Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): General information and discussion of Home Units

I found a med spa nearby that has HB sessions for $65 / hour (non-member). I asked to see it as i have claustrophobic tendencies, but it really looks just like an elongated tent, not too scary. They said you could actually sit in there with another person, so am seeing if a family member is interested...if not, will work up my courage. The benefits sound too amazing to be a chicken!! There are so many of these Med spas popping up in the US, that it shouldn't be that difficult for people to find one. And with competition, the pricing is more reasonable. So - hope to be able to report back with some good news in the next few weeks.
The doctor we met here said that it is very rare that it causes lungs to collapse unless you already have a condition such as an untreated pneumothorax. But he also mentioned that if you have issues with the higher pressures at first, they give you sessions with mild pressure for you to adapt. It would be good to know more about that, to be sure.

With a pneumothorax it's possible there's a bleb, or air blister, on the lung which could fill with air under pressure and then expand during decompression. I think the decompression part of it is the issue. I had a pneumothorax when I was younger so from what I can tell I would need to have a chest scan and lung function test to make sure it's clear before being put under pressure.

I also found a funny little video filmed at the Undersea Oxygen Clinic where they talk about convulsions during therapy. If that happens you would need to keep the patient in the chamber until they stop convulsing as they may be holding their breath. The only thing you could do is reduce oxygen levels.

The bit about convulsions is at 2:28 and then there's about 3 or 4 minutes about the conditions they treat at the clinic starting at 7:50. They've had good results with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

If you are looking for a hyperbaric chamber at 1.3 ATA, one (cheaper) alternative to consider would be the GAMOW bag:

This bag is used to treat High-Altitude Sickness - at altitude you put the patient in the bag, and the pressure is generated with a foot pump (of course you have to constantly pump to maintain pressure). The Gamow bag is able to generate a pressure differential of about 220mmHg, which is around 1.3 ATA if used at sea level.

In some of those it is possible to introduce oxygen, through a concentration bag that is put in series before the foot pump, although I doubt you would be able to have 100% O2, as the oxygen concentrators usually have a max. outflow of 5 L/min.

Here’s a photo of a Gamow bag
One of the good things of the Macy Pan line of hyperbaric chambers is that they come with an oxygen concentrator. The normal air we breathe is made up of about 21% oxygen, and having the concentrator can boost those levels well above 50%. I've looked at a lot of the USA-made hyperbaric chambers and many of them unfortunately either don't specify one, not listed, or you have to buy it separately (which can be more than thousands of dollars). One of the clues to surviving a possible future pandemic is vitamin C, and oxygen! Just something to keep in mind when shopping around for hyperbaric chambers.
Cool pic and great price! Go for it and keep reporting back!
I was hope it will help to ease my seasonal allergy but I didn't expect that after just one hour I will feel so much better. Maybe it's coincidence because it's rainy today (maybe it's not) but the fact is that last night I was sleeping like a baby and now I'm in a very good moode. I can breath trough my clear nose and don't need to dropping in my eyes every few hours. Well, time will tell when the sunny and windy weather will return.
Generally: lots of energy and some kind of strange happines today :dance:
I was hope it will help to ease my seasonal allergy but I didn't expect that after just one hour I will feel so much better. Maybe it's coincidence because it's rainy today (maybe it's not) but the fact is that last night I was sleeping like a baby and now I'm in a very good moode. I can breath trough my clear nose and don't need to dropping in my eyes every few hours. Well, time will tell when the sunny and windy weather will return.
Generally: lots of energy and some kind of strange happines today :dance:

Are you going to do a series? How many? Any other conditions?

Added: I'm assuming you are in Poland? If so, then Polish members are very lucky to have a potential for this treatment at such a low cost.
Are you going to do a series? How many?
I'm going to do 50 series in the period of three to four months.

Any other conditions?
Not likely. I have a little hope to improve my memory and to improve the eyesight in my right eye. I can't complain because I'm 44 and no eyeglasses needed yet but... it would be just great to keep this state as long as possible. The main goal is to strengthen my immune system of course.

I'm assuming you are in Poland? If so, then Polish members are very lucky to have a potential for this treatment at such a low cost.
Yes I'm from the south of Poland. The average price for one hour here is for about 20-30$ but I found out that right now in the nearby private clinic there's a special offer.
Which particular make and model did you go for? I have been quoted the below via Alibaba for $4,100 USD including delivery and import taxes to Australia. I can’t find any reviews for this manufacturer which is holding me back.

Hi sid, im ordering from these today. They are way more professional and easy to deal with than the others I was on to. They wattsapp me all the info pdf and are in the business a long time. Got a good deal on a 1.5 ata with spare parts. All in, inc delivery and tax is 5200 euro. Should have it in 2 - 3 weeks if all goes well. Thanks for the link friend 🙂
I was hope it will help to ease my seasonal allergy but I didn't expect that after just one hour I will feel so much better. Maybe it's coincidence because it's rainy today (maybe it's not) but the fact is that last night I was sleeping like a baby and now I'm in a very good moode. I can breath trough my clear nose and don't need to dropping in my eyes every few hours. Well, time will tell when the sunny and windy weather will return.
Generally: lots of energy and some kind of strange happines today :dance:
Thanks a lot for this information. Could you give us some details about where these treatments take place? I am living in Wroclaw and I am interested in it.
Here's the protocol from the cognitive enhancement study done in healthy aging adults done in Israel:

Cognitive enhancement of healthy older adults using hyperbaric oxygen: a randomized controlled trial | Aging (full study available)

The protocol comprised of 60 daily sessions, 5 sessions per week within a three month period. Each session included breathing 100% oxygen by mask at 2ATA for 90 minutes with 5-minute air breaks every 20 minutes. Compression/ decompression rates were 1 meter/minute. The control arm received no active intervention as a no-contact group. During the trial, neither lifestyle and diet changes, nor medications adjustments were allowed for either group.


More than half of community-dwelling individuals sixty years and older express concern about declining cognitive abilities. The current study’s aim was to evaluate hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) effect on cognitive functions in healthy aging adults.

A randomized controlled clinical trial randomized 63 healthy adults (>64) either to HBOT(n=33) or control arms(n=30) for three months. Primary endpoint included the general cognitive function measured post intervention/control. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was evaluated by perfusion magnetic resonance imaging.

There was a significant group-by-time interaction in global cognitive function post-HBOT compared to control (p=0.0017). The most striking improvements were in attention (net effect size=0.745) and information processing speed (net effect size=0.788).

Voxel-based analysis showed significant cerebral blood flow increases in the HBOT group compared to the control group in the right superior medial frontal gyrus (BA10), right and left supplementary motor area (BA6), right middle frontal gyrus (BA6), left middle frontal gyrus (BA9), left superior frontal gyrus (BA8) and the right superior parietal gyrus (BA7).

In this study, HBOT was shown to induce cognitive enhancements in healthy aging adults via mechanisms involving regional changes in CBF. The main improvements include attention, information processing speed and executive functions, which normally decline with aging.
Is HBOT recommended for ADHD?
It has had very promising results:

A number of individuals with ASD possess certain physiological abnormalities that HBOT might ameliorate, including cerebral hypoperfusion, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Studies of children with ASD have found positive changes in physiology and/or behavior from HBOT. For example, several studies have reported that HBOT improved cerebral perfusion, decreased markers of inflammation and did not worsen oxidative stress markers in children with ASD. Most studies of HBOT in children with ASD examined changes in behaviors and reported improvements in several behavioral domains although many of these studies were not controlled. Although the two trials employing a control group reported conflicting results, a recent systematic review noted several important distinctions between these trials. In the reviewed studies, HBOT had minimal adverse effects and was well tolerated. Studies which used a higher frequency of HBOT sessions (e.g., 10 sessions per week as opposed to 5 sessions per week) generally reported more significant improvements.

In younger children under study post-therapy improvements were found for the ATEC Sociability - "Does not imitate", ATEC Sensory/cognitive awareness - "Shows imagination", and ATEC Health/physical/behavior - "Sound-sensitive" items. In older children improvements were noted for ATEC Health/physical/behavior - "Obsessive speech" and CARS emotional response, adaptation to change, and total score.
Hi sid, im ordering from these today. They are way more professional and easy to deal with than the others I was on to. They wattsapp me all the info pdf and are in the business a long time. Got a good deal on a 1.5 ata with spare parts. All in, inc delivery and tax is 5200 euro. Should have it in 2 - 3 weeks if all goes well. Thanks for the link friend 🙂
Thats amazing. Are you paying them direcly or via the Alibaba Trade Assurance thingy? The latter has a 3% surcharge on visa transactions.
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