Hope, fear and the future

To me, whatever can be done to create a positive effect anywhere "in the world" and for anyone in the world is the work on ourselves - or, at least the part that we share with each other and which matters more than anything else.
Windmill knight said:
Lately I just wish that what we do and the choices we have made had some clear effect on the world at large and don't turn out to be just for the benefit of a few of us (those of us who have obviously benefited from the shared knowledge and experiences), like the Cs have suggested many times (that this group is somehow important in the bigger picture). Otherwise what would be the point? And I reply to myself that whatever the effect is, it's probably not something that we are going to see on this lifetime, that it will be for future generations. So, faith is what keeps me: in that this is meaningful even if we don't see it.

What you and others say here Windmill knight greatly reminds me of the selflessness of the Valerie character in the film 'V for Vendetta'. Having lost all of her freedom and being on the edge of death because of how the pathocratic regime has experimented on her, Valerie writes and shares her life story to V on scraps of toilet paper. V is no one to her personally. He's another victim on the other side of a cell wall where they are both held captive. Valerie shares her incredible losses and life's trials with V; the loss of her creative outlets, her parents disowning her, the snatching away of the love of her life at the hands of the police state. And finally, the loss of her liberty and her health at the hands of the same forces that stole her love and happiness away from her. But what she doesn't lose is her dignity and her being. In the face of horrific treatment that would and should break anyone, she gives V all that she has left: her love and appreciation of life despite all its pain, and her love and support of V; a total stranger.

The tragedy is that Valerie dies a terrible diseased death, but her words and her message live on in V. And later, V tries to convey this same message to Evey by recreating the experience for her that gave V the strength, love and conviction to go on and commit to facing reality - and attempt to respond to it. That's what I take from the film, and it gets me every time. I don't think I've been so touched by anything I've ever seen in a film as I have from those scenes in 'V for Vendetta'.

We can be so attached and identified with receiving a payoff - and wanting to see the outcome of things right away, that the faith in something far greater and far better has been programmed right out of most people. But that's certainly where hope and faith come in. And doing something about it too. Today we had journalist Joachim Hagopian as a guest on the radio show. I don't think he's delved much into the forum here or read the books that have formed the basis of what we know, and yet he was giving voice to so many things that seemed right on the money. I should add that the guy knows well how dire the geopolitical situation is. More than most I would say. Anyway, one of the things he said towards the end was that even if he doesn't live through what's coming, at least he would be able to go into the next world with his head high and having done what he could. I think that's a very laudable goal and something of a responsibility that many of us are choosing to take on in our own ways; for others and for ourselves.

Hagopian's comments and the fictional Valerie's selflessness are just a couple of things that can be used to inspire us. What we do doesn't have to look like their examples, but their spirit and good will exists here in some form. And it exists, too, in the world of people who don't know this place. We can also be inspired by the truly massive amounts of hard work that have gone into creating a space for us to communicate these things to each other. And can honor it by doing our best to be very brave and active in the face of things to come.
I've been moved by this thread also. Thanks to everyone who has shared and articulated things so well. I struggle being able to put my thoughts down like you all have done and learn a lot from how you express yourself and ideas in words.

Laura said:
Nearly everything written by all of you could have been written by me at one time or another. I think all of you are familiar with the ups and downs of my own state in my encounter with the Cs over the years. It still happens because I'm also a work in progress.

A visitor once asked me what would I do if, at some point in the future, it was revealed that the Cs and everything they have revealed were a fraud - a government psi-op or some higher beings having fun at the expense of me and humanity. I thought about it for a few minutes, "tried it on" as a possibility, and then concluded that it wouldn't change anything because what I have learned about myself, other people, what people have been able to come together and find some answers and comfort as a result of sharing, still has value. And, what is more, if I had to go forward from that point, I still would because I CHOOSE to. If, in the end, there is ultimately no meaning, if the lights go out and we disappear like a smoke vapor on the wind, if we, ourselves, are ultimately meaningless in the grander scheme of things, I would still continue because I CHOOSE to. If there is nothing else, then at least I have the choice about how I respond to that.

I've thought of that too. If that was the case, I'd choose to, too. Nothing can take away from the learning, the suffering, the camaraderie, seeing others grow and change, the sense of purpose, and a feeling sometimes of complete awe at how the universe is working; our lives and interactions with each other. It's all worth it even if it's a fraud or psy-op, I choose the red pill, still.
- Considering recent comments, maybe I have something to add.

Even if everything we do is futile. What else are we going to do. I mean really?! Life is only real when I am. - Is also the understanding that life can only be enjoyed when happiness is considered externally. Internally never.

Would you really want to go back to ignorance? From being a machine not capable of ''Doing'' anything. Was it so much fun being a ''machine'' ? The only ''fun'' being that is happiness considered internally. Treating the world with the intent of what it could all do for me. Only being self-centered. If you are doubting/fearful about the future, I suppose we only have to look at the past and see what we have accomplished. Of course our lessons are still work in progress. Suffering remains, but its worth it. The past tells me that. And the future tells me that we need to be ready.

That is if we want to cease suffering caused by Entropy.

Loneliness has its place I think if it helps us realize the horrible state of the world. Being awake is rare. Loneliness for a lack of acceptance or attention is mechanical. To be connected means to be able to care. To be external considerate. The only truthful connection that exists is to assist, support and help others if neccesary. People who are ''asleep'' can’t do that. In a way, they are the ones who are truly alone. Unable to truly care for one another.

[quote author= sitting]One seeks knowledge so as to be able to render the rightful kind of service to others. If this knowledge attainment is done for any other reason ... it's a fail.[/quote]

Indeed, its the intent of how you apply that knowledge which can make it STO.
I think there is something within us that gathers up, records and organizes our thoughts and experiences—every time we look at the sky or move a blade of grass or run our hand over the hair of a sleeping child. We continually accumulate tidbits of information that nudge our being into being. That we are capable of collecting, experiencing, knowing—with the ability to utilize what we know—becomes a canvas that depicts the ever-changing essence of a growing self in relation to all that is ‘not self’ or ‘not yet self.’

Perhaps we find layers upon layers to be uncovered, discovered. Maybe we await a definition, an accumulation of information, experiences, choices that seem unrelated until something connects and something jogs into place or becomes an element of our ‘self,’ now incorporated and alive.

That we are able to define, and more often redefine, aspects of ourselves gives hope and purpose to whatever this life process is and whatever we may become because of it. Perhaps something/someone/someday will benefit from all our efforts, and the grand mosaic of our individual experiences will connect in ways we can’t imagine, but even if not, it is THE experience we have chosen, a lesser one we cannot and should not accept.

Wherever this takes us, whatever the future brings, we can stand together and face whatever is to come knowing our hearts create connections, our minds are free and our aim is truth and understanding. If this is all there is, then it is more than enough to bind us to this discipline and give us the courage to face our unknowns both within and without. For all of this, and all of you, I am truly grateful.
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KJN said:
I think there is something within us that gathers up, records and organizes our thoughts and experiences—every time we look at the sky or move a blade of grass or run our hand over the hair of a sleeping child. We continually accumulate tidbits of information that nudge our being into being. That we are capable of collecting, experiencing, knowing—with the ability to utilize what we know—becomes a canvas that depicts the ever-changing essence of a growing self in relation to all that is ‘not self’ or ‘not yet self.’

Perhaps we find layers upon layers to be uncovered, discovered. Maybe we await a definition, an accumulation of information, experiences, choices that seem unrelated until something connects and something jogs into place or becomes an element of our ‘self,’ now incorporated and alive.

That we are able to define, and more often redefine, aspects of ourselves gives hope and purpose to whatever this life process is and whatever we may become because of it. Perhaps something/someone/someday will benefit from all our efforts, and the grand mosaic of our individual experiences will connect in ways we can’t imagine, but even if not, it is THE experience we have chosen, a lesser one we cannot and should not accept.

Wherever this takes us, whatever the future brings, we can stand together and face whatever is to come knowing our hearts create connections, our minds are free and our aim is truth and understanding. If this is all there is, then it is more than enough to bind us to this discipline and give us the courage to face our unknowns both within and without. For all of this, and all of you, I am truly grateful.

KJN, thank you so very much for this ... it's beautiful, powerful, inspirational :hug:
Yes, I'm with you: "For all of this, and all of you, I am truly grateful."
‌‌I'm also touched by Laura's sentiment as well as the many thoughts members have shared here. I'm inspired by the motivation expressed in CHOOSING to continue on the path because of the value this work has provided to those involved in FOTCM, the forum, and the others who we don't know but read and are helped from the material explored both here and on Sott. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

When I first discovered the Cassiopaean Experiment I remember struggling for a time because I didn't know if it was real or not. But what brought me through that uncertainty and fear of the unknown was in seeing the how the results were improving people's lives as well as my own. The C's cosmology, the high strangeness, and related material was really interesting, but it was the practical value of helping people in basic but extremely meaningful ways that provided me with the drive to continue. The question of 'are the C's real' became a non-issue for me.

This experiment has uncovered an enormous amount of knowledge, and there is an open system that continues to bear fruit based on networking principles, principles that the C's have talked about. In a discussion related to hope, what makes me hopeful is in knowing that there is a different way of life that is possible and can be witnessed through the collective effort of the members here.

There is a lot of pain and suffering in our own lives and felt throughout the world. The power that the psychopaths in charge hold is daunting and can feel like a monumental or even impossible task to face. However, this power is not as strong as it seems when we tackle it on a personal level. Our thoughts and beliefs provide the mechanisms to either accept this control over us or to forge new ways of Being and Doing. There is value in this. I've seen it with others and I've experienced it firsthand. I don't wish to live any other way.
Thank you for starting this discussion! This thread really gets into the core of all things, in so many ways. I wanted to participate in the discussion earlier, but couldn't collect my thoughts enough to do that.

I've come to realize, that the one thing that has been my greatest burden all my life, has been a very intense fear of death. The thought of dying, not knowing how things will be, feeling deep terror of spending eternity in some unknown (possibly uncomfortable) weird state of existence. I've been having this fear as far back as I can remember. This fear of death has been like a weight, or mind-poison, that I now realize that I've been trying to shrug off with various means all my life. That's why I started the heavy use of alcohol during the 90's, just to get "a moment of break". That's why I invested a lot of time (and still do) in singing and making music, because it alleviates the pain, being a way to dissociate from this fear of death. That's why I'm feeling fatigued most of the time – because I can't resolve my relationship with death. And, now I can see, that this was the main reason I started looking for answers to the "big questions", and which lead me to the C's and this community.

Pierre's recent article brought all this to the surface again. Also, the iodine protocol seems to intensify these types of feelings. What feels even worse, is the knowledge that my children are going to have to go through these things, seeing the horrors of life, getting face to face with their mortality, getting old and then ultimately die. And, at the end, I won't even be with them, since I'll be gone from their lives. It's a terrible thing to say, but I sometimes wish that my children would be some sort of OP:s, so that they wouldn't have to suffer with all these intense thoughts.

I'm turning 45 in a month or so, and right now life seems so incredibly short! In the recent years, I've experienced the death of colleagues and other people I know, and it feels like...at one moment these people were here, and then "Poof!" they are gone, and life goes on. And that same thing will happen with me, no matter how healthy I live.

I've been thinking what kind of "karmic debt" or "past life experience" might have caused this terrible fear of dying. During the session with Patrick and Heather, there was an interesting comment by Heather. She said, that the underlying feeling/thought se could sense in me was: "I don't want to be born as my father, again." The emphasis was on the word 'again'. I've been thinking about this a lot, and the only thing I can come up with is that perhaps I've been "recycling" numerous times, and still always making the same mistakes (my father would represent failure), not learning my lessons. So, "I don't want to be born as my father, again" would translate into: "I don't want to rebound to this life, again!". And, if I speculate further, perhaps I wanted to reincarnate into my dysfunctional family, so as to get that billboard falling on my head saying "Remember? You're supposed to learn this time!"

As to the meaningfulness and validity of the information by the C's, I've had my share of "What if?" thinking during all the years I've been a member. And, as others have said, not matter which way you see at it, no matter if the whole thing is a fraud or not, I wouldn't have it any other way. The results speak for themselves. Without all that I've learned through this community, I would with high probability be in bad health, living a life with little or no meaning, and being completely oblivious to what's going on in the world. And if I would be like that, there's no way I could help anyone with anything, the most important ones being my children and spouse. So, no matter what, getting to know you guys and getting involved in this community has been the best thing that has happened to me. :)

One of the things that gives me courage is the description by Castaneda of the warrior, who must not look back, and who must be able to look into the abyss (death). A warrior must do what s/he has to, because it feels like the right and only thing to do!
Thanks everyone for this thread and Laura for this very moving post.

A lot has been said already very beautifully. One thing that gives me hope is to see that the spark of humanity, weak as it is, stubbornly refuses to die. It's still there, like in the ying-yang symbol. Sometimes I share a smile with some people that I feel connected with - for example people I'm loosely associated with due to leisure activities -, and a warm feeling of love overcomes me that almost makes me want to cry. Somehow, there is something shared in those moments, kind of a silent understanding on a deeper level: "We may have different ages, a totally different background, but I feel it too. There is hope. Things will get better, all those idiots can run around trying to make us feel miserable, but they won't crush us. They won't crush the spark." These are seldom the people "in charge", usually they are just normal people doing what they do.

And somehow I know, if everything would fall apart right now, these would be the kind of people who put on their working boots and get to work, even if it seems hopeless. These would be the women who somehow manage to offer you a cup of coffee and give you a smile amidst total chaos. The kind of people who would offer a sweet to a child, even while they themselves are starving. Who would go out of their way to make you feel a little happier if they see you are crushed.

Isn't it amazing? Despite all this century-long programming, despite their health totally falling apart due to the evil medical system, despite their struggles at work and at home - they still keep the spark alive, and seldom complain. Like this elderly guy, who takes care of his ill wife, and calls me: "I organized this building material for our common project by giving the guy from the construction site some self-made honey. Are you coming to help getting it? If not, no problem, I'll get it done alone". :hug2:
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A truly inspiring thread!!

One quote i find particularly powerful, and although its from harry potter, its still very truth.

Dumbledore: Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.

I've had a similar fear like Aragorns, and i too feel i disassociate to try and get a break from the nature of this reality. But after finding this forum, reading the C's material, sott. Not only is it harder for me to disassociate, i don't need to as much, because i have tools, knowledge and so many amazing individuals who share. Not only their thoughts. but their lessons and fears. This to me is that spark of humanity that says no, taking a step forward. one before the other in faith is a choice, like to the choice to continue to read a book about psychology or a book about diet. I often think what else is there to do anyway, so much of what my friends do holds no interest for me, and to read the paths of like minded individuals, there is great strength and love in this. So no matter the outcome between what is right and what it easy.... I think its an easy choice but takes all essence is to be.
herondancer said:
Laura said:
As some of you know, I've been pretty tied up with database, book editing, and preparing myself for the ordeal of doing the commentary on the next batch of sessions, so I'm kinda scarce around the forum lately. But this morning, I read this entire thread. I find it difficult to comment on any specific thing except to note that this is one of the most moving and profound collections of thoughts and expressions on this entire forum. I am humbled by the insight and honesty and clarity and so very thankful that there exists the possibility for such minds to gather and share what is here.

My heartfelt thanks to all of you who blazed the way.

Well, if you're looking for the original and current real trail blazer, you need look no further than Laura. It's pretty clear to me that, while Laura is very gracious in her words above, none of the insights from members on this thread would have been possible without her. Those insights are, in fact, Laura's insights, that the rest of us have been fortunate enough to stumble across and hugely benefit from. In addition, that this forum exists for these thoughts to be collected is also the product of the decades of work and suffering in which Laura has willingly engaged, for the benefit of others.

I understand that it is very gratifying for Laura to see the fruits of her labors, and I'm really happy that she has a chance to see it, but I doubt her "humbledness" can compare with mine, at everything she has given and continues to give. I am eternally grateful to her and the universe (and whoever else was responsible in any way) for the fact that Laura exists.
Odyssey said:
The other night I was feeling sad about the bleakness of the world and how it is kind of a sorry state to be a human being. In a way it was probably like a profound feeling of being disconnected from ...the source or truth and love?? And will there ever be anything better? Will I ever be anything better? I was thinking that we are born alone and we die alone essentially. No one can occupy your body with you and have the same experiences that you do. The words, "There is no escape," kept running through my mind. No amount of dissociation, no matter how positive it may seem, will alleviate this state of things. There is no running away and I won't be rescued.

I figured the only way to deal with this is to make peace with it and know that the only way we can alleviate this loneliness and disconnection is with other beings through physical contact and meaningful conversation and interaction. By sharing. Really sharing. Not a bunch of fake, surface-y stuff but giving all that we can.

So thanks for writing the above post, Laura. If this is all there is, then so be it. It is the choice to find meaning in this life that matters.

This feeling of disconnection is a necessary part of the process. It is seeing the truth of the human condition. Most people never allow such thoughts to enter into their conscious minds to be reflected on. On the contrary, they shove them under the rug at every opportunity, and with all sorts of "distractions". While it feels depressing Odyssey, realise that it is through this awareness, and sitting with it, that you provide yourself with the motivation and will to create something real, something lasting, something new.

It is through our relationships with others that we suffer. But it is also through our relationships with others, depending on how we handle them, that we can come to know ourselves and others, and, with the right people, know ourselves AS others and vice versa. A shared and common aim, a shared and common struggle, shared and common suffering, leading to shared sense of belonging, shared knowledge and understanding, and through that, joy. :hug2:

Others, fellow souls, are a representation of life, of the universe. Give to them, build connections with them, and you give and build connections to life and to the universe. The universe is like a lover in waiting. It can't give that love until you recognize that it is there and send out the signal that you are ready.
Joe said:
Well, if you're looking for the original and current real trail blazer, you need look no further than Laura. It's pretty clear to me that, while Laura is very gracious in her words above, none of the insights from members on this thread would have been possible without her. Those insights are, in fact, Laura's insights, that the rest of us have been fortunate enough to stumble across and hugely benefit from. In addition, that this forum exists for these thoughts to be collected is also the product of the decades of work and suffering in which Laura has willingly engaged, for the benefit of others.

I understand that it is very gratifying for Laura to see the fruits of her labors, and I'm really happy that she has a chance to see it, but I doubt her "humbledness" can compare with mine, at everything she has given and continues to give. I am eternally grateful to her and the universe (and whoever else was responsible in any way) for the fact that Laura exists.

Very well said, Joe! Laura selflessly offers herself to help others. I don't think there is anyone else like her. If I had not stumbled upon her work, I know for a fact that, I'd be in a not-so-nice place now. Laura has taken us along on the "ride", helping us to grow, to learn along with her at not nearly the cost she has paid.

The Cs Experiment is not at all what I first thought it to be - only about "aliens" giving advice. I never would have even considered trying to become a better person; and this is what is so important to me now. Becoming a better person for myself, and others. So if the Cs are not what we think they are, if they were to be found out as other than what they claim to be; I have learned so much from Laura about so many, many things that, yes, it is all worth it and I would start on this journey all over again if it was needed because it is a valuable journey. It's not about the getting answers from 6th density beings - or phenomena seeking - but about the lessons being learned by all because of Laura. And, in that there is hope. I am already in a better reality compared to what it was, and would have become, if I were still in it, on many different levels.

Thank you, Laura, for being you. :love:
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I am trying to figure something out. Please bear with me.

Hope practiced with non-anticipation. What do you get? Something pure I think. It results in always having Hope/Faith for the sake of others. Not for self-serving purposes. It’s natural and part of what it means to be STO I think. This can only be achieved with sufficient self-knowledge

Pure Hope/Faith. = Part of being in synch with creation. Having anchored that connection can open the flow of Creative Energy, which than can act with you? This can offer protection from 4STS and much more I think. I have the impression that 4STS can only alter the timeline when Entropy, which is their playing field remains absolute.

4STS cannot alter Creative Energy. Because this is how creation should properly function. Its something like divine will. Creative Energy exceeds 4D. But for that to happen. People first need to anchor that connection, to learn how to act with creation. Not against it.

Concerning the shift in the time-line and Putin. Consider his attitude on life and his view on Hope/Faith :

[quote author= Putin]I think every person should have some faith inside him, in his heart. What matters is not an external display of this faith, but the inner state of the soul.[/quote]

[quote author= Putin]Everything will probably never be OK. But we have to try for it.[/quote]

[quote author= Putin]You must never cling to things, nor to failure nor to success. If you start thinking about yourself as important and special, it is the beginning of your fall. But if you stay with people, if you think about their interests and make it your mission to make their lives better, God will remain on your side.[/quote]

Putin very much acts in alignment with creation wouldn’t you say? God/creation is indeed on your side if you serve others. Putin is not part of Entropy. But of Creativity. 4STS cannot touch that. Or at least not sufficient enough to alter the timeline in there favor. Since Putin plays a major part in it.

- I think there is even more to it.

I think it may be possible to create miracles/wonders with ''pure intent''. Pure Faith/Hope - (Non anticipation) is part of that. But it can only work if you act in alignment with creation. Its not something which can happen at your own desire. It has to serve others.

Anyhow, I can’t say anything conclusive about it right now. Its just to abstract. I need to think about it.

[quote author= Joe]Well, if you're looking for the original and current real trail blazer, you need look no further than Laura.[/quote]

Laura's work was like oxygen for me. I can only be eternally grateful.
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Nienna said:
Joe said:
Well, if you're looking for the original and current real trail blazer, you need look no further than Laura. It's pretty clear to me that, while Laura is very gracious in her words above, none of the insights from members on this thread would have been possible without her. Those insights are, in fact, Laura's insights, that the rest of us have been fortunate enough to stumble across and hugely benefit from. In addition, that this forum exists for these thoughts to be collected is also the product of the decades of work and suffering in which Laura has willingly engaged, for the benefit of others.

I understand that it is very gratifying for Laura to see the fruits of her labors, and I'm really happy that she has a chance to see it, but I doubt her "humbledness" can compare with mine, at everything she has given and continues to give. I am eternally grateful to her and the universe (and whoever else was responsible in any way) for the fact that Laura exists.

Very well said, Joe! Laura selflessly offers herself to help others. I don't think there is anyone else like her. If I had not stumbled upon her work, I know for a fact that, I'd be in a not-so-nice place now. Laura has taken us along on the "ride", helping us to grow, to learn along with her at not nearly the cost she has paid.

The Cs Experiment is not at all what I first thought it to be - only about "aliens" giving advice. I never would have even considered trying to become a better person; and this is what is so important to me now. Becoming a better person for myself, and others. So if the Cs are not what we think they are, if they were to be found out as other than what they claim to be; I have learned so much from Laura about so many, many things that, yes, it is all worth it and I would start on this journey all over again if it was needed because it is a valuable journey. It's not about the getting answers from 6th density beings - or phenomena seeking - but about the lessons being learned by all because of Laura. And, in that there is hope. I am already in a better reality compared to what it was, and would have become, if I were still in it, on many different levels.

Thank you, Laura, for being you. :love:

Totally agree with that. :love:

And I think that the best way to thank her is to try to follow her steps and to watch her back.
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