Imminent Alien Disclosure?

I don't know, but I think they are laughing at us.

I guess that would depend on who "owns", and thus controls, the technology.
Yes. My thought process is this - there is some body at the top of the chain ultimately responsible and benefits from it and if he wants to maintain US hegemony for their own purpose they would have prompted modernizing USA Military infrastructure. But that didn't happen. So I was wondering PTB is not interested in it. Instead they are using little crumbles from 70 years of reverse engineering to push the narration of "disclosure". It looks the focus is "harvesting".
But speaking of Greer, this popped up in my feed. He was on Logan Paul's show. (lol)
I haven't followed Greer to know if it is his style of working. But, the Greer's posted video looks to me like clamoring for some coverage.
RFJ Jr. says he would disclose all the UFO stuff if he's elected:

Haven't we heard this before?

Who said it? I think Jimmy Carter, Reagan(?), Trump(?)...

The idea that U.S. presidents could make such a decision by themselves is making me chuckle, especially if they want to evade a bullet to their heads like RFK Jr. who will probably never make it to the WH alive except as a visitor.
Haven't we heard this before?

Who said it? I think Jimmy Carter, Reagan(?), Trump(?)...

The idea that U.S. presidents could make such a decision by themselves is making me chuckle, especially if they want to evade a bullet to their heads like RFK Jr. who will probably never make it to the WH alive except as a visitor.
I guess that it might be some sort of click and bait, with the already knowkedge that something is going on, so later he might say something like "I was going to tell you, but I didn't have time" . Maybe thinking that he doesn't want to draw that card yet because it's not the time. The future is too open and many things are going on right now.

People are getting a little nervous, would this Military drill and vehicle movement in California draws suspicions online have something to do with this alien disclousure?

Comment: Despite the author's dismissive rhetoric, they themselves note the seeming uptick of military activity in civilian areas and how it's garnering attention from some sections of society:
People are getting a little nervous, would this Military drill and vehicle movement in California draws suspicions online have something to do with this alien disclousure?

No doubt someone wants to sow panic and speculation with videos of troop movements and military vehicles. Some videos are taken from past events and then sent out via Twitter that something suspicious is going on.

This video for example states: "Strange movement in Mexico. Filmed, allegedly near the US border... Waiting for the Battle Cry. (Esperando el Grito de Guerra)

The Battle Cry (Grito de Guerra) by the way, is an allusion to a verse from the Mexican national anthem...

Well, this video was not taken at the U.S -Mexico border but in downtown Mexico City on the eve of a military parade on the occasion of the Mexican Independence Anniversary.

It is also an example of how easy it is to manipulate a remote-controlled society with images. A family says they saw strange creatures makes a video [without aliens], it goes viral, then it's true.
Wow, the interview with Diana Pasulka was fantastic!
I've recently started to read her book "American Cosmic", after seeing this interview. I'm not even halfway through it, but she touched already some topics that were only scratched on the surface on the podcast.

One of the most interesting things is that she describes two groups of UFO phenomena researchers:
(...) There are a number of players in this story. For the most part, they fall into one of two categories: there are those who engage with and interact with what they believe are nonhuman intelligences, perhaps extraterrestrial or even inter dimensional. The people in this category who are featured in this book are the scientists to whom Davis refers.They agreed to be included on condition that they remain anonymous. The second category consists of those who interpret, spin, produce, and market the story of UFO events to the general public. Members of the first category are silent about their research, while members of the second category are very vocal about information they have received second-,third-, or even fourth-hand. Often they even make up stories or derive their information from hoaxes.

In the interview, she was talking about Tyler D., that took her and James (which was revealed later that his true identity is Garry Nolan) to the crash site in New Mexico. Tyler D. was an ex-NASA member that soon after the Challenger catastrophe got a breakdown, left NASA, and started his own business. He got very successful and got multiple patents for things related to medical devices. The thing is, he is convinced that he "downloaded" most of his ideas.
(...) Tyler explained that his connection to off-planet intelligence helps him create biotechnologies. The technologies he has created seem to me as if they originated in an episode of Star Wars or Star Trek. One of the applications of his inspiration is a material that has been etched at the molecular level with information. The etching codes the material with information that human bone “reads” as itself. It is then incorporated into diseased human tissue and bone, which helps the body recuperate from cancer and other illnesses. Tyler showed me a picture of one of the patients who was healed through this treatment. Jane is a radiant young mother of twins. She had bone cancer and was told that she would never walk again. Tyler sent me a picture of a thank you card she had written to him, noting that she had believed she would never walk again, let alone care for her young boys, and now she was doing both.

Here's Tyler's "protocol" that was mentioned in the interview:
At lunch Tyler explained that he had a specific protocol for connecting with off-planet intelligence. It was a physical and mental protocol, and as Tyler explained the details of it, Jeff and I nodded in recognition. Many religious traditions advocate a physical protocol, like yoga, meditation, or contemplation, that involves the body and the mind. These traditions, it is believed, help practitioners connect with the sacred. Tyler’s description of his own protocol reminded us of religious practitioners and these traditions.

I basically believe, and there is evidence for this, that our DNA is a receptor and transmitter. It works at a certain frequency—the same frequency, in fact, that we use to communicate with our satellites in deep space. Humans are a type of satellite, in fact. So, in order to receive the signals and to transmit the signals, we have to tune our physical bodies and DNA. Because of this, I make sure I sleep really well. I use the eight plus one rule. That is, I sleep for eight hours, wake up, and then make myself go back to bed for an hour. That one hour, the top-off, really makes or breaks my day. I barely drink alcohol, as it interferes with sleep, and I never drink coffee. Coffee really messes up the signal.”

So basically, he's directly profiting from channeled information. He's also a member of some group of scientists that are really engaged in studying the phenomena, but they operate in secret. So is he a real person? What internet does know about him? Readers found out that he's Timothy Taylor. There isn't much information about him on the internet, he keeps his identity low profile:

Some more info about him:
Timothy Taylor, the vice chairman and former chairman of several biomedical biologics companies, has been involved in the development of spinal implants and other biologics that help people heal from ailments such as cancer or nonunion bone defects. Among the companies he founded are Endius, which was sold to the biomedical company Zimmer in 2007; Amendia, sold to Kohlberg in 2016; and Vivex, of which Taylor is still vice chairman. Taylor holds more than forty patents, most of which are in the field of surgical devices and biologics. One of the procedures he developed centers on an implantable product using a polymer, metal, or allograph material that has been laser-scripted to mimic the DNA of human bone. In Vivex’s clinical trials, animals and human bodies have not rejected the foreign implant but have instead ‘‘read’’ it as actual bone, thus helping the body recuperate after surgery or injury through cancer. The laser-scripting process involves the contemporary use of light to change information at the cellular level of the human body. This procedure is called biophotonics, which is the application of lasers and light to biological tissues and cells to shift their contents and their information. One cancer patient aided by Taylor’s innovations had received a prognosis that was very bad—she was told she would lose her leg as a result of a nonunion of her femur bone. Within a few months of biologics and stem-cell bone-fusion treatment, however, she was walking with a cane and caring for her young children. Today she is living a normal life with no cane or assistance.
The laser-etching procedure is remarkable and almost like something found in a science fiction story. A nonbiological object, in this case ceramic, metal, or allograft bone, is coded to resemble human bone through a process that involves a laser that works at the molecular level.
The laser is one the most sophisticated in the world. Scientists etch the implant, photon by photon. They turn the ceramic- or metal-etched implant into bone implants that are inserted into the cancerous bones of terminal patients. The product is called cerment. The object is then implanted into the human body, which reads the product as its own and not as a foreign body, which it is.
Kennedy saying he wants to disclose everything he can about UFOs might be perfect for the controllers if they’re wanting to get the idea of aliens being real officially out into the public domain.

They could tell him anything at all and show him all kinds of bogus stuff.
Drip drip...

Monday briefing: Why new claims about UFOs have experts wondering if the truth really is out there​

In today’s newsletter: A former US official said the country has “intact” alien vehicles – and changing attitudes mean some are taking the idea more seriously
Still today the meme about 'troop movements', on Twitter and elsewhere. I don't know if it's 'patriots' acting like NPCs because of some 'pattern recognition run amok', or if it is being driven somehow by STS agents. We do seem to have a few vehicles and planes swarming around different places, maybe they will act as props in the coming re-enactment of "Independence Day", starring the illustrious alien tech the PTB have been secretly gloating about. :whistle:
I think the contours of "disclosure" are taking shape more or less. There will be no disclosure in the future because the operation has been going on for years. The boundaries of the UFO/aliens disclosure are military and physical. The narrative justifies not only present and future military expenditures (even UFO-based technology needs money) throughout economic uncertainties and even collapse, but also it justifies secrecy past and present (it was all for your secrecy). Now even if real UFOs will appear and disappear in the sky, they already have a physicalist explanations: "they" are using portals and wormholes to transport from other coordinates in our physical universe. Having physical crashed vehicles and physical bodies of occupants/pilots reinforces the physicalist narrative. Expecting the whole truth and nothing but the truth from within the power structure, even if from different conflicting factions with different short and long term interests, is a little too optimist IMO.
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