Hurricane Helene Brings Catastrophic Flooding to US South

I posted this in the Trump election thread, but I think it belongs here too:
I thought this was interesting, in that this ex-military guy thinks that what is going on in NC with the hurricane aftermath might be used to eventually institute martial law and cancel the elections. Now I don't agree with some of his violent takes or his salty language, but he's seasoned enough to be well heard:

“Mostly Peaceful Extrajudicial Killings” – Big Country Expat
Hot take:

"Thesis: The Current Occupational Jewish run Cabal is INTENTIONALLY UNWILLING to assist Heritage Americans in a traditional voating block ‘area’ that is normally opposed to the Current Ruling Junta. This is a willful and intentional as well as a probable treasonous act punishable under NORMAL circumstance by death. This is part of a BIGGER plan I think that I’ll get further into.

Antithesis: The Current Occupational Jewish run Cabal is UNABLE to assist Heritage Americans in a traditional voating block ‘area’ that is normally opposed to the Current Ruling Junta, due to inefficiency and general lack of ability, hence rather than admit this, they threaten and cajole moar-capable individuals with punitive damages (arrests and the like) in order to maintain their tenuous grip on power. They cannot (due to current regime instability) allow ANY non-DotGov organization to ‘show them up’ It also funnels money to their ‘prefered providers’ who in turn give a portion of the shekels back to them in the form of Grafted Campaign Donations.

Synthesis: The lower-tier agents of The Current Occupational Jewish run Cabal start “vanishing” mysteriously in the night. FEMA vest wearing civilians are the initial ‘missing’. As time progresses (quickly mind you) Local collaborators such as the Lake Lure Fire Chief are found hanging from light poles outside of their houses in the A.M., with their immediate family just fucking -gone- in that they took the fucking hint IMO and GTFO of Dodge. No one in the immediate area will acknowledge nor deny/confirm ANYTHING as they know that they may be next on the list…. (This might happen, but I’m getting to the point)

“The best place to hide a murder victim/corpse is on a battlefield”
Jes’ Sayin’

“Mostly peaceful extrajudicial killings” is what CNN would call them IF it was THIER f___tards doing such drastic performative measures. However, expect the “REEEEing” of the slaves and leftards will be overwhelming…

As would the severity of the backlash from Leviathan.

The term favored back in the wild days of the 80s and 90s in Central America was “Right Wing Death Squads”. Got a hunch that would very quickly make a MAJOR comeback as it’s been out of style since the Reagan Years and the Contras and Nicaraguans. It also plays very well to the Insane Demonically Possessed on the Left…

Part of my ‘conspiracy sensor’ is pinging that this is exactly what they want people to start doing. The majority Stakeholders who’re the ones who’re actually at the top of the Food Chain so to speak are relatively untouchable and inured to the fallout that may happen. The ones who’d be, and are probably being evaluated right now for localized action, are ultimately disposable.

Their absolutist attitude that those ‘lower level bureaucrats’ are ultimately -disposable- non-consequential pawns for them to utilize at their Satanic whims. They (the Leadershit) won’t mind, ‘cos they (the Pawns) don’t matter so to speak.

“You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs”

That being said, I’m sure that the Director who just got a “pavement shave” would stand to think otherwise.

In fact this is the core element.
IF FEMA-Fedibois start either disappearing, or being found dead, the current Cabal would I think, GLEEFULLY respond by declaring Martial Law initially, and when the resultant outcry reaches a fever pitch, declare a National Martial Law Emergency and suspend the f___ing (s)election indefinitely."

I personally think it's prudent to consider ALL things that could potentially happen with this coming election, as the more possibilities we can consider the better we will be prepared for anything.

...and now he sees the next hurricane coming directly towards him. His language is salty as hell, but he's got the life experience to provide insights few can. He's not outright saying it, but he thinks Florida is in the gunsights because their governor sent a help team to Appalachia - and that there's some weather warfare going on.


Personally I know the C's have said a lot of Earth changes were coming via natural cycles, that we are heading towards an ice age. I believe them. But I have always wondered if the "powers that be" can have at least some minimal influence on natural events, perhaps managing to increase the power of hurricanes and steer them towards specific targets? Not to imply that they have power over the larger cycles of events, or can create any of this from scratch. They can only use what is presented to them organically to twist to their own ends.

This document, which I read a long time ago, is from the late '70's. It shows at least some of what the PTB could do fifty years ago, and I lived through and experienced some of those events in CA directly. How much more can they do now?

I don't know the truth of any of this, but as always, I share knowledge hoping others can help out to make sense of it all. And BTW, Florida is another red state...
A citizen journalist gives us an in person report. The riverbed is 2 or 3 times as wide as it was previously. There were shops, houses, curio stands and places to just pull over and picnic all along the riverside stretch of road he walked.
Check out the comments

I walked to Chimney Rock for answers... Hurricane Helene Aftermath​

The 1916 flood was very similar to this one and the same areas were damaged. Two hurricanes, one from the gulf and one from the Atlantic, converged on July 15, 1916 to cause region wide destruction. The very same thing has happened 108 years before.

The 1916 flood was very similar to this one and the same areas were damaged. Two hurricanes, one from the gulf and one from the Atlantic, converged on July 15, 1916 to cause region wide destruction. The very same thing has happened 108 years before.

There is a fantastic historical novel, based on facts, telegrams, diaries, etc, by Erk Larson that tells the story of one of the worst hurricanes that happened in USA in Texas. Here some information about the book:

September 8, 1900, began innocently in the seaside town of Galveston, Texas. Even Isaac Cline, resident meteorologist for the U.S. Weather Bureau failed to grasp the true meaning of the strange deep-sea swells and peculiar winds that greeted the city that morning. Mere hours later, Galveston found itself submerged in a monster hurricane that completely destroyed the town and killed over six thousand people—and Isaac Cline found himself the victim of a devastating personal tragedy.

Using Cline's own telegrams, letters, and reports, the testimony of scores of survivors, and our latest understanding of the science of hurricanes, Erik Larson builds a chronicle of one man's heroic struggle and fatal miscalculation in the face of a storm of unimaginable magnitude.

Below is the most recent update, 3rd October, I could find.

Summary and transcription (all done by AI).

The text criticizes the U.S. for spending vast amounts on wars but being unable to efficiently respond to disasters like Hurricane Helene. The hurricane caused massive devastation and left a trail of death and destruction in North Carolina with many missing and little help from federal resources.

In Asheville, there's no running water due to the storm, and people are experiencing "historic and catastrophic" damage. Despite the severity of the disaster, people feel abandoned by their government as the response seems slow and inadequate compared to what is possible with current technology and resources.

The text argues that the U.S. has not adequately planned for disasters like this, and there was a significant delay in getting help to those in need. The response from federal authorities appears poor, with citizens stepping up to fill the gap left by the government's slow action. This has led to grassroots efforts being more effective than official responses.

The hurricane has caused severe shortages of essential items like food, water, and medical supplies. There is widespread looting and crime in affected areas due to lack of communication and resources. Evacuations are ongoing but becoming increasingly difficult as days pass without help.

Full transcription:
Another problem in the United States of America right now that we've talked about is we seem to be really capable of taking hundreds of billions of dollars and sinking them in what appeared to be endless, useless, pointless wars that just get people killed.
But one thing we can afford to do is seem to fix problems like this.
Breaking news as Hurricane Helene gets closer to making landfall.
The storm's footprint, massive. You can see it from the satellite there in space.

Tropical storm force winds extending up to 310 miles from the center.
Parts of central and southern Appalachia are under flash flood warnings after the region got slammed with historic rainfall.
Asheville's included. Western North Carolina where the worst of the weather happening now, but so many people will be impacted.
Hurricane Helene has moved on, but left in its wake a trail of death and destruction.
The only way to describe the damage here in Asheville is historic and catastrophic.
Officials in North Carolina say they were blinded by Helene's sheer intensity.

Homes swept away, restaurants and shops torn to pieces.
You can see all those roads and yards covered in mud, water, debris. The mayor there calls it apocalyptic.
Homes and buildings swept away by raging floodwaters that have submerged the town.
It's beyond anything I've ever seen in my lifetime.
Parts of the town not underwater completely cut off.

The storm now being blamed for at least 133 deaths, 49 of those here in North Carolina.
And that number is expected to go up with as many as 600 people still missing as of this morning.
There is no running water in the city. So that is showers, that is flushing toilets, that is of course drinking water.
Any more resources the federal government could be giving them?
No, we've given them, we have preplanned a significant amount of it even though they didn't ask for it yet.
Nobody's going to help us. I don't know what we're going to do.
Do you have any faith in the federal response here? No.
I don't know about you, and I know I'm an armchair quarterback on this.

I'm not in the middle of it. I don't know what it takes to try and, you know, dig entire cities out of mud and ruin.
But it just feels like every time we see this, it's shocking that a nation is as advanced as ours with all the technology,
all the helicopters, all of the manpower, the military, that we aren't able to just swoop in and get in control of these situations faster.
But I want to get to someone that is on the ground.
We're going to be joined by my really good friend Steve Slepcevic of Strategic Response Partners.
We've gone to him before. He flies right into the center of the disaster areas.
He right now is, I believe, in North Carolina. He's joined by Dan-El Jimenez.
Steve, Dan-El, thank you for joining me.
I know that you're in the middle, Steve, of deploying helicopters.
There's a real effort right now to help people, and so I don't want to distract you for too long.
But we're hearing stories of, you know, people trapped, people that are just not getting the resources they need, water, food, medical supplies.

And so what's being done to handle that situation right now from your perspective?
So just to give you a quick perspective, we're here at Ground Zero at the Hickory Airport.
And we got into Tallahassee three days before Hurricane Helene made landfall.
And so right from that point, once it made it hard right and it kind of cruised up to the Carolinas,
we could see that this thing actually was going to stall, make that turnover top, and there was going to be a serious issue with flooding.
So anybody who's in the first response, disaster management, anybody who's handled any type of emergency response,
disasters, knew this was going to unfold at this level or pretty close to this level,
which means they should have pulled resources from Tallahassee and all those task forces should have been pushed up into North Carolina right away.

That didn't happen. What happened on day six and going into day seven should have happened on day two.
So I'm going to turn it over real quick to Dan-El, who's our helicopter pilot.
He's also the one kind of running the operations here because this has become a grassroots private individuals just showing up who have the skill set to actually make things happen.
So you want to talk about what's going on in the EOC as far as flight command?
Absolutely. We came in and we're kind of helping divert all the assets that showed up here to where they're needed the most.
We've got many civilian aircraft to include some military recently that showed up, National Guard, stuff like that.
And what we're doing is we're assigning missions to to to help the greater number of people.

The problem we're running into is a lot of these people are out of communications. Right.
So we don't know that they need help. Right. So as we're sending civilian helicopters out there to do missions,
they're also doing reconnaissance on the flight on the way back, debriefing us so we can start picking out more assets to that area.
Absolutely. When you're flying around and there's a lot of aircraft in the air and I know even President Biden is visiting,
what is air traffic control like in a situation like this that get difficult?
Do they I mean, how do you do organize all the planes in the air?
They're flying very close helicopters having to land in difficult areas.
So fortunately and unfortunately, when a VIP like that shows up to an area like this, they install what's called a temporary flight restriction.
So that kind of grounds us for a little while until that dignitary leaves so we can get back to work.
So we did deal with that yesterday. We were grounded for a little bit, but now we're back up in the air.
We're doing we're doing a lot more work today.

Our mission sets are being dwindled down because of all the great people that have come out to help us.
And we got the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation that just showed up with the UH-1 Hueys from Vietnam.
And they're going to help us move a bunch of supplies or heavy lift helicopters.
We got a lot of entities here that are coming just from everywhere to help us out.
Now you're saying it's really more of a civilian population.
Steve, is that how these things are designed to go?
I mean, when you know, it's not like this is the first natural disaster ever.
We have deal with these every year, many of them, some worse than other.
And I just sit here going, what is the planning? Is there a set way that these are done?
Let the civilians handle it first. Then we'll send in, you know, the military, National Guard.
Is that how this is supposed to go?
No, not at all. I mean, the military, the military, the government, the FEMA task force should have been here on day two.
That didn't happen. That was a complete disaster.

So what happened is the people showed up.
This is no different than what you saw happen in Maui when Archie Kaleppa set up his EOC, right?
So when the call went out, the people rose up and rose to the challenge.
And that's what's happening. So America has to start seeing really what's happening and how people responding.
So all these independent pilots are to come together.
And through our network, we pulled all types of other pilots in, assigned our paramedics to those to those flights and sent them out there.
Now they're doing mass evacuations now because we're going on day five, day six.
No, no food, no water. People running out of food. Three days of water.
That's a problem, right? Yeah. So these are some of these are elderly.
So I'll let Mike Savage to talk a little bit about the medical side of it.
But there's mass evacuations that are being scheduled right now to move some of these elderly people out of assisted living facilities.

There's looting going on. There's a lot of crime going on.
There was some people that got killed yesterday, as a matter of fact, over supplies.
So, wow, look at how the ports are shut down.
Look at what's happening. And people are going on these panic buying situations.
And then add a hurricane to it where people are cut off from those food resources and no comms.
So we're going in. Everything's got sat sat radios on our stuff, sat sat phones.
And even that is starting to run low on the supply chain because it's not coming in.
So, you know, you need to get your family in order.
So I want to talk a little bit. Let Mike share a little bit on the medical.
So if you have anything on the medical side of it. OK, very good.
He was on the medical side yesterday for what we were doing in this area.
You know, Mike, we talk a lot about the health of Americans right now.
So many people are on pharmaceutical drugs just due to health issues.
We've got diabetes, you know, diabetes, medications, insulin, things like that.
When you're rushing out of your home, when it's being wiped away by a river,
I would imagine you have a lot of people right now that don't have access to the medications they need.
And the worst thing you can do is just go cold turkey off of whatever medications you're on.
So how, you know, in a situation like this, how does someone like you that's involved in the medical side handle that?
One of the most important things for anyone that is preparing for a disaster like this is to know exactly what you have,
what you have, certain medications, if you're on diuretics, if you have insulin for any medication that you take,
whether it's a cardiac drug or blood pressure drug, it's very important for you to know exactly how much of it you have
and how long you can go until you need to get another dose of sent to you.
One of the scariest parts about responding to disasters, especially in the middle of a situation like this,
and we're talking to you guys live from an airport that has been established as the one responding units to go in and to rescue people.

If someone is on a dialysis patient and now the dialysis center they go to has been swept away in five days, they're going to be septic.
That's a very real understanding that we're faced with.
That's why it's really important for us in a lot of places that we've flown into.
There's volunteer fire departments that are creating LZs for us.
And the minute that we show up, we see them and they're tired.
They're overworked. And we're trying to establish communications with everyone.
We're grateful for the start links that we've been able to distribute.
Yeah, we got 500 of them out yesterday, dropped a bunch of insulin off, delivered oxygen, oxygen is running low.
Medical supplies are running low. So those that have any resource to medical type stuff, just have them send a response at SRP.
Connect them here with the medical director.
Here you go. Right now, we're going to put this on our screen.
If you live in the area and can help email response at SRP 24 dot com.
They'll figure out how to get those supplies from you and get them to the people that need them.

I heard rumor that a big plant or storage IV storage, you know, wherever they make IVs, which is going to affect hospitals all across this country, is underwater.
Is that true?
That's true. So there's also already a shortage.
And then the fact is that we as Americans, even more why we should be sourcing stuff in our own country.
Right. If the ports aren't a warning, if the disaster zones aren't a warning, we have to be self-sufficient so that we could pull from other areas and pull that in.
So there's a lot of other shortages because we're getting it from other countries.
And when you have multiple disasters happen at the same time, this can cripple and literally put the whole country in absolute chaos really fast.
So, yeah, there's a lot of other stuff that's going on.
And I'll share with you later on.

OK. Yeah. Like I said, I know you guys are in the middle of it.
I don't want to hold you up much longer. I do want to talk about the death numbers.
I'm hearing like one hundred fifty, maybe two hundred and fifty that are dead.
A lot missing from your perspective. Is that number going to come in low?
Do you expect those numbers to rise based on what you're seeing?
And we're in a critical moment here. Five days out.

Any longer, people without water, without food are going to be in real, real trouble, are they not?
Yeah. So let me share this with you.
Just one county has two hundred fifty dead. Confirm.
So the numbers aren't at all. This was one county.
One county is two hundred fifty dead.
So, yes. Wow. There's also body bags that are running out.
OK, so let me put it this way.
When you go back to even Hurricane Ike, the Coast Guard friends that I have,
the amount of body bags that were dropping just their choppers far exceeded the numbers on just their helicopters.
So no different than sitting there at the bar with the mayor in Staten Island after Superstorm Sandy.

And then him telling me what they had in the morgue and what was on TV and him just breaking down and going, that's not true.
Sometimes there's also people who undocumented who won't complain those bodies.
And then when you see the stuff like the numbers, even with Maui.
So we get into these zones. We're working with medical directors, working with what's going on.
And my question to your viewers is, if somebody knows, tell me why consistently the numbers never match.
Like what we see on the ground versus what's reported.
Is there something that I'm missing? Some I don't know.
But you know what? Just notice that the numbers are to go up.
And sometimes even when they get those numbers up, it's still not what actually is.
So I don't know what that is. The answer to that is. All right.

I don't know what to tell you. Look, I don't want to hold you guys up any longer when this is all through, Steve.
I want to I want to get together with you and we can talk about maybe, you know,
I'm amazed that in all the years that I've been alive, I've never seen a president say, hey, we need to be better at this.
We need to get rid of red tape. That's getting in the way. We need to be able to drop in and move efficiently.
We are modern nation. We got computers now. We have cell phones. We got sat phones.
We need to get better at this. Clearly, we need to get better at this.
This is shocking in the modern age that we still look like we're in the dark ages every time we get hit by a tornado or a hurricane.
Yeah, listen, 35 years work. My first response was Hurricane Andrew.

I've seen this these responses by multiple administrations under all different.
I was a registered Democrat, turned independent for obvious reasons, because command and control in critical situations.
Someone has to know what they're doing. Well, I mean, look, we'll leave it there.
I have a nonprofit here. I don't want to get deep into these issues, but I hear you.
I look at as you said, I've watched this through multiple administrations.
I don't think I would pick a side right now except to say that we clearly suck at this in America.
We need to get better. But I am so happy that there are people like you and that the citizens and, you know,
the beautiful people that step up, make a difference, bring their own aircrafts in to make a difference.
That's what makes America great. So maybe we need to put it back in the hands of the people and just let us handle it from here on out.
Maybe that's the better way forward. Just a last minute reminder.

The first responders that are showing up are incredible. Everyone's doing an exceptional, exceptional job from the top to the bottom.
But the command post, the commander in chief from the federal government, that is where the breakdown is.
That needs to be addressed. That needs to be looked at very closely. And that's all I got to say for today.
Thank you. Thank you. All right. I want to you guys have a give and go right to donate to you specifically to your group.
Here it is, folks. Give send go dot com slash SRP 24.
You see you see the integrity there. All volunteers.
They are in there getting, you know, helping organize place to get to people in need right now.
So, you know, while our government is is obviously confused, we shouldn't be.
Let's do everything we can to help out. Gentlemen, thank you so much. So proud of you.
I look forward to talking more detail in the future. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you.
Thank you.
Here is an excerpt from the article "Hurricane Helene and the Lost Mandate of Heaven" "We're from the government, and we're here to make sure no one helps." taken from the Substack of Jhon Carter, where he explains in an objective way, in my opinion, what is happening with the difficult situation, how the government has responded and the awakening of the people in front of the real interests. It is worth reading in its entirety.
It’s clear that the government hasn’t literally done nothing, but it seems clear that it took a while to get its act together. Many are suggesting that the government has been deliberately dragging its heals. Have they? I don’t know the answer to that for sure; I don’t think anyone does. With any entity as cumbersome as the US Federal Government, any single unitary explanation for its behaviour is unlikely to be fully descriptive. All sorts of factors are probably in play: the greed of petty officials looking to protect their kickbacks from ‘preferred vendors’; the fragile egos and robotic authoritarianism of bureaucrats unable to look past their best-practices manuals and regulatory fiefdoms; the incompetence of diversity hires; dithering by a divided and confused leadership; resource depletion due to overseas military commitments and domestic illegal immigration policy (or should that be illegal domestic immigration policy?); simple complacence from a remote imperial ruling class towards the fates of America’s most despised population. Corruption, confusion, and fecklessness are probably sufficient to explain the slow response, and probably does explain most of it
One particularly dark take is that the Federal government’s apparent slow-rolling of the disaster response is a form of voter suppression. North Carolina is a swing state, and with the exception of Asheville the western part of the state is deep red MAGA territory. Voters who can’t reach a polling booth because there are no roads, no power, and no communications, and who aren’t even thinking about voting because they’re more focused on food, potable water, and shelter from the elements, are much less likely to vote. Keep those people from voting, and Kamala might just take North Carolina ... and the country.
Again, I don’t know if there’s anything to that, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there was.
A theme that comes through loud and clear – whether in Lindsay Graham’s tone deaf Israel pivot or Kamala Harris’ blundering blank page photo op – is the regime’s general lack of concern with the fate of the Appalachians. This is nothing terribly new. Hillbillies have been derided for generations as ignorant, poor, clannish, violent, and inbred. Appalachia has been one of the most economically depressed parts of the United States almost in perpetuity. Much of it languishes in poverty that would make a third world country blush. The American ruling class is accustomed to treating them with contemptuous dismissal. The white death of the opiod epidemic raged through the region for decades without anyone in power particularly giving a damn.
That points to the other major theme running through these events, which is the instinctive distrust – the bone-deep hatred, in fact – that many Americans have developed for their ruling class.
America in 2024 is not like that. The mood is bleak, now. There is no confidence left. Nor should there be, after all that has happened so far this century: the endless senseless wars; the grand theft of the 2008 financial crisis; the COVID confinements; the vaccination mandates; the stolen 2020 elections; the censorship and soft tyranny of the Great Awakening HRs; the visible mental decay of the ruling class, many of whom can barely string together a coherent sentence; the population replacement of mass immigration; open borders; filth, crime and drugs flooding the streets; food price inflation, the housing bubble and the steady collapse of living standards.
The default assumption many people hold now is that the regime is composed of criminals, of enemies. It is difficult not to feel this way. It is, indeed, almost foolish not to. So when the regime fumble’s the response to a disaster, many will assume that it did so deliberately. Maybe it did, and maybe it didn’t; that so many assume this to be so is the significant fact.

This is a government which has lost the mandate of heaven. It is no longer fit to rule.

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I posted this in the Trump election thread, but I think it belongs here too:
I don't think the martial law due to FEMA-fed officials starting disappearing or being found dead is a plausible hypothesis. First, with the sock people received, I don't think they are in a such mindset. Second, even if some "accidents" happen, it would be limited and covered. Declaring the martial law would be too noticeable by outside. Not their way of doing think IMHO.

In such posts don't hesitate to bold complete sentences which seems important to you, rather than words.
Chisty Trift, owner of NC Outdoor Adventures, gives testimony of the the National Guard marking over 100 possible bodies in a six mile stretch of river (5:50min mark)

Thanks for this first hand testimony. I put the video in the bot. Here's the summary:
The text is an interview with Kristi Thrift, owner of Benzie Outdoor Adventures, discussing the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina. She recounts her experiences during and after the storm, highlighting the devastation caused by flooding and landslides.

Kristi describes how her area was flooded, with water levels reaching nine feet, significantly higher than the typical one to two and a half feet. She mentions that despite being several yards away from the river, floodwaters came very close to her home. She talks about the community's efforts in self-rescue, clearing roads, and helping neighbors in need of insulin or food.

She also shares tragic stories of homes floating away, people going missing, and the challenges faced in search and rescue operations. The National Guard arrived later to assist with more significant tasks like airlifting elderly residents who needed medical attention.

Kristi points out that many people are still missing and recovery efforts are ongoing. She notes the confusion caused by the lack of working water gauges, making it difficult for rescuers to assess flood levels accurately. Additionally, she highlights issues affecting local industries reliant on quartz silica, a crucial material used in smart devices, due to damaged infrastructure.

"They did have eight confirmed bodies. But I have to tell you the truth here, folks. You can smell the bodies in certain places along the river. There were vultures out. They have marked with they being the National Guard, have marked over 100 bodies in a six mile stretch of river. Possible bodies just where they think they are. You can't see them guys. There is the bodies, the smells, the things are either buried in sand or they're up in the trees and they're crushed in sediment."​

The text concludes with Kristi requesting help from viewers, suggesting donations through her GoFundMe page to support relief efforts in her community and emphasizing the need for supplies like propane tanks, headlamps, blankets, and special dietary foods.
Smallpox blankets redux. Some say there are a lot of horrible stories that are exaggerated, which is probably true, in part at least. But hillbillies like stories, ghost stories... all kinds. The 'historicization of myth and the mythification of history' thing. It seems like there are a lot of pissed-off folks up there who are mad enough not to care if they are repeating tall tails or not. But the attitude of 'we don't need or expect anything from the guberment', (except trouble). Is encouraging to me at least. I guess pray that that anger gets channeled into some STS directions like networking, sharing, and exposing the truth of hidden stuff. And maybe... the PTB will think twice before they pick on a bunch of hillbillies. :evil::halo::cry::-)
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