Imminent Alien Disclosure?

George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell released their podcast on the Grusch story:

In short: they were the first people he came to, over a year ago. They've spent that time getting to know him, verifying what they can about him, and vouch for him 100%. He did not intend to go public, but someone leaked his name, and so they went with plan C - the Kean and Blumenthal story (they didn't mention it here, but K&B had been in talks with WaPo to do the story, but WaPo's editors kept delaying). The law firm representing him publicly distanced themselves from him after the story, basically firing him as a client. (Knapp and Corbell say their excuse seems to be because he is not a government employee any longer.) But the specific lawyer is sticking with him, and has left the firm to do so.

They allude to more details about the reprisals he has experienced over the past few years, and give some details. E.g., they met him at a conference, and they day after, when he got back to work, he was basically fired and lost all his security clearances. Through his legal complaint, he ended up being vindicated and eventually got his job back.

I can't remember which other interview it was in, or if it was on Twitter, but apparently the party that has (has been?) harassing him is most likely a defense contractor, like one of the big aerospace companies implicated in these programs.
Testing the waters, glitches and real invasion.

● Tucker Carlson about ufo whistleblower

“It was clear he was telling the truth.. In other words, UFOs are actually real and apparently so is extraterrestrial life. Now we know. In a normal country, this news would qualify as a bombshell, the story of the millennium. But in our country, it doesn’t.”

I have read the following opinion on the Internet:

"If you watch the Tucker clip above, Tucker states that in any other country "this story would qualify as a BOMBSHELL. The story of the Millenium."

The next day people claim that they saw something crash to earth and ten foot occupants of this crash walking in their backyard.

You would think that this story would be highly interesting but it was exactly as Tucker Carlson described: Zero interest.

Whether the story is true or not, They're purposely trying to down play it to get the attention of the people in the conspiracy community. To make them say similar things to what you said like: "there must be some truth to this story since barely any news org is airing it". Then the people of said community will start talking about it and spread it more on social media and forums which will then reach people not in the community and make them question it too like "I don't typically believe in these types of things but they do have a point about news orgs not airing such a shocking story. It's kind of weird and suspicious". Which in turn will embed this idea in the minds of the masses.

They will continue to repeat this tactic with each future story of incidences/close encounters with "UFOs" and "aliens" being picked up by more and more news orgs until a majority of the people are now curious and asking questions. It's called conditioning and/or predictive programming. Preparing the masses for the fake alien invasion.

They're hoping that when they finally do implement this fake alien invasion, the masses will then be completely convinced that they were "trying so hard" to cover this stuff up so all those stories must've been true which in turn means this "alien invasion" must be true so we must obey and do whatever our leaders want us to do so they can protect us and keep us safe aka remove the last of our rights, take full control of all natural resources including food and water (they'll have to "ration" it out in order to feed and keep as many people alive as possible), along with there favorite agenda "population control" by convincing people they need to go to the Frontline and fight against these "aliens" for our planet and humanity and die if they must. But these "aliens" will most likely just be our government posing as them with all the advanced technology that they keep hidden from us in conjuction with project blue beam.

The Slight chance that the aliens might be real will either mean they're working with our government by acting as our enemy while our govs play the role of "savior" to help further enslave us or they're friendly and our gov is going to purposely attack them to instigate a war. The last scenario is the least possible.

End game: Total control, world dominance, one world government all under the guise of "saving and protecting us". DON'T FALL FOR IT!

● Comets and space viruses are the real invasion

Q: (L) Vewy intewesting. Any other questions on that topic? I think I asked this before... I have the feeling that the so-called "alien invasion" is really comets.

A: Pretty much.
(Pierre) So, there will be a big event relatively soon. Okay...

(L) Coming soon to a theater near you! A: Indeed! Reference questions about "space invasion" and just change the parameters and players.

Q: (Perceval) So, not aliens in ships, but microbes on rocks. Space invasion.

(L) Could be, yeah. And they would come as the US is trying to do some kind of fake invasion or false flag stuff. Is that what we're talking about here? That when the Western Consortium-type government tries to take over the world with their faked invasion, that's when everything is going to go kaflooey?

A: More or less. You will see!

● Russia-NATO conflict as a time marker of approaching major Earth Changes

(Windmill Knight) There was talk about the need for a "Rapid Reaction Force", and the EU is saying they're putting together a force of 10,000 from the EU countries to protect NATO countries. So is there any chance of direct NATO intervention in Ukraine against Russia?

A: That action may be preempted by upcoming events.
Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an invasion by aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such a fear state that they will accept total control and domination?

A: Open. But if so, will "flop".

Q: (T) Why?

A: Many reasons: 1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will have "glitches". 2. Real invasion may take place first. 3. Other events may intercede.

Q: (T) Such as what?

A: Earth changes.
That video with the marine is part of some whistleblower 'disclosure project' conference held in DC a few days ago. 'Third phase of moon' were following Dr. Stephen Greer around as part of it.

A lot of hype, but seems to feed more into the drip by drip disclosure (of disinformation). Greer basically says that the purpose of this is to prepare people mentally for the coming revelations over the next 6 months or so.
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That video with the marine is part of some whistleblower 'disclosure project' conference held in DC a few days ago. 'Third phase of moon' were following Dr. Stephen Greer around as part of it.

A lot of hype, but seems to feed more into the drip by drip disclosure (of disinformation). Greer basically says that the purpose of this is to prepare people mentally for the coming revelations over the next 6 months or so.
Greer is still a clown:

Here he is whining that Grusch went public before he allegedly told Greer he would. And he's saying mean things about the UFOs.
Greer is still a clown:

Here he is whining that Grusch went public before he allegedly told Greer he would. And he's saying mean things about the UFOs.
Greer said that "aliens never murder humans, that's completely untrue", (lol. Such sweet widdle aliens would never hurt a fly!)
Seriously, he doesn't seem like a psychopath, (I could be wrong of course), but also 'they' seem to have a way of hooking people who assume leadership or authoritative roles in research around peripheries of our knowledge. We all should watch our blind spots I guess.
Greer said that "aliens never murder humans, that's completely untrue", (lol. Such sweet widdle aliens would never hurt a fly!)
Seriously, he doesn't seem like a psychopath, (I could be wrong of course), but also 'they' seem to have a way of hooking people who assume leadership or authoritative roles in research around peripheries of our knowledge. We all should watch our blind spots I guess.
From the first moment that I saw this man in a video, I thought that he is the one who looks like an alien and not one with precisely good intentions.

I have never had a good feeling with that person.
This one is about a former Marine's experience in Indonesia in 2009, where he and his fellow Marines stumbled on a UFO involved in drug running complete with shadowy US mercenary types.

While watching Herrera, I was wondering what those 'badges' are that he was wearing...
and then I noticed his tie clip - isn't that a symbol of the Freemasons??

Also, the red coloured tie / pocket handkerchief - symbolic?

Maybe this is nothing, but he looks like he doesn't really know how to dress himself properly - poorly arranged tie/collar like he threw it on in a hurry. I would think this is a bit strange for someone who has been in the military, they are generally very precise in their appearance.

Freemason Symbol?.png

I have never had a good feeling with that person.

I remember when I read Greer's book 'Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge' years ago, I noticed it felt like one person had written the majority of it, then it was like the vibe switched toward the end, almost as if it was 'channelled' by another person toward the end - the frequency was completely different.

Greer TOTALLY gives me the creeps.
Ugh... I feel I need to go have a shower to wash away the ick when I hear his voice / see him.
Remember this recent session when the C's told us that some of the human directly communicating with alien (person to person) were suspicious of there real intend and that they were trying (the human) to translate alien language.

here is the session; Session 10 December 2022

And this is my post regarding this part of the session.

First thank again for the session, look like interesting time ahead.

Second I was wondering why the C's opened the session with this information ''A: Push to get a machine translator.'' Were you at the chateau talking about alien or was it out of the blue that the C's came with this opening. Knowing that the session were monitored in the pass and probably still are by both parties (the 4 D and elite) what was the C's purpose to give us this information. Imagine for a second what goes in the 4D mind learning that there 3D minions don't trust them and are trying to understand their language to know what they are not telling them or what ever they said in the pass as I'm sure too that the elite have recorded everything. Even more , thank to Chu, the elite know which language to maybe use as a template. (hope they send you a gift this Chrismass Chu). And now think about the elite plan, AI to build a machine translator that can translate alien speech. I'm sure that they must be very please that everything is now out in the open LOL. Imagine the trust level today between both parties, I would pay a good amount to see that. :lol:

Was this an attempt by the C's to create a division between the alien and the elite by casually exposing their plan. Frankly, I find it very funny, maybe I see it the wrong way but when you think about it does look like it.

Take this particular information.

Q: (L) So, humans are trying to get some kind of a... So, does that mean that some humans are suspicious of the aliens?

A: Oh yes. But clearly others are exactly as described: hosts of "walk-ins".

So if the suspicious human have indeed realized the true motive of the aliens and that it is not good for them, do you think that they will continue to want to play ball. And if not, don't you think that the aliens would try to force them to continue to play the role that was assigned to them.

Look at all the whisleblower lately, all look like a synchronized attack on the Secret Government (SG), all pointing a negative finger at them, Greer at the for front. They all seem to agree that the SG is the bad guy and that they don't have the best interests of the population at hearth. They are a bunch of selfish maniac elite conspiring for total control of resources and power over this world.

Maybe, what we are witnessing at the moment is and attempt by the aliens to force the SG to defend them self, pushing them to a confrontation with the rest of the world, again humanity. Greer think that congress can give the power to the army or even to anyone to requisition any of the secret base where retrieved ufo or reverse engineer craft are. Well ok but don't you think that who ever are in charge of these base will welcome you with open arm. No, if it ever come to that, I see a confrontation starting right there, a show of force that will in and instant proved that the SG is again everyone and want to dominate the world. They will be forced to create the mean by which the ''alien savior'' can intervene as this was the plan since the beginning but that they just recently realized after successfully created an AI translator.

Just some thougth.
While watching Herrera, I was wondering what those 'badges' are that he was wearing...
and then I noticed his tie clip - isn't that a symbol of the Freemasons??

Also, the red coloured tie / pocket handkerchief - symbolic?

Maybe this is nothing, but he looks like he doesn't really know how to dress himself properly - poorly arranged tie/collar like he threw it on in a hurry. I would think this is a bit strange for someone who has been in the military, they are generally very precise in their appearance.

View attachment 76265
There are some higher quality closeups going around on Twitter. Yep, the tie clip is the Freemason symbol, and the colorful circle on the lapel is apparently a UN sustainable development goals pin. Hmm...
I was watching Diana Walsh Pasulka 's Video Laura posted. She seems to have very good take on many "forbidden" subjects C's mentioned. This flood of new "disclosure" videos/news on the mainstream making me wonder what is going on. One way to interpret is controlled twist of the inevitable - appearance of aliens after the transition
Did they lost control as in

'A: When you "let the cat out of the bag," you create an entire feline "nation." '
Given how much pushback he gave Grusch, Morris is surprisingly supportive of Greer's Disclosure press conference:

If they have reverse engineered UFO technologies (how ever inferior it is), why is USA is lagging behind the Russia's latest technology? That doesn't make sense. Are they muddying the waters by mixing the trafficking events and all else into the story?
If they have reverse engineered UFO technologies (how ever inferior it is), why is USA is lagging behind the Russia's latest technology? That doesn't make sense. Are they muddying the waters by mixing the trafficking events and all else into the story?

I think the very sharp compartmentalization of intelligence, expertise, and resources between the many agencies of the government prevents that. Odds are there are agencies with special access projects which dwarf the firepower and capabilities of Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, et cetera, but there's not much personal benefit to these agencies that they get involved in the war. They get blank cheques from the government, and they have their own fish to fry, so there's no need to try and make money off of selling weapons and the like. They have all the power and have zero incentive to share, since there's nothing these publicly traded defence contractors could offer them. The broader goal isn't to out-and-out destroy the Russian government and take over, but to slow-bleed the region to maximize suffering and energetic food for 4D STS, which can be done just as well with bloated defence contractors feeding at the trough. One could argue it even works better.

Developing and distributing black-budget technologies at a scale that would be usable for a power like the US would also encompass its own security risks; the increased involvement of civilians could push the envelope on publicly-acknowledged technologies a little too far for the PTBs to be able to head off all manners of their use, which could in turn lessens their own control of their populations. Someone working at a theoretical Lockheed-Martin that produces black-budget craft could in theory learn about electro-gravitics, and even without violating any kind of patent quit and then develop and patent their own systems and prototypes, and now previously unknown or forbidden technologies are now public knowledge.
If they have reverse engineered UFO technologies (how ever inferior it is), why is USA is lagging behind the Russia's latest technology? That doesn't make sense. Are they muddying the waters by mixing the trafficking events and all else into the story?
I guess that would depend on who "owns", and thus controls, the technology.

But speaking of Greer, this popped up in my feed. He was on Logan Paul's show. (lol)

I only clicked it for the clickbait. The relevant bit start at the timestamp about (t=2988, or 49:48) where Greer talks about a photo taken at one of his "CE-5" sessions, where an alien appeared in a portal. The pic itself is here. So whatever is going on with the government stuff, Greer is pretty much a willing participant in whatever the alien agenda happens to be.
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