Hyperdimensional Politics

Joe said:
goyacobol said:
I am not immune to the discouragement anymore than anyone else but for some reason I continue to plod on. I understand how Ruth and Divide-by-Zero feel and it's not easy to "enjoy the show" but I am trying to change my perspective and work towards seeing the bigger picture of the "mosaic". If "enjoy the show" is just a joke then that makes me more depressed so I am for now taking them as being more serious in a "mirthful" way.

I think Laura is right on with the reading suggestions and giving us a way to develop our frontal lobes.

Session 16 July 2016
Q: (Joe) It's not just dissociating. "Living in dreams" would also be
believing in lies, not taking stock of the facts, and preferring instead
an imaginary world.
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) Not seeing yourself clearly. And others.
(L) Not seeing yourself and others clearly...
(Galatea) I've been thinking lately that too much intellect is a bad
thing. Is that true?
A: No

Q: (Galatea) Why not?
A: The brain is your greatest gift if you learn how to use it.

So, the Work is also on the brain as well as the emotions I think.

Not just also, but primarily IMO. After all, the way to get a handle on the emotions is to employ critical thinking, if only after the fact.

I don't want to throw connecting "chakras" out with the bath water and all of our intellectual psychology reading helps with that tremendously I think. And I think there has been up to this point an emphasis on psychology's role in dealing with our programs and getting a handle on our emotions. Higher self and soul according to the Cs is equivalent to the "subconscious" and psychology is "half spirituality" .

Session 28 December 1994
Q: (L) Does the soul have emotions of its own as we human beings term emotions?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What emotions does the soul experience?

A: Complex.

Q: (L) Can the soul, at an absolute level, experience hatred, for example?

A: Not same state.

Q: (L) Well, when one is dealing with psychology, what would be the best approach... what is the true aspect of the self or the being that one should inquire into in order to heal?

A: Subconscious mind.

Q: (V) Is the statement that psychology studies emotions, is that a fair statement?

A: No. Subconscious is same in body or out.

Q: (V) The subconscious is part of the soul?

A: One and same.

Q: (V) Is the higher self the same as the soul and the subconscious?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) Please define true psychology for me?

A: Half.

Q: (L) What do you mean by half? What is the half?

A: Half spirituality.

Q: (V) Do you think that the spiritual part put together with the subconscious part is a good way to approach psychology as I have been planning?

A: Be careful of "influences," you are easily influenced.

Q: (V) Is this directed at me and my idea of spiritual psychology?

A: Yes. And no.

Q: (V) What influences?

A: Any.
I was rooting for the Comets, not the Borg…still am.

I thought that the knowledge, meditation, foods etc. would have made one more confident when finally, we met the big ugly, but now that it seems to be upon us, I’m surprised to find my knees a bit wobbly.

I’m working on the reading and trying to keep up with the threads. The last few weeks this tread has really been helpful. Thanks everyone.
Mikey said:
BHelmet said:
Divide By Zero said:
I too think it is too late. ..... Here, in 3d, we can't do much but observe- or as the C's joke "enjoy the show".

Hi DBZ, I am as big a fatalistic rationalizing slacker as the next guy and observation is a pathway to learning...BUT... and this is what I was trying to get at in a earlier post....

Is there nothing that can be done? Or is there nothing that should be attempted to be done even if the odds are a bazillion to one? And even if there is nothing that can be done, might not there be some sort of sisyphusian practice in attempting to do what might be done, which might make some minuscule difference in our collective fate?

So, I find it easy to say "F it, this is pointless".

But...ironically, something in me stirs when I think I hear someone else say it.

One can always work on changing oneself to not be affected by the surrounding chaos. That certainly will keep one busy for decades. "Changing oneself" is not 'supernatural' in the end, it is very much like learning a musical instrument or a foreign language, up to the point where one can perform in front of an audience, or be independent and survive. Obviously, with that analogy, one has to start early and work diligently, and ideally have a teacher, otherwise the effort would be pointless. A network like ours assumes the role of the teacher, and makes the process bearable and more efficient.

But nobody can learn a foreign language or a musical instrument by proxy or observation only. One has to get down to do hard work. So, don't forget Laura's "TODO-List" earlier in this thread.

I guess I better firmly plant my flag in the ground here. (Sometimes I have a tendency to 'dance around' in trying not to make anybody wrong and don't really come across as true to where I really am.)

I most certainly have the faith that things can be done, and, whether they are truly possible or actually come to fruition; I believe it is important to follow through and act in that faith as though a difference can be made. I think that is part of what defines the human spirit.

We are all still going to die, yes. We all may be bombarded with giant flaming cockroaches and be inundated by a tsunami of castor oil and chia seeds, yes, but, that doesn't change anything! At least in terms of what we are trying to do and trying to learn. If I do what CAN be done through my best effort possible, maybe...just maybe the cockroaches won't be flaming, they will just be red hot. Maybe I can be the handmaid of the higher densities here on the ground and somehow help out in a way I can't even foresee or imagine at this time. I know... sounds presumptuous. But, it is sincere.

Note - I locked myself (figuratively) in a closet with a guitar at age 19 and many years later I did emerge and reach the level of playing in front of people for actual money (as well as fun) - so I totally get your analogy - a very good one.
Divide By Zero said:
What I fear is that things will get worse, be it disaster or some totalitarian regime.
In those situations, how can we keep our diet/health which we know can and does affect our ability to think?
It reminds me of how fragile things are including our own selves, like the books explain how brain activity can limit one's perception.
So what would we do if we get to that point of not being able to sustain our diets or avoid these toxic things such as vaccines due to societal conditions?

In my analogy of learning a foreign language, or a musical instrument, if you eat bad diet or get bad vaccines, you'd still be able to speak the foreign language or play the musical instrument. Not at top performance most likely, but these skills cannot be fully taken away from you any more IF one has solidified them sufficiently so that they have become second nature to yourself.

Those who already went through the process of mastering an instrument or a foreign language know how much work it is (due to the sluggish nature of or brains), so time's a wastin'!
Nov 15, 2017 (5:41)

Jordan B. Peterson destroys victimhood mentality on Fox and friends show

How to Increase Your Sense of Gratitude Video's
An Attitude of Gratitude Fosters Health and Happiness
Health Benefits of Gratitude
Snips: links and footnotes within:
As explained by University of California psychology professor Robert Emmons, one of the leading scientific experts on gratitude and author of several books on the topic, gratitude involves two key components:1

It's "an affirmation of goodness;" when you feel gratitude, you affirm that you live in a benevolent world
It's a recognition that the source of this goodness comes from outside of yourself; that other people (or higher powers, if you prefer) have
provided you with "gifts" that improve your life in some way

One way to flex your gratitude muscle when life events leave you uninspired is to identify and express gratitude for seemingly “useless” or insignificant things. It could be a certain smell in the air, the color of a flower, your child’s freckles or the curvature of a stone. Over time, you’ll find that doing this will really hone your ability to identify “good” things in your life. In fact, you may eventually find that “bliss” is closer than you imagined.

Aside from making you feel better about your life, feeling and expressing gratitude has been found to have a wide range of beneficial health effects, including:

Stimulating your hypothalamus
(an area of your brain involved in the regulation of stress) and your ventral tegmental area (part of your brain's "reward circuitry," an area that produces pleasurable feelings)11

Improving your sleep12
(especially if your mind has a tendency to go into overdrive with negative thoughts and worries at bedtime)
Raising the likelihood you'll engage in healthy activities such as exercise

Raising your relationship satisfaction
Raising your work performance (in one study, managers who expressed gratitude saw a 50 percent increase in the employees' performance)

Reducing your stress

Enhancing your sense of general well-being

Improving your heart health,
15 reducing the likelihood of sudden death in patients with congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease

Producing measurable effects on a number of systems in your body, including the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine (involved in mood regulation), inflammatory cytokines, reproductive hormones, the stress hormone cortisol, the social bonding hormone oxytoxin, blood pressure, cardiac and EEG rhythms, and blood sugar levels

10 Practical Strategies to Build and Strengthen Gratitude
Like a muscle, your sense of gratitude can be built and strengthened with practice. Here are 10 gratitude practices you can experiment with:

Keep a daily gratitude journal
This can be done in a paper journal, or you can download a Gratitude Journal app from iTunes.16 In one study, people who kept a gratitude journal reported exercising more, and had fewer visits to the doctor compared to those who focused on sources of aggravation.17,18

Write thank you notes or a thank you letter19
Whether in response to a gift or kind act, or simply as a show of gratitude for someone being in your life, getting into the habit of writing thank you letters or notes can help you express gratitude in addition to simply feeling it inside.

Nonverbal actions
This includes smiles and hugs, both of which can express a wide array of messages, from encouragement and excitement to empathy and support

Be sincere, and choose your words wisely
While it's easy to say words like "please" and "thank you" in passing, these courtesies can become potent acknowledgments of gratitude when combined with eye contact and sincerity. In other words, say it like you mean it.

Research20 also shows that using "other-praising" phrases are far more effective than "self-beneficial" phrases. For example, praising a partner saying, "thank you for going out of your way to do this," is better than a compliment framed in terms of how you benefited, such as "it makes me happy when you do that." The former resulted in the partner feeling happier and more loving toward the person giving the praise.

Focus on the benevolence of other people instead of being so self-centered
Doing so will increase your sense of being supported by life and decrease unnecessary anxieties. Cherishing the kindness of others also means you're less likely to take them for granted.21

Avoid comparing yourself to people you perceive to have more advantages
Doing so will only erode your sense of security. As Emmons notes in his book, "The Little Book of Gratitude,"22 "Wanting more is related to increased anxiety and unhappiness. A healthier comparison is to contemplate what life would be like without a pleasure that you now enjoy … Gratitude buffers you from emotions that drive anxiety. You cannot be grateful and envious, or grateful while harboring regrets."

Prayer and/or mindfulness meditation
Expressing thanks during prayer or meditation is another way to cultivate gratitude. Practicing "mindfulness" means that you're actively paying attention to the moment you're in right now. A mantra is sometimes used to help maintain focus, but you can also focus on something that you're grateful for, such as a pleasant smell, a cool breeze or a lovely memory.

Create a nightly gratitude ritual
This suggestion was given by Dr. Alison Chen in a Huffington Post article.23 "My colleague has a bedtime routine with her [3-year-old] and it includes recognizing what you are grateful for. When this part of the night comes, you can't shut him up," Chen writes.

"There are so many things that we take for granted and when you listen to the long list that a child can come up with you realize the possibilities for gratefulness are limitless! Take a couple of minutes each day to stop and reflect; taking regular pause is an excellent way to bring about more feelings of gratefulness in your life."

One suggestion is to create a gratitude jar,24 into which the entire family can add notes of gratitude on a daily basis. Any jar or container will do. Simply write a quick note on a small slip of paper and put it into the jar. Some make an annual (or bi-annual or even monthly) event out of going through the whole jar, reading each slip out loud.

Spend money on activities instead of things
According to recent research,25 spending money on experiences not only generates more feelings of gratitude than material consumption, it also motivates greater generosity. As noted by co-author Amit Kumar, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Chicago, "People feel fortunate, and because it's a diffuse, untargeted type of gratitude, they're motivated to give back to people in general."26

Interestingly, generosity has also been linked to happiness, which may seem counterintuitive since giving to others means sacrificing some of your own physical or emotional resources. This experience has now been validated by science showing that generosity and happiness are actually wired together in your brain. 27

Tap forth gratitude
The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a helpful tool. EFT is a form of psychological acupressure based on the energy meridians used in acupuncture that can quickly restore inner balance and healing, and helps rid your mind of negative thoughts and emotions. In the video below, EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman demonstrates how to tap for gratitude.

I had a random thought this evening when I was thinking about "They gave us their mind." I was thinking that this was like exposing your weakness. I mean, we have this in all of us, and that's how they think, and it's their weakness. And it's there for us to learn from, because it's a part of us too! It reminds me of in the movie Independence Day, when they go to the mothership to defeat the aliens with a man-made computer virus. And of course viruses are also how they can infect us with DNA changes too.

So it just seemed like another way to say that the battle is through us, and our minds. And so if we strengthen our prefrontal cortices, maybe that's part of the antidote. It could be I'm thinking too much with their/my wishful thinking mind, but at least we know what we're up against. It's like, know thyself, but also know thy enemy. "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." I guess that's where Knowledge comes in.
On the whole 'Big miscalculation reveals man behind the curtain' idea, and that tying-in with Trump's election, I was just watching this video of Putin responding to Megan Kelly, and he used the very same word. Kinda made the hairs stand up:

T.C. said:
On the whole 'Big miscalculation reveals man behind the curtain' idea, and that tying-in with Trump's election, I was just watching this video of Putin responding to Megan Kelly, and he used the very same word. Kinda made the hairs stand up:


Yup, he sure did say it and laid it out completely. Putin is a very smart man.
T.C. said:
On the whole 'Big miscalculation reveals man behind the curtain' idea, and that tying-in with Trump's election, I was just watching this video of Putin responding to Megan Kelly, and he used the very same word. Kinda made the hairs stand up:

Maybe he's read the C's transcripts :/
T.C. said:
On the whole 'Big miscalculation reveals man behind the curtain' idea, and that tying-in with Trump's election, I was just watching this video of Putin responding to Megan Kelly, and he used the very same word. Kinda made the hairs stand up:


Indeed he is smart, smart enough to have MK in the international spotlight asking such silly questions with all her forced exceptional conviction.
Thought I would cross-post this here; some items are hard to categorize:

Laura said:
Now, something very strange happened today.

Ark is working on some stuff and one of his aims is to be able to explain the "paranormal" mathematically. With that in view, some days ago he ordered a book that he found mentioned by someone else entitled "Quantum Physics and Parapsychology". It is a volume of papers that resulted from an international conference held in Geneve, Switzerland August 26-27, 1974. This book arrived a few days ago and he's been going through it. He found one paper to be of particular interest because it brought in Information Theory. The author is one C.T.K. Chari. He took a look at the author's references and found that he, Ark, was cited! (The paper of Ark's that was cited was on Quantum Logic) That made him curious so he went to the web to find out more about this guy. (you can, too. Start with Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._T._K._Chari )

So, Ark went searching for the paper online and lo and behold, he found cass.org here: http://www.cassiopaea.com/cassiopaea/adventures113.htm There you will see that I quoted Chari. Searching a bit further he found that the CIA had sent its own representative (apparently a physicist) to this conference and had written a report that was declassified in 2003. In this report we read about Chari's paper:

A paper written in the context of philosophy and formal logic without, however, a clear internal organization. It provides no theory clear enough for experimental verification or further development. The principal value of the paper is its numerous citations of recent work in the philosophy of quantum mechanics and in information theory. Indeed this paper reads like an over-abbreviated review article.

You can access this declassified report here: _https://ia801204.us.archive.org/8/items/CIA-RDP96-00787R000200180001-2/CIA-RDP96-00787R000200180001-2.pdf

Needless to say, the idea of "disco ball consciousness" comes to mind... and it seems very possible that Ark was on the CIA's radar rather early and it's no wonder we have faced so many challenges. The CIA is clearly VERY interested in this sort of thing.

ADDED: I forgot to mention that the year following the conference that the CIA attended, Ark was invited to Stony Brook (Brookhaven National Laboratory). He was there in 1975.
Laura said:
Thought I would cross-post this here; some items are hard to categorize:

Laura said:
Now, something very strange happened today.

Ark is working on some stuff and one of his aims is to be able to explain the "paranormal" mathematically. With that in view, some days ago he ordered a book that he found mentioned by someone else entitled "Quantum Physics and Parapsychology". It is a volume of papers that resulted from an international conference held in Geneve, Switzerland August 26-27, 1974. This book arrived a few days ago and he's been going through it. He found one paper to be of particular interest because it brought in Information Theory. The author is one C.T.K. Chari. He took a look at the author's references and found that he, Ark, was cited! (The paper of Ark's that was cited was on Quantum Logic) That made him curious so he went to the web to find out more about this guy. (you can, too. Start with Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._T._K._Chari )

So, Ark went searching for the paper online and lo and behold, he found cass.org here: http://www.cassiopaea.com/cassiopaea/adventures113.htm There you will see that I quoted Chari. Searching a bit further he found that the CIA had sent its own representative (apparently a physicist) to this conference and had written a report that was declassified in 2003. In this report we read about Chari's paper:

A paper written in the context of philosophy and formal logic without, however, a clear internal organization. It provides no theory clear enough for experimental verification or further development. The principal value of the paper is its numerous citations of recent work in the philosophy of quantum mechanics and in information theory. Indeed this paper reads like an over-abbreviated review article.

You can access this declassified report here: _https://ia801204.us.archive.org/8/items/CIA-RDP96-00787R000200180001-2/CIA-RDP96-00787R000200180001-2.pdf

Needless to say, the idea of "disco ball consciousness" comes to mind... and it seems very possible that Ark was on the CIA's radar rather early and it's no wonder we have faced so many challenges. The CIA is clearly VERY interested in this sort of thing.

ADDED: I forgot to mention that the year following the conference that the CIA attended, Ark was invited to Stony Brook (Brookhaven National Laboratory). He was there in 1975.

That was interesting regarding this - this connection.

C.T.K. Chari's brother was the mathematician, C.T.Rajagopal, it says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadambathur_Tiruvenkatacharlu_Rajagopal

Of C.T. Rajagopal, he wrote: Stray thoughts on Srinivasa Ramanujan, Math. Teacher (India) 11A (1975), 119-122, and 12 (1976), 138-139. This is the guy who was also called, the man who knew infinity. Which is also the name of the interesting book of his life, too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srinivasa_Ramanujan

And than from your link it describes C.T.K. Chari in discussion on the issue of reincarnation:

Reincarnation and astrology
He had a long and engaged battle[10][11][12] of wits with Ian Stevenson who studied reincarnation[13] across South East Asia and published a lot of cases favoring the phenomenon. CTK was skeptical, and questioned Dr. Stevenson's research in the Journal for American Society of Psychical Research. He similarly discussed the research and views of Dr. B. V. Raman, who was the founder of the Indian Astrological magazine.

Which brings up Ramani:

B. V. RAMAN was India's best-known astrologer {Vedic}. He popularised astrology and accurately foretold important events during the Second World War, the fate of Hitler and Mussolini, the Vietnam War and the assassination of the prime minister Indira Gandhi, and made hundreds of other successful predictions in his hugely popular English-language Astrological Magazine.
Laura said:
Thought I would cross-post this here; some items are hard to categorize:

Laura said:
Now, something very strange happened today.

Ark is working on some stuff and one of his aims is to be able to explain the "paranormal" mathematically. With that in view, some days ago he ordered a book that he found mentioned by someone else entitled "Quantum Physics and Parapsychology". It is a volume of papers that resulted from an international conference held in Geneve, Switzerland August 26-27, 1974. This book arrived a few days ago and he's been going through it. He found one paper to be of particular interest because it brought in Information Theory. The author is one C.T.K. Chari. He took a look at the author's references and found that he, Ark, was cited! (The paper of Ark's that was cited was on Quantum Logic) That made him curious so he went to the web to find out more about this guy. (you can, too. Start with Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._T._K._Chari )

So, Ark went searching for the paper online and lo and behold, he found cass.org here: http://www.cassiopaea.com/cassiopaea/adventures113.htm There you will see that I quoted Chari. Searching a bit further he found that the CIA had sent its own representative (apparently a physicist) to this conference and had written a report that was declassified in 2003. In this report we read about Chari's paper:

A paper written in the context of philosophy and formal logic without, however, a clear internal organization. It provides no theory clear enough for experimental verification or further development. The principal value of the paper is its numerous citations of recent work in the philosophy of quantum mechanics and in information theory. Indeed this paper reads like an over-abbreviated review article.

You can access this declassified report here: _https://ia801204.us.archive.org/8/items/CIA-RDP96-00787R000200180001-2/CIA-RDP96-00787R000200180001-2.pdf

Needless to say, the idea of "disco ball consciousness" comes to mind... and it seems very possible that Ark was on the CIA's radar rather early and it's no wonder we have faced so many challenges. The CIA is clearly VERY interested in this sort of thing.

ADDED: I forgot to mention that the year following the conference that the CIA attended, Ark was invited to Stony Brook (Brookhaven National Laboratory). He was there in 1975.

Seems the forum itself is turning into a disco ball with all the recent interrelated topics. The forum is going to end up looking like something written by Collingwood. You could have cross posted this in the inner/outer space topic too obviously but it's not just physics/information theory, it's history disco balling past to present. I've read lots from Ark beginning with his 1990 Conformal group work but never ventured back to the 70s.


Looks like he was looking at quantizing with an indefinite metric. I know Heisenberg and Durr were into an indefinite metric but never quantized it. They had a 256-dim model which is very information theory/Clifford algebra-like but they didn't seem to do anything information theory-like with it. Tony Smith kind of quantized it via the Feynman Checkerboard and U(N) gauge theory on d-branes but Tony doesn't do anything with Hilbert spaces (that Ark was looking at). The Feynman Checkerboard uses Clifford algebra at the nodes.
Hello everyone, I'd just like to share an article that was published in Spanish SOTT. He talks about the feminist/gender movement but IMHO he has some very lucid arguments that "opened" a little my head. In fact, at times, while reading it, I had the feeling that the author suggested (possibly without being aware of it) the existence of a hyperdimensional "hand" behind the whole affair.


Unfortunately the article is only in Spanish so I will try to translate some interesting points here. Please excuse me in advance if the translation is not entirely good.

[...] almost all the current critique of feminism focuses on circumstantial aspects of it, such as its activist excesses, theoretical radicalism, the use of a neo-language of hatred, or its increasingly obvious negative consequences for society as a whole, compromising its very survival, but on very few occasions does it pay attention to its founding principles and hidden objectives, which only come to light when feminism is placed in a broader context.
Thus, considering only its most perverse dialectic and its suburban and violent forms, certain myths and fallacies have been generated at the popular level, such as that there are many feminisms, or that some are' moderate' and others are' radical', etc. In reality, all this only responds to the erroneous perception that feminism has become' radicalised' in recent times, which does not cease to be a curious paradox, since this alleged radicalisation and violent drift coincides with the moment when feminism has greater social support and the not inconsiderable protection of the entire state apparatus. This contradiction does not seem to attract the attention of anyone, let alone of the 'moderate feminism', which seems to be very confortable in the shadow of the state on the one hand, and allowing radical drift on the other.

The author then suggests the use of Social Engineering to make Feminism "digestible". By making society concentrate its criticism on radicalized (violent) feminism, it reinforces the idea that this extremism is a deviation or distortion of what should be a "good feminism". Thus "good feminism" is seen (in the worst case) by society as a lesser evil than "radical feminism" and is therefore accepted. He calls this way of operating "foot on the door strategy," and is aimed at overcoming the opponent's resistance by making him accept what he proposes as a "lesser evil".

Then he continues saying...
What in principle appears to be a slight relinquishment is actually a gap that is widening without stopping over time. A definitive proof in this sense is offered by the fact that in just two decades it has been possible to move from the discourse of supposed' equality' to the indoctrination of minors in the delirious gender ideology, supported by the State.

It should be noted that for such an insidious progress strategy to be effective and credible in the eyes of public opinion, it is essential to have hyper-radicalized strongholds that do not hesitate to use threat or violence when necessary.

This role is fulfilled to perfection by the underground environments of society that present themselves as revolutionary, anti-system and anti-capitalist. There is no doubt that these groups are directed - whether they know it or not, it doesn't matter - from other instances because they are essential for the success of their strategies.

We are therefore not dealing here with two or more feminisms - who have never confronted each other - but with an artificially manufactured plurality consisting of an extremely ideologized and radical avant-garde or spearhead that aims to insert certain ideas - often simply words of neo-language - into the social body, and to prepare it for the arrival of' regular troops' with a more polite and moderate appearance.

The author then says that feminism was originally intended to attack the feminine role in society (particularly motherhood). In the current phase feminism is focused on destroying the male role in society.

And here comes a very interesting part:
The hidden agenda behind the post-modern revolution

[Here he talks about feminism trying to create a new kind of order: revolutionary disorder. He also affirms that feminism is a "force of dissolution" that seeks to dissolve everything that order society (I don't extend much here because these are things that we have already talked about enough in the forum).]

[...] modernity [was] a rebellion against the traditional order, and it is as a manifestation of an even deeper rebellion: its anti-metaphysical rebellion against God, or, if you will, against the Supreme Principle in which any civilization is anchored. Hence his permanent attempt to humanize God and divinize man.
Modern feminism is the ultimate expression of the empowerment of individuality - erected as sacred - and the definitive disintegration of society and its community dimension. This is the truly decisive point and it is here that we must situate feminism in its authentic metaphysical context.

It is well known that the etymology of the word devil - Διάβολος -, refers us to what separates and divides, as opposed to the word symbol - σύμβολον -, which points to that which unites or gathers the broken and separated[4]. Therefore, the devil can be recognized in some way in all that which divides, separates or, in the evangelical expression,' sows the tares' (Matthew 13:24-52).

[...] if we look at modernity from the point of view of the Perennial Tradition, that is, from a point of view that aspires to the eternal, we glimpse a current that has existed throughout history, and which is expressed as an unmitigated attack by that force of division against any union or unification of man with reality that surpasses or transcends it.

This assault on traditional society by the dissolving forces of counter-Tradition does not occur in a chaotic or random way - even if it sometimes shows that appearance - but in a very intelligent way and following very strict stages.

[...] the ultimate objective of the devil is to separate man from his true Nature, that is, to make him forget his origin and who he really is. Therefore, this attack on Tradition is only apparently against God and the form that the sacred takes in the world, because in reality the attack is directed against man, at the cost of seducing him with promises of liberation and paradises on earth. This attack has followed several stages that we will summarize below, whose main characteristic is to have advanced from the most external and social towards the most interior and personal:

[list type=decimal]
[*]If we were to describe the' diabolical strategy', the first step would be 'to separate' man from the divine in all its manifestations, even those that are not strictly religious, in order to close off access to it. Since traditional society is oriented towards the divine - symbolically the celestial - through religion and the sacred, the first attack must be directed here to subdue man towards matter - symbolically the terrestrial and the inferior. In fact, history shows us that this is how it was, and in two parallel directions: to corrupt sacred faith, rituals and art; and on the other hand to convince men that everything spiritual is unreal, of human creation and that it responds to mere superstition. For this reason, in this first stage we find on the one hand the rise of Protestant heresies - which we remember had an undeniable political content from its origin - and on the other hand the development of philosophical materialism and humanist rationalism, both currents of childish reductionism and aimed at teaching younger generations the contempt for their Tradition. Its most current form is scientifism, from whose prejudices even historical, theological or religious issues are approached.
[*]Having achieved the objective of separating society from the Sacred and its members from any influence of a higher character - that is, from any truly intellectual influence - by means of which they even cease to believe that such an influence exists or is possible, in a second phase the weight of diabolical action should fall on society itself, trying to fragment it into various sectors, increasingly, which would be progressively confronted with each other by their interests. Hence the rise of modern politics and law. Let us highlight the role played by modern' political ideologies', which some even call' political religions', based on illustration, and which in many ways tried to supplant religion in order to gain the will of the people. And here too, the work of pseudo-religious supplanting undertaken by Marxist ideology, which is the most resembling a' new religion', is noteworthy, and which was the purest political form taken in the West by materialistic philosophy and the anti-metaphysical twist accomplished in the previous stage.
[*]Once the society is fragmented and confronted with each other, which facilitates its control by the shadow powers through the well-known strategies of 'conflict triangulation', in a third phase - and this is what we are especially interested in here - the dissolving forces, which have long since been unleashed, will reach the basic nuclei of society: the family, human relations and, finally, the mind and body of the subject himself. Thus, at this stage the very survival of society itself is compromised.

It is in this last phase in which we find ourselves and proof of this is the shift from feminism towards the so-called 'gender ideology'.

In short, it is undeniable to any observer free of prejudice that modern feminism has been above all a social engineering project aimed at demolishing the social basis of it, and once this has been achieved, the next step in this nihilistic descent is to break the resistance even at an individual level.

The article continues to make connections and arguments IMO very accurate, but in general all that has already been discussed in the forum. What I found very interesting was the author's notion that there is a strategy developed over long periods of time. This simple fact IMO suggests the existence of hyperdimensional influences.

While I was reading about all this I couldn't help but think of the Cs saying how 4D STS beings can come and go through time and space to "adjust the story" according to their own interests...
Merci MSANTE pour ce partage très intéressant...

Thank you MSANTE for this very interesting sharing...
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