At work it has been interesting, I have a boss who loves to be loved and so jumped on the “compassionate” bus, he’s been enforcing it to most people, but not on me, some of us protested that we’re getting headaches and so we’re not required to wear them at our desks and people naturally (even if they’re for them) have gradually expanded the definition of “my desk” where I’d say most wear a mask 40% of the time or less and mostly when the boss is in, certainly not as often when there’s a trip to the printer.
Not that this would work (is working or has been done), however in most all country/business: not so much for small businesses although it all still applies, and this does not speak for the public, there are rights and regulatory laws and Acts that apply if one is governed under occupational safety legal frameworks (pretty standard in the west - OSHA et cetera). So if one complains that x, y or z is affecting their health, such as "headaches" - legally workers have a right to refuse unsafe conditions, and those conditions must be investigated. A determination of the facts must take place. If there is a joint health and safety committee like
this in the US with OSHA law's (which is also typical for larger size businesses), the committee of workers with management must investigate and determine an outcome. If the outcome is not acceptable, they can then go outside for arbitration. If it is a union, workers can launch grievances (companies hate grievances) if actions are not taken. Thus, unions and workers might utilize the very laws of health and safety against these draconian measures, measures built upon sand.
Here are framework examples from the
France, Germany,
Spain and the very
EU - "health and safety at work: general
rights and obligations, workplaces, work equipment,
specific risks and
vulnerable workers."
As said prior, occupational hygiene Standards are pregnant with the do's and don'ts - all backed up by the very science that is being ignored as opposed to what the authorities have stitched together in fear and policies - and they know it. What happens when Health orders or state governor orders hit the wall of workers 'rights to refuse' under law? This is an open question and many legal lawyers (no offense) are often poorly equipped when it comes to occupational law as it is just not generally in their domain to know each point of said laws, thankfully some do. I've not seen challenges yet.
Whatever the case, though, all this would cause friction and a legal tug of war (and perhaps force the press), and the authorities de jour can't produce anything scientific for workers that supports their mask version (other than hospital/healthcare settings for some types of masks that reduces spreading certain pathogens). Thus, if your work mandates a mask (that has no Standards - and against a virus they don't) and it results in unsafe distractions (hearing, seeing, talking) and of course headaches from low 0
2 (which can be tested) that can cause serious bodily injury and this is a big problem they cannot simply ignore, although they will try - and are currently being successful, and this is where employers can then take it back to the authorities and put it in their faces. Then what? The more they do it the more it opens up. Step by step, country by country, business by business; not that I'm hopeful.
So again, if one is under occupational law and a worker raises a valid concern for their health and it is dismissed, or they are dismissed from their job, this gets into discrimination, a whole other kettle of fish.
The trick is to get enough people to engage in the process and challenge the dictates through their committees using their rights, using the very laws and scientific and occupational information to back them up against unscientific state orders (people here already know the WHO et cetera have walked back and forth on this subject and have no credibility).
No Your Rights
Under federal law, you are entitled to a safe workplace. Your employer must provide a workplace free of known health and safety hazards. If you have concerns, you have the right to speak up about them without fear of retaliation.
If masks come for me in my workplace, the first thing i will do is lodge a health hazard complaint and refuse; not all can do this it is realized, yet some can without reprisal. Every study can be used to back up the complaint knowing they have nothing except a separate state order that conflicts with occupational laws. Someone will have to rule on it.
Recently a bylaw was passed in my city, making masks mandatory, but there are exemptions
"2. (a) The policy shall include the following exemptions from the requirement to wear a Mask or Face Covering:
(1) children under two years of age;
Read it is now the same, or will be in Calgary, Alberta - had read there that it included children over 2 also. Good god. Mommy and daddy masking their children at such young ages. Insanity.
One other thing noticed, which needs to be looked into more, which is that there are
changes being made - written into policies and Acts on the presumption clause. This is for California, yet it looks to be spreading like virus 'cases':
The order streamlines workers’ compensation claims and establishes a rebuttable presumption that any essential workers infected with COVID-19 contracted the virus on the job, Newsom said. In effect, the change shifts the burden of proof that typically falls on workers and instead requires companies or insurers to prove that the employees didn’t get sick at work.
This will move outside 'essential workers' to any workers, and employer groups are not happy, obviously. Now think of it this way, what happens when a vaccine come out? The state might well force employers to ensure their workers don't get sick, and to do that they must be vaccinated, the only game in town. They could also say to employers that you cannot let the public in without controls as they may spread disease. When faced with a presumption clause what are employers going to do? Tricky, and like I said, don't know yet.