Buddy said:
Take a break and come back to it later. You just posted in the Transpatagonia thread and quite clearly demonstrated a more awakened cognitive state sometimes called the inductive cognition to distinguish it from the more internal deductive work composed of mathematical operators and 'therefores.' The problem you seemed stuck with is that you see the benefit of the more cognitively awakened state but you shut it back down when you believe you are just using it to somehow "escape."
Well, the thing is, my primary conscious narrative is to just "get away from all of this and experience something new." Yes, I'm also aware that it can be used in a Work context; there are a lot of alarm clocks if nothing else because everything is different and it becomes difficult to fall into a routine. However, that is just kind of a bonus. Now we could get into my subconscious desires about why I am so driven to travel this way instead of the usual pampered beach vacation, perhaps there are some spiritual influences at work there, but that line of thought could get me into the slippery slope of self-importance. From my perspective, it is a mixture of A influences and B influences, the A influences in this case coincidentally point in almost the same direction as the B influences and therefore can be utilized to some benefit.
I understand the group soul thing on a theoretical level, I've even written about us being little i's of our 6D selves. It would seem to be the most rational explanation of how the Great Work of different densities interconnects when applying the Principle of Relativity to events occurring in the Expanded Present. But the actuality of experiencing such an esoteric concept and therefore making it real...well, I'll use another metaphor.
I have blueprints to build a bridge across the chasm of realities in order to reach the next threshold of human evolution. However, I'm building my bridge at midnight in heavy fog and can't really see at all whether I'm going in the right direction. So I keep looking at my clipboard hoping my math is good enough to make it. As the trusses are assembled, I keep worrying about whether the calculations are off. At this point, there are really only two options. Stop building the bridge and watch it collapse, or keep going and hope it doesn't collapse anyway. Furthermore, distractions come up which cause the bridge to wobble a bit, and we go back to looking at the math. If that makes any sense...
Psalehesost said:
In the C's session of Nov 7, Laura talked about how she was almost psychologically crushed by something analogous to what Neil has described, though far more intense and involved. In thinking about that session, I basically think that this kind of thing - very generally - amounts to 4D STS saying: "This is how it's going to be, so you might as well give up!" And then, the kicker is that if this is believed, then it will become reality. Whereas, if people keep their will and wits about them, and resist and really think, then they can make it through it, and reality will unfold differently.
Yeah, in reading the commentaries about channeling and thinking about the warnings given about 4D STS, it seems I've been given an ultimatum to really look at which thoughts are truly "mine." It's like self-observation squared. From the Transpatagonia thread
bjorn said:
Hi Neil,[quote author= Neil]The call to adventure is immense. But here I am with a little pinprick of a consciousness and can't hardly experience any of it. But then again, maybe this planet is one of my thousands of adventures, and it is going to get more interesting as time goes on.
Considering adventures / ''magical experiences'', if those are for the sake for the self. Its happiness considered internally. I think Gurdjieff was spot on when he said
:[quote author= Gurdjieff]The chief means of happiness in this life is the ability to consider externally always, internally never.[/quote]Also
: [quote author= Gurdjieff]There is only one kind of magic and this is ''doing.''[/quote]Conscious acts (doing) can only happen when we are external considerate. Isn’t that the only magic that is real? When we can be of positive chance. To assist, support and help others where needed. To relief suffering.That’s the only ''adventure'' I think is worth well.
- I think you do agree. Anyhow, maybe something to think about. [quote author= Neil]If I only get 100 years per incarnation[/quote]Maybe its interesting to note that according to Gurdjieff
:[quote author= Gurdjieff]Man is given a definite number of experiences—economizing them, he prolongs his life.[/quote]Didn’t the C’s once speak about the oldest person alive being currently around 200 years old? my memory isn’t serving me that entirely well. I could be wrong and I couldn’t find anything about it in the transcripts.[/quote]Well, this got me thinking about the subject of love. The Cassiopaeans have said that love is light is knowledge. I thought about how these different heroic stories incorporate the concept of love. Sometimes its romantic love, sometimes brotherly love, sometimes a generalized love for the people. Based on the Cassiopaeans, love seems to be some form of conscious creative information field that transcends all densities, in its broadest sense. When this love is perceived, it is like a spectrum that is split into different wavelengths with a prism, with some of the manifestations I just mentioned representing a couple of the colors. It would seem that for 4D STO, being able to understand this love and its constituent pieces and give it when asked is one of the primary functions. And that's how you get into the creative flow of cosmic consciousness. As STO candidates, we're supposed to be figuring all of this stuff out. I agree that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what kind of high adventures you're having, the love thing is the only thing that matters; no matter where you go, there you are.
The thing is, for me, this is all highly theoretical. I'd be totally nihilistic about love if it wasn't for one experience that was kind of the equivalent of the universe opening the door for about 5 seconds and saying, "Yes, it is all real, now get to work." I guess at the level of the obyvatel, love is something like external consideration, which I do understand, and you build it up from there. But a lot of the deeper aspects of it are kind of lost on me because I don't feel that kind of deep connection to anyone, really. It is merely an ideal which exists "somewhere over the rainbow." It is another battleground area where I have been stuck for many years. I don't talk about it that much.
The quote you were referring to Bjorn was about Babaji
941109 said:
Q: (L) Is Babaji living in Tibet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How old is Babaji?
A: 190