Help with creating (and proofreading) transcripts of SOTT Talk Radio shows

To all the transcribers who have joined the Yahoo group, please read carefully the message that I have just posted in that group. Thanks
Just letting y'all know that the transcript for Show #25 Julius Caesar: Evil Dictator or Messiah for Humanity is coming along, slowly but surely. Sorry it's taking me so long, I type very slowly!! :knitting:

Patience is required! :rolleyes:
Arwenn said:
Just letting y'all know that the transcript for Show #25 Julius Caesar: Evil Dictator or Messiah for Humanity is coming along, slowly but surely. Sorry it's taking me so long, I type very slowly!! :knitting:

Patience is required! :rolleyes:

Hi Arwenn,

Thanks so much for doing it and for keeping us updated. :thup:
New transcript available on SOTT (Show #6). :dance:

See the table for the direct link,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444
Is there an problem with the Show Titles:

Show #3 Are Psychopaths Cool? Uncovering the predators
Show #4 among us

Show #3 or #4 Title is missing?

Does this mean that there is a "one-off" ofset
in the show number?
Hey Gandalf, just so you know I updated the Yahoo Group a couple days ago and put my name in to start transcribing # 22 Manufacturing Civil War in Syria. So I'll get going on that one today.
dant said:
Is there an problem with the Show Titles:

Show #3 Are Psychopaths Cool? Uncovering the predators
Show #4 among us

Show #3 or #4 Title is missing?

Does this mean that there is a "one-off" ofset
in the show number?

Hi dant,

I think not. This may be a problem on your computer notably the display settings.

On my screen the title of show # 3 is: Are Psychopaths Cool? Uncovering the predators among us transcribed by parallel, proofread, and published on SOTT

The title of show #4 is: Cosmic Catastrophe and Social Hysteria transcribed by mimimari/Menrva, proofread and published on SOTT.

There is no title missing as far as I can see and no one-off offset in the numbering either.

Hope this helps a bit. :)
@ Palinurus

Thanks for letting me know. I am using an older version
of FF, switched over to Chrome, and sure enough it worked!

Update: It turns out the FF worked as well as long as
I expand the browser horizontally :-[ Ah,
I am slipping!
Turgon said:
Hey Gandalf, just so you know I updated the Yahoo Group a couple days ago and put my name in to start transcribing # 22 Manufacturing Civil War in Syria. So I'll get going on that one today.

Thanks for the info Turgon. :thup:
New transcript available on SOTT (Show #17). :dance:

See the table for the direct link,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444
New transcript available on SOTT (Show #14). :dance:

See the table for the direct link,31252.msg413444.html#msg413444
Thanks to all our transcribers!

I've noticed while going through this one here that y'all may be trying to transcribe the shows too literally. Things that make sense to the ear don't always make sense to the eye! Something that might help more accurately 'translate' one form of communication into the other is to make sure that you form more or less coherent sentences (obviously, the more coherent the better!)

I say 'more or less' because I don't want you to spend ages worrying about how exactly to phrase things. I trust that y'all are on the same page as us, so you have a very good understanding of the subjects and ideas we're talking about.

There's no need to include 'uhms' and 'ahs'. You can also leave out the intro/outro voiceover. You can 'fill in' the points you understand us to be making. You don't have to invent anything from whole cloth. If something is inaudible, it's inaudible. But if something we say looks scrambled in writing when transcribed literally, yet when you heard it you understood the point being made, then you are completely free to be creative in 'unscrambling' it so that someone reading it for the first time can understand what is being said.

On our end, we'll need to remember to speak more clearly so that you can hear as much of what we say as possible.

Thanks again for your super-efforts! Hopefully this exercise in 'reading our minds' will help you to have some fun with it.
Kniall said:
Thanks to all our transcribers!

I've noticed while going through this one here that y'all may be trying to transcribe the shows too literally. Things that make sense to the ear don't always make sense to the eye! Something that might help more accurately 'translate' one form of communication into the other is to make sure that you form more or less coherent sentences (obviously, the more coherent the better!)

I say 'more or less' because I don't want you to spend ages worrying about how exactly to phrase things. I trust that y'all are on the same page as us, so you have a very good understanding of the subjects and ideas we're talking about.

There's no need to include 'uhms' and 'ahs'. You can also leave out the intro/outro voiceover. You can 'fill in' the points you understand us to be making. You don't have to invent anything from whole cloth. If something is inaudible, it's inaudible. But if something we say looks scrambled in writing when transcribed literally, yet when you heard it you understood the point being made, then you are completely free to be creative in 'unscrambling' it so that someone reading it for the first time can understand what is being said.

On our end, we'll need to remember to speak more clearly so that you can hear as much of what we say as possible.

Thanks again for your super-efforts! Hopefully this exercise in 'reading our minds' will help you to have some fun with it.

Yes, point taken and understood. I do tend to be a little OCD about the transcription while also trying to maintain the "flavor" of the conversation by being as literal as possible (I do drop some of the 'uhms', 'ahs', 'I means' and 'you knows').

Looks like I need to trust myself more and loosen up a bit so as not to stress out too much over the literal translation. This may also help me to pay attention and understand the material better in order to 'unscramble' the message. The literal translation can be a machine like activity. Creativity on my part is something I really need to practice more and bring joy into the work. Thanks for the heads up!
Thank you, Kniall, for posting your suggestions. I was about to submit transcription of the show # 18: The Empathy Trap. Now, I'll go over it again and make some changes.
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