I'm on the Medical Merry-Go-Round

You have been through a lot Lisa reading this last post, and you've got challenges ahead as an understatement. I'm curious just connecting or eliminating dots; is your heating system forced air or electrical baseboard or radiated heat. If it is the former, where is the furnace? If it is also in the basement where flooding occurred, have you ever seen this space?

Also, if you can inconspicuously cut a very small sample of wallboard off (use a mask/gloves) and plastic seal bag it, keep it for later should it be required, that might be a good thing to have.

If it comes to it, you have a direct sample of a) the wallboard and its chemical make up, and b) residuals of any pathogen growths.

PS. What Laura said makes sense, seems they were making the unknown fit what they knew; which makes little sense.
Instead of continuing with the book on Raynaud's, this evening I read the following pdf on Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. I just do not understand why none of the doctors you've seen will even consider this is a flare-up. It does seem to be the most logical. It seems all their "choices" are what they happen to remember, just bits and pieces - but they're too lazy to actually read up on anything.

In a nutshell, what I took from this article is, if it is indeed RSD, applying topical capsaicin creme (available at any Walgreen's or other pharmacy) will go a long way in pain relief. It also says the nervous system becomes supersensitive to catecholamines. So best to avoid coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, bananas, citrus fruit and vanilla. And "if" you were to take a blood pressure medicine to help combat this condition, you would want a selective alpha-adrenoceptor blocker - Prazosin. It doesn't sound great when you read about it, but the main side effect/concern is hypotension. I will read it again, but just wanted to mention it for now, as it sounded like the best "treatment" of all those listed in the pdf.

The article is pretty technical, but it's written by a vascular specialist who seems to have researched the whole banana.
I will finish the book and try to summarize a bit here, making connections where possible.

Hang in there, Lisa. :hug2:

p.s. Niacin also increases catecholoamines, so if you are supplementing with it, I'd stop it. Aspirin decreases cats, so you may consider taking that for pain relief, one of the few suggestions that may actually be helpful somehow.
Lilou said:
In a nutshell, what I took from this article is, if it is indeed RSD, applying topical capsaicin creme (available at any Walgreen's or other pharmacy) will go a long way in pain relief. It also says the nervous system becomes supersensitive to catecholamines. So best to avoid coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, bananas, citrus fruit and vanilla. <snip>

p.s. Niacin also increases catecholoamines, so if you are supplementing with it, I'd stop it. Aspirin decreases cats, so you may consider taking that for pain relief, one of the few suggestions that may actually be helpful somehow.

I think that Lisa is taking the niacin because we sent it to her, so yeah, based on all of the above, cut that one out. I'll see about the capsaicin creme and see that you get it asap.
Lilou said:
In a nutshell, what I took from this article is, if it is indeed RSD, applying topical capsaicin creme (available at any Walgreen's or other pharmacy) will go a long way in pain relief.

There was this article linked to the one you found saying that DMSO and vitamin C were promising. So perhaps by mixing the capsaicin cream along with the DMSO cream will provide a more effective relief. Here is the article:

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome I (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)

May 2002 - Volume 96 - Issue 5 - pp 1254-1260


If not available, the full text could be downloaded from here:

Hi Lisa, I'm very sorry to hear about your troubles - it's terrible and I hope you get better soon. You are in my thoughts. Plenty of great advice in this thread already so do take care - just get out of that place so you can move on with your life.

OMG, you are not gonna believe this. I just spoke with the inspector for Centre Region Code Enforcement. They don't test for mold. The health department here also doesn't test for mold. They would need to contact the landlord and/or the rental management company before they could come in here to do an inspection, even though I am the tenant and I have given permission. Nope, doesn't work that way. I can't get them to just do an inspection without alerting the landlord FIRST. Plus, they will NOT give me a copy of the inspection report. I would have to go into their offices, file some forms and then wait to see if the guy who oversees the region deems it 'safe' to let me have a copy.

I was like, "Safe for whom? The LANDLORD??"
I am really pissed. This woman got an earful from me.

Seems to me, there is no point in having her come out this week, but I will call her directly next week and have her do the inspection then. Then she can call the landlord or rental company and deal with them herself. I don't want to have them ganging up on me to retaliate when I'm all by myself right now and too unwell to handle them. BUT, if I can maybe make it better for the next sucker who rents this place, then I will. She can come in here next week after I'm gone and meet with them herself. The whole point of doing the inspection in the first place is so they can test for mold toxins. But since they don't test for mold, what is the point of having her come in here while I'm here these last few days?

We'll need to make sure we get plenty of sample material from the moldy areas before I leave, if an independent analysis needs to be done later.

Nobody here in any official capacity is going to do a mold toxin analysis.

I am so aggravated now. The law is totally skewed in favor of the homeowner, the slumlord.
This, from the state of the union that classifies hitting, kicking and choking as 'harassment'.

They really do not care about public safety. Seems plainly obvious to me.

One more thing: one of the lawyers called today. I can get an appointment with them if I pay them their ( get this) $175.00 consultation fee. Now, these people will not do anything for me either, since I don't have a mold analysis or a doctor's statement in my hands to show that there is a connection between what's going on in this place and my health condition. They just want to make an easy $175 bucks to tell me precisely what the lawyer told me on the phone the other day for free.
So, that's a wash too, as far as I'm concerned.
Wow, what a clear example of how deep the ponerization process has gotten there, huh? Getting those samples to be tested privately will hopefully give you what's necessary for any further developments. Hang in there, Lisa. :hug2:
Just got a call from the Allergist's office. Someone canceled, so I have an appointment on the 21st with the Allergist - right after my appointment with the vascular guy ( Dr. Veins).
What timing!!
I'm glad to hear that something is working in your favor, Lisa. "The universe has spoken." :D
Dear Lisa,

after reading the whole thread, I send my best wishes for your recovery out to you.

Sorry for not having posted earlier - I am busy trying to get well, too, and got so involved researching to gain strength for looking out for myself, and this took most of my free energy.

It is also very difficult for me to ask for help, but I am learning to accept.

You've been given so much precious advise already, and I would like to add a little bit from my perspective.

First, I have a question: did they test your urine for a bladder infection? I am - amongst other issues - recovering from a severe bladder infection (several bacteria stems plus fungus). The most irritating part of it is that I didn't feel it really. My doctor said he's surprised to see me standing. I have so much "to do" that I blinded out my own bodies feelings. In this thread, I have not seen you state that they checked on this - forgive me if I've not seen it - and I am probably just mirroring my problems onto you.

Next to getting out of the apartment as quickly as possible, I would like add to your list: Cayenne Pepper, Chilli and Cardamon - as a herb in your food, as an oil to rub your cold extremities I would suggest Arnica and Cardamon.
If you can get a nice natural oil - I don't know about your region, but maybe like this _http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/oils/herbal.html - to rub your feet, this could help.

But I think it could also help to see a Homeopath, she/he'll most likely give you Argonitum, which can help a lot.

Also, for as long as you are in the apartment, I would suggest smudging/fumigating with mugwort, camphor or Frankincense (I prefer camphor, but you might like mugwort or Frankincense better). If you want to try this, leave the apartment while smudging, and air all through when you're done. Make sure you do it a few times. It will not get rid of the problem, but will help diminish the spores in the air.

Additionally, I would like to recommend warmly that you try what Mr. Kneipp has developed. Here's an English translation of his water cure: _http://archive.org/stream/39002086176469.med.yale.edu#page/X/mode/2up
It sounds completely "counter-intuitive" (I hope that is a valid expression), but he developed a system of cold bath practices, or cold-warm bath practices, next to Traditional European Medicine (herbal etc.).
In your case, you could try either increasing temperature foot-baths, beginning cool and adding hot water little by little, or contrast baths with two basins - one cold, one warm (not too warm). Always put the right body half / extremity in first. If you prefer letting the cold/warm alternating water run down your leg, start on the right side carefully. If you like, you can also try cold water only, and right after rub your feet and tug them in very warm. Make sure you are gentle with yourself!
This might wake up your feets energy, and if you stay with yourself, you can focus on the feet and send them warmth while in the warm water.
You can do all this with your hands, too, if you like.
(Sorry, this sounds weird, but I used to be able to warm my hands by a few °C through "thinking" into their direction, but I've been having a very mild problem with cold hands/feet compared to what you are suffering. And I cannot always get it done, right now I'm so far away from myself that I cannot...)

I send you greetings from Europe and the right kind of strength to deal with those $ focused people (doctors, lawyers, landlords) - I pray they will see you soul to soul (even if they aren't consciously aware) so you don't need to fight for your right alone.

Good night, and take good care,
Hi Momo,

'. Sorry to learn that you're not well and really hope your health issues get resolved quickly. I don't think I've been tested for a bladder infection, but can't say for sure. The doctors haven't been too forthcoming when it comes to actually discussing my test results with me. To that end, I ordered a copy of all my blood work, lab tests, etc. so I can get this information to those here on the forum more medically knowledgeable than me. As soon as I move from this place, that information will be scanned so others can evaluate what tests I've had and the results.

As far as using an oil, I have magnesium oil now and also creams to apply for tonifying and moisture. I've actually done those cold-hot foot soaks you describe in the past, when I was being treated for RSD ( and it was awful due to my temperature and contact sensitivity issues). I have also done it within the last month to try and warm my feet and had to soak my feet in a basin of water during an appointment for my Doppler Studies, since the feet were ice cold. I'm not so sure it's a good idea to soak in cold water right now, since I'm not supposed to subject myself to cold temps at all, according to the doctors. The only part of my body that seems to retain heat at all is my torso. I am taking a gazillion supplements, and will look into the suggestions you've presented above. Always open to trying new ideas....:-)

The other night, a flap of skin came off the bottom of one of my toes and took with it a chunk of the tissue underneath, so now there's this 'dent' in my toe. I think it was dead tissue, but it burned when it happened. ON the other foot, where my dog stepped on my foot one morning and punctured a toe, the wound has been extremely slow to heal and this happened about 2 months ago. The scabs should have fallen off already, if that is what they are, but they are still present. I don't want to try and pick them off, so i leave them alone. The foot hasn't gottenenough blood and oxygen to properly heal this wound, and it's just taking longer than normal. Kinda hard for a wound to heal when the wounded area is cyanotic most of the time. Thing is, when my feet do get warmer, they aren't warm. They become very hot and inflamed and abnormally red. I see this happening in my hands as well. Then they burn and itch very badly. There seems to be no in-between with the temperature of the affected extremities. They're either burning hot or they're ice cold.

I just received this Horse Chestnut Cream and have been applying that as best I can to my feet, shins and hands. It has a medicinal, but not unpleasant smell to it and I think I read elsewhere on this thread that I can combine it with the DMSO cream. If not, perhaps someone can correct me on that.

An independent mold analysis person was here yesterday to check out the mold issue. He detected mold in the bathroom where I took my samples previously and also detected mold elsewhere in the apartment, at baseboard level that is prone to flooding when my apartment floods repeatedly every spring and summer. He detected a 20% moisture content of this space. Idon't know what else he was able to determine, but the test samples he took have been sent to an independent lab for analysis, so I'll know more in the next week.
In the meantime, I've been preparing to move from here in the next few days.

Hopefully, a complete change of environment and being around some awesome CASS members will help turn this around. I know it's going to be a real spirit booster and that in itself will help the healing process.

Please take care, Momo. I wish you well and hope you're feeling much better very soon. I wish I could help.
Hey Lisa, I'm so glad you are getting out of that place and hopefully away from the doctors soon too. I just wanted to tell you that you must be really strong despite being worn out with the medical merry go round and maybe now you can get some rest and some healing too. As if you don't have enough of suggestions, I thought I would let you know... I finally went to see a nutritionist and she is helping me get over this viral infection in my ear, where the MD wouldn't even prescribe the anti viral Nystatin because they said they didn't feel comfortable with that treatment.

I was skeptical about seeing the nutritionist but getting desperate because I couldn't hear our of my left ear and felt like I had a bubble in there. After 2 weeks my ear is starting to drain and while I don't understand the process she used... it is helping. When you get situated and have some time maybe you can find one local too. It sounds like it is going to take a multilevel approach to get well and maybe this is another piece in the puzzle. Anyway... hang in there and give the landlord hell! :)
Hey Lisa,

I am also glad that you are getting out of that apartment...I hope that the move will bring you some relief. I have been keeping you in my thoughts. :)

I can hardly wait for you to get out of there, and I hope you start recovering quickly. :flowers:
Lisa Guliani said:
Idon't know what else he was able to determine, but the test samples he took have been sent to an independent lab for analysis, so I'll know more in the next week.
In the meantime, I've been preparing to move from here in the next few days.

Hopefully, a complete change of environment and being around some awesome CASS members will help turn this around. I know it's going to be a real spirit booster and that in itself will help the healing process.

Please take care, Momo. I wish you well and hope you're feeling much better very soon. I wish I could help.

Dear Lisa, I am really happy for you that you are getting out of this place and wish you lot of luck and healing at the new one. Big hug! :hug2:
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