Hurricane Helene Brings Catastrophic Flooding to US South

"Florida residents be like ... GTFO."

Milton Supercharged To Mega Cat. 5 Storm, Potentially Rivaling Pre-Civil War Hurricane​

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Oct 07, 2024 - 11:31 AM
Update (1531ET):

The article is full of videos, maps, and commentary. By the look of the freeways, the Floridians are taking it very seriously.

Some news of the CMEs. Interesting the predictions were so off.

Good morning folks. The CME impacts have finally begun here today. They're much weaker than anyone expected.
We've got two tropical alerts and an interesting story on volcano eruption signals.
But we are starting with the last 24 hours on our star. No significant flares. No significant eruptions.
Large coronal hole on the north. If you recall, we have been waiting for two significant CME impacts.
They were forecast to impact October 4th and then yesterday on the 5th.
As today began, the 6th, we still hadn't seen anything.

But the first shockwave is now visible in the solar wind data. Mild density, moderate speed.
Not much moving on the geomagnetic front at the moment. We'll be watching for the second impact today,
but it's safe to say the forecasts were way off in terms of arrival timing and likely geomagnetic effect.

We still could get some aurora tonight, but it won't be anywhere near what it would have been.
We're still watching the sunspots for more flares as well, but they have gone largely silent the last two days.
And the big southern spots are beginning to depart.

Folks, in this sequence here you can see one tropical system in the Gulf of Mexico, Storm Milton,
and another in the northern Atlantic, Storm Kirk. Kirk is heading right for Europe.
Locals should be prepared for some pretty serious rain from the remnant system when it arrives.

Meanwhile, Florida on heavy alert for Milton, as it is forecast to become a hurricane and move right over the region.
For those who saw the damage in Tampa from Helene and know where that is in the state, this map is pretty rough news.
Eyes open to everyone in the storm alert zone.

Lastly today, we've got an interesting paper that claims to have laid out a definitive pre-volcano seismic pattern.
Between main shocks and multi-frequency earthquakes at the volcanic zones,
there's a clear sequence that unfolds right before eruptions and could offer significant warnings.
Even a few minutes could save lives in a volcanic situation.
Hopefully the geologist monitoring Campy Flegri read this one yesterday.

And folks, I just want to say it was great seeing so many of you out at the ranch yesterday.
We are bringing back conference style events next month along with several other events.
My next day out at the ranch is Tuesday. Come see us. Observer Ranch dot com.
We greatly appreciate your support. We'll do this all again tomorrow.
Right here, but right now at 6 a.m. in the new valley of the sun.
Eyes open. No fear. Be safe everyone.

Hurricanes on the Atlantic side at the moment on


At least three killed as floods swamp Thailand’s Chiang Mai​

Other videos of the level of devastation in Florida:

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Another local woman is claiming that there are a lot of more people dead than what is officially claimed.

So I just left the airport. We picked up a flight of pediatric medical supplies that were brought in and are going to North Asheville.
We were sitting in the private portion of the airport and we got to overhear an awful lot.
The army pilots, the navy pilots, hospital representatives, there was a lot of chatter.
While we were there, a private jet landed and four FEMA representatives got off. Four. Four people off of a private jet.
Come to find out, and you're not going to hear this, so let me tell you.
Come to find out, Mission Hospital was told, a private hospital, that they are going to go ahead and be the morgue center for body recovery.

All of the Army Chinook helicopters you're seeing flying overhead, they are doing body recovery.
FEMA said, and you can take this as a direct quote, said that they are too tied up at the border to send any more representatives.
Yeah, at the border. So anyhow, I guess border control trumps whatever's going on here.
So they told Mission Hospital they are not sending refrigerated trucks so that they can stack the bodies up.

And we also overheard that whatever fatality numbers you are hearing, and this is a quote, go ahead and add a couple of zeros.
So FEMA is too busy with the border, a private hospital and the Army are going to take over body recovery,
and private individuals with their private helicopters and their private planes are the ones who are flying in supplies.
I was at hangar 10, I was picking up supplies, there was a stack for the Cajun Navy, there was a stack that looked like it was ASPCA.
These are all being sent by private individuals. FEMA is doing nothing. Go ahead and share that.

Strange things seem to happen in North Carolina.

We were there Friday morning dropping off supplies and it was COMPLETELY FULL of supplies when we were there. However, we were met with mean and unkind people when we got there. Helos were constantly flying over, couple of Blackhawks with guys with AR’s hanging out of them. Now I’m sure they were military, but still, the whole vibe in that town was off…..we left there after almost getting robbed by the very ones “working” to distribute those supplies!!!

Does this look normal to anybody?

After what we have just witnessed, how will anyone be able to trust those that are running the country ever again? Hurricane Helene’s extremely unusual journey left an immense trail of destruction that was more than 500 miles long, and there are many communities that were completely and utterly wiped out.

And according to this, that $750 is a LOAN - person must sign a contract before inspection of property that indicates failure to repay in one year will result in property seizure:


Some updated on Hurricane Milton, which seems to be rather unusual:

8PM EDT: This is nothing short of astronomical. I am at a loss for words to meteorologically describe you the storms small eye and intensity. 897mb pressure with 180 MPH max sustained winds and gusts 200+ MPH. This is now the 4th strongest hurricane ever recorded by pressure on this side of the world. The eye is TINY at nearly 3.8 miles wide. This hurricane is nearing the mathematical limit of what Earth's atmosphere over this ocean water can produce.

Moments ago, Hurricane Milton was at a staggering 897 mb with an extremely tiny 3.8 mile wide eye...Now, it is undergoing eye wall replacement, which will temporarily weaken the hurricane, before eventual restrengthening.

I don’t really have words right now. #Milton is now in the top 5 for strongest #hurricanes ever in the Atlantic, Gulf, and Caribbean. Its pressure has now dropped below 900 mb with sustained wind at 180 mph. Prayers to everyone in the direct path. Stay with and depend on the
Storm Team. We’ll get through this together. #flwx #hurricane #HurricaneMilton #weather #WeatherUpdate

11PM EDT advisory: pressure weakened slightly. Eyewall changes and land interaction. Potential it could undergo another window of intensification Tuesday. Some models show that. But lets focus on landfall. Miles matter for the surge in Tampa. Along and south of the eye/center major surge. Along and north, much less severe due to offshore flow. Eye over Orange County, FL Thursday morning as a hurricane.

The center/eye of hurricane #Milton may come right over the Orlando area early Thursday morning. Think our model is on the right track with winds being strongest on the 'back side' in the NW flow. Winds peak everywhere in central FL with 70-100 MPH gusts seems like a good bet at this point. Hurricane force still into midday Thursday on the coast.

Here is the FEMA Disaster Relief Fund expenditure report for September. It lists prior and ongoing expenditures for their disaster operations some of which occurred years ago. Covid is listed as one of the largest. The figures are expressed $ in Millions. For instance, in FY 2024 $294 Million has been spent on "Administrative" costs.

Obligations Through FY 2023 (1)
Actual 1st QtrActual 2nd QtrActual 3rd QtrActual/Estimated 4th QtrFY 2024 TotalsTotals Through FY 2024
Public Assistance$ 68,482$ 5,505$ 3,640$ 3,002$ 6,570$ 18,717$ 87,199
Individual Assistance40,0874137281612240,209
Total$ 116,664 $ 5,762 $ 3,914 $ 3,270 $ 6,889$ 19,835 $ 136,499


I just discovered a new scientific principle whereby the extent of media and social media hysteria around a given hurricane is inversely proportional to the eventual strength of the hurricane when it reaches a populated area.

I bet Milton turns out to be a nothing burger.
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