Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): General information and discussion of Home Units

If anyone had any experience in using HBOT for dementia

Here is another interesting study Cognitive enhancement of healthy older adults using hyperbaric oxygen: a randomized controlled trial

There is growing evidence from clinical studies that HBOT, utilized in a repeated daily sessions protocol, has neurotherapeutic effects which can improve cognitive functions in post-stroke, traumatic brain injury and anoxic brain damaged patients even years after the acute insult [15-19]. However, no study to date has examined HBOT’s neurocognitive effects in normal aging populations.

The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether HBOT affects cognitive function and brain perfusion in normal, non-pathological, aging adults.
There was a significant group-by-time interaction in global cognitive function post-HBOT compared to control (p=0.0017). The most striking improvements were in attention (net effect size=0.745) and information processing speed (net effect size=0.788).

Voxel-based analysis showed significant cerebral blood flow increases in the HBOT group compared to the control group in the right superior medial frontal gyrus (BA10), right and left supplementary motor area (BA6), right middle frontal gyrus (BA6), left middle frontal gyrus (BA9), left superior frontal gyrus (BA8) and the right superior parietal gyrus (BA7).

In this study, HBOT was shown to induce cognitive enhancements in healthy aging adults via mechanisms involving regional changes in CBF. The main improvements include attention, information processing speed and executive functions, which normally decline with aging.
Thanks for the studies @Pierre and @Korzik18! HBOT sure does look promising for dementia. I'll keep trying to plant seeds. On a positive note, my mother said that I sufficiently scared her into not getting the "updated" COVID booster. Lets just hope that she remembers to refuse it when she goes to a retail pharmacy on Thursday for the flu shot (I was not going to press my luck in talking her out of that one).
HBOT against frostbite?
There was this story, which may show the range and perhaps also limitations.
Climber Anna Pfaff to Lose Toes After Frostbite
From April 19 and April 21, 2022, U.S. climbers Anna Pfaff and Priti Wright climbed the challenging 1,200m Harvard Route on Mount Huntington in Alaska.

However, after the successful ascent, Pfaff has been dealing with extreme frostbite on her feet. Over the last month, her toes have not improved and Pfaff will now face the amputation of five toes this week.
The machine below is beautiful, at least I like the idea that one can look out. The article states:
Could anything be done?
In the hyperbaric oxygen treatment cabin. Photo: Anna Pfaff
Doctors told Pfaff that the mild cold injuries she had sustained through more than 15 years of alpine climbing had likely contributed to what she was dealing with now. Even light frostbite to your extremities might lead to worse consequences during subsequent frostbites.

Pfaff has now received several HBOT sessions, consisting of two hours of treatment twice a day. The temporary side effects are not nice, affecting her hearing and vision. Coping with this process has not been easy. Pfaff describes these weeks as an emotional rollercoaster.

At first, Pfaff noticed improvement. However the injury is very serious, and when the necrosis is deep or comprehensive, not much can be done.
I read the comments and people who have lost toes and more keep on climbing. Perhaps their attitude is a bit like this from Session 18. March 2020
A: Who cares? Learning is fun! Even if one or two toes falls off.
I checked then on her FB, and it does seem she learned something else, though it is difficult to ascertain what contributed:
Often times I take things for granted. Mobility, time with friends and the simplicity of life without complications. Some silver linings that have come from my past few months being injured are the recognition that these moments are what makes up my life and should be cherished. The in between everyday events are life! When things in life slow down the clarity reveals itself. My life has always been very fast paced. ER shifts, expeditions, training, and always trying to pack more into a 24 hour day. I thrive in chaos and this journey I am on now has taught me how to step back, feel all the feels and open my heart to everyday occurrences.
The HBOT machine in the image, is similar to this second hand model:
Price: $74,995 $67,995
The H series is the top of the line model offered by Sechrist. The H series has a lower profile than normal models allowing for an easier and safer access of the patient to the gurney. This particular model has a spacious internal diameter of 36″, a hydraulic gurney, and goes to 3 ATA, pressurized with pure oxygen.
SKU: 8465721

For sale is a 2010 Sechrist 3600H Hyperbaric Chamber. This unit has had one single owner, is in excellent condition, and has a low cycle count of 3589.
If a ten year old HBOT is close to 70,000 USD what would a new cost?
My father has cirrhosis after decades of 2 scotches & soda water/night then switching to wine after his diagnosis when he was in his mid 60s
I found this paper about HBOT and liver disease:

The conclusion of the paper is:

Most studies positively evaluated HBOT as a potential adjunct for LT, acute liver injury, NASH, fibrosis and cancer, especially for HAT (Fig. (Fig.1).1). This might mainly attribute to the anti-oxidation and anti-inflammation of HBOT, and HO-1 seems to be closely involved in HBOT-mediated protection. Furthermore, it would have better results for patients to apply HBOT as early as possible in most situations. However, the hyperbaric oxygen toxicity cannot be ignored. The strategy of HBOT should be prudently drawn up to assure safety and effectivity, and sometimes the nutritional antioxidant supplementation could be combined with HBOT to avoid oxygen toxicity. Even though HBOT could only treat HAT clinically at present, we believe that it would be the most promising adjuvant therapy for other liver diseases after in-depth studies.
I was wondering if there are any members who live in Massachusetts or Southern New Hampshire who have an HBOT unit that they might like to share - for a fee of course.

The reason I ask is that my son, who has Downs and is 38 years old has led a very (luckily) healthy life. BUT after this year's physical, it was noted with alarm that his platelets were very much below normal. And, this has never happened before. He was having issues with his liver enzymes being really high, but that had pretty much corrected itself to the MD's amazement.

We were referred to an oncologist/hematologist doctor, and he noted that his platelets have dropped to 41,000 - the norm is around 150,000. Curiously enough, the oncologist's first question to me was "Did he have a Covid shot". I answered that he had the J&J shot in April 2021. And then he said that this is something he has been seeing lately - but that he cannot be sure that the Covid shot has something to do with the situation. And he repeated that statement twice to me and added "Do you understand mother?" And my reply was YES I DO. The oncologist/hematologist doctor has scheduled my son for a follow-up bloodwork in a month. And that leads me to at least hope that there is no extreme urgency - but I'm not a doctor.

Therefore, I am looking for an HBOT clinic and found one in Randolph, MA. If anyone else has searched Massachusetts for an HBOT clinic that they may have tried out, let me know. And, thanks!

Hi Echo Blue, there is a naturopathic clinic in Portsmouth, NH that I go to and they would have a dual benefit for you and your son. It has a HBOT and a exercise with oxygen unit, plus they would be able to provide natural alternative for your son's needs. This is the website:

On a personal note, my wife's last years blood test showed low WBC and platelets which are indicators of leukemia so we increased her vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) & vitamin D for 6 weeks before a second blood test which was normal. Just an encouragement that there are natural remedies for blood dysfunction.
@NewEngland Seeker: Thank you for that information. I will definitely get in touch with the naturopathic clinic. I have always been a big proponent of alternative medicine. And I am very happy to hear that your wife's follow-up blood work turned out normal. My son has been extremely lucky as far as his health has been. I can only surmise that the covid shot did/does have something to do with what is going on.
Thanks for the studies @Pierre and @Korzik18! HBOT sure does look promising for dementia. I'll keep trying to plant seeds. On a positive note, my mother said that I sufficiently scared her into not getting the "updated" COVID booster. Lets just hope that she remembers to refuse it when she goes to a retail pharmacy on Thursday for the flu shot (I was not going to press my luck in talking her out of that one).

I found a series of HBOT testimonials, and thought you may be interested in this one:
HBOT Helps with Memory Loss, Energy and Improved Skin Texture


My name is Harriet Killshorse. I am 50 Plus and have been using Ryan’s HBOT chamber for over a year, with spectacular results. I was originally drawn to use the chamber to combat a worsening case of forgetfulness which I believe was early onset dementia. The symptoms of losing short-term memory at any time were severely affecting my business communication with customers of my small business. As this forgetfulness progressed far past just not remembering peoples names, to having to VOID every third check I wrote by mistake, I started looking for help within my budget and locale.

After only two months of once a week relaxing, pampering nap sessions under Ryan’s direction my memory became sharp and clear again. I have found the looked-for results last me up to 3 weeks if life gets busy and I cannot get in. It is non- invasive, totally natural, and a nice relaxing break in a busy town day. It has had marvelous side effects along with healing my main concern: it has increased bone density (which I had been monitoring with Osteopenia), increased my energy, really allowed me to heal faster with my physical workouts, and greatly improved skin texture. And watch out! It will restore your sex drive through better blood flow. A friend asked me recently if I was still going to use the chamber and I answered yes. She then asked me how long I would keep doing the treatments. Without even thinking I answered for the rest of my life! What works for our best athletes a most in-danger hospital patients works wonders for me!

Harriet Killshorse

Other testimonials listed on the site include cartilage regeneration, Lyme's symptoms, toxic mold inflammation, leukaemia, autism, PTSD, lower back pain, and depression/energy/ focus.
@NewEngland Seeker: Thank you for that information. I will definitely get in touch with the naturopathic clinic. I have always been a big proponent of alternative medicine. And I am very happy to hear that your wife's follow-up blood work turned out normal. My son has been extremely lucky as far as his health has been. I can only surmise that the covid shot did/does have something to do with what is going on.

Did your son have the vaccine? Why?
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@Laura, Yes, he had the J&J vax. So did I. I resisted getting vaxed. Understood the consequences. It became a family issue of whether I'd ever see my daughter and grandaughter again. And I gave in with the request that my daughter get the J&J vax also. I was my hope and prayer that I was doing the right thing and possibly keeping my daughter from the mRNA vax.

I should add that my daughter works for Blue Cross Ins. She has a high position and from the beginning of COVID was indoctrinated by all the information insurances were bombarded with. And she and her daughter also have asthma. She was scared, and I understood her position and tried to find another compromise that would work. And, so.....here we are.
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@NewEngland Seeker: Thank you for that information. I will definitely get in touch with the naturopathic clinic. I have always been a big proponent of alternative medicine. And I am very happy to hear that your wife's follow-up blood work turned out normal. My son has been extremely lucky as far as his health has been. I can only surmise that the covid shot did/does have something to do with what is going on.
Your on the right path and I agree that the jab is the problem. Cleansing the liver along with oxygen therapy should help your son deal with that toxic mess.
@Laura, Yes, he had the J&J vax. So did I. I resisted getting vaxed. Understood the consequences. It became a family issue of whether I'd ever see my daughter and grandaughter again. And I gave in with the request that my daughter get the J&J vax also. I was my hope and prayer that I was doing the right thing and possibly keeping my daughter from the mRNA vax.

I should add that my daughter works for Blue Cross Ins. She has a high position and from the beginning of COVID was indoctrinated by all the information insurances were bombarded with. And she and her daughter also have asthma. She was scared, and I understood her position and tried to find another compromise that would work. And, so.....here we are.
Emotional blackmail has been a destructive element with families and friends. Your daughter does not realize her karma and only sees herself as the savior. So sad for you.
I am really impressed with macypan attentiveness and after sales service.
The condensation in my chamber became really significant and i noticed that air dryer actually spewed the water out into the outlet pipe. I messaged my sales rep and she asked me to film it so they can diagnose the problem.
Then she replied:
“Because of the high humidity or temperature of your local air, this problem occurs in the air cooler. The technical department suggests replacing the water collector and the way of import and export. We will send you the accessories in the picture. After you receive them, please refer to the video to replace them.”
She also sent the video with the instructions how to make adjustments- looks pretty straightforward:.AA3D1724-D927-42D8-A735-C43FE3212392.jpeg
I just realised that my Zoy-tech came with a 5litre concentrator and not 10. Would the benefits still be the same? Would I need more frequent or longer sessions?
When I ordered and payed for it I was not aware of the two different options and just added that I wanted a concentrator. Is there anything I can or should do to make the best of the situation?
The one time I tried to use it, it felt like I was not getting enough oxygen and felt somewhat suffocating so I depressurised slowly, got out and haven't used it since. It was only today that I realised the capacity of 5L may have something to do with it.
10L ones are around AU$4K; not something I can afford right now.
I just realised that my Zoy-tech came with a 5litre concentrator and not 10. Would the benefits still be the same? Would I need more frequent or longer sessions?
When I ordered and payed for it I was not aware of the two different options and just added that I wanted a concentrator. Is there anything I can or should do to make the best of the situation?
The one time I tried to use it, it felt like I was not getting enough oxygen and felt somewhat suffocating so I depressurised slowly, got out and haven't used it since. It was only today that I realised the capacity of 5L may have something to do with it.
10L ones are around AU$4K; not something I can afford right now.

I don't know about your first questions. Does anyone else have a 5 L concentrator?

About feeling suffocated, for what it's worth, some have found that it's more the type of mask being used than the concentrator capacity itself. Are you using a mask with a bag attached? If so, that might be a factor. Another factor might be something else, like for instance some claustrophobia, or perhaps even dealing with a traumatic past experience that involves closed spaces and masks. Maybe even a past-life experience.

From what I've seen here, the customer service for these units is pretty darn good. You could mention to them that you ordered the wrong concentrator, and then ask to exchange your 5 for a 10 L. Then you might likely only have to pay shipping costs and whatever the extra cost is of the 10L unit. I don't think it should be even close to 4000 bones.
I just realised that my Zoy-tech came with a 5litre concentrator and not 10. Would the benefits still be the same? Would I need more frequent or longer sessions?
When I ordered and payed for it I was not aware of the two different options and just added that I wanted a concentrator. Is there anything I can or should do to make the best of the situation?
The one time I tried to use it, it felt like I was not getting enough oxygen and felt somewhat suffocating so I depressurised slowly, got out and haven't used it since. It was only today that I realised the capacity of 5L may have something to do with it.
10L ones are around AU$4K; not something I can afford right now.
I also have a 5l oxygen concentrator, you just need to increase the flow rate some more.
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