I must euthanize Blacky, he is very sick

It's good when a beloved pet may have a chance to live longer, while maintaining a good quality of life and without suffering. But please consult a holistic vet first before deciding to give a dog supplements that are maybe beneficial for humans, but can be bad for animals, especially when taken together with other drugs. Or it can lead to an overdose.

For example, vitamin C is being produced naturally in dog's intestine. Some say that it is still beneficial to supplement sick dogs, but if so - be sure not to overdose. Here are possible doses, for example. http://www.natural-dog-health-remedies.com/vitamin-c-for-dogs.html

Iodine is another substance one should be careful about.
Keit said:
It's good when a beloved pet may have a chance to live longer, while maintaining a good quality of life and without suffering. But please consult a holistic vet first before deciding to give a dog supplements that are maybe beneficial for humans, but can be bad for animals, especially when taken together with other drugs. Or it can lead to an overdose.

For example, vitamin C is being produced naturally in dog's intestine. Some say that it is still beneficial to supplement sick dogs, but if so - be sure not to overdose. Here are possible doses, for example. http://www.natural-dog-health-remedies.com/vitamin-c-for-dogs.html

Iodine is another substance one should be careful about.

This is a very good point Keit! I'm so enthusiastic about iodine myself that the thought it may not be the right solution for animal consumption didn't even cross my mind.

It's a good opportunity for Loreta - and myself - to do a little more research into the extent these substances can help animals. And if it means Blacky gets a bit more pain-free, quality time with Loreta it's definitely worth it!

Maybe in my head what's good for people is also good for dogs because my grandma always tops up dog food with dinner leftovers. And I have a proven track record of sharing my food with dogs at friends' barbecues and dinners when their owners aren't looking. That's probably not good for them either but saying 'no' to those puppy eyes and wagging tails is a skill I am yet to develop.
Ant22 said:
Maybe in my head what's good for people is also good for dogs because my grandma always tops up dog food with dinner leftovers. And I have a proven track record of sharing my food with dogs at friends' barbecues and dinners when their owners aren't looking. That's probably not good for them either but saying 'no' to those puppy eyes and wagging tails is a skill I am yet to develop.

Exactly (for the bolded part), because for example avocado, raisins and onions are very bad for dogs, and can lead to liver or kidney failure. There are other foods that are poison for dogs. Chocolate, for example. Or xylitol, where one gram can kill a dog. Feeding for the table is also very bad for discipline, and can undo owner's efforts at training their dog. So yeah, it is indeed beneficial to learn more about the topic. Here's a very good source of information about natural veterinary science.
Keit said:
Ant22 said:
Maybe in my head what's good for people is also good for dogs because my grandma always tops up dog food with dinner leftovers. And I have a proven track record of sharing my food with dogs at friends' barbecues and dinners when their owners aren't looking. That's probably not good for them either but saying 'no' to those puppy eyes and wagging tails is a skill I am yet to develop.

Exactly (for the bolded part), because for example avocado, raisins and onions are very bad for dogs, and can lead to liver or kidney failure. There are other foods that are poison for dogs. Chocolate, for example. Or xylitol, where one gram can kill a dog. Feeding for the table is also very bad for discipline, and can undo owner's efforts at training their dog. So yeah, it is indeed beneficial to learn more about the topic. Here's a very good source of information about natural veterinary science.

Yikes, thank you Keit! :flowers:

It's good that I made the above comment because I probably wouldn't look into it until my not knowing this caused a problem. :-[

I'm sorry I kidnapped your thread Loreta!!
Maybe as a human being give him a little.bit iodine. See.how he.react if.fine.then try a little bit more. This in the morning and before iodine some nice meat :) in the evening i will try to give him witamin c. Ofcourse everything with destilated water. Now it, s good time to do this kind.of things before wave is coming. Everything what we do affect double. I think your dog can feel soon quiet good ;) greetings. Hope We all get better soon :D
biala84 said:
Maybe as a human being give him a little.bit iodine. See.how he.react if.fine.then try a little bit more. This in the morning and before iodine some nice meat :) in the evening i will try to give him witamin c. Ofcourse everything with destilated water. Now it, s good time to do this kind.of things before wave is coming. Everything what we do affect double. I think your dog can feel soon quiet good ;) greetings. Hope We all get better soon :D

Just a general note that one has to be very careful before giving a health advice over the internet, and a specific condition of an animal should be taken into account. For example, we all know from our own experimentations with iodine that it is very powerful and can trigger and exacerbate existing problems before making them better. And notice that in this specific case the dog is being given strong anti-inflamatory drugs. Don't know for sure, but if these are steroids, they actually suppress the immune system. Who knows what this kind of combination can trigger in a dog. Perhaps it will act as a miracle, but maybe not? The point is, that we all should be aware of possible ramifications and always do our own research. Even if the intentions are good and the solution is "all natural". fwiw.
There is no need to worried to much, just slowly do it :) if it works on human beings why don't try it on the dog :) surely will help if not iodine then witamin c :) which animals should also take it and witamin c works better on animals :) Have a nice day everyone..
Keit said:
biala84 said:
Maybe as a human being give him a little.bit iodine. See.how he.react if.fine.then try a little bit more. This in the morning and before iodine some nice meat :) in the evening i will try to give him witamin c. Ofcourse everything with destilated water. Now it, s good time to do this kind.of things before wave is coming. Everything what we do affect double. I think your dog can feel soon quiet good ;) greetings. Hope We all get better soon :D

Just a general note that one has to be very careful before giving a health advice over the internet, and a specific condition of an animal should be taken into account. For example, we all know from our own experimentations with iodine that it is very powerful and can trigger and exacerbate existing problems before making them better. And notice that in this specific case the dog is being given strong anti-inflamatory drugs. Don't know for sure, but if these are steroids, they actually suppress the immune system. Who knows what this kind of combination can trigger in a dog. Perhaps it will act as a miracle, but maybe not? The point is, that we all should be aware of possible ramifications and always do our own research. Even if the intentions are good and the solution is "all natural". fwiw.

That's a very good point, Keit and thanks for that.

Loreta, I send you and Blacky a big hug and I hope Blacky will be comfortable.
I join with the others here in sending you and Blacky love and hugs. It's sad when our 2D friends become sick and we have to make decisions for them. Take care and rub Blacky for me.
Thank you Keit for your advice, and the others also. I am careful. I will ask the vet for vitamines for dogs, I am careful, I know iodine is a very strong thing, I just put Iodine on his legs for now.

I hope I am not in denial concerning Blacky even if he has very hard isuies. We will see. He has not improve very well, since giving him anti-inflamatory pills. Ok, he can stand more but he falls all the time. So he has really a big problem with one of his back legs. Also his tumor. And he is old... So I just hope to have my mind clear, an adult mind. I think the vet is a very good one, so I hope she will advice the best way to deal with Blacky.

Thank you again for all your advices and comments.

This breaks my heart.

Please make sure you are doing the right thing for Blackie.

I have gone through this, and when I got over my blinded grief of losing a good friend, I finally saw in his eyes that he was asking me to help him, to do 'it'.

Only you and him will know.

I'm sorry.
Azur said:

This breaks my heart.

Please make sure you are doing the right thing for Blackie.

I have gone through this, and when I got over my blinded grief of losing a good friend, I finally saw in his eyes that he was asking me to help him, to do 'it'.

Only you and him will know.

I'm sorry.

Yes, you are right.

Yesterday he was stronger. I don't know if it is the antiinflamatory pills or some green clay that I put on his bad leg that makes his leg stronger so he can stand up longer, much longer. But he still fall and when he falls I have to take him up. He was losing some blood also from his tumor that I cut with ice. I think he is not suffering. But the final word with be with the vet, and then I will see. But clay is doing very good job. Clay is good not just against inflamatory problems but also against pain and at the same time clay takes out what is bad in you.

Today I will call the vet and take an appointment with her. Because I live in a 5th floor without elevator I need help so my good friend hesperides will come with me and help me. Surely I will go to the vet tomorrow or Thursday.

For now I have hope to save him. But we need to know what the vet thinks.

Thanks for your advice!
I'm sorry to hear about Blacky. This is a tough decision for sure. I had to have my 18 y.o. cat euthanized on March 18th but it was the right thing to do as he was just slowly deteriorating. He started eating less and less then stopped completely, then stopped drinking. He was just exhausted. They put his ashes in a very nice decorative box and gave me a plaque with his name and paw print.

Hugs to you and Blacky and I wish for the best outcome for you both. :hug2:
Odyssey said:
I'm sorry to hear about Blacky. This is a tough decision for sure. I had to have my 18 y.o. cat euthanized on March 18th but it was the right thing to do as he was just slowly deteriorating. He started eating less and less then stopped completely, then stopped drinking. He was just exhausted. They put his ashes in a very nice decorative box and gave me a plaque with his name and paw print.

Hugs to you and Blacky and I wish for the best outcome for you both. :hug2:

Thank you Odyssey, I am sorry for your cat, my sincere condolences. :hug2: It is a very hard decision for sure, now I have an appointment Thursday afternoon and I will see how the vet is seeing him. I am unable to see correctly. Too much emotion in my look. He eats and drink. We will see.
loreta said:
Odyssey said:
I'm sorry to hear about Blacky. This is a tough decision for sure. I had to have my 18 y.o. cat euthanized on March 18th but it was the right thing to do as he was just slowly deteriorating. He started eating less and less then stopped completely, then stopped drinking. He was just exhausted. They put his ashes in a very nice decorative box and gave me a plaque with his name and paw print.

Hugs to you and Blacky and I wish for the best outcome for you both. :hug2:

Thank you Odyssey, I am sorry for your cat, my sincere condolences. :hug2: It is a very hard decision for sure, now I have an appointment Thursday afternoon and I will see how the vet is seeing him. I am unable to see correctly. Too much emotion in my look. He eats and drink. We will see.
Loreta, the vet will guide you but I think although emotion is involved you will see through it if need be and be able to make the decision yourself. I hope he improves but what will be will be. As others have said I hope for the best outcome for all concerned. You are doing a great job helping your companion much love to you :hug2:

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