There suffering is remarkably similar to your suffering, eg, parents treating them bad, kids bullying them etc. The rest, for example a child living in palestine, the occupation is all they know and thus as a result it is no longer a shock to them, the way it is to you! They adapt, they live. This is one thing the media does and people dont acknowledge, the media makes it appear worse than it actually is - it messes around with perceptions. It makes you feel like, 'OMG, WHAT A SORRY STATE OF AFFAIRS.' It might be, but that is what they know so for them that is that.
I can't really agree on this. It's different kind of suffering when your family members are murdered for fun or when your legs all blown away by projectile, this things you CAN'T forgot and you never forgot that, you can put that aside but it stays with you. But most people who experience this are led by their rage to violence and revenge after that which is more emotional suffering. I agree they adapt but they never don't forget.
And from my experience i know that people who are more under the stress are closer to their true self because those situations reacquire you to be, and for example living your life in fear of being blown away for fun every day or if you'll survive another day without food makes you really conscious and about things and to be grateful for each penny you got.
That makes them more conscious about the world they live in, more conscious then me in any case because one thing is to understand and different thing is to know and experience, but that's obviously the purpose of life, to live and to experience because only experience can change things in real way, and change their being in that way because it stays with them.
And I remember that Mouravieff or G. wrote that people who are in life threatening situations are more close to their real self and have greater will because of that, they are "forced" to act. That's the only way when you look to shock people up when people don't have knowledge or aren't interested in it. But this is different kind of consciousness then when doing work, it's more external then eternal., and those two are interconnected.
I also found few exercises which I had written down few years ago from one book that one guy from India wrote, but they are useful. These exercises are for astral projection but the basis for it is to be conscious in everyday life so you can be conscious in dream, and I remember when i did them i had lucid dreams, and they can be used for work. Basic exercises are to be conscious when you walk through door and when you sit on chair, bed, you say: "This is a dream". But it all goes gradually, you put one by one exercise every seven days. Before sleep you do mental affirmations to stay conscious, but you have to have strong intent, and you have to do mental affirmations when you close your eyes: "I'am awake, I'am conscious, this is a dream, etc... which is tricky because you can easily turn it to become automatically. So he advises changing your sayings(alarms). Then one thing i did what author did was to put adhesive tapes on my door in a room with sayings on them like: "This is a dream", which also have to be changed with time. This was funny in a way because family members started to ask me what is that.
Then another exercise is to be conscious about letters you pronounce, write, read, say in mental way and when you talk with others you are conscious about that letters in their words, first letter was d for dream, but with time other letters are added, like a, b, c, etc.... At first you do it slow, you need more time to read that way, write and you are talking slower. Then you can be conscious when you say some word like I, or some other word. Then you can drop conjunction and from your words. Then one "exercise" was to put your alarm clock to alarm(I mean real alarm clock) you every one hour and when it rings you say: "I'am a conscious", and you have to concentrate to see difference between dream state and when you are "awake". when you eat you concentrate on smell, taste, and you eat consciously, being aware where your thong is, are you biting or not.
When you see clock, window, your hands, when you touch your left or right hand, when you touch pencil, when someone calls you, when you see something pretty or repulsive, before you start talking, you become conscious.Then when in your mind the dialog begins you become conscious about it and only be witness of it, he advises to do 2X at least 10 minutes of meditation every day with observing your thoughts. then he advises relaxation. He also mentions to go through your day before sleep, what you did that day, and also to go from this moment few minutes backwards in time to remember what your thoughts were, and if they were, example: monkey, then it would go yeknom (he says that you can by that way go to past lives but I'am not sure about it), to do everything with full self,with 100 per cent.
He is also against sex because it wastes energy that is needed for work. then he says to control body by not doing some move, like crossing legs, don't laugh, don't touch your hair, write with left hand if you write with right, then after that change your writing, etc.., with time you do something harder.
Then for mind you can try to not think about some person or thing for a week. Then he advises breathing exercises and for calming the body to put pen on your hand and keep it still for 5-10 minutes, then do it with another hand.
He gives advice to talk only when needed because it disturbs breathing that calms mind, and to be aware of sensations and to do visualization and concentration exercises, etc.... And the important thing is to have fun with it, to do it for the sake of working, not for results, but you also need much energy for it.