Hope, fear and the future

Neil said:
That sneaky ol' devil can come in and say, "You believe all of that stuff because you want to believe it, you piece together various esoteric texts to fit your assumptions, but you don't really know anything. Admit it!" As far as evidence of the Grand Cycle goes, the only thing I've got is the "reality split" phenomenon we all sort of went through in Sept/Oct, but that's only one subjective event. It would be interesting if there are things that I'm overlooking which make it more concrete and practical.

I don't know if this is a question that can be satisfactorily answered with our current level of knowledge, but it is sort of an internal battleground that got dredged up yet again this past week. I sort of find myself clinging to the fact that it is scientifically demonstrated in the PSI experiments that thought can create reality to a small degree, and if you add enough collinear tiny effects to get some real amplitude in the wave it might be big enough to effect real changes, but oftentimes I feel like I'm fighting this losing battle to my dying breath. I suppose refusing to submit just because you can is something which drives the dark side nuts and gives a certain satisfaction in itself, but it's not easy.

I think the concept of a transition has to remain theoretical, much like most of the other ideas about density etc. We can, as you have done, confirm to a certain degree the probability of it being true, but it will remain a probability. If you have satisfied yourself to a reasonable degree on the 'reality' of 4D STS etc. then I suppose the probability of *some* mechanism that allows for a progression from a lower level of awareness, like 3D, to the next level, like 4D, would be the same. Unless you figure that beings are "locked in" to density levels forever. But then the apparent reality of learning and growth is a problem. If things are locked down, there really shouldn't be any growth of any significance. I mean, the very idea that you can glean some awareness of a "higher" density, from whatever sources, suggests a progression in awareness. If those higher densities can be determined to be a function of a "higher" or broader awareness, then it seems reasonable to conclude that anyone who acquires more meaningful awareness would be progressing in that direction.
piliangie said:
I agree with Nail, about this topic, I always have the feeling, that everything is repetitive, in my personal life and in the history of the countrys and the history of the world, today I read this "What if this planet is a reality TV show for other planets"..
It looks just like that......like the Jim Carrey Movie

I notice that in my life the same type of people appears where I live, where I work, the same things or situations happens Is like everything is so much programed.... and others get along and do very well and others not ..and you know? is boring...al least to me..and make changes, is useless, because 'they know everything" and will insert anything they need to keep you doing the same crap, even if you perceive it..theres no way out.....
And even if you live your life more graceful, and learn your lessons, and try to be a good person,CREATIVE and make everyday meaningfull etc, is a never ending story,is the same old story...the c's said ," small changes can be your way to start building another reality, but really? theres nothing....and if we are all here in 3D stuck in a LOOP, for thousands and thousands of years,(earth time) I don't see how we can grow and learn and I mean really learn how to make the change, and leave this loop, if we are so unaware and ignorant , and we are so vulnerable and defensless to this STS beings, to them we are property, resources, and slaves and as far as I concern ,Is like humans and animals, we humans are more advance in conscience, and animals don't have a chance of be like us, and we kill them eat them, torture them, In Spain or Mexico they do this Bullfighting, and you can see how the bull will go to the rodeo and the toreros stab the animal ,provoke and tease the bull, and then they kill ...and the bull never figure it out , how to leave that situation because is just an animal with a conscience of a 2d being...so the beings of the 4d and 5d and so on can do whatever they want to us and we don't have a chance to escape..they have a lot of advantage in technology and evolution,,and we have to live and work for this and that or what? you always hear the phrase that life is not easy life is a struggle,etc, but this is to much...and is boring, BECAUSE we are no threat..is a very unfair GAME, not funny because in a game there must be players of almost the same apptitud and abilty or the same level... And the same is for the animals , that humans are taking away there habitat, there food, and if we eat them and take away there babys, and torture them in many ways is not fair also..I don't understand the design of creation and I read the C's I know what they said about these, and for me they are very good teachers...but still have my thoughts and doubts ..If all these awakening and cycles stuff, is just another input to make us believe,..things, because the game is about to change, but not as we think, it will be another movie with another name, but we humans will remain, in the same old LOOP.

To me, that's certainly an eloquent address to the world about the personal effects of it's own complexity on you. Complexity, that is, in terms of repetition, redundancy and the repeating behaviors of some of the people around us. Why can't reality just be simple, elegant and original in every instance? I know the feeling well. It can be mind-numbing, even painful, to sensitive people who can see stuff like this.

I don't know that there's a universal answer that suits everyone and helps ease the frustration, but it helps me sometimes to get 'underneath' the class view of things. By 'underneath', I mean temporarily setting aside that level of perspective that sees classes of thought, classes of people, classes of behaviors, classes, classes and more classes of nothing but repeating patterns.

It's like looking at a forest from the 'class' perspective. You see so many trees. Tree after tree after tree and it's all so boring and you wonder when all these trees will get out of the way so you can exit the forest into a beautiful meadow.

We may not realize it but we are partly responsible for this effect on us. We get stuck in our own mental constructions sometimes and fail to notice that 'tree' is just a class name. What's actually there are instances of individuals, each somehow similar to, and yet different from, each other and none of which has an individual name - only a class name. And that can be a problem because it seems to give us the ability to ignore or overlook important subtleties; to refer to, and treat, individuals as if they are disposable on a whim. After all, people, behaviors, individuals in a forest are just a class, right? And there's plenty in that class, so no particular one is so important, right?

Well, this is just the kind of thinking that seems to interest that New Zealander, Andrew Niccol who wrote the book on The Truman Show. He likes to flirt with the differences between reality and how we construct reality in our heads. It's probably something we all could benefit from by thinking about. But it's his portrayal of his take on things and created for entertainment purposes like we also seem to sometimes entertain ourselves in our own minds in other ways.

On a different note, the C's also said that nobody is a nobody, right? So, let's look at the bigger picture. Better yet, let's just practice some cognitive fluidity and occasionally move up and down between the primal, wordless levels where we can perceive nothing but seemingly unique individuals, up to the biggest holistic coherent picture we can manage. And let's not be afraid of the unknown, that 'mysterious' something behind the 'hidden door'. Maybe it's just the same reality it's always been, just seen and appreciated in a new way. And maybe it's quite natural for humans to be that flexible so that we can adapt to a wide variety of conditions and circumstances.

On a final note, Gurdjieff talked about knowledge being distributed all over the world and it's true and I think it's inevitable for things to be like that. No single source could contain all that we can know about ourselves and reality. Such a single source would be so densely packed that just the very slightest instability would break the symmetry of the arrangement and cause an explosion that would redistribute everything all over the world again. This is, of course, just my opinion, but it explains why I read so many different sources and constantly stay on the hunt for something new, different and useful in some way.

Like bjorn suggests, don't give up the fight. It's not over until Fat Guy sings, and sometimes not even then cause he occasionally flubs his cue. :)
In the C's session of Nov 7, Laura talked about how she was almost psychologically crushed by something analogous to what Neil has described, though far more intense and involved. In thinking about that session, I basically think that this kind of thing - very generally - amounts to 4D STS saying: "This is how it's going to be, so you might as well give up!" And then, the kicker is that if this is believed, then it will become reality. Whereas, if people keep their will and wits about them, and resist and really think, then they can make it through it, and reality will unfold differently.

If psychological splitting reactions plunge you deep enough, it may very well turn into reality splitting (of the negative kind). And the kind of psychic pressures behind it are aimed at making use of everything convenient which is already inside you, to link it together into a psychologically devastating pattern and then to push the button. Maybe it could be compared with a personalized version of Western journalism in relation to Russia and Putin (who is like Russia's personality ideal). Such psychic attack aims to turn your own mind into an internal propaganda monger who then targets you, the future, and/or all you stand for.
bjorn said:
[quote author= Gurdjieff]Hope, when bold, is strength. Hope, with doubt, is cowardice. Hope, with fear, is weakness.

Interesting quote. Although here I would suggest faith perhaps is the more appropriate word.

In any event, there exists presently a wonderful demonstration of the wrong kind of hope. And it's with most if not all current stock market participants (share holders.)

It's a hope tinged with doubt -- and mixed with fear. Hoping that their net worth (in stocks) will not continue to go south. Hoping the market soon will turn back up.

It is this kind of hope that make most people ride the market to the very bottom. And I think it's about to happen. Sad.

Psalehesost said:
And then, the kicker is that if this is believed, then it will become reality.

The C's once gave an example -- regarding smoking & lung cancer.

They cast doubt on any intrinsic linkage between the two. Then said that since many believed that smoking causes lung cancer ... it eventually did.

It was shocking to me the first time I read this. But now I know better.

Buddy said:
Take a break and come back to it later. You just posted in the Transpatagonia thread and quite clearly demonstrated a more awakened cognitive state sometimes called the inductive cognition to distinguish it from the more internal deductive work composed of mathematical operators and 'therefores.' The problem you seemed stuck with is that you see the benefit of the more cognitively awakened state but you shut it back down when you believe you are just using it to somehow "escape."
Well, the thing is, my primary conscious narrative is to just "get away from all of this and experience something new." Yes, I'm also aware that it can be used in a Work context; there are a lot of alarm clocks if nothing else because everything is different and it becomes difficult to fall into a routine. However, that is just kind of a bonus. Now we could get into my subconscious desires about why I am so driven to travel this way instead of the usual pampered beach vacation, perhaps there are some spiritual influences at work there, but that line of thought could get me into the slippery slope of self-importance. From my perspective, it is a mixture of A influences and B influences, the A influences in this case coincidentally point in almost the same direction as the B influences and therefore can be utilized to some benefit.

I understand the group soul thing on a theoretical level, I've even written about us being little i's of our 6D selves. It would seem to be the most rational explanation of how the Great Work of different densities interconnects when applying the Principle of Relativity to events occurring in the Expanded Present. But the actuality of experiencing such an esoteric concept and therefore making it real...well, I'll use another metaphor.

I have blueprints to build a bridge across the chasm of realities in order to reach the next threshold of human evolution. However, I'm building my bridge at midnight in heavy fog and can't really see at all whether I'm going in the right direction. So I keep looking at my clipboard hoping my math is good enough to make it. As the trusses are assembled, I keep worrying about whether the calculations are off. At this point, there are really only two options. Stop building the bridge and watch it collapse, or keep going and hope it doesn't collapse anyway. Furthermore, distractions come up which cause the bridge to wobble a bit, and we go back to looking at the math. If that makes any sense...
Psalehesost said:
In the C's session of Nov 7, Laura talked about how she was almost psychologically crushed by something analogous to what Neil has described, though far more intense and involved. In thinking about that session, I basically think that this kind of thing - very generally - amounts to 4D STS saying: "This is how it's going to be, so you might as well give up!" And then, the kicker is that if this is believed, then it will become reality. Whereas, if people keep their will and wits about them, and resist and really think, then they can make it through it, and reality will unfold differently.
Yeah, in reading the commentaries about channeling and thinking about the warnings given about 4D STS, it seems I've been given an ultimatum to really look at which thoughts are truly "mine." It's like self-observation squared. From the Transpatagonia thread
bjorn said:
Hi Neil,[quote author= Neil]The call to adventure is immense. But here I am with a little pinprick of a consciousness and can't hardly experience any of it. But then again, maybe this planet is one of my thousands of adventures, and it is going to get more interesting as time goes on.
Considering adventures / ''magical experiences'', if those are for the sake for the self. Its happiness considered internally. I think Gurdjieff was spot on when he said :[quote author= Gurdjieff]The chief means of happiness in this life is the ability to consider externally always, internally never.[/quote]Also : [quote author= Gurdjieff]There is only one kind of magic and this is ''doing.''[/quote]Conscious acts (doing) can only happen when we are external considerate. Isn’t that the only magic that is real? When we can be of positive chance. To assist, support and help others where needed. To relief suffering.That’s the only ''adventure'' I think is worth well.

- I think you do agree. Anyhow, maybe something to think about. [quote author= Neil]If I only get 100 years per incarnation[/quote]Maybe its interesting to note that according to Gurdjieff :[quote author= Gurdjieff]Man is given a definite number of experiences—economizing them, he prolongs his life.[/quote]Didn’t the C’s once speak about the oldest person alive being currently around 200 years old? my memory isn’t serving me that entirely well. I could be wrong and I couldn’t find anything about it in the transcripts.[/quote]Well, this got me thinking about the subject of love. The Cassiopaeans have said that love is light is knowledge. I thought about how these different heroic stories incorporate the concept of love. Sometimes its romantic love, sometimes brotherly love, sometimes a generalized love for the people. Based on the Cassiopaeans, love seems to be some form of conscious creative information field that transcends all densities, in its broadest sense. When this love is perceived, it is like a spectrum that is split into different wavelengths with a prism, with some of the manifestations I just mentioned representing a couple of the colors. It would seem that for 4D STO, being able to understand this love and its constituent pieces and give it when asked is one of the primary functions. And that's how you get into the creative flow of cosmic consciousness. As STO candidates, we're supposed to be figuring all of this stuff out. I agree that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what kind of high adventures you're having, the love thing is the only thing that matters; no matter where you go, there you are.

The thing is, for me, this is all highly theoretical. I'd be totally nihilistic about love if it wasn't for one experience that was kind of the equivalent of the universe opening the door for about 5 seconds and saying, "Yes, it is all real, now get to work." I guess at the level of the obyvatel, love is something like external consideration, which I do understand, and you build it up from there. But a lot of the deeper aspects of it are kind of lost on me because I don't feel that kind of deep connection to anyone, really. It is merely an ideal which exists "somewhere over the rainbow." It is another battleground area where I have been stuck for many years. I don't talk about it that much.

The quote you were referring to Bjorn was about Babaji
941109 said:
Q: (L) Is Babaji living in Tibet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How old is Babaji?
A: 190
Hi Neil,

You are well read and have a better understanding on many subjects than I do. This helps me. Maybe this time I can help you.

[quote author=Neil]The Cassiopaeans have said that love is light is knowledge[/quote]

Seeing others suffer awakens empathy. But empathy alone is not enough. To help we must understand where this suffering comes from. Knowledge is necessary.

That’s why the quest for knowledge should always come from empathy.

[quote author=Neil]love seems to be some form of conscious creative information field that transcends all densities[/quote]

I suppose that’s because true empathy touches all, this together with knowledge applied connects. Ego divides, hence the disconnect 4STS experiences from creation.

[quote author=Neil]Sometimes its romantic love, sometimes brotherly love, sometimes a generalized love for the people.[/quote]

All of that has its rightful place necessary for our progress. Ultimately it has to go beyond that. It’s not just about what the other could mean for us. (enforcing our Ego) How important or special they make us feel. Empathy isn’t selective and doesn't want to possess. Empathy touches all and by that we shouldn’t look for rewards but help sincerely when necessary.

- Mechanical men feeds entropy. Which causes suffering. Knowledge tells us that. That's why empathy tells us that we should try to wake them up from that state.

[quote author=Neil]But a lot of the deeper aspects of it are kind of lost on me because I don't feel that kind of deep connection to anyone[/quote]

I am just guessing here but maybe you are afraid to connect with others or you just don’t see the reason for it? Wanting to reach out and to connect with others is natural. Its also very difficult I think to crystallize true empathy when being in an isolate state.

[quote author=Neil]It is another battleground area where I have been stuck for many years. I don't talk about it that much.[/quote]

Since you have been stuck for years on that alone. Maybe you should talk about it more often. See how others can help you with that.
bjorn said:
[quote author=Neil]The Cassiopaeans have said that love is light is knowledge

Seeing others suffer awakens empathy. But empathy alone is not enough. To help we must understand where this suffering comes from. Knowledge is necessary.

That’s why the quest for knowledge should always come from empathy.

Hi bjorn,

Your remarks are outstanding & perceptive. Remarkable. I admire too, its brevity & directness.

Your understand of knowledge in relation to empathy is my understanding. A fundamental insight in my opinion. Perhaps the deeper meaning behind STO. (It also happens to be the distinguishing feature of Mahayana from all other tenets.)

One seeks knowledge so as to be able to render the rightful kind of service to others. If this knowledge attainment is done for any other reason ... it's a fail.


Romantic love I think often is not the C's definition of love. Attachment and obsession negates the true nature of love. And in real life, it's the love for one's children that often presents the steepest challenge to this understanding. Here, achieving true non-attachment is most difficult.


The fear of connecting with others is often telling. Perhaps a sign of getting a bit too close to an inner core belief. A painful one. Hence urges and tendencies arise to back away. Talking about it is an important first step I think.


As some of you know, I've been pretty tied up with database, book editing, and preparing myself for the ordeal of doing the commentary on the next batch of sessions, so I'm kinda scarce around the forum lately. But this morning, I read this entire thread. I find it difficult to comment on any specific thing except to note that this is one of the most moving and profound collections of thoughts and expressions on this entire forum. I am humbled by the insight and honesty and clarity and so very thankful that there exists the possibility for such minds to gather and share what is here.

Nearly everything written by all of you could have been written by me at one time or another. I think all of you are familiar with the ups and downs of my own state in my encounter with the Cs over the years. It still happens because I'm also a work in progress.

A visitor once asked me what would I do if, at some point in the future, it was revealed that the Cs and everything they have revealed were a fraud - a government psi-op or some higher beings having fun at the expense of me and humanity. I thought about it for a few minutes, "tried it on" as a possibility, and then concluded that it wouldn't change anything because what I have learned about myself, other people, what people have been able to come together and find some answers and comfort as a result of sharing, still has value. And, what is more, if I had to go forward from that point, I still would because I CHOOSE to. If, in the end, there is ultimately no meaning, if the lights go out and we disappear like a smoke vapor on the wind, if we, ourselves, are ultimately meaningless in the grander scheme of things, I would still continue because I CHOOSE to. If there is nothing else, then at least I have the choice about how I respond to that.

In answer to the lament: "Who is the pot to say to the potter, why have you made me thus?" I will respond "I am thus, so I'll do a bang up job of BEing so, and enjoy it."
Neil said:
The thing is, for me, this is all highly theoretical. I'd be totally nihilistic about love if it wasn't for one experience that was kind of the equivalent of the universe opening the door for about 5 seconds and saying, "Yes, it is all real, now get to work." I guess at the level of the obyvatel, love is something like external consideration, which I do understand, and you build it up from there. But a lot of the deeper aspects of it are kind of lost on me because I don't feel that kind of deep connection to anyone, really. It is merely an ideal which exists "somewhere over the rainbow." It is another battleground area where I have been stuck for many years. I don't talk about it that much.

I think the main way that we can establish deep connections to others is by going through trials and suffering together, and for the purpose of a common aim. Recently the Cs said that humanity would be "united in suffering", but what is the purpose of this suffering, will, or does, humanity see any meaning in it? For most I think not. It is, in effect, "useless suffering", not in the grand scheme of things perhaps because lessons are learned by default, but that is very different from fully engaging in the suffering process (and even ameliorating it to some extent) to understand it and give it meaning. The Cs also said that suffering 'turns on DNA', which may include the ability to establish deep connections with others engaged in the same process.

So Neil, I would say that, even though you are not physically present with other members of this forum, with us, you ARE striving to go through that same process I described, and you are therefore united in a certain sense with us, if only ideologically and in the willingness to suffer for the same goal of understanding deeper truths. I think you can place faith in that process and that it IS real. Put tit this way, I think about you, about what you write, and your life situation as you describe it. I "identify" with you (and others) for this reason. Does that have any tangible reality to it? From the point of view of information theory, I don't see how it cannot.
Laura said:
A visitor once asked me what would I do if, at some point in the future, it was revealed that the Cs and everything they have revealed were a fraud - a government psi-op or some higher beings having fun at the expense of me and humanity. I thought about it for a few minutes, "tried it on" as a possibility, and then concluded that it wouldn't change anything because what I have learned about myself, other people, what people have been able to come together and find some answers and comfort as a result of sharing, still has value. And, what is more, if I had to go forward from that point, I still would because I CHOOSE to. If, in the end, there is ultimately no meaning, if the lights go out and we disappear like a smoke vapor on the wind, if we, ourselves, are ultimately meaningless in the grander scheme of things, I would still continue because I CHOOSE to. If there is nothing else, then at least I have the choice about how I respond to that.

In answer to the lament: "Who is the pot to say to the potter, why have you made me thus?" I will respond "I am thus, so I'll do a bang up job of BEing so, and enjoy it."

I've thought the same before, many times. In fact, I think I am a lot into the "what if" game in my head. What if what I believe is wrong, what if the choices I've made are wrong, or what if I'm right but I had chosen wrongly, etc. I don't stop myself from it because I find it tests me and reminds me constantly why I am where I am and not in an alternate reality.

Lately I just wish that what we do and the choices we have made had some clear effect on the world at large and don't turn out to be just for the benefit of a few of us (those of us who have obviously benefited from the shared knowledge and experiences), like the Cs have suggested many times (that this group is somehow important in the bigger picture). Otherwise what would be the point? And I reply to myself that whatever the effect is, it's probably not something that we are going to see on this lifetime, that it will be for future generations. So, faith is what keeps me: in that this is meaningful even if we don't see it.
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This thread has given me food for thought but have been unable to sit with these thoughts for any length of time. It seems I was avoiding these questions to myself.

I am amazed how forum members can express their thoughts so well and wished I could do the same. Today a bunch of emotions have been rising to the surface in me trying to burst out and scream something. My heart is beating strongly as I write this.

Laura, you put it so well about your choice. I did choose to be here with everyone. But I haven't really shared anything, possibly out of some ingrained fear I need to explore.

The future is unknown but what am I doing about it? What is it that drives me? How do I find the courage to participate in creating a possible future? How to stop paying attention to the discouraging narratives?

These questions and more need to be answered and cannot be done on my own. I must make that scary leap and open myself no matter how silly it may seem. Only then can I be a part of the future and not end up as a mechanical man.

There is work to be done and I better hop to it!
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Laura said:
A visitor once asked me what would I do if, at some point in the future, it was revealed that the Cs and everything they have revealed were a fraud - a government psi-op or some higher beings having fun at the expense of me and humanity. I thought about it for a few minutes, "tried it on" as a possibility, and then concluded that it wouldn't change anything because what I have learned about myself, other people, what people have been able to come together and find some answers and comfort as a result of sharing, still has value. And, what is more, if I had to go forward from that point, I still would because I CHOOSE to. If, in the end, there is ultimately no meaning, if the lights go out and we disappear like a smoke vapor on the wind, if we, ourselves, are ultimately meaningless in the grander scheme of things, I would still continue because I CHOOSE to. If there is nothing else, then at least I have the choice about how I respond to that.

In answer to the lament: "Who is the pot to say to the potter, why have you made me thus?" I will respond "I am thus, so I'll do a bang up job of BEing so, and enjoy it."

The other night I was feeling sad about the bleakness of the world and how it is kind of a sorry state to be a human being. In a way it was probably like a profound feeling of being disconnected from ...the source or truth and love?? And will there ever be anything better? Will I ever be anything better? I was thinking that we are born alone and we die alone essentially. No one can occupy your body with you and have the same experiences that you do. The words, "There is no escape," kept running through my mind. No amount of dissociation, no matter how positive it may seem, will alleviate this state of things. There is no running away and I won't be rescued.

I figured the only way to deal with this is to make peace with it and know that the only way we can alleviate this loneliness and disconnection is with other beings through physical contact and meaningful conversation and interaction. By sharing. Really sharing. Not a bunch of fake, surface-y stuff but giving all that we can.

So thanks for writing the above post, Laura. If this is all there is, then so be it. It is the choice to find meaning in this life that matters.
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Windmill knight said:
Lately I just wish that what we do and the choices we have made had some clear effect on the world at large and don't turn out to be just for the benefit of a few of us (those of us who have obviously benefited from the shared knowledge and experiences), like the Cs have suggested many times (that this group is somehow important in the bigger picture). Otherwise what would be the point? And I reply to myself that whatever the effect is, it's probably not something that we are going to see on this lifetime, that it will be for future generations. So, faith is what keeps me: in that this is meaningful even if we don't see it.

Maybe it's not so much about what would or would not happen to the universe in some undetermined future as is it what is the universe, of one of the universes these parts of ourselves are in, is doing. After all, the universe is also characterized by its "parts", like a mosaic depends on all its individual pieces. Therefore, every thought we have, every aim we seek, every mistake we make on that road, is part of what we contribute to the being of the universe. If consciousness wasn't meaningful somehow (even if it were a few candles in a storm of darkness), that would be such a waste for existence and kind of a negation of itself. OSIT
Laura said:
As some of you know, I've been pretty tied up with database, book editing, and preparing myself for the ordeal of doing the commentary on the next batch of sessions, so I'm kinda scarce around the forum lately. But this morning, I read this entire thread. I find it difficult to comment on any specific thing except to note that this is one of the most moving and profound collections of thoughts and expressions on this entire forum. I am humbled by the insight and honesty and clarity and so very thankful that there exists the possibility for such minds to gather and share what is here.

My heartfelt thanks to all of you who blazed the way.

Laura said:
Nearly everything written by all of you could have been written by me at one time or another. I think all of you are familiar with the ups and downs of my own state in my encounter with the Cs over the years. It still happens because I'm also a work in progress.

A visitor once asked me what would I do if, at some point in the future, it was revealed that the Cs and everything they have revealed were a fraud - a government psi-op or some higher beings having fun at the expense of me and humanity. I thought about it for a few minutes, "tried it on" as a possibility, and then concluded that it wouldn't change anything because what I have learned about myself, other people, what people have been able to come together and find some answers and comfort as a result of sharing, still has value. And, what is more, if I had to go forward from that point, I still would because I CHOOSE to. If, in the end, there is ultimately no meaning, if the lights go out and we disappear like a smoke vapor on the wind, if we, ourselves, are ultimately meaningless in the grander scheme of things, I would still continue because I CHOOSE to. If there is nothing else, then at least I have the choice about how I respond to that.

In answer to the lament: "Who is the pot to say to the potter, why have you made me thus?" I will respond "I am thus, so I'll do a bang up job of BEing so, and enjoy it."

As to whether everything is true or not, I've wondered this also, when looking back at how my life was turned upside down (literally) by the C's information and what Laura has built upon it. Somewhere along the way I concluded that if lies produce entropy, the results that people get working with Cass material are anything but entropic. They are living healthier, happier, more meaningful lives, even in the midst of the turmoil of the world. So I come down on the side of it being worth pursuing, true or not. It's the results that matter.

mkrhnr said:
Maybe it's not so much about what would or would not happen to the universe in some undetermined future as is it what is the universe, of one of the universes these parts of ourselves are in, is doing. After all, the universe is also characterized by its "parts", like a mosaic depends on all its individual pieces. Therefore, every thought we have, every aim we seek, every mistake we make on that road, is part of what we contribute to the being of the universe. If consciousness wasn't meaningful somehow (even if it were a few candles in a storm of darkness), that would be such a waste for existence and kind of a negation of itself. OSIT

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