Hillary Clinton Has Re-Surfaced

Bear said:
Here is a video of Clinton getting into the van. She is being held up, since her legs are giving out, and then pretty much carried into the van.

That is pretty bad! It speaks of severe neurological damage. It is supreme wishful thinking to think that she could make it as a president.
So if Trump wins the election it has been forecast by many to be a market-tanking event. If Hillary is not able to stand for election (ugh, sorry, pun not intended but I'm leaving it) or barely makes it past the election, it would be considered something of a black swan event. Is the timeline finally collapsing around some events pertaining to this election?
Gaby said:
Bear said:
Here is a video of Clinton getting into the van. She is being held up, since her legs are giving out, and then pretty much carried into the van.

That is pretty bad! It speaks of severe neurological damage. It is supreme wishful thinking to think that she could make it as a president.

Wow. She looks even if we just see her from the back really zombie, really sick! It is impossible, I agree with Laura and Gaby, that she will not arrive as a president.
Gaby said:
Bear said:
Here is a video of Clinton getting into the van. She is being held up, since her legs are giving out, and then pretty much carried into the van.

That is pretty bad! It speaks of severe neurological damage. It is supreme wishful thinking to think that she could make it as a president.

You can see really see her legs get wobbly, (fighting a possible fainting spell) when getting ready to broad the van.

Hillary Clinton leaves 9/11 ceremony due to 'medical episode', campaign says she 'felt overheated' Video
Laura said:
Bear said:
Here is a video of Clinton getting into the van. She is being held up, since her legs are giving out, and then pretty much carried into the van.

"Update: The following clip shows the moment of Hillary's "medical episode" resulting from the "blistering" 79 degree heat in Manhattan."


I tell ya, it's looking like she isn't gonna make it to voting day!

Yep and if that is the case, somebody else has to run for her and it won't be Sanders as explained in my post above.
Obviously, her whole team knows what's going on. Look at their faces in the photo. And if they know, and continue to work on a campaign that is a fraud, that strikes me as criminal conspiracy. But then, what else is new?
Actually I hope she will make it until the live TV Debates against Trump. You can be sure that Trump will use any opportunity then to "expose her" and maybe even her health in a very crude way.

Just look how Trump insulted and treated his enemies in the primaries. Of course she will deny any health problems and "if we are lucky", will fade away in front of the cameras, under trumps pressure on exactly that topic.

There is simply no way that her handlers could not be aware how much on the edge she is, which raises the question why they push her even more and tell her and the public that "everything is fine". Then put it together with what Dr. Drew Pinsky said earlier, about her very bad treatment, then you can hardly imagine that this is not being done on purpose by her handlers.

And her handlers must know how Trump will use that situation mercilessly against her, which will make her health even worst:

Athough I'm suprised that Trump has not put his finger on her health issue more directly as of now, which kind of suprises me.

What a show! Better then any movie....
Pashalis said:
Athough I'm suprised that Trump has not put his finger on her health issue more directly as of now, which kind of suprises me.

Unless it is part of the plan. If Hillary gets elected and it is not fit to rule, then who would take charge? The equivalent of Dick Cheney?
Alarming Video: Hillary Clinton ‘Faints’ At 9/11 Memorial – Appears to Collapse Near Van as Security Panics

ALARMING VIDEO: Hillary Clinton, barely able to stand, stumbles into vehicle aided by five members of her entourage after “medical episode”:

UPDATE, 12:45pm: Clinton’s campaign team says that the candidate is now returning to her home in Chappaqua, New York. Press are not invited.

Clinton’s press spokesperson says she “felt overheated” but insists she has now fully recovered from what one source described to Heat Street as a “medical episode.”

She waved at cameras as she left Chelsea Clinton’s apartment where she recovered from the incident.

Some law enforcement sources, speaking to the Daily Beast, cast doubt on the campaign’s explanation that the episode was heat related, telling reporters that Clinton looked “pale” and unwell when she arrived at the memorial service this morning.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign has hit big trouble on the most solemn day of the year. At the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony, Clinton “fainted” according to a law enforcement source that spoke to a Fox News reporter.

Her press pool was then penned in away from her with no knowledge of Secretary Clinton’s whereabouts or health. When reporters were let out, Clinton, 68, had already left the ceremony.

As a former New York Senator, Secretary Clinton would have been expected to attend the 9/11 ceremony and be present and prominent throughout, to honor the victims of Islamist terrorism.

NBC News then tweeted that Secretary Clinton had “a medical episode”. The tweet was later hastily deleted and replaced by this:

Fox News reported that (as the video shows) that Secretary Clinton’s knees buckled as she was helped into her high-security van during her early departure from the memorial. Fox reports that Clinton lost her shoe during the incident.

The Clinton-friendly Washington Post is now quoting sources from her campaign saying the Secretary felt “overheated”.

“Secretary Clinton attended the September 11th Commemoration Ceremony for just an hour and thirty minutes this morning to pay her respects and greet some of the families of the fallen,” Nick Merrill said, according to the Post. “During the ceremony, she felt overheated, so departed to go to her daughter’s apartment and is feeling much better.”

The temperature in Manhattan late morning was 82 degrees and breezy in the area of the 9/11 Memorial which is on the water.

As for the site of Secretary Clinton’s convalescence, it is sure to have air conditioning. Chelsea Clinton and her family live in a $10.5 million “luxury fortress” that stretches over a full city block in New York’s exclusive Madison Square Park neighborhood.
Pierre said:
so why the "advanced" physical and mental breakdowns, especially with Killery?

I see your point. One thing that could explain accelerated degradation might be the toll that is being taken on the ones who fully embrace the path of lies and destruction.

That's a very interesting statement!

First thought that came to mind, the C's reference to "It's not a good time to be a psychopath." Is it possible, unbeknown to us, that "what we are observing in accelerated degradation" in her health status, is actually affects of "the Wave?" And the toll is due in part, to a lower psychopathic vibration verses the Wave? Are we witnessing a trait - in which they (elite) have "no control over"?

And it's not just Killery, an accelerated degradation, especially in facial features (bloated and swollen with deep wrinkles around the eyes and cheek areas) very prominent in recent photo's of Bill Clinton, both Bush's, Tony Blair, Netanyahu, Soro and even Kissinger and Obama - to name a few - compared to photo's taken about two years ago, if you do a cross comparison. Compare any of those photo's to someone like Fidel Castro, who just celebrated his 90th Birthday. He may walk slower but is unaided and the hair may be grayer but his mind is as clear as a bell and he's physically active.

I realize genetics plays a large part in the aging process and the individuals named above are older but there's a remarkable change in their appearances in the last two years.

Pierre said:
When reading about Killery overcoagulation, I thought it was rather interesting that this individual, that led to bloodbaths in the four corners of the planet, thousands if not millions of corpses covered with coagulated blood, ends up tormented by overcoagulation.

That's also an interesting observation. Overcoagulation in the blood - reminds me of some information sources claiming elite European Royalty suffered from blood disorders? Mainly, a small cut could lead to death because they couldn't stop the flow of blood and they had diet restrictions. Pure speculation but could "the Wave" alter that condition making the blood denser?
c.a. said:
Alarming Video: Hillary Clinton ‘Faints’ At 9/11 Memorial – Appears to Collapse Near Van as Security Panics

ALARMING VIDEO: Hillary Clinton, barely able to stand, stumbles into vehicle aided by five members of her entourage after “medical episode”

She waved at cameras as she left Chelsea Clinton’s apartment where she recovered from the incident.

Some law enforcement sources, speaking to the Daily Beast, cast doubt on the campaign’s explanation that the episode was heat related, telling reporters that Clinton looked “pale” and unwell when she arrived at the memorial service this morning.


NBC News then tweeted that Secretary Clinton had “a medical episode”. The tweet was later hastily deleted and replaced by this:

Clinton waves to cameras as she exits Chelsea Clinton's apartment after becoming "overheated" at 9/11 memorial event

That photo makes no sense? Is it a body-double decoy? There's no one close to her, in case she has another sudden episode and falls on her face? And why would she be carrying a purse?
[quote author= Angelburst29]First thought that came to mind, the C's reference to "It's not a good time to be a psychopath." Is it possible, unbeknown to us, that "what we are observing in accelerated degradation" in her health status, is actually affects of "the Wave?" And the toll is due in part, to a lower psychopathic vibration verses the Wave? Are we witnessing a trait - in which they (elite) have "no control over"?[/quote]

I don't know, but that could be very interesting!! I hope they all self-destruct, and give them some balloons while they do. Should make it more enjoyable, not only for them, but also for us.

Remember when we had those news anchors/reporters talking bluberish? Why was this again !? Did this had anything to do with the Wave? Or telling an overdose of lies? I can't pinpoint the session.
I was wonder to myself if she was given a drug to keep her on an even keel at least for a short period of time so she could make a public appearance like everything is ok. Then she jumps in the car, doesn't allow reports in with her, etc and calls it a day.
bjorn said:
Remember when we had those news anchors/reporters talking bluberish? Why was this again !? Did this had anything to do with the Wave? Or telling an overdose of lies? I can't pinpoint the session.

It was session April 9, 2011:

Q: (L) What caused the TV personalities to talk gibberish?

A: All of the above mentioned factors.

Q: (L) So, it could be diet, their DNA is degrading, they’re not able to receive the cosmic changes – that sort of thing?

A: What do you think about the ”new” explosion 3 to 4 billion light years away? They think, that is.

{Here it seems the Cs are referring to recent news of an explosion that is going on in the center of a small galaxy said to be 3.8 billion light-years away. See:
“Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours. But radiation from the blast continues to brighten and fade from the location a week after the explosion.”
And: “Rather than the short-lived gamma-ray bursts typically associated with the death of a massive star -- most last no more than a few hours -- this explosion continues more than a week later to emanate pulses of high-energy cosmic radiation for an effect that's brighter, longer lasting, and more variable than scientists have ever seen.”}

Q: (L) Are you saying that it’s not as far away as they’re saying it is?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it representing? What is it doing?

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.

There's also a topic about it here: News reporters literally talking gibberish
Aeneas said:
voyageur said:
angelburst29 said:
Winning at any cost - might be the bottom line? And if she wins (and dies) where does that leave the American public? Is the nominated running mate, as Vice President, the one we really should be focusing on? His background, his connections and where he stands on issues like the wars in the Middle East and on domestic issues at home?

This is what I was wondering, too. So what about this Hillary VP choice, Tim Kaine (caught a few SoTT article on him). So if she were to pass while in office, Kaine would be ushered in like LBJ coming to power after Kennedy's murder. The skinny on Kaine does not look good - I'm sure the Pres candidate does not pick the VP in many/most cases, they are told who will be picked.
Kaine is for banking deregulation and the TPP and perhaps it does not really matter what he says on a range of issues, as he is and will be just a puppet. Obama said many things BEFORE becoming the president, but most of the promises were never kept. Those who are in positions with the possibility of becoming the next president will be the ones that the system will be happy with. They are men/women of the system and will uphold that no matter what as if they don't, they will get a quick ticket to 5D as history has shown over and over again.

The real change will not happen from the top down within the empirial system. So even concentrating on the VP candidates as I also suggested yesterday will probably yield very little. Just like very little truth can be gleaned from looking at a lie from all angles; in the end it will still just be a lie. The power in the lie remains as long as people believe that lie to be the truth. When they stop believing that lie, the emperor is seen as naked and the imagined exceptionalist power is gone. At least that is how it appears to me at the moment.

Well yes, indeed, puppets they all be - so it maters not so much who, however, some puppets have heavy baggage, like Hillary, and looking at how things are going, it is weighing her down. Laura just said:

I tell ya, it's looking like she isn't gonna make it to voting day!

It sure looks like she is ready for a major hospital stay.
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