like gyms and entertainment, then what you see today is like, and I don't want it to sound like a tasteless comparison, when you finally let a dog off his leash.

Just a few thoughts on this situation, but the sense I was left with today was a sort of "careful what you wish for"
maybe I am looking at the situation backwards and this is exactly what someone wanted, but I can't help but wonder that the reason all of this spread so quickly was because people had nowhere to be tomorrow at 8 AM,

I think you're looking at it backwards.

They wanted these riots.

The plandemic, the unemployment, the economic devastation, were a necessary precursor. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." They aren't stupid. They know bored, scared, frustrated people will lash out.

This is all part of the plan.
Elyse Cane (@ElyseCane) Tweeted: Brick Pallets being dropped off for Rioters/ Antifa by ACME BRICK COMPANY Owned by Berkshire Hathaway & Bill Gates (who recently left the board) & The Chicago Marmon Group founded by JAY & ROBERT PRITZKER & Berkshire Hathaway #RabbitHole #Antifa #Riots #Planned #Agenda #Hoax
Checked it out to see if Bill Gates really was on the board...yes and he very recently stepped down:

Checked on the Marmon Group and, wow, looking at their subsidiaries, they'll most likely make a ton of money when the ruined cities are rebuilt....But hey, I'm just thinking.

The following is a list of subsidiaries of the Marmon Group: [6]

  • Amarillo Gear Company LLC
    • Amarillo Gear Service
  • Amarillo Wind Machine LLC
  • Anderson Copper and Brass Company LLC
  • Astha Sterling Crane Plc (India)
  • Atlas Bolt & Screw Company LLC
  • Cable USA LLC
  • Campbell Hausfield
  • Cannon Equipment [7]
  • Catequip S.A.S and Cat'Serv S.A.R.L
  • CCPI Europe Ltd
  • Cerro Electrical Products
  • Cerro E.M.S
  • Cerro Fabricated Products LLC
  • Cerro Flow Products LLC
  • Cerro Plumbing Products
  • Cerro Wire LLC
  • Commercial Zone Products
  • Comtran Cable LLC
  • Cornelius
  • DCI-Artform
    • Sloane Retail Solutions
  • Dekoron Unitherm LLC
  • Dekoron Wire & Cable LLC
  • Display Technologies LLC
  • Dominioni [8]
  • Ecodyne Heat Exchangers LLC
  • Ecodyne Ltd
  • EcoWater Canada Ltd
  • EcoWater Systems Europe
  • EcoWater Systems LLC
  • Eden
  • Enersul Inc.
  • Epuro
  • EXSIF Worldwide Inc.
  • Filtrex Technologies
  • Focused Technology Solutions,Inc.
  • Fontaine Commercial Trailer Inc.
  • Fontaine Fifth Wheel Company
  • Fontaine Modification Company
  • Fontaine Spray Suppression Company
  • Freo Group Pty Ltd (Australia)
  • Gendon Polymer Services Inc.
  • Graver Technologies LLC
  • Graver Water Systems LLC
  • Harbour Industries LLC
  • Jomac Canada
  • Joyce Crane
  • Koehler-Bright Star LLC
  • KX Technologies LLC
  • L.A. Darling Company LLC
  • Leader Metal Industry Co. Ltd
  • Lindenau Full Tank Services GmbH
  • M/K Express Company LLC
  • Marmon Aerospace & Defense, LLC, dba RSCC Aerospace and Defense [9]
  • Marmon Utility LLC (Hendrix)
  • Marmon Utility LLC (Kerite)
  • Marmon/Keystone Canada Inc.
  • Marmon/Keystone LLC
  • Marmon-Herrington Company
  • McKenzie Valve & Machining LLC
  • Midwest Plastic Fabricators
  • Nylok LLC
  • Owl Wire and Cable LLC
  • Pan American Screw LLC
  • Penn Aluminum International LLC
  • Penn Machine Company LLC
  • Perfection
  • Prince Castle LLC
  • Procoves Industrie
  • Radiant-RSCC Speciality Cable Private Ltd (India)
  • Railserve Inc.
    • Ameritrack Rail
  • RLS Press Fittings
  • Robertson Inc.
  • RSCC Wire & Cable LLC
  • Sisu Axles Inc.
  • Sonnax Transmission Company, Inc.
  • Sterling Crane (North America)
  • Store Opening Solutions LLC
  • Streater LLC
  • TE Wire & Cable LLC
  • Thorco Industries LLC
  • 3Wire Group Inc.
  • Trackmobile LLC
  • Trade Fixtures LLC
  • Transco Railway Products
  • Triangle Suspension Systems Inc.
  • TSE Brakes Inc.
  • Tucker Safety Products
  • Unarco Industries LLC
  • Uni-Form Components Co.
  • Union Tank Car Company
  • UTLX Company
  • Webb Wheel Products
  • Wells Lamont Industrial
  • Wells Lamont Retail Group
  • Western Builders Supply Inc. can read more on and of the people who own it here:
REPORT: Random piles of bricks reported at George Floyd protests [PHOTOS, VIDEOS]
DML News App
June 1, 2020Below is a report that DML News gives a 4 OUT OF 4 STARStrustworthiness rating. We base this rating on the following criteria:
  • Provides named sources
  • Reported by more than one notable outlet
  • Does not insert opinion or leading words
  • Includes supporting video, direct statements, or photos.
  • As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News App offers the following information published by FOXNEWS.COM:
    Social media users participating in protests over the death of George Floyd have reported large piles of bricks randomly appearing at rallying sites.
    Police in Kansas City, Mo., told residents in a tweet Sunday that they discovered stashes of bricks and rocks “to be used during a riot.”
    The article goes on to state the following:
    “If you see anything like this, you can text 911 and let us know so we can remove them. This keeps everyone safe and allows your voice to continue to be heard,” the Kansas City Police Department
    GO TO:
    REPORT: Random piles of bricks reported at George Floyd protests [PHOTOS, VIDEOS]
I was talking to my mother last night and she asked me what I think about all this, told her it looks like martial law by the end of the week.
Hope I'm wrong.
I have been having the same thoughts since this weekend and it looks like we are on the path to that happening.

An update, last night things were calm but tonight all of the suburbs joined Omaha and went under curfew at 8pm. This is due to potential violence in response to no charges being filed at this time against a white bar owner in downtown Omaha who shot and killed a young African-American man who was in a group of protesters on Saturday night. The man's testimony, numerous witness, and videos showed some type of struggle between the two before shot were fired. This the kind of event that only adds fuel to the fires.

More details and updates here:
I've always been a glass half empty kind of person. Years ago I would have thought martial law would be instituted to keep those retaliating against the NWO in check so in some ways this situation comes as a relief. That isn't to say it wont be later but it's difficult for me to imagine these deep state clowns doing much more than botching plans and throwing tantrums in their death throes from here on out. If this were a Hillary presidency we'd likely be experiencing WW3 and god knows how this planet would look right now. I have to wonder if that flyby life ending comet wouldn't have been our fate in that timeline. So whew, at least we are here and not there.

I may be missing some perspective but I am not seeing too many options for Trump to resolve this situation especially when the Demoncrats have made it clear they'd rather assist the destruction of the country than make a stand against clearly illegal protests. The optimal outcome would probably be some kind of exposure that allowed for the removal of big wigs behind some of the more violent protestors but that is likely wishful thinking, though I am sure we will see that eventually. So, martial law or civil war? It seems wiser to deter these idiots with a military presence instead of allowing for the continued loss of life and property. I don't know enough about martial law though so I could be wrong. It's a lose lose situation.
Found out a curfew is instituted tonight in the town I'm currently staying at today in Oregon. So other than Portland, Eugene and Salem in Oregon have had curfews instituted because of the rioting.

There is a 'Black Lives Matter' protest that started earlier today as well at the Federal Courthouse in town. Find it absurd but not surprising that protesters are still encouraged to social distance and to wear face masks. The article I read on the topic states, "The group also noticed that social distancing will be practiced, and all protesters are encouraged to wear face masks."
Portland is getting a third straight night of curfew in its fifth consecutive night of protests. Interestingly, the police have largely been hands-off of those demonstrating past curfew. The mayor has been particularly soft on antifa in the past in this liberal, hugely anti-Trump, sanctuary city. Now he's got millions in damage and a trashed "Justice" Center.

I have solid protest experience, having photographed them for a number of years in the past. Almost every time I've observed violence, it was not the protesters. Antifa/Black Bloc inserts themselves into virtually every protest, then attempts to wreak havoc, often succeeding. I've seen it up close.
Boston Police piling bricks up at a location in the city. Someone commented that it may have been them dropping them off in back at the department after picking them up. Not sure they would do that themselves though unless they were looking for fingerprints or something to that effect.

Another tweet here shows bricks either being picked up or dropped off by a police escort. Hard to say what it is.
I've been keeping up with this thread, and several times I considered writing responses to some of the issues that members were discussing re: race and violence - but each time, I felt myself reacting emotionally and had to take "time out" to do some meditation and get in touch with what I was feeling. I'm glad I didn't post then. It would have been dry and inauthentic.

Viewing the Twitter posts of Zzartemis really hit home for me though, and they put me in touch with my true feelings. The one with the mother berating her child for joining Antifa made me break down in tears. The one with the "free hug" guy did the same.

I think that before I write more I need to share some of my past, and how I was personally raised to observe the world. The viewpoint I was raised with when encountering others made me who I am, and I very am grateful for it in these times.

Both my mother and her mother are/were very loving, non-judgmental souls. Both of them had a major part in raising me. For as long as I have known (or knew) them, they never once when first meeting a person did other than to meet them where they were; acknowledge who they were; and be *themselves* fully and completely in turn with an open heart and mind. There was never any preconceived bias based on skin color, religion, or anything. Even if a person had a 'reputation' that preceded their initial meeting, it had no bearing on how they received them initially. And trust me: both of them dealt with some very shady people in their lives.

But after that initial meeting, if that person could not meet the personal integrity and moral standing that both my mom and grandmother exemplified as the very basis of their being and meet them with the same mutual love, honesty, and trust in a consistent manner that they always had for others, they would then withdraw and release them from their lives. They would allow them several chances before doing so, but they would always eventually stand their ground and not be allowed to be drawn into karma with such people (though sometimes it took a few chances more than desired...).

I was raised to be the same way. And as an empath, I always had a knack for being able to tell exactly how a person felt and thought almost immediately upon meeting them. I just *knew* how to meet them on a level where we could connect, leading with my own heart.

As a child, when allowed I always stretched my boundaries to try to meet and include as many people as possible in my sphere of influence. I mean, meeting more kids just meant more play time, right? I LOVED meeting people and getting to know them. But much of what I encountered with those early experiences made me question myself, as I was often rebuffed by people for reasons I could not understand. And those experiences really scarred me, and still do, to this day.

Coming now to my own personal shares of how I have experienced discrimination:

- I have been discriminated against because of my color (I am white and once lived in a predominantly black region).
- I have been discriminated against because of my religion (or lack of one).
- I have been discriminated against because of my height (I'm short).
- I have been discriminated against because of my prosperity level (both when broke and when doing much better).
- I have been discriminated against because of my age (both too young, and now "too old". Dagnabbit).
- I have been discriminated against because of my political leanings (almost...anarchist...).
- I have been discriminated against because of my taste in music and film - um, moving on...

I vividly remember a couple instances from my youth where I encountered discrimination, but I did not know at that time how to make sense of it. Once I went over to a school friend's house to play, and we started putting together a plastic model of a car using glue - when his parents told him to come inside. I waited outside for over an hour wondering what was going on, and I saw his parents looking out their window at me to see if I was still there. I finally left, bewildered, when they wouldn't answer the door when I knocked. It was only when I got older that I remembered that they were fundamentalist Christians, and they belonged to a sect that kept to themselves. But I was too young to understand, and that incident made me question myself and my self-worth.

Not long after that incident, I remember playing with a younger friend (just a year or so) who had an incredible back yard with tons of toys and a magnificent tree house! We were having a blast when his mother called me into their living room. She sat me down and gave me a glass of lemonade, then proceeded to grill me like a police sergeant: "Where do you live?" "What does your father do for a living?" "What is your name?" "Can you tell me the names of any relatives that might be known around here?" This went on for a half hour, until she asked for my glass and told me that I wasn't welcome there any more. WTF??? It was only upon reflection later in life that I realized that family was very "well-to-do" and they wanted to make sure their kids only hobnobbed with similar people. But I was too young to understand, and that incident made me question myself and my self-worth.

I have since experienced many more such instances, but in each case I was old enough to understand what was actually going on. But that never made the rejections feel any better. It has only been very recently, in fact, that I have come to understand that all of those rejections didn't come because of who I was at heart, but only because of how I was *perceived* by those who judged me - that the fault didn't lie within me; but within people who had become identified with visions of who they were, and how they were expected to be and act based upon THEIR own upbringing and cultural imprinting - and they had not been able to escape the narrow bounds of acceptability that had been set for them since they were born. They were prisoners of their own upbringing.

Once I finally saw that, I realized how lucky I was to have been raised with such loving, open-minded, caring people.

And now when I look at what is transpiring with all of this violence and racial intolerance, it HURTS. I can SEE what is going on, and how if people had simply had the same upbringing that I had the fortune of having, they would not allow themselves to fall into these traps. I can see how the psychopaths who (think they) run this world have set all these divisions in motion over the millennia: first language, then race, then religion, then politics, and sex etc...all of it planned, and weaponized.

Most people have grown up identifying with these self-concepts as WHO THEY ARE, when NONE of it has EVER been really true - and then they use their self-righteousness to make themselves feel better, and worthy, when in reality all it does is further separate and isolate them. But as long as they live in their own little exalted bubbles, they won't ever change - because it would hurt too much for them to face the fact that they were never truly loved by those who raised them; and because of that, they never really learned how to love others, or themselves, or even what being loved really feels like. THAT is the true tragedy we are seeing play out in real time right now.

So please: continue to love, and self-love, and BE love. I strive for this every day, and I know that I am blessed to have had it and truly FELT it. May everyone be similarly blessed, especially now. Love to you all.
Regarding the discussion about race and so on, fwiw, it seems to me there is another point to be made in addition to the many good contributions here: namely that there are many things that can be true simultaneously even though they may seem contradictory on the surface. This is because there are different levels from which to think about something, different perspectives. A psychologist I know called it the "big AND" - it's worthwhile sometimes to try to combine two aspects by saying "this is true AND that is true", and see where this leads.

Perhaps one way of looking at it is that the information field is multi-dimensional, which means that if you have one data point that is true, it doesn't necessarily follow that another data point cannot be true simultaneously, because they don't occupy the same realm so to speak. Or we could think of different perspectives from which to shine light on the object we study. There are different levels of analysis, and it's easy to mix them up and get confused. Again, sometimes it's important to hold two opposing views in mind without giving in to the urge to decide, once and for all, which is true and which is wrong. I think this is an important thing.

For example, I know perfectly well that nation states are just a historical artifact. And yet I still think my nation state with its culture is important and I don't want it to be destroyed. There are powerful defenses of the idea of the nation state (such as by Roger Scruton) that I find very important and insightful. And yet I know that there are other perspectives on this issue - such as that the soul is what counts and so on.

Put another way, I know that I would prefer being in the company of a Nigerian muslim with a great soul than with a white guy from my own culture who is an authoritarian simpleton. And yet I'm attached to my culture and wouldn't want to live among Nigerian muslims in my home country. These things are not mutually exclusive. And if I say I don't want my country to be weakened by an influx of foreigners, you cannot counter this by saying "but it's the soul that counts, not the body", or "nation states are just a recent historical invention" - that would be mixing up levels of analysis, mixing up perspectives. I think you can find many examples of such things. And IMO this includes questions such as the alleged "war on white people", "race differences", "oppression of minorities" and so on. You can look into these things as long as you realize that there might be a valid perspective there, but that it's not the only perspective.

We shouldn't be afraid of looking into controversial and offending issues such as race questions; the danger lies in dwelling on such questions and turning them into the only level of analysis, the only valid perspective. I think we need to know when to leave a certain aspect aside and consciously "move on" in our minds, maybe coming back to the perspective later with more information. Dwelling is dangerous.

I wrote a bit more about this idea here some time ago, fwiw.

Just some thoughts and maybe something to consider, which may also help with putting oneself in another's shoes and understanding the specific perspective.
I've been keeping up with this thread, and several times I considered writing responses to some of the issues that members were discussing re: race and violence - but each time, I felt myself reacting emotionally and had to take "time out" to do some meditation and get in touch with what I was feeling. I'm glad I didn't post then. It would have been dry and inauthentic.

Viewing the Twitter posts of Zzartemis really hit home for me though, and they put me in touch with my true feelings. The one with the mother berating her child for joining Antifa made me break down in tears. The one with the "free hug" guy did the same.

I think that before I write more I need to share some of my past, and how I was personally raised to observe the world. The viewpoint I was raised with when encountering others made me who I am, and I very am grateful for it in these times.

Both my mother and her mother are/were very loving, non-judgmental souls. Both of them had a major part in raising me. For as long as I have known (or knew) them, they never once when first meeting a person did other than to meet them where they were; acknowledge who they were; and be *themselves* fully and completely in turn with an open heart and mind. There was never any preconceived bias based on skin color, religion, or anything. Even if a person had a 'reputation' that preceded their initial meeting, it had no bearing on how they received them initially. And trust me: both of them dealt with some very shady people in their lives.

But after that initial meeting, if that person could not meet the personal integrity and moral standing that both my mom and grandmother exemplified as the very basis of their being and meet them with the same mutual love, honesty, and trust in a consistent manner that they always had for others, they would then withdraw and release them from their lives. They would allow them several chances before doing so, but they would always eventually stand their ground and not be allowed to be drawn into karma with such people (though sometimes it took a few chances more than desired...).

I was raised to be the same way. And as an empath, I always had a knack for being able to tell exactly how a person felt and thought almost immediately upon meeting them. I just *knew* how to meet them on a level where we could connect, leading with my own heart.

As a child, when allowed I always stretched my boundaries to try to meet and include as many people as possible in my sphere of influence. I mean, meeting more kids just meant more play time, right? I LOVED meeting people and getting to know them. But much of what I encountered with those early experiences made me question myself, as I was often rebuffed by people for reasons I could not understand. And those experiences really scarred me, and still do, to this day.

Coming now to my own personal shares of how I have experienced discrimination:

- I have been discriminated against because of my color (I am white and once lived in a predominantly black region).
- I have been discriminated against because of my religion (or lack of one).
- I have been discriminated against because of my height (I'm short).
- I have been discriminated against because of my prosperity level (both when broke and when doing much better).
- I have been discriminated against because of my age (both too young, and now "too old". Dagnabbit).
- I have been discriminated against because of my political leanings (almost...anarchist...).
- I have been discriminated against because of my taste in music and film - um, moving on...

I vividly remember a couple instances from my youth where I encountered discrimination, but I did not know at that time how to make sense of it. Once I went over to a school friend's house to play, and we started putting together a plastic model of a car using glue - when his parents told him to come inside. I waited outside for over an hour wondering what was going on, and I saw his parents looking out their window at me to see if I was still there. I finally left, bewildered, when they wouldn't answer the door when I knocked. It was only when I got older that I remembered that they were fundamentalist Christians, and they belonged to a sect that kept to themselves. But I was too young to understand, and that incident made me question myself and my self-worth.

Not long after that incident, I remember playing with a younger friend (just a year or so) who had an incredible back yard with tons of toys and a magnificent tree house! We were having a blast when his mother called me into their living room. She sat me down and gave me a glass of lemonade, then proceeded to grill me like a police sergeant: "Where do you live?" "What does your father do for a living?" "What is your name?" "Can you tell me the names of any relatives that might be known around here?" This went on for a half hour, until she asked for my glass and told me that I wasn't welcome there any more. WTF??? It was only upon reflection later in life that I realized that family was very "well-to-do" and they wanted to make sure their kids only hobnobbed with similar people. But I was too young to understand, and that incident made me question myself and my self-worth.

I have since experienced many more such instances, but in each case I was old enough to understand what was actually going on. But that never made the rejections feel any better. It has only been very recently, in fact, that I have come to understand that all of those rejections didn't come because of who I was at heart, but only because of how I was *perceived* by those who judged me - that the fault didn't lie within me; but within people who had become identified with visions of who they were, and how they were expected to be and act based upon THEIR own upbringing and cultural imprinting - and they had not been able to escape the narrow bounds of acceptability that had been set for them since they were born. They were prisoners of their own upbringing.

Once I finally saw that, I realized how lucky I was to have been raised with such loving, open-minded, caring people.

And now when I look at what is transpiring with all of this violence and racial intolerance, it HURTS. I can SEE what is going on, and how if people had simply had the same upbringing that I had the fortune of having, they would not allow themselves to fall into these traps. I can see how the psychopaths who (think they) run this world have set all these divisions in motion over the millennia: first language, then race, then religion, then politics, and sex etc...all of it planned, and weaponized.

Most people have grown up identifying with these self-concepts as WHO THEY ARE, when NONE of it has EVER been really true - and then they use their self-righteousness to make themselves feel better, and worthy, when in reality all it does is further separate and isolate them. But as long as they live in their own little exalted bubbles, they won't ever change - because it would hurt too much for them to face the fact that they were never truly loved by those who raised them; and because of that, they never really learned how to love others, or themselves, or even what being loved really feels like. THAT is the true tragedy we are seeing play out in real time right now.

So please: continue to love, and self-love, and BE love. I strive for this every day, and I know that I am blessed to have had it and truly FELT it. May everyone be similarly blessed, especially now. Love to you all.

@Ketone Cop From another empath, I feel ya. If more people could 'see' as we do, I don't believe the world would be witnessing this senseless harm playing out. Not long ago, someone cautioned not to over empathize with people and situations. This is a common mistake of people when they find that you are an empath. In short, it's simply a way of experiencing the world and people...we percieve energetically. It's a tough world to live in when you feel what others are feeling. I get young empaths who are half mad because they don't understand how they are and mistake others' thoughts and emotions for their own. So we elders teach them how to separate their own out and what to do with the rest.

I'm glad you appreciated the tweets. I chose many because their messages were so profound and uplifting. Some addressed what was happening to people eloquently and gave empassioned pleas to stop and think. Then there was the young man and his friend catching on about the strategically placed piles of bricks. I felt proud for humanity as I heard their words.

I listened to the people in the videos and watched their behavior closely. I saw that many were children or very young adults. That is why I choose this tweet where the man, as an elder, was moved to tears over what adults were teaching the children. Please listen again:

Awhile back, Laura reminded nearly 50% of the earth's population are OPs. I am reminding here that just like children learn from their elders, OPs learn from us human souled behavior. And that they tend to play follow the leader. How many of the looters might have been OPs or smashed things or threw an object after they saw another do it first?

I often remind my son of peoples' early influences and of the presence of OPs in the population when he gets upset with the masses' behaviors. Of course you really have to have the light bulb moment of understanding before you 'see.' He had that moment a day or two before the riots. A child was trying to cross a street, running out and back to one stopped their car. Anyway, long story short, he had to question the child to find his home, ask if he could carry him, which direction he lived, and finally is this man your dad(?).

My son told me, "Mum, that kid was blank. It was like there was nothing much in him...nothing there."

I said, "Son, you might have 'read' an OP." That was his lightbulb moment.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that let these moments in history be some of our lightbulb moments. We are getting the opportunity to see and learn so much.

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