I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

"May be Jacygirl can translate for you if she has time, she has magic skills that understand you it seems ;)"

Lol. My ex husband was Portuguese (born Azores). He spoke English fluently but he wrote in what I called 'short form'. I find Ricardo's comma's somewhat like pauses, like I tend to use the ellipsis...to pause but continue.
Or I am completely misunderstanding his point but agreeing anyways, haha.

I think it’s the detail that’s being omitted that is causing lack of understanding from my part and I think may be in Ricardo’s mind he thinks we are all able to ‘read between the lines’ but I can’t do that very well, I like analogies and metaphors because they help explain the point.
And I also don’t have time to analyse every little thing, I appreciate Ricardo and would like to be able better engage with him, in person I would find his use of language interesting because then we can read with body language and energy signals, and I could more easily ask for (lots of) clarification but in written form where we have to try to bridge the gap of understanding it’s very hard with minimal output of words and a lot of needing to fill in the gaps.

Everyone will notice I write very simplistic and don’t use big words or add any obscure thoughts without trying to give them context. I might be a few beers short of a case when it comes to comparing intellect with others and I accept that, I find some others style of writing here a bit hard to follow too at times, I think being understood is paramount and if we can’t explain what we mean then don’t say anything until it can be explained like we’re telling a child.

And furthermore, there are lots of non English speakers who might want to engage but can’t do so if they can’t translate what’s been written.

May be I’m completely missing the point too, but I don’t want to be.
somewhat impressed as , to how words , are usually used,, that are read as , far , awway from truth , as they can be , read
Well, buddy, you must be very close to the truth, because you can't save more words.

English is not my language and yet I understand what you say better than the Spanish translation that the translator offers me.

The translator starts to sweat every time he has to translate something yours. What he returns is meaningless gibberish.

Despite everything, sometimes something is understood.:-D
Well, buddy, you must be very close to the truth, because you can't save more words.

English is not my language and yet I understand what you say better than the Spanish translation that the translator offers me.

The translator starts to sweat every time he has to translate something yours. What he returns is meaningless gibberish.

Despite everything, sometimes something is understood.:-D
I do agree. I was surprised to see my name mentioned because I've never interacted directly with said member. I do, however usually grasp most of what is said, and find him to have valuable insight. I was mostly thinking that it's an "English as a second language" situation (like with my ex).
I do agree. I was surprised to see my name mentioned because I've never interacted directly with said member. I do, however usually grasp most of what is said, and find him to have valuable insight. I was mostly thinking that it's an "English as a second language" situation (like with my ex).

I only mentioned you because you loved a comment that was written. Meanwhile, I was busy being confused about said comment.
@Ricardo in order to make things more easier to read, would it be possible for you to write what you want to say in your native tongue and, then, use an online translator to translate it into English and post that translation?

I, too, find many of the things you post very interesting, but as others have said, sometimes I have a it of difficulty in understanding every thing you are saying.
Both of my questions refer to the 6D abductions, which I think are convincingly debunked by you and @Nienna . I was searching for what I may have been remembering, but only found something about even Nordics rarely abducting people (and when they do so, it is permanent).
6D does not abduct, as they do not violate free will. You are thinking of 4D STS. They are the density above us, and we are 3D STS. Think of how we treat our 2D bretheren. Therefore, it must be similar to how we are treated. I don't believe these dudes can penetrate 5D. It's where we go when we die.
@Ricardo I think you’re probably in the right place here on the forum.

On the one hand, I think your way of writing is a genuine attempt to try to sum up deep ideas in few words. But I just don’t think you’re very good at doing it.

Maybe that is a bit extreme and harsh and I mean no offence, I just think that if I can help point out what I mean and how you can adjust your style, that everyone here would benefit from your ideas and insights more.

There are forms of philosophy and literature, especially in esotericism, that are written in an intentionally obscure way in order to force the reader or student to work hard to understand the meaning. There is an element of this in your writing.

So you see, if your intention in being brief in what you write is to convey important things with few words, then you’re falling short of that, because those of us who want to give you the benefit of the doubt that you do have useful things to say, have to spend excess energy in order to understand them. That is actually a drain on us, and that type of drain is one of the things that a genuine STO network is working to learn how to stop and change and reverse.

So this comes down to the effort on your part, the effort that you put in - i.e., to give.

I think there is a small amount of insecurity on your part about your own ideas and that your way of writing is a kind of insurance policy or defence, in case you’re wrong about something, or if what you are saying really doesn’t make much sense. Well, if it’s obscure, then it won’t matter too much because then the problem is with the reader’s interpretation and not what you ‘meant’. Does that make sense?

I also agree that how we write is a good indicator of how we think, and I think that you are doing yourself (as well as us) a disservice by not putting in the effort to expand on your ideas and ‘flesh them out’, so to say.

So by putting in more energy in this way and making less work for everyone else, you could achieve what you seem to really be aiming at - contributing valuable insights into discussions - while at the same time, conserving and multiplying everyone else’s energy, assisting in the growth of their knowledge and being, and on top of all that, improving yourself and your own understandings of everything you have studied and learned and verified for yourself, by 1) thinking more with a hammer, and 2) exposing the real meat and potatoes of your thoughts and ideas to feedback from everyone else here: since we cannot give back to you if your ideas aren’t fully and freely given to us.

That’s my opinion on your writing style, anyway. I’m not saying I’m fully correct about everything I’ve written - it’s just my impression. I hope you take it all in the best of faith, as that is how it is meant.
Personally, if it means you will be more accurate with conveying your thoughts, I think being more simplistic is better, even if it takes more words. Accuracy is more important, I think. That way, there's less chance of confusion.

I fully agree. Having spent many years teaching children and always trying to achieve the ability to convey complex ideas in simple and easily understandable ways, the main thing I think I learned is how important it is not to confuse brevity with simplicity.
Hi, light as a feather.

I see you've been a member of the forum for a long time. Before you receive any feedback, can you tell us what you have studied?

Have you read The Wave or any of Laura's other books? How familiar are you with the transcripts of the Cassiopaean sessions? How much time have you spent reading threads here on the forum? Have you tried using the search function?

There is a current thread that discusses a similar question, here.
If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
There are many realms or should I say different realms and they exist because one “side” “energy” group can’t all of a sudden decide to erase another side energy or group
Was thinking that in a roundabout way the work we do on ourselves does destroy evil to some extent, by removing the negativity and old thought patterns and replacing them with the good ones, and by working towards our own destiny, all by removing their food. I could imagine that this may cause degausing of sts beings or at least deprive them of their energy . So not destroying evil in it's totality, more like just enough to stop them from destroying us.

Also it's not so clear for me, eg, the C' said that Putin is doing service to others by removing psychopathic elements in Ukraine, and even if war is always an awful thing, in the context of our insane world in certain situations it's kind of necessary? I don't know, it's hard to get my head around it. Because any kind of war and the suffering it generates i find hard to accept that it could be "good", but I'm just going on what the C's said, so perhaps once again it depends on the individual situation.

In this same context of Russia/Ukraine, it's as if in certain situations, if we don't take a stand and fight them which would inevitably lead to destroying some of them, then they will destroy us.

But tragically this leads to many innocent people being killed and suffering, so it's like on our world there isn't any truly good alternative, it's just the lesser of many evils, maybe this is the best we can hope for until we can get out of this STS world i don't know.

I'm reminded of what Ra said about how not fighting back, or not depolarising from STO to a certain extent means that we are "under the heal" of STS, or in acceptance of their enslavement.
So in some cases it seems to be OK to fight back (which could lead to it's destruction to one extent or other), this being necessary, not to accept enslavement by evil. And then to regroup afterwards, to maintain the STO polarity.

Just as the STS regroup due to having been unsuccessful in their conquest. I'm putting this into different words than Ra with the understanding that I've taken from this.. So i could be wrong of course.

And from what the higher beings have said, there are very real battles in 4D, what these battles entail who knows.
It does seem to be like walking a knife edge, as when does fighting back (which does in some cases lead to the destruction of psychopaths/evil people), when does this then mean that those fighting eventually lower themselves to the level of what they are fighting against ?

Also in Israel, if the world had done something about them, even simply by not providing weapons, by saying no to them and not giving into their bribes and threats, by waking up to the reality of the evil of the Israeli regime, then this would not be happening. But then from what we've been told this unimaginable suffering is apparently necessary for people to wake up, which to some extent they seem to be doing, as Israel seems to have fallen from grace and from what I can see, many many people in the world are not now afraid to speak out and the tide of global opinions does seem to be turning against them.
BTW I've read The Wave, prob need to read it again though as it was a long time ago 😄
I'm reminded of what Ra said about how not fighting back, or not depolarising from STO to a certain extent means that we are "under the heal" of STS, or in acceptance of their enslavement.
So in some cases it seems to be OK to fight back (which could lead to it's destruction to one extent or other), this being necessary, not to accept enslavement by evil. And then to regroup afterwards, to maintain the STO polarity.

Just as the STS regroup due to having been unsuccessful in their conquest. I'm putting this into different words than Ra with the understanding that I've taken from this.. So i could be wrong of course.

I agree HappyPoo. It seems there's quite a difference as to how things happen at the 4D level, comared to here at 3D. Here's the relevant comms with Ra :

25.5 Questioner: You spoke of an Orion Confederation and a battle being fought between the Confederation and the Orion Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.

In this endeavor the Orion group charges or attacks the Confederation arms with light. The result, a stand-off, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

Given that we don't have unified consciousness here, how else would we work together as Humanity to not accept that which is given ? The closest thing would be to network as best we can with what tools we have at our disposal I guess.
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