Just and update here. I managed to get a doctor's prescription for the decantings :), so I took it to the Red Cross, and I just have to pay for the used material in each session (very little money - about 10 dollars). Also the people and nurses working in there are very nice and caring... But I just couldn't believe the size of the needles! I almost felt assaulted the first time I saw the nurse approaching me with it :D... Just half kidding here, do not fear them; yes, they are big, but innocuous, don’t get a bad idea.
The first medic that I went to see to get the prescription, hadn't a clue of iron overload or hemochromatosis, he basically read the analysis results and based his comments on the recommended "limits" of it. He also said that he wouldn't advice the decantings because my hemoglobin levels were low, normal, but in the low limit, so no prescription for that... But of course, he couldn’t let me go empty handed, so he prescribed me some nasty statins because my cholesterol levels were “unhealthy”, I just gave him a nice “yes of course Doc”, thank him, paid for the consult, and went away a little desolated and empty handed… I felt cheated! ;D
The last medic was a family acquaintance and was open to prescribe the decantings, this first prescription recommended 4 decantings - 1 every 2 weeks -, then I’ll go for a new analysis and see how things are developing. The doctor will give me another prescription as needed.
This past Friday was my 3rd decanting and I’m feeling better, with more energy and mind clarity. I’m also gaining weight, about 1 to 1.5 kilos per session, that is good because I’ve always been very skinny. The only strange thing that I noted from this last decanting was that I felt very weak and fell asleep all day, I woke up, supper, and back to sleep again, kind of exasperating but needed - this didn't happen with the other decantings -. But everything got back to normal the next day.
So far, all the weird symptoms have gone, including the weird palpitations, just the chronic fatigue remains. It's frustrating because I like to be very active, and some days I just have to take naps during the day, something very uncommon in me. But well, on the bright side, this "forced stop" has been very helpful so far because I’ve been able to catch up with some pending readings and some needed recapitulation… So, expect me in the swamp soon ;).
Also, maybe there's another factor that exacerbates the fatigue issue, I'm not really sure if it's related, but we have been having a very nasty and unusual heat in the city, and I just cannot function right with it, it's that kind of heat that numbs your mind :S.
Another thing that came to my mind, is that one night about 3 years ago, i suffered a very nasty arrhythmia event, i felt like if my hearth was going to stop suddenly. I had some irregular palpitations and minor arrhythmias prior and after this event. I ended up with a cardiologist that ran some analysis and measurements and told me that everything was just fine with my hearth
. This arrhythmias hadn't affected me until a couple of months ago, but they are gone now. Maybe this can also be related to the iron issue?