Hope, fear and the future

Appreciate you starting this thread, Joe, and what you said to DBZ. At the end of the radio show today there was an important take home message and a message from the late MLK that were both important.

The meaning of "hope" was later well defined above within consciousness vs more base emotional thinking. As such, I've tried to seat myself with this word in terms of a type of idea, an idea of knowing that whatever happens, as an analogy, there were and are seeds sowed by many people of consciousness and they are and will grow to help others; it may seem blind, yet this is my faith of a future. As much as these seeds were and are under attack and it does not look good, those attackers never could understand the medium in which life continues to evolve and respond, even among these human setbacks, try as they might, the message from their growth cannot be suppressed - it exists in the universe for those willing to hear it and the messages will resonate once again more deeply as they did in the past.

In the in-between time, it is up to people to keep planting and watering them, keep tending to their growth.
munaychasumaq said:
Thank you very much Joe for your well written responds.This battle is not easy.I felt many times this bitterness.I had moments of complete despair...I remember one time being in the middle of a busy shift(i am server)stopping and looking around and say:what a hell i am doing here!!! these people do not realize that we are DONE :scared:And Everything around me just frozen,and i started to cry and to say mentally
LA ORACIÒN DEL ALMA and a sweet calm and peace came to me..

I know the feeling, munaychasumaq. I work in a place with some very nice people in it who are largely unaware of how bad things are - and how bad things are likely to be - and I sometimes say to myself "Good god - they don't know what's coming. They are going to go through some awful, hellish times. What'll they do then?!?" And this is to say nothing about friends and family who are living the last days of relative calm. I don't think we can or even should calm ourselves too much about it even if there is a strong pull for a little peace about these things (unless you're at work of course!). But use it to strengthen your determination to be signal and a strength for all those people who do want to know, and who may be capable of seeing things as they are.

munaychasumaq said:
.Now i realize if i give up i am going to be "their food"and i took a decision:my free will is only mine and i have to respect the fee will of others in first place. I reread the wave,The secret History,Amazing Grace,Psychopathy,Psychology.Diets looking practical examples to deal with this reality...little by little since 5 years more less my world is complete different...does not mean than nothing affect me,but i keep certain distance from some situations in order to understand other`s decisions...still is pain in my heart,but to be or no to be in the middle of the hurricane is only mine...i am not supporting the chaos of this mechanical world i am supporting to those as you are working in a better and compassion world... :love:

This is an inspiring expression of your intentions munaychasumaq. Thank you.
Ennio said:
munaychasumaq said:
.Now i realize if i give up i am going to be "their food"and i took a decision:my free will is only mine and i have to respect the fee will of others in first place. I reread the wave,The secret History,Amazing Grace,Psychopathy,Psychology.Diets looking practical examples to deal with this reality...little by little since 5 years more less my world is complete different...does not mean than nothing affect me,but i keep certain distance from some situations in order to understand other`s decisions...still is pain in my heart,but to be or no to be in the middle of the hurricane is only mine...i am not supporting the chaos of this mechanical world i am supporting to those as you are working in a better and compassion world... :love:

This is an inspiring expression of your intentions munaychasumaq. Thank you.

Agree and I felt it said with feeling straight from the heart. Thanks for sharing that, munaychasumaq.
Here are a few random remarks from C's that might be deemed "hopeful" commentary:


A: it's important not to worry over that which is not changeable, and
which is trivial in the really big picture. If the surface 3rd density realm
of your locator is soon to be rent asunder, why does it matter to you?
You are supposed to be moving beyond this 3rd D STS thinking.


A: Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit.


Q: (L) So, while all of this cataclysmic activity is happening on the 3rd
D earth, we'll be just on our 4th D earth and this sort of thing won't be
there. We won't see the 3rd dimensional people and they won't see
us because we will be in different densities?

A: You understand concept, now you must decide if it is factual.


A: connect the chakras for super-strength and resistance.


A: it's necessary to master the self, and that requires suffering,
which turns on DNA.


A: Next time you feel yourself slipping into despair -- think of something
you can do for another to prevent them suffering the same feelings.
Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.


A: there'll also be enhanced telepathic ability when the frequencies change.
If you work on "receivership capability," all else will come naturally.


A: most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is
contained within the belief center of the mind.
This is something you will understand more closely -- when you reach
4th D, where physicality is no longer a prison. But is instead, your home,
for you to alter as you please.


A: another way of saying it is "if you lock yourself in the old way, when
the old way ends, it will take you with it into the pit."


L: is the ketogenic diet going to help with plague resistance?
A: very likely, but more is needed in way of spiritual preparation.


A: if you develop a strong group identity, there can be protective
influences activated.


A: "what is of greatest importance right now?" Always keep that
thought and question in mind. Goodbye.


sitting said:
Here are a few random remarks from C's that might be deemed "hopeful" commentary:


A: it's important not to worry over that which is not changeable, and
which is trivial in the really big picture. If the surface 3rd density realm
of your locator is soon to be rent asunder, why does it matter to you?
You are supposed to be moving beyond this 3rd D STS thinking.


A: Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit.


Q: (L) So, while all of this cataclysmic activity is happening on the 3rd
D earth, we'll be just on our 4th D earth and this sort of thing won't be
there. We won't see the 3rd dimensional people and they won't see
us because we will be in different densities?

A: You understand concept, now you must decide if it is factual.


A: connect the chakras for super-strength and resistance.


A: it's necessary to master the self, and that requires suffering,
which turns on DNA.


A: Next time you feel yourself slipping into despair -- think of something
you can do for another to prevent them suffering the same feelings.
Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.


A: there'll also be enhanced telepathic ability when the frequencies change.
If you work on "receivership capability," all else will come naturally.


A: most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is
contained within the belief center of the mind.
This is something you will understand more closely -- when you reach
4th D, where physicality is no longer a prison. But is instead, your home,
for you to alter as you please.


A: another way of saying it is "if you lock yourself in the old way, when
the old way ends, it will take you with it into the pit."


L: is the ketogenic diet going to help with plague resistance?
A: very likely, but more is needed in way of spiritual preparation.


A: if you develop a strong group identity, there can be protective
influences activated.


A: "what is of greatest importance right now?" Always keep that
thought and question in mind. Goodbye.


These are great, and very inspiring Sitting, a real antidote to pessimistic thoughts. Thank you for finding and posting them.
Picked up were I left off reading Dabrowski's Personality Shaping and came across this quote I think might be appropriate here:

"The higher man, constantly tormented, internally torn by the contrast between ideal and reality, feels better than anyone else the human greatness and more painfully than anyone else the human misery. He feels himself carried to the realms of ideal sublimity, which is our final aim, and mortally affected by the eternal failure of our miserable nature. He infects us with these contradictory feelings which he himself experiences; arouses in us a love of existence and stimulates in us an incessant awareness of our nonentity." Ernest Hello

It's painful and difficult but we must struggle with ourselves here first before we are ready to move to the next level where physicality is not so fixed.

It's both exciting and terrifying but a natural progression, I think.
Sitting: Those where some amazing quotes, inspiring and definetly some good questions to use when feeling down. I would also like to add something i read from Trapped in the mirror.

As death looms nearer to this man, and the gifts with which he identified threatened to decay in the most final way, he was faced with three alternatives. First, he could accelerate into a frenzy of gift-hoarding to bolster his poorly funded sense of self. Second, he could collapse into a de-selfed sense of despair. Or third, he could turn from the gifts with which he had identified (or from the despair into which he was falling) and look for a sense of self that was independent from the transitory gifts he had enjoyed. …… Rather we must simply become aware that we are something more than the sum of our gifts, that while we may enjoy our gifts, they are not us. This is what aldous huxley was trying to tell us as he lay dying of cancer in 1963:

"The world is an illusion, but it is an illusion which we must take seriously, because it is real as far as it goes, and in those aspects of the reality which we are capable of apprehending. Our business is to wake up…. We must not live thoughtlessly, taking out illusion for complete reality…. We must be continually on our watch for ways in which we may enlarge our consciousness. We must not live outside the world which is given us, but we must somehow learn to transform and transfigure it. A way of living in time without being completly swallowed up in time" (1964,2 79)

I find the above paragraphd very powerful. Especially as an aim and a way to identify hope not as any form of destination. But a reasoning, to keep going to matter. To not be identified by my talents or gifts, but how i use them. I think there is great strength in a life of this. I am scared of the future, but in all honesty, its more a fear of how I'm going to react. Will i remain someone who upholds my codes or morality. Or while i let this external fear push me into accepting a morality that isn't such.
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I do not hope for humanity at large, nor do I fear for it. Nature (in the broadest sense) will give what is asked for through the action of its laws. Some (not many) actually care for reality, and so are asking to Be. Most of humanity is asking to become no more than a dream in the past. And so, things can improve from two ends simultaneously. Our responsibility is to become, collectively, like a seed which can grow further. Nature (in the broadest sense) takes care of the other half of the picture, through cometary bombardment and all the rest, razing the old and rotten to the ground.

In both cases, the cosmos is giving what is objectively asked for. This is the objective love of the living logos.

The C's used the metaphor of a "cosmic playing of Pomp and Circumstance" for part of the big picture of the future. It seems that we'll also get to see some cosmic fireworks to go along with it. And I think it is best to take George Carlin's approach, not to have "an emotional stake in the outcome" for most of humanity - which collectively determines its needs by how it relates to reality, independently of what would seem subjectively best to us - and focus our efforts and emotional bonds on those who genuinely ask for it. We are only united in spirit with those who share our love of reality.
Joe, munaychasumaq ,voyageur, Ennio, sitting, genero81, wand3rer, Buddy, and Psalehesost.... Thank you all! SO much for your input...it is really, really helping me get past this funk. Being a long time reader/non-poster, it seems to prove, once again, that so many things that i think are "correct" (for me) are actually just another damn "program".

I don't really know why I've decided to open up more lately...maybe its the iodine?...but in doing so, you are all helping to destroy the, "don't bother people with your petty problems and the emotional reactions they provoke" program. Careful self-observation, and listening to unintentional "mirrors" has shown me that i most certainly am an ass...and the program says, in a deep and authoritative voice.." DO NOT SHOW IT, fool!" That program has had some use as i always get thru it on my own...it's just that when i finally get past the negative feelings i haven't really gotten anywhere...a circle instead of an upward spiral, ya' know?.....(i so wish i knew you all in a non-virtual way so i could give each of you a big hug. :hug2:)

genero81, much thanks for the Dabrowski Quote/ "alarm clock". Though i have not read any of his books yet, i have read the thread and SoTT articles and other stuff of his on the web. His work is so humane and unlike the "this is your problem, here's your pill" crap psychology. It seems the negative emotional state puts the higher self to "sleep" causing one to forget what you know when your fully awake. It really is perplexing...I know that that negative state can eventually lead to greater awareness, and yet that "knowledge" seems to disappear when fully immersed in that state. :headbash: G was so right...we really do need each other to be those "alarm clocks".
Sitting, your quotes also had that same "alarm clock" effect.

Again, thank you all! for the help. Dave
I'm not sure how helpful an idea this is, but one thought that continues returning me to lately is that this group here are literally 'leaders for humanity'. A part of me is even reticent about saying such a thing or making such a claim, but words are important and sometimes, when we come certain conclusions, after long hard thinking and feeling, they should be stated too. Voiced or written. Its quite a conceit eh? 'Leaders of humanity'? And yet I say it again. Because everything I have learned and am learning in my time with this group leads me back to these simple words, again, and again.

The price of being a part of this is indeed high, as many of us know so well. It means very difficult moments sometimes bearing the knowledge that we have. And this is on top of the mundane the challenges of everyday living. But there is something very special here that, I think, is a strong and well-founded attempt at re-defining well everyday living even means. At least compared to the consensus reality and mass hypnosis that passes for it anyway. This is truly something; an almost all-encompassing work that seeks to look at literally everything there is and to say - with the sharpest thinking possible: this is helpful, and that isn't. This way we're seeing is destructive, and this other way creative.

Some of us are suffering greatly through this process. But many of us are also learning what suffering can be - how it can be transformed into something worthwhile; something useful. Who ever thought such a thing could be? Before coming here the only words I remember that even approaches this idea is, "if it doesn't kill you it'll make you stronger". Who could imagine that facing ourselves as we really are, and the world as it really is, as painful as it sometime is, could somehow be an important part in transforming life for our species? And yet that is exactly what it seems to come down to. At least in part. We have a chance to give our pain real meaning and serve as a catalyst for an almost unimaginably wonderful future. A fulfillment of a promise we may have given to our selves on some other level, that we are slowly but steadily becoming more and more aware of.

This has been my hope anyway. A fools hope? Maybe. But a part of me, despite what sometimes seem like ridiculous odds, and feels like incredibly complex circumstances, doesn't think so. That we're being shown paths to knowledge in every sphere of life that truly matters doesn't seem like mere chance or coincidence to me. There is something else at work here, clearly. Or many of us would not be here now, still thinking, still learning, still striving, and sometimes, still suffering. In the face of trying times like these - where the voices of fear, confusion and great tragedy seem right on our doorstep, many of us are still at it for a reason.

That reason, I believe, is that no matter how difficult things are for us individually, we know that, ultimately, we are working to serve a cause so much larger than our own comforts. So much bigger than our own desires to live quiet "normal" lives. We each, in our own small way, would like to raise up awareness and hope - in humanity - that we can live in a far far better way. And I am grateful to be a part of this; a person - among many here - who are seeking to support and be the benefactors of - the leaders of a real future.
Maybe leaders in the sense of being forerunners. Laying the groundwork for others to find when pain and confusion motivate them to look for answers. What a long way I've seen this network experiment come, from the first group I joined which was Cass Chat to what the forum is today.
What a difference! We may very well be THE hope for the future. And I just know I signed up for this. (being here at this "time" for this mission) And I sometimes think; what was I thinking?! But at the same time I feel I wouldn't miss it for the world. I think in general that we are a group of really brave souls and that we are capable of seeing this through and at least creating a possibility for a better future for all who care to follow.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :P
This quote from The Hunger Games is relevant here I think, another reason why it’s important for us to network and share what we see / think via social media. Says a lot perhaps about why the PTB so desperately seek to control the media and historical narratives.

[quote author=The Hunger Games]President Snow: Seneca... why do you think we have a winner?

Seneca Crane: [frowns] What do you mean?

President Snow: I mean, why do we have a winner? I mean, if we just wanted to intimidate the districts, why not round up twenty-four of them at random and execute them all at once? Be a lot faster.

[Seneca just stares, confused]

President Snow: Hope.

Seneca Crane: Hope?

President Snow: Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it's contained.

Seneca Crane: So...?

President Snow: So, CONTAIN it.[/quote]

If a hope based in reality (rather than wishful thinking) were to grow, who knows what might become possible.
"...life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." - That seems rather hedonistic and STS, an attitude that is imprinted on our epigenetics, especially in the west.

Something Laura mentioned in her Barcelona conference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYt2IS4DiAM (Part one), has stuck with me. She said something about the universe not being so concerned with preserving life in the form of any particular species forever. That many species have come and gone. The intent of cosmic mind seems to be something more...

The C's have said that time is rather like a very long process. Life forms come and go, but the information and lessons learned are incorporated into the next 'iteration' - debugging the universe. If we learn our lessons as individuals and as a group, and share knowledge with others truly asking for it, perhaps we will, in some small and imperfect way, be adding to that process. Perhaps something of ourselves will show up in the fabric of a possible, even probable, better future world.

Whatever the intent of cosmic mind is, I would like to align myself with that intent as I can.

The C's recently said that the world will soon be united in suffering. I am both saddened and consoled by that. At least through suffering we have a chance to learn.

It's not easy for me. I have a tough time not being emotionally invested, even in the future of those who seem to want to believe in lies.

Example: I was watching the democratic debate last night, (glutton for punishment I guess, republicans are worse if anything). All three candidates agreed that Assad was a bad guy and "gassed his own people". That these liars are given a huge soapbox to propagate their lies and that people scarf these lies up with such zeal is honestly very depressing for me. It's almost worse than the probability that the world will most likely go (even more) "kaflooey" in so many ways in the near future. Maybe I have to see it as birth pains, and a bifurcating future.

Just a few thoughts.

Thanks for all the comments on this thread, many things I need to be reminded of here.
Mark said:
Example: I was watching the democratic debate last night, (glutton for punishment I guess, republicans are worse if anything). All three candidates agreed that Assad was a bad guy and "gassed his own people". That these liars are given a huge soapbox to propagate their lies and that people scarf these lies up with such zeal is honestly very depressing for me. It's almost worse than the probability that the world will most likely go (even more) "kaflooey" in so many ways in the near future. Maybe I have to see it as birth pains, and a bifurcating future.

I hear ya Mark! Now that I think of it, that IS what depresses me most: to see the blatant lies being spouted and swallowed, the utter absurdity of the statements these political talking heads come out with is just jaw dropping and provokes in me a feeling that there is no point in even bothering to try to set them, or the people who listen to them, straight.

They may as well be saying "the sky is green and the grass is blue" to rapturous applause. I mean, if you saw that happening, would you even try to correct such people? Or would you just assume that there's no point, because they've obviously lost their senses? I mean, who wants to try and discuss anything with an insane person? And such people ARE functionally insane at least on those topics.

That's why I am increasingly appreciate of people on this forum and those around me who not only maintain their normal human faculties to be able to see What IS, but also have the strength and love to keep going amid such madness. Kudos to every last one of you, and may we all sit around some day and reminisce (although not for too long) on what may well prove to have been one crazy ride with lots learned in the process. :hug:
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