Hyperdimensional Politics

Atreides said:
Everyday you see people farming pity, empathy, compassion, harnessing it's power to do horrible things. New laws, new victims, more of this, less of that, destroy this person, shame that one, kill this one. It's one thing to show some compassion for your fellow human beings. In the bizarrest of twists, what are powering the problems of today are pity, empathy, compassion. There's always a new cause celebre, a new shocking image, a new victim, and right after comes the Call To Arms. Aux armes citoyens. We've found a new Kulak. A new scapegoat.
Indeed! Psychopaths in power are incredibly keen on using our vertues, our human values, and slysly corrupting us in the name of compassion, using our compassion against other parts of the population! That's why we have to master our emotions, even the good ones.
Chu said:
I think everybody needs to watch those clips! What Inspector Finch describes is what I would describe as an epic "Aha moment", except that it's more visceral. It's not a feeling somewhere out there, a supernatural thing. It's right here, when we make connections, and suddenly a bunch of things that we learned but thought were not connected, suddenly form a puzzle. It may be a small puzzle at our level, but it is a connection that you cannot unsee.

One thing that blocks it very often, I think, is when we focus too much on one aspect to the detriment of others. E.g. We may think: "That's it, I've got the answer. This leader is evil. If he was gone, then everything would be better.", completely ignoring the Man behind the curtain, and how hypedimensional forces must be at play for the world situation to be what it is. Or "This program of mine comes from when X happened in my childhood. If I do Y to change it, then it will never control me again", ignoring 10 other factors that led to the program (including possible hard-wiring, past lives, AND our own past actions, our own responsibility for not having wanted to see and change, which made the program 10 times worse than it was, hurting others and ourselves in the process).

When all those things and more come together as we keep observing (both ourselves and the world at large), we get the "terror of the situation", of our condition and our conditioning. And it is then, when we ask the Flinch question: "Do you still want to know the truth???" If the answer is yes, from that truth comes the deep desire to do something, however small that action may seem. And to grow in knowledge, because we can never assume that now we've got the whole truth.

At least for me, that is an experience of the "mosaic", though I'm sure it's not as powerful as that which others have felt. Every time I've felt it (more so this year than in the past), it was because of a combination of observing reality and myself at the same time, taking into account other people's mirrors and observations (which came "flooding" all at once), all my actions, past and present, the world scene seen as a game of chess, and focusing my mind as much as possible... And I want to have more moments like that. I don't want to look back and regret that knowing what I know, I chose to succumb to influences, programs, the smaller parts of myself and lies all around. It DOES hurt to see many things. Regrets, the shock itself and the state of the world can feel paralizing and heart-breaking, and make you feel that there is no hope, that it's too late. But when you manage to pull yourself together and look at the bigger picture, it's also liberating, because it's a feeling that there are no limits to real knowledge and that we can stop being controlled by so many forces, both in believing lies about the world and about ourselves. It's learning that there is no free lunch, but that we do have some freedom in how we want to pay. We may never be completely "free", but as long as what we learn can be shared, and help someone else even a tiny bit, then what is there to lose? If that leads to an increased receivership capability as a group, then the possibilities are endless.

This is one of the reasons why I think the work done here on the forum, on SOTT, and for those for whom it's possible, within FOTCM communities/meetups, is crucial. They are marvelous tools for getting to know our machine, our reality, and developing will power to keep going in spite of fear, regrets, uncertainty and failures. It is "sharing the burden", and knowing that the Universe still must "love" us if we are still around, but that unless WE decide to do our best to be its conduits, ours lives can also be a "dream in the past". Up to us to choose. Some days, it is easier said than done. But again, the point is to train ourselves to be able to do it more and more often, and keep persisting, learning, etc. OSIT.

Those clips and words got etched when originally seeing the film, and not easily forgot. And these connections transfer into our present realities like seeing and reading braille suddenly for the fist time, being exposed to a whole new language not accustom to the ear and mind.

There is one quote from the C's that is about as chilling as it gets when considering our current reality. If true, which has the hallmarks of being so, it is indeed a glimpse into the terror of the situation.

Looking back in time just to the 2.0 war; and I tend to follow economic signatures, for right or wrong, what was seen...the before and the after; the world of IBM's et al at play in the Nazi pre war and war - building systems to catalog and track. Resource extractions, synthetics, oil, steel, war machines, Jews, labor camps - so many lies, so much death and emotional harvesting. And after, the deicing up of the spoils of war, destruction of Europe's people and infrastructure, the obfuscation of corporate stocks holders – corporate camouflage of the post war's economic machine - Paperclip, Korea/Vietnam; Phoenix program and Indochina, empire/democracy buildup, revisionism, geopolitical insertions, divides, mafia, assassinations, gatekeepers, perversion of legal laws and facts, and;

C's said:
A: Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo...

Now; the above seems to well continue into modern times while being added to with entertainment galore, drugs, social media, spywear, metadata, runaway debt, Middle East meddling - war, petrodollars, Russia, always Russia, lobbyists - AIPAC, terrorists, false flags, divided houses, divided people Left and Right, social extremes and biological inversion, genetically modified - toxic food, chemical compounding, radiating frequencies and fuel rods, numbing medicine and the misuse of robotics likely yet to come. Asymmetrical warfare, proxy warfare, death of journalism - black is white and white is black - scientific peer review flops, finger pointing and scapegoats, academic controls and educational/social programming. AGW climate science example. Rose coloured glasses handed out for the view of the scene every four years, withheld knowing - public apathy…public anger, political bankruptcy.

It is amazing we can continue at all.

Notwithstanding the ranting, while all this is weaved through peoples either happy or sad lives, it equally eats away at people like a true cancer. If what the C's hinted at above has a basis in fact, and as said, it sure looks like it, the fascist enemy is not at the gate, it has been in our very houses for a long long time.

The question is, like Finch said, is this true in our reality, does it connect, and do people want to really know if so?

The thing is also, I think people want to know, or they do know in a subconscious or even a reincarnated way - and it is hard, so really hard to even acknowledge one one hundredth of the created problems. Conversely, society has tried to build good institutions with good intentions along with legal systems that, in ideal conditions, serve others with rational judgements. However, these times are clearly not ideal, there is no utopia reflected in this societal mirror and hyperdimensional politics; apropos as the title infers, seems to have been seriously meddling in the minds of the m/w who are running the show, like an infection.

Despite all of this, there is such fascination and beauty all around people and yet it is like this strange paradox thing, living in two worlds that seem preposterous side by each; the ugly face of God and the beautiful face of God way out of balance. Thus, people keep moving ahead hopefully finding some balance in it all - "persisting, learning," and somehow we signed up to be here at this marker in time to see it through the best way we can, osit.
RedFox said:
I can't name it exactly, but it's the curuption of empathy and the desire to good and aleviate suffering (usually in women) - that is being twisted and blinded into the tool of fascism and untold suffering that is particularly gut wrenching to watch unfold. :O

Atreides said:
Everyday you see people farming pity, empathy, compassion, harnessing it's power to do horrible things. New laws, new victims, more of this, less of that, destroy this person, shame that one, kill this one. It's one thing to show some compassion for your fellow human beings. In the bizarrest of twists, what are powering the problems of today are pity, empathy, compassion. There's always a new cause celebre, a new shocking image, a new victim, and right after comes the Call To Arms. Aux armes citoyens. We've found a new Kulak. A new scapegoat.

Good video on this:

They talk about how the beneficial, positive traits of empathy, compassion, protectiveness etc., end up as left-wing authoritarianism, PC liberalism and PC authoritarianism when twisted. They pose the question, "We've seen what a patriarchal dictatorship looks like and what it leads to, but what will a matriarchal dictatorship look like?"

Approaching Infinity said:
I want to try to tie together a few thoughts here. How might a hyperdimensional plan manifest? How does it work? I think the clue is in the ideas discussed on the Stoics/Paul thread.

Humans find themselves in the "I" state: STS, selfish, body-centric. "Its" goals are their goals. "Its" will is their will. And this will gets what it wants unconsciously, from the individual's perspective.

Unconscious actions can lead to unforeseen consequences, or at least consequences that aren't consciously willed. Typical example: having sex for fun, which leads to pregnancy. Having a baby wasn't the conscious intent, but it was the implicit "end" of the act in question. So, actions carried out unconsciously lead to results that aren't necessarily consciously willed. (Kind of like art and religion, the thought and meaning are implicit and hidden.)

So the unconscious/body has its own implicit goals. System I. Its will is our will, and we rationalize in order to account for the behaviors/goals it sets in motion.

Similarly, human behavior on the mass level has its own implicit trends and directions. They aren't necessarily consciously planned, but when they play out, they lead to certain ends. In retrospect we look back and say we should have seen it coming.

In terms of Paul, people on the "I" level are slaves to the will of the flesh, to Satan. The way in which a conscious, hyperdimensional plan can be carried out is because its will is our (i.e. humanity's) will. As long as we remain within "I", we will unconsciously choose exactly those things that lead to the end that is planned by the higher, hyperdimensional mind, whose will we share.

To a regular ol' human looking at this situation, this scenario will look like a conspiracy theory (multigenerational illuminati elite planning for hundreds/thousands of years), or "just history", or just coincidence. But as of earlier today, I call such things "cosmically convenient coincidence". To use a small example, maybe there is no "earthly" connection between the fact that Weinstein was working on a vaccine documentary with DeNiro, then his career is ruined by the sudden exposure of his long-known sexual antics. Or maybe it really is just a coincidence. But perhaps it is cosmically significant, directed from a higher level. All the various "I"-based, selfish actions of individual agents can combine in ways that are downright scary, and seem to serve consciously directed aims.

And the way out?

Like Collingwood says, to realize one's error is to have solved that error. Learning about our cognitive errors, the ways in which our bodies/brains can hinder us, and really accepting that - is actually to have solved the problem. And once you know what the problem is, you can get your act together by reminding yourself (or being reminded) that you already know "the error of your ways" and know the alternative.

By "crucifying" the lower will, we can make another will our own. If you act based on your lower will, you don't know the "end" to which that will might lead. But if you align your will with STO/Christ/God, the ends will not be unconscious and horrible. They will lead to the best possible outcome.

And on that note, in order to will the best possible outcome, we need to "think like God", i.e. have as much knowledge and awareness as possible. Mosaic consciousness? Like Collingwood concludes, a map of knowledge is impossible - knowledge is simply knowledge, it can't be simplified into something less than that. Rather it is everything you know: your expanded awareness of self via the world, and the world via the self. Every little bit goes into making the big picture. And it is a never-ending process taking place historically, constantly changing, developing, refining itself.

I think all this is pretty bang on.

I think the first exposure we had to material that really got this across well was Mouravieff's exposition of A influences. I always picture it to myself the way that any system will eventually fall apart on its own through entropy without 'conscious' injection of energy to maintain its functioning. Jordan Peterson always uses the analogy of maintaining a helicopter - that it takes a number of hours of maintenance for one hour of flight, or else it will eventually just fall out the sky.

I think the way to go about it in life is to have an aim or set of aims, a list of things you should do and a list of things you shouldn't do, and then as long as you're working towards those all the time, you'll have fewer problems.

But if you go about your life in an aimless way, you are essentially playing out the plans of 4D STS, because "The devil makes work for idle hands." You're just constantly being led and pushed by A influences, which Mouravieff describes as random, but which should really be thought of as chaotic. And so, you're a puppet of chaos under such influences - which is the same thing as an agent of chaos, which is the same thing as an agent of 4D STS.
Gaby said:
The agenda feels like something deliberate and as if they are pushing the "fastforward" button.

If Nazi Germany was just a "trial run", all this "gender dystopia", racial conflicts and postmodernism "rights" could seriously backfire or be used as an excuse to implement "a master race" and/or get rid of all the undesirables. Or maybe it will be different.

I don't know what twists and turns are next, but I have the impression that I had to deal with non-resolved traumatic experiences from a past life on that "Nazi trial run" for most of my current life and that I still get flashbacks. I hope to be up to the level. As Viktor Frankl said, “So live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!”

No, I don't think so. This "gender dystopia" is a storm in a teacup, a great big 'nothing burger', people having hysterics over irrellevant things, etc.

This is where all the action is happening (despite the issues with sound of this) This is where normal people are being hammered:

When I think about mandatory vaccinations, I see a certain correlation with mandatory incarceration, divestment, and murder of the Jews in Nazi Germany. It's a similar principle, evil hiding under the auspices of 'good ideas' or 'common good', or simply hiding altogether and relying on 'good people doing nothing'. This ends up being really, really bad for everyone and a massive smorgasbordive feast for 4D STS. This ship's already sailed, has been torpedoed and is already sinking. It's not going to happen some time in the future. It's happening now! How's that for a hyperdimensional plan?

Personally I think they've 'nailed it'. Bearing in mind that 4D STS are highly evolved parasites, they're not going to waste time and energy to harvest humanity. Of course, if humanity is "aware" of what's going on, then that makes their job so much harder.
Ruth said:
Gaby said:
The agenda feels like something deliberate and as if they are pushing the "fastforward" button.

If Nazi Germany was just a "trial run", all this "gender dystopia", racial conflicts and postmodernism "rights" could seriously backfire or be used as an excuse to implement "a master race" and/or get rid of all the undesirables. Or maybe it will be different.

No, I don't think so. This "gender dystopia" is a storm in a teacup, a great big 'nothing burger', people having hysterics over irrellevant things, etc.

This is where all the action is happening (despite the issues with sound of this) This is where normal people are being hammered:

I wouldn't be so sure, Ruth. These things can get introduced and made to look like a storm in a teacup, a tiny crazy minority. And by the time you realize their importance, it's too late. It's not just people having hysterics. There are laws being changed every day, division fomented, hatred encouraged, families destroyed, children's lives ruined from an early age... It may seem like nothing, but when it accumulates, we cannot know what the effects may be.

When I think about mandatory vaccinations, I see a certain correlation with mandatory incarceration, divestment, and murder of the Jews in Nazi Germany. It's a similar principle, evil hiding under the auspices of 'good ideas' or 'common good', or simply hiding altogether and relying on 'good people doing nothing'. This ends up being really, really bad for everyone and a massive smorgasbordive feast for 4D STS. This ship's already sailed, has been torpedoed and is already sinking. It's not going to happen some time in the future. It's happening now! How's that for a hyperdimensional plan?

Personally I think they've 'nailed it'. Bearing in mind that 4D STS are highly evolved parasites, they're not going to waste time and energy to harvest humanity. Of course, if humanity is "aware" of what's going on, then that makes their job so much harder.

Well, to me the vaccination issue is another piece of the puzzle, just like the food and pharmaceutical industry in general are. No matter where you look, people are made to take drugs and eat food that can only contribute to their health deteriorating, which leads to the deterioration of their ability to THINK and act accordingly.

I was born in 1980, and vaccines were already the thing parents did without questioning, even though they weren't compulsory. Granted, they weren't as toxic as now, but still. On the other hand, growing up we still had healthy games to play, healthy foods, standard values were still being taught for the most part, we were taught that efforts weren't to be shunned away, etc. Compare that with today: children being "educated" by their phones/tablets, full of vaccines, toxic food, super toxic ideologies, snowflakiness, messed up sexuality, zero intellectual challenges, apathy, and the list goes on...
[quote author=Chu]
Well, to me the vaccination issue is another piece of the puzzle, just like the food and pharmaceutical industry in general are. No matter where you look, people are made to take drugs and eat food that can only contribute to their health deteriorating, which leads to the deterioration of their ability to THINK and act accordingly.

This is something I am seeing on a daily basis whilst talking and observing people I meet at work and public places. Strange thing is that if I suggest the recommended dietary changes to anyone, the reaction is almost always to the tune of "I can't have this or that so, suggest something else..." Essentially, their eating habits are being driven by their feelings and emotions and no one is listening to their body. I am seeing cases of knee pains, joint inflammations, shingles on face, eyesight issues, constant headaches, general lethargy and invariably everything is linked to their diets and eating habits. And scary aspect is that, its all a negative feedback loop where the more sick they are, less and less disciplined their mind is to bring any real changes. There really isn't much to be done except to keep doing it yourself and hoping that it would inspire someone.
Chu said:
I wouldn't be so sure, Ruth. These things can get introduced and made to look like a storm in a teacup, a tiny crazy minority. And by the time you realize their importance, it's too late. It's not just people having hysterics. There are laws being changed every day, division fomented, hatred encouraged, families destroyed, children's lives ruined from an early age... It may seem like nothing, but when it accumulates, we cannot know what the effects may be.

I agree. History has shown that it is exactly those "small steps" that were being introduced gradually, and seemed "insignificant" at that moment, that have lead to enormous suffering and bloodshed. If one just looks at every tiny step and says "it doesn't matter, it is just a tiny thing" one falls for the risk of excusing every step that follows as well. They might look insignificant but they are quite the opposite. It is also like giving consent to that madness, and every time we do it, "they" feel intitled and justified to strip away more and more of our freedoms.

There is this famous quote for example:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Or the book from Sebastian Haffner where he explained how Nazi Germany developed by exactly such small changes, while the people just went along with it, in every small step. Take for example the times before 9/11 and then compare them to how it is today. If we look at it objectively, we will find that huge changes (to the negative mostly, with a few bright exceptions like Putins Russia) have taken place since then, in almost every aspect of life on earth.

A tiny expose of that madness is very well summarized here:

Post-nihilism, a template for where we are heading
Pashalis said:
History has shown that it is exactly those "small steps" that were being introduced gradually, and seemed "insignificant" at that moment, that have lead to enormous suffering and bloodshed. If one just looks at every tiny step and says "it doesn't matter, it is just a tiny thing" one falls for the risk of excusing every step that follows as well. They might look insignificant but they are quite the opposite. It is also like giving consent to that madness, and every time we do it, "they" feel intitled and justified to strip away more and more of our freedoms.

Yes it applied to the discriminatory decisions progressively made but the Nazi and also to the 'preparation' phase that gave rise to Nazism. If the Weimar republic hadn't allowed some minorities (Free Masons, communists, Gypsies, Jews) to drift away, Hitler might have never received the popular support he did.

In a similar manner, if authorities didn't allow some organized minorities to implement their destructive agenda (antifa activists, LGBT peeps, feminists, Islamists, etc.), the new Hitler might not find popular support because the public anger/outrage would just not be present.
Joe said:
c.a. said:
Chu said:
C.a., did you actually listen to it? I heard the first 5 mins of Bernhard talking, and couldn't take it anymore. I'd rather spend my listening time on something useful. He basically copies Laura (badly), but trying to be charming and adding a bit of disinfo in the middle. The guy has NO ideas of his own, and the ones he has, are distorsions that go in the direction of people (like himself) being victims, and other people being portals of attack that are out to get you. It's quite subtle, I give him that. But no thanks.

If you actually listened to it, I suggest you be very careful about what you read or hear without applying any critical filters.

Yes still at 2:43:41. You and Laura are correct.

Its your call to delete it but i say let it serve as an example of the distortion and the victim mentality you bring up.

Will always stand by Admin.s corrections as it severs for the betterment of the forum and True Knowledge.

It has been removed because the people involved in that video are known (by most people active on this forum) to be love n' light disinfo artists. You might as well have posted a flat earth video and suggested that we watch it so we can get an idea of what a fool looks and sounds like. The point being, it's not necessary and a waste of time at best, and a exercise in exposing your mind to dangerous nonsense masquerading as truth, at worst.

Thanks Joe and i understand. The one thing that stood out was there was no acknowledging the true source of there supposed revaluations.
Preview: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (23:20)
Jordan B Peterson Published on Nov 25, 2017
I have been working on a new book for about five years. In this video, I talk about the background of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, and read a subsection from Rule 3: Make Friends with People Who Want The Best For You. It's about the small northern town where I grew up, and the friends I made and lost there.

12 Rules for Life, published by Penguin/Random House, is available for pre-order here:

Amazon USA: http://amzn.to/2yvJf9L (35% discount)
Amazon Canada: http://amzn.to/2g2K7uQ (50% discount)
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2jpvJdw

Boulder Scene: the incomparable Buster Keaton, who did all his own stunts. Seven Chances (1925) with Buster Keaton. I only extracted a a short clip. The entire chase scene, which involves, among other stunts, Keaton riding a motorbike while sitting on the handles, is among the best ever filmed.
This item came along and the term "level the playing field" really caught my eye.


Distinct from traditional information operations waged by states, the narratives of ordinary people and activists benefit from a greater sense of personal authenticity and emotional connection. This currency has always been difficult for institutions to capture, but comes naturally to individuals and activists. Social media's ability to bypass traditional media gatekeepers also blew apart the biggest barriers to marginalized voices being heard: political and corporate control over publishing.

"Powerful institutions still exist and remain very powerful, but there is another currency that has emerged because of social media and the internet, which you might call authenticity or emotional appeal," says Matt Sienkiewicz, an assistant professor of communication and international studies at Boston College and the author of "The Other Air Force: U.S. Efforts to Reshape Middle Eastern Media Since 9/11."

The 2014 war between Israel and Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip was perhaps the first war in which social media was successfully employed as a radical levelling force by the weaker party. In previous wars between Israel and the Palestinians, the Israeli government's ability to manage access to the battlefield allowed it to help shape the narrative of the war, portraying it the way that it preferred - as a fight against terrorism. But with the proliferation of smartphones and social media accounts in Gaza over the past several years, this conflict wound up being viewed very differently by a variety of observers.


Normally, a young teenage girl living under aerial bombardment would have been considered a bystander, at best, or a victim, at worst. But thanks to her Twitter feed, where she shared both her fears as well as her attempts to maintain normal life amid the war, Farah became an important part of the Palestinian effort to sway global opinion on the conflict.


"I don't have the ability to carry a weapon and I would never kill anyone, so my only weapon was to broadcast the truth and to let people know what was happening here," Baker told Patrikarakos in an interview at her Gaza home. "I was more effective than I ever imagined, because of the amount of followers I got and because so many people told me I had changed their minds [about the war] and opened their eyes."

Now, just read what the Cs said in the following little collection of excerpts and let it sink in in light of the article quoted above:

2Nov94 said:
Q: (L) I am assuming that if the Nephilim are 3 d that they
die like we do. Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, we can shoot them and they will die?

A: Correct. But wrong approach.

Q: (L) What is the right approach?

A: Knowledge protects.

Q: (L) Well, if a 15 foot tall guy comes at me and wants to
knock me around, what is knowledge going to do to protect

A: You will be in 4th density.

Q: (L) So, before they get here we will be 4 d?

A: Crossing.

Q: (L) All three of us?

A: Yes, and many others.

Q: (L) So, we are not going to have to deal with the

A: Not correct.

Q: (L) Does this mean that there will be 3 and 4 d beings on
the planet at the same time and that some will have to
deal with these guys and some won't?

A: But you will have to too.

Q: (L) I don't understand. Are these Nephilim coming here to
transition to 4 d also?

A: They already live there as 3 density beings.
Demonstration: When you are abducted you are 3rd density
but you are taken into 4th density.

22June96 said:
Q: (L) Swell! Is the energy that is being manifested in the
positive, on and around the planet, is it going to reduce
the level of negativity in the beings existing on the

A: This is not the point. When "Earth" becomes a 4th density
realm, all the forces, both STS and STO shall be in direct
contact with one another... It will be a "level playing
thus, balanced.

14July96 said:
Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border
Crossing are that some people graduate or transition to
4th density, that their awareness changes, everything
changes, the playing field is leveled.
So, what happened
in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to
happen is that the 'playing field' is going to be leveled,
so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a
correct assessment?

A: Maybe. Alright, my dear, you want the facts, so we will
give them to you, and hopefully you will comprehend. If
not now, then when necessary maybe... Fact number one:
All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big
school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never,
NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you
state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have
reached that point on the learning cycle, and you are not
close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!

Q: (L) Okay, this being one infinite school, and we all seem
to be wandering around in the darkness...

A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress
along it is determined by events and circumstances as they

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives,
individually and collectively, can indicate where we are
on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things
told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in
themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be
virtually useless to be told about them since they must be

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we
give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?,"

Q: (L) Okay, we want some hints. And Ark wants some hints,
too! He wants to know if we can invent a tool that
enhances free will?

A: No tool is needed because of facts 3, 4, and 5.

Q: (L) Ummm... So, when a person is being hypnotized and
controlled from outside, because that is the matter of
concern we were discussing earlier, they are hypnotized
and controlled until they learn to stop it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, using the analogy of the pig stye, they just have
to wallow in it and suffer until they have had enough?

A: Using your analogy of the bicycle: Is there a tool which
makes it unnecessary for the child to learn how to ride
the bicycle in order to know how to ride it?!?

Q: (MM) Don't you get more free will by assimilating

A: Yes!! Yes!!

Q: (L) So, in other words, knowledge and awareness makes you
aware that you have free will, and also makes you aware of
what actions actually ARE acts of free will, and
therefore, when you know or suspect the difference between
the lies and deception and truth, then you are in a
position to be in control of your life?

A: Yes.

25July98 said:
Q: (L) Now, I have been having an exchange with Carla McCarty
who was the Ra channel. She says that we are not supposed
to DO anything, we are just supposed to BE, and what we
are supposed to BE is to just let love flow through us,
love the aliens and everybody and just sort of relax in
the tulips and, if they take us over, then we should LOVE
that, too. Somehow, I don't find this...

A: All there is is lessons!!

Q: (L) Is the lesson to learn how to give up the ghost with
panache? What's the point?

A: Your experiences never end, only transform. No
bodycentrics need apply.

Q: (L) Well, you once said something about the transition to
4th density creating a 'level playing field.' Then, the
people will wake up and there will be a battle between the
humans and aliens...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And if it is a more level playing field, then the
situation would not quite be the same as the
Conquistadores against the Aztecs and the Native Americans
against the Europeans and...

A: Wrong, all in that drama were at 3rd density. The
rabbits, rats, dogs, etc. are not on a level playing field
with you!

23Feb02 said:
Q: (L) Well that's kind of a pun, find out "in deed" - by doing. (R) We are on a very, very interesting path here because we just defined what a density is. It's a frequency resonance envelope. (A) The question is frequency of what?

A: Yes, of those in the orchestra.

Q: (L) So it is by agreement. (A) What is by agreement? (L) To be in the orchestra, frequency resonance envelope. (B) Not only to be, but to play within those parameters. (L) Who gets to pick what gets played?

A: Ah! There's the rub!

Q: (B) That means it's up for grabs. Which is why they're interested in us grounding a certain frequency resonance so STS doesn't.

A: No, you don't get to pick the selection at this level. But you in the future does. The question is: How well do you play, and can you play true if the others don't?

Q: (M) That's the second time they said that.

(R) Yeah, okay, so in essence, that means what we are doing now is assembling the orchestra before the concert, and tuning the instruments.

(L) Have you ever sat in the concert hall when they were getting ready, warming up?

(J) It's chaos.

(L) It is.

(R) But after awhile it starts getting tuned. But that's what this is all about - the whole Cassiopaean Communication. Were not playing yet. We're just tuning.

(L) Yeah.

(JN) So if our level of consciousness creates the barriers of where this wave can go and how it behaves, can we...

(R) No, No. No. Excuse me for interrupting. Our level of consciousness doesn't create the barriers, it's only aware of those barriers. It can see, okay, what are the barriers: "oh these are the barriers. I can see, okay. So here's what I get to play." But if your awareness grows, then you get to see an array of barriers. "Okay I want to play with this bigger one. I can play with the smaller ones if I want to, but I have the awareness to see other barriers that are more extensive."

(L) I think that the concept that we have a hard time grasping is that - going with the analogy - the musical selection is made, more or less. We at some level - us in the future - have chosen what instrument to play, what part to play. And so, the options that we really have now are: how well we play, how loud we play, how in tune we play with others; can we practice, can we stay in tune, can we do any numbers of these things? And even if we find ourselves sitting next to some jerk who can't carry a tune, and whose instrument is all screwed up, can we still continue to play true? Because even though the rest of the orchestra, being heard from a distance, may sound quite melodic, because we are sitting next to this guy who can't play, it is possible for us to be distracted - pulled off track - and then to distract the guy on the other side of us, leading to general chaos.

(R) It's about focus.

(L) Yeah. I'm getting tired.

(A) I have still a question, because all the discussion around this computer modeling, whether it can be helpful or should be developed, or can lead to something; and all these spirals and barriers; they are all about, it's a standard, there are no events, there are no detectors yet. My idea was that it is the detectors which make events which make the wave collapse. Until now, in all our simulations, there is no collapse and no jumps. And yet we speak about consciousness, while there is this other concept that it is consciousness that makes the wave collapse. Okay. So I see a contradiction and I don't know how to get out of this contradiction. There is no collapse, and yet there was some encouragement that what we have relates to...

A: The music is on the page long before it is played.

Q: (R) So, when the orchestra starts playing you have the musical notes, the timing instructions. Right. So it's the same music. You can play over and over again. But the difference is how well the orchestra plays and how well it is tuned. Okay, so one implication can be that...

A: The FRE is the notes on the page. It is the selection. The "playing" constitutes "events." Frequency resonant envelope: FRE.

Q: (R) So when you're starting out, you have a small orchestra, you play simple notes.

(L) Kinda like 1st density.

(R) Exactly. As you get better at playing you get the bigger orchestra, you get more instruments, you have to be more careful about having them in tune because otherwise...

(L) And you get more notes.

(R) And you get more notes. But the playing constitutes events. It's one thing to have an orchestra, it's another to have it tuned.

(L) Alright, let's think about this FRE idea and this application of it and then take it back to Violette's original questions about it. FRE is emanated and maintained in concert with the environment and others...

(R) Well, it is also bonded to the perception through awareness, right?

(L) Okay. [V reads back from the notes] "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities."

(R) So a discontinuity would be a quantum jump, for example, yes or no?

A: Yes.

Q: (R) But this requires that you have an orchestra that is well tuned. Because if you don't have it well tuned, it's not resonating so it doesn't matter if the...

(V) So the orchestra's not going to make the music in 4th density.

(R) Exactly. So you have the concert hall, the audience is there, you have the notes, but the orchestra is not in tune, so you get bad music. If the orchestra is not in tune, which is why it is important to...

A: Sing "Goodnight Ladies," Yes?

Q: (L) Anybody have any wrap up questions? (R) Yeah. I have one completely unrelated. (L) Go ahead. (R) It relates to this girl I was communicating on the net. I was just wondering if she was just doing all of that [crazy manipulating] on her own or if she was just being helped.

A: FRV robot. You will encounter many more in times to come.

29Dec09 said:
Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport! (L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!
Remember C once said that it isn't exactly in different geographical or time setting (forgot when exactly but talking about battle in 4d light/dark). You see your body, mind and emotion belong to different dimensions and they cycle at different vibration. The problem is due to our character defect or bad attitude we create blockage for light to enter our spirit. Each separate "symphony" or consciousness create a separate universe and we are trying to achieve unity (tuning in to harmony). Don't worry about the darkness in other they are just learning like us some more advance than the other. Knowledge protect would probably mean this. Some of us are not even aware of our own darkness (most of us are just living from day to day, spiritual advancement not priority), some are aware of our own flaw, some has understanding (cause and effect why things happen) and last having knowledge (you actually master it in your mind, body and emotion). Your point of view is very different if you are beginner/self center with subjective point of view compare to selfless/ objective. Advance spirit are aware of other because they already learned the lesson about harming other will harm yourself too. Example If you have a medicine for injury. Your love one got mild injury but your mortal enemy got mortal injury. You will give medicine to your mortal enemy because he/she need it more. You are responsible for your own personal development (networking help own weakness you can't see) and purification to reach happiness. Humility will enable us to see our own weakness which give us the courage to change for the better (despite outside pressure, doctrine, etc).
Laura said:
This item came along and the term "level the playing field" really caught my eye.


Distinct from traditional information operations waged by states, the narratives of ordinary people and activists benefit from a greater sense of personal authenticity and emotional connection. This currency has always been difficult for institutions to capture, but comes naturally to individuals and activists. Social media's ability to bypass traditional media gatekeepers also blew apart the biggest barriers to marginalized voices being heard: political and corporate control over publishing.

"Powerful institutions still exist and remain very powerful, but there is another currency that has emerged because of social media and the internet, which you might call authenticity or emotional appeal," says Matt Sienkiewicz, an assistant professor of communication and international studies at Boston College and the author of "The Other Air Force: U.S. Efforts to Reshape Middle Eastern Media Since 9/11."

The 2014 war between Israel and Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip was perhaps the first war in which social media was successfully employed as a radical levelling force by the weaker party. In previous wars between Israel and the Palestinians, the Israeli government's ability to manage access to the battlefield allowed it to help shape the narrative of the war, portraying it the way that it preferred - as a fight against terrorism. But with the proliferation of smartphones and social media accounts in Gaza over the past several years, this conflict wound up being viewed very differently by a variety of observers.


Normally, a young teenage girl living under aerial bombardment would have been considered a bystander, at best, or a victim, at worst. But thanks to her Twitter feed, where she shared both her fears as well as her attempts to maintain normal life amid the war, Farah became an important part of the Palestinian effort to sway global opinion on the conflict.


"I don't have the ability to carry a weapon and I would never kill anyone, so my only weapon was to broadcast the truth and to let people know what was happening here," Baker told Patrikarakos in an interview at her Gaza home. "I was more effective than I ever imagined, because of the amount of followers I got and because so many people told me I had changed their minds [about the war] and opened their eyes."

Now, just read what the Cs said in the following little collection of excerpts and let it sink in in light of the article quoted above:


This reminded me of the current battle raging against net neutrality.

The US government has been flooded with more than 10 million comments about rolling back net neutrality regulations.

Net neutrality is the principle that the internet is free, open, and accessible, meaning internet users can access any sites they want, and internet service providers (ISPs) can't block or slow down content and websites as they choose.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to reverse net neutrality rules it passed in 2015, which prevent ISPs from blocking and prioritizing certain content online over others.

The public comment period ended on Monday and a one-month rebuttal period is underway. To date, 10.94 million filings have been made on the FCC's site. This is a record number of comments made and is twice as many as in 2015 when the current rules were being discussed, according to CNET.

Who's in favor of net neutrality?

Privacy rights groups, tech companies, and internet activists are against lessening regulations, fearing it will destroy what the internet is at its core, a free information source for everyone.

There are concerns that reversing regulations would damage innovation and the value provided by the internet. Government influence on access to information could also be an issue, as internet service providers could slow down websites or block ones they don't agree with. ISPs are large donors in US politics.

The likes of Google and Apple support the regulations, fearing a rollback would give ISPs freedom to favor different content over others.

An umbrella group of tech companies, Internet Association, wrote a letter calling for "strong and enforceable net neutrality rules."

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, along with 200 internet scientists and engineers, penned a 53-page comment highlighting their "fundamental understanding of what the Internet's technology promises to provide... (and) how the Internet actually works."

Who's against net neutrality?

Telecom and cable companies want to get rid of regulations, saying they unfairly target internet providers, which leads to them not investing in broadband in rural areas.

AT&T and Comcast filed comments in support of rolling back the regulations. "We support the FCC returning internet access to the light-touch regulatory framework in place for more than two decades that kept up with the speed of innovation," it said.

US President Donald Trump has criticized the 2015 rules, and FCC chair Ajit Pai, who was named to the post by Trump days after his inauguration, said he would consider overturning them. Pai says the regulations have led to reduced investment in network expansion.
The commission approved the proposal in May. It hopes to reclassify broadband internet service as information service instead of a telecommunications service.

The 2015 regulations invoked Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 to enable the FCC to oversee ISPs as "common carriers" and the internet itself as a public utility.

Pai told the Senate Commerce it "will make a full and fair review of the record."
And even RT had a segment on how those proclaimed 'public' comments included so many 'fake' ones, some looked computer generated. How shocking! :halo:

On the orchestra, the music reminded me of another analogy used of our life being a film... we only see it one frame at a time.... when looking back, most of what stands out is the markers or our personal 'highlight reel' to use the sports analogy. The contest between control of the orchestra seems to be one over who gets into the 'first' section.... who plays best to attain those spots, which aren't determined by how much money you have etc, but your ability to 'play your instrument'. One interesting question on this analogy would be "Who is the director of this orchesta?" Is that 7d? Different peoples make up the different sections of the orchestra... different frequencies as was noted in another session. This then leads to asking which are the most important parts in the score? Which sections are most prone to being disrupted/disturbed? Which ones are most stable in their performance, so that focus can be placed on the weakest links in the orchestra? The 'fight' or contest over who gets first chair.... something granted to friends of the state so far, but now that it's competition time, the director is giving out parts... placing people by their skill level and not who they know, how much money they've got... you can't buy your way into first chair or section, and the rest of the parts are mostly supportive to more or lesser degrees.... some can't even tap their toes, so aren't even allowed into the main orchestra... some contests have two... the major and minor bands/orchestras, and using other channeled stuff, it indicates this separation between the two, a fork in the road/window... which is interesting... again the emphasis on the director and who gets placed in those so desired first chairs/sections... which is where the action is at, where the good parts get played.

Tied into this reminds me of that interview of that cop in PA, was it the infamous Baltimore area? that the %'s of cops that meant well/did good work was ~15%, those considered psycho was ~15% and the other 70% just went with the flow. Sounds like our orchestra, assuming the psycho group included our infamous 'chosen ones' of Satan.... and some of those who wanted to do good, don't necessarily do good work because they really don't know what they are doing... knowledge works both ways.... the competition for control of state doesn't seem any different than this contest for control of the orchestra.. those playing first section... who is the director making this call? 7d? if 6d is really just playing with reflections of themselves? and they are looking at all possibility/probability vectors simultaneously... in real time... the everpresent or omnipresent or whatever the C's called the 'now'?... oh.. 'expanded present'.. that was it.... the nexus of time, past-present-future.... all orchestras... all vectors... with the current project as the focus, but guided by all previous and potential vectors in action as well... all playing their own instruments in their orchestras... affecting our play in ours, and ours in theirs... the expanded present performance of the cosmic orchestra, which can affect the performance of the other orchestras in the 'verse, or at least a little in our Logos/galaxy, even if just for curiosity's sake.
Chu said:
Ruth said:
No, I don't think so. This "gender dystopia" is a storm in a teacup, a great big 'nothing burger', people having hysterics over irrelevant things, etc.

This is where all the action is happening (despite the issues with sound of this) This is where normal people are being hammered:

I wouldn't be so sure, Ruth. These things can get introduced and made to look like a storm in a teacup, a tiny crazy minority. And by the time you realize their importance, it's too late. It's not just people having hysterics. There are laws being changed every day, division fomented, hatred encouraged, families destroyed, children's lives ruined from an early age... It may seem like nothing, but when it accumulates, we cannot know what the effects may be.

I think you are right. But the ship has already sailed, 'the game' is already in it's last stages and the 'frogs' are almost boiled. It's almost 'game over' and humanity isn't wining.

Chu said:
Ruth said:
When I think about mandatory vaccinations, I see a certain correlation with mandatory incarceration, divestment, and murder of the Jews in Nazi Germany. It's a similar principle, evil hiding under the auspices of 'good ideas' or 'common good', or simply hiding altogether and relying on 'good people doing nothing'. This ends up being really, really bad for everyone and a massive smorgasbordive feast for 4D STS. This ship's already sailed, has been torpedoed and is already sinking. It's not going to happen some time in the future. It's happening now! How's that for a hyperdimensional plan?

Personally I think they've 'nailed it'. Bearing in mind that 4D STS are highly evolved parasites, they're not going to waste time and energy to harvest humanity. Of course, if humanity is "aware" of what's going on, then that makes their job so much harder.

Well, to me the vaccination issue is another piece of the puzzle, just like the food and pharmaceutical industry in general are. No matter where you look, people are made to take drugs and eat food that can only contribute to their health deteriorating, which leads to the deterioration of their ability to THINK and act accordingly.

I was born in 1980, and vaccines were already the thing parents did without questioning, even though they weren't compulsory. Granted, they weren't as toxic as now, but still. On the other hand, growing up we still had healthy games to play, healthy foods, standard values were still being taught for the most part, we were taught that efforts weren't to be shunned away, etc. Compare that with today: children being "educated" by their phones/tablets, full of vaccines, toxic food, super toxic ideologies, snowflakiness, messed up sexuality, zero intellectual challenges, apathy, and the list goes on...

I really do think that it's too late.
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