Imminent Alien Disclosure?

That's much better. I'd add a couple questions in there like, "Under what circumstances is what a person in a position of authority more likely to be telling the truth?" and "On the scale of lowly functionary to global puppet master, where on the 'authority spectrum' does the source fall?" Also, the manipulation can be as simple as saying something true that a political rival or opponent wouldn't like said, so there's also a scale of how deep or complex the manipulation is.
True, and sometimes the manipulation can be saying something true, that you know people will assume is a lie.
Not sure if this was posted here previously or not, but a coworker mentioned this to me today and I figured it would be worth putting here for the record.

Multiple Witnesses Claim They Saw Fighter Jets Engage With A UFO Over Michigan​

Several witnesses reported seeing a pair of F-16 fighter jets engaged in a “dogfight” with a UFO last week over Bad Axe, Michigan.

Following their UFO sighting, they reported what they had seen to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

“Quiet afternoon no signs of planes it’s, 10 am, in the parking lot of the storage unit across from [Meijer’s grocery store]. Myself, my wife and 2 Co workers were helping move my camper! Suddenly ear shattering afterburner on 2 what I think were F-16 or F-22 were flying together whilst dogfighting something I couldn’t see at first.

“They would circle fast as they could, looking intently for something. Circling the sun around about 2 or 3 times and suddenly there was this white/metallic disc hard to see because it was shining with the sun, it seemed to hide in the sun from the fighters, whom obviously couldn’t see it,” he continued.

“The UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UFO] was extremely fast it was capable of overtaking and outmaneuvering the fighter jets with extreme ease. It would overtake a jet, stop suddenly and seemed to turn toward the incoming jet like spin in there direction without moving. The jet would shoot out anti missile flares like it was under direct attack.

“The UAP was also comfortable to just spin again and make the next jet flanking shoot its anti missile flares! There was clear distress. The fighters took off together repeating this attack approximately 3 times before taking off in an ear shattering retreat. The UAP sat in the sun a moment longer and seemed to circle the area almost as in a victory lap, it then departed with absolutely no sound in the complete opposite direction as the fighter jets had flown.

“To be clear, when the UAP was stationary and the jets had flown away every time – the 3 attempts and the retreat – the only clear sound of a airplane was the fighters who seemed to be intercepting this sudden threat. I did not see if the UAP had shot anything I could define as a weapon. And the fact that the dogfight happened almost entirely in the rays of the sun my Galaxy s22 Ultra was not able to get anything other than a blinding glare and noise.”
NUFORC later spoke with two of the witnesses, one who was identified by the Huron Daily Tribune as Christopher Bilbrey.
Bilbrey, who said he was a military veteran, after reviewing photos of types of aircraft, was able to narrow down the identification of the jets to F-16s, not F-22s. He stated that he was familiar with aircraft from his time stationed at the 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion in South Korea.
Four days after the initial UFO sighting, Bilbrey says the fighter jets returned to the same spot, at the same time of day, firing flares again.
Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson said his office received no reports of incident, but if the fighter jets were F-16s, they would have been scrambled from the 180th Fighter Wing in Toledo, Ohio.

Back in February, a UFO was shot down over Lake Huron by F-16 pilots using Sidewinder missiles.

The Pentagon has footage of that UFO being shot down, but refuses to release any of it to the public.

The post Multiple Witnesses Claim They Saw Fighter Jets Engage With A UFO Over Michigan appeared first on BroBible.
I haven't followed Greer to know if it is his style of working. But, the Greer's posted video looks to me like clamoring for some coverage.

Greer's been hard at work spreading his version of Disclosure for over 20 years. As we know, his bringing forward of credible witnesses from different fields has done much to make the topic a reality for many. So he has lots of followers and gaining more all the time. He's also doing this with the expressed purpose of bringing hidden back-engineered technology to the world - "free energy" or "zero point energy" as he calls it - to get off of fossil fuels. And to "dispel" the idea that any ET's have a negative agenda which he considers misinformation.

In Greer's thinking, the reports of trauma and the negative experiences attributed to abductions can be chalked up to simulated abductions that he attributes to elements of the secret government - with the purpose of fooling people into thinking that the ETs have a negative agenda. If there are any real abductions conducted by ETs then people are just misinterpreting it. He states that this negative perception of ETs will feed into an alien invasion hoax that the secret government will use to consolidate more power. Because, of course, all ETs are benevolent.

The elephant in the room seems to be that Dr. Steven Greer is the public face or point man to a Laurance Rockefellar initiative called Project Starlight - to declassify the information that elements of the secret government have on ETs, UFO technology, etc. (more about that below). If and when "the ET's are here to help us" narrative emerges, perhaps with displays of saving lives or whatever, it wouldn't surprise me to see Greer trotted out more publicly to say "see I told you so" - and to get more people on board with the agenda. Its possible that he has been groomed and/or duped with this future role in mind.

From: The Rockefellers Are the Founders of the UFO Disclosure Movement – Why?

Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?

Last week, I came across a video titled Stephen Bassett E.T. Disclosure Conference 2014, and I couldn’t help but notice the reaction counters below it. If they are correct, the information in the video was uncritically accepted by the site’s visitors, and I found that quite troubling. No one paused to think of who might be behind the information being presented or of how it might fit in with the globalists’ transition plan. This being the case, I decided to do a little investigating so I could show everyone what’s really going on with Disclosure.

To begin, let’s look at what Bassett says at the 3:54 mark of the video…

“The Truth Embargo, which I casually refer to, was a massive program in which billions upon billions of dollars were spent not only to keep the research secret, to keep the finances secret, and to keep the media under control, and the philanthropists out of the picture, and the universities pretty much out of the picture…”

To the casual viewer, his mention of “the philanthropists” might sail by unnoticed, but if you’ve researched how the disclosure movement got started, you know he is actually referring to one specific “philanthropist”: the true father of the Disclosure Movement, Laurance Rockefeller…

the famous rockefeller ufo briefing document

…This is a portion of an article on the Open Minds: UFO News and Investigations website which was written by Antonio Huneeus. Huneeus has a long history in the Disclosure Movement, has worked with Rockefeller, and testified to Rockefeller’s involvement in the Movement at the Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure

…The video is only 9 min 40 sec long, and if you can suffer through Huneeus’ dry delivery, it is quite informative.

The Rockefeller role in getting the Disclosure ball rolling is something of an open secret among the Disclosure people (the Disclosuristas, as I call them). On Stephen Bassett’s own Paradigm Research Group website, a specific Rockefeller effort referred to as the “Rockefeller Initiative” is openly touted The same effort is also touted on Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project website as “Project Starlight“…

“This letter from The Project Starlight Coalition was the result of the historic Asilomar, California meeting that Dr. Greer organized and Laurance Rockefeller paid for in June of 1995, just before Clinton’s meeting with Rockefeller in August 1995.”

As I continued to examine the Rockefeller family connection to the Disclosure Movement, I came across this MUST SEE video which puts together a number of video clips on the subject. At the 1:54 mark, Steven Greer (the putative head of the Disclosure Movement) speaks of Laurance Rockefeller:

[video no longer available]

In his remarks on Laurance, Greer refers to him as “the philosopher of the (Rockefeller) family,” which is typical of how the Disclosuristas attempt to explain-away Rockefeller family involvement in their movement. They try to paint Laurance as a family maverick who was unlike all the other globalists in the Rockefeller clan. Greer also speaks of a supposed conflict between brothers David and Laurance Rockefeller over whether the UFO secrets should be exposed, and this theme of a supposed rift or divergence of interests among the Rockefellers is also parroted by Grant Cameron in his testimony at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (page 90)

“Basically what the FOIA documents show is that billionaire businessman Laurance Rockefeller had approached the White House to get the government to disclose the truth behind the UFO mystery.There are different Rockefellers; there is Nelson Rockefeller who was the political guy who ran for government; there was David who was the money guy and Laurance Rockefeller was the humanitarian. He had a philosophy degree from Princeton University and was very interested in this phenomenon.”

Unfortunately for the Disclosuristas, this attempt to paint Laurance as a renegade “good Rockefeller” doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

According to Laurance Rockefeller’s bio:

“In 1937, he inherited his grandfather’s seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He served as founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for forty-two years, from its inception in 1940 to 1982; during this time he also served as president (1958–1968) and later its chairman (1968–1980) for twenty-two years, longer than any other leader in the Fund’s history. He was also a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund from 1967 to 1977.”

So not only was Laurance deeply involved in the financial industry, but he was also among the founders of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Family Fund. These Funds are notorious for advancing globalist aims under the pretense of “philanthropy.” Laurance also served on the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Special Studies Project

From 1956 to 1960 the Fund financed an ambitious study conceived by its then president, Nelson Rockefeller, to ‘define the major problems and opportunities facing the U.S. and clarify national purposes and objectives, and to develop principles which could serve as the basis of future national policy’.

Nelson recruited Henry Kissinger, who was then on the faculty of Harvard University, as director of the project; he had first met Kissinger in 1955. He also brought on board such luminaries as Edward Teller, Charles Percy, Dean Rusk, John Gardner (president of the Carnegie Corporation) and Henry Luce, along with his brothers Laurance and John D. III. Seven panels were constituted that looked at sweeping issues ranging from military/security strategy to foreign policy, to international economic strategy and defense department and governmental reorganization.”

Of the Special Studies Project’s seven sub-panels, Laurance is specifically mentioned as having served on:

“Panel II – International Security Objectives and Strategy; directed by Henry Kissinger. Panellists included Frank Altschul, Gordon Dean, James B. Fisk, Roswell Gilpatric, Townsend Hoopes, Henry Luce, Laurance Rockefeller, Edward Teller, Carroll L. Wilson, and economist Arthur Smithies.”

The Special Studies Project’s Wikipedia page also had another paragraph that caught my eye:

“The project was finally published in its entirety in 1961 as Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports. The archival study papers are stored in the Rockefeller Archive Center at the family estate; portions of the papers are still restricted, over four decades after the report was published.”

Upon reading this, I ordered a copy of Prospect for America, and it is exactly what I expected: a blueprint for using the United States as a tool to help build the New World Order.

Here is a little snippet from page 35:

shape a new world order

So as you can see, Laurance was deeply involved in pursuing the Rockefeller family’s globalist objectives. There was no rift or divergence of interests within the family (as is evidenced by the cooperation of the three brothers in the Special Studies Project); there was only a division of labor as they collectively worked to build the multilateral/ multipolar New World Order.

Being an Illuminati family, the Rockefellers were/are involved in all three aspects of the UFO phenomenon: the black budget part, the government coverup part, and the public disclosure part. In pitting disclosure-demanding citizens against secrecy-maintaining governments, the “elite” are creating a conflict that will find resolution when the New World Order and Disclosure are publicly unveiled.

I'll repeat that last line: "The supreme irony in all of this is that from now on we so-called “conspiracy theorists” are going to be trying to convince our normie friends that aliens don’t exist." This is Pravda syndrome, which I define as: the authorities said it's true, therefore it isn't. That may be fine as a general rule of thumb, but it can turn you into an idiot. If anything, this would be one interesting consequence of the "psy-op" - convince the dissidents that "aliens" don't exist, there are no recovered craft, etc., simply by seeding media with claims to the contrary.
What happens when we get 'film at 6' - if/when the media show actual ships and aliens doing stuff in high detail? The 'fact' of their '3D existence' will be a consensus reality to normies. Others will say the tech is alien but recovered by the government. They will say it's a staged invasion, and aliens don't exist. Perhaps others will say it's all AI cinematography. Who will get that it's a fake alien invasion using alien tech, but aliens are real and exist in the multi-density universe?

Yes, woke radicals can be their own worst enemy, but the same is true for some on the other side. Just hope the truth signal gets amplified because it's going to be mixed in with a lot of noise it seems.
Very interesting, although both her and her interviewer's knowledge of early Christianity and paranormal experiences would be greatly improved if they read From Paul to Mark and High Strangeness!
This year's UFO news has, of course, been dominated by stories about a recent Pentagon UFO Study Program, news brought to you by rocker Tom DeLonge and his merry crew at To The Stars Academy. The UFO study is variously known as the "Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications" (AAWSAP) program, or the "Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program" or "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP), depending on which source you consult. The main result of that program seems to have been to fund contracts for Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies to study UFO reports, and to modify his buildings to house claimed (or expected) samples from crashed UFOs (more on this below).

Astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis, who was a contractor for NASA's so-called "breakthrough propulsion project," has long been investigating weird things. Davis had been one of the researchers residing at the supposedly haunted Skinwalker Ranch in Utah that was purchased by Bigelow to be studied by his National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS) for its alleged paranormal infestations. Unfortunately, NIDS' diligent investigation produced little more than some exciting stories:

after several years of Gorman family trauma and of focused NIDS investigation, we managed to obtain very little physical evidence of anomalous phenomena, at least no physical evidence that could be considered as conclusive proof of anything (Hunt for the Skinwalker, p. 209).

So, all the King's Horses and all the King's Men and all the King's cameras and electronic recording devices could not document anything paranormal occurring at the Skinwalker Ranch, in spite of spending several years on-site trying to do so. In fact, they hinted that the presence of the NIDS team disturbed the phenomenon and caused it to go mostly into hiding. This 'shyness effect' is well-known among paranormal phenomena - UFOs, Bigfoot, telekinesis, etc. always make themselves sufficiently scarce to prevent investigators from nailing down any solid evidence of their existence.

Girl communicating with disembodied entities in the 1982 movie Poltergei

Davis was interviewed by George Knapp, long-time reporter on UFO subjects and longtime Bigelow associate (as well as co-author of Hunt for the Skinwalker with NIDS scientist Colm A. Kelleher), on the all-night high-weirdness radio show Coast to Coast AM on June 24, 2018. (The 71st birthday of Flying Saucers - Happy Kenneth Arnold Day!) One of the more interesting things Davis said on Coast to Coast was that a poltergeist apparently followed him home from Skinwalker ranch. The poltergeist phenomenon is "real," he said, and is closely related to the UFO phenomenon. Some people are more "receptive" to this than others, he explained. (Newsweek had earlier reported, "Pentagon's Secret UFO Program Investigated Poltergeist Connection to Alien Mystery.")

Yes, woke radicals can be their own worst enemy, but the same is true for some on the other side. Just hope the truth signal gets amplified because it's going to be mixed in with a lot of noise it seems.
I suppose, if we have heard anything from the past three years is that, knowledge does indeed protect, specially when something that has the potential for a massive paradigm shift in humanity, much like with covid... it'll be awareness and critical thinking that might get one through the possible nonsense that may be presented to humanity as "fact".
I've found the following interview about aliens still abducting people quite interesting. If one has some time to spare i'd recommend watching the whole interview since there are being discussed different topics related to the recent "alien disclosure hype":
I’m posting this as a recent possible alien “cattle mutilation”.
The following is copied and pasted from a Facebook page. I have no reason to doubt the testimony, the Rancher is a friend of several of my family members and has no reason to fabricate a story like this.

If you’ve watched any of the “Yellowstone” type series, the stoic, serious, down to earth Rancher stereotypes are based on real people, like this Rancher.

A cattle Rancher located in a rather isolated area of Northern British Columbia province of Canada, made this Facebook post yesterday, June 21, 2023.

I’ve removed the names and copied the pertinent parts of the conversation that ensued after the Rancher #1 made this post:

“Heads up to the ranchers in the area, the cow killer is back. We found a calf out on summer pasture with the same ‘injuries’ as the previous cows that we’ve lost. Tongue, ears and sides of face cut off.”

Rancher #1: this our third in 6-7 years 🤬

Friend comment: Was it shot ?

Rancher #1: - no. When we lost the cows the cops even had a metal detector out but never found anything.

Friend comment: Yikes! How do you think they get them? And then are they cut with a knife? Pretty crazy!!🫣😵

Rancher #1: dart gun ?🤷🏻‍♀️yeah it’s always been clean, sharp cornered square cuts.
Another Rancher from the general area then commented:

Rancher #2:-we had this happen a few years back. June 20 two years in a row. I never even thought of dart gun. That makes total sense. I’ve got pictures if you’d like to see them.

Rancher #1: we were talking today, wonder if it is something around the Solstice. However our first cow was killed in late November. Second cow about this time of year.

Rancher #2: our first was a steer out in a big pasture middle of nowhere. tongue cut out and penis removed. No blood. No predators would eat it. The cow was the same thing. But we found her on top of a big manure pile in the middle of a 60 acre field. Utter removed eye removed and tongue removed. The creepy part with her is that there was a little tricks of blood running down her cheek. Like she was standing when it was removed. But same deal. Clean surgical cuts. No blood on the ground, no predators would touch it.

Friend comment: I started googling and this exact thing has happened in different areas. It's really disturbing. Poor cows!

Friend comment: Where is this?

Rancher #1 response: Milligan Creek - Fort St John area. Had been happening around the area for years.

I’m posting this as a recent possible alien “cattle mutilation”.
The following is copied and pasted from a Facebook page. I have no reason to doubt the testimony, the Rancher is a friend of several of my family members and has no reason to fabricate a story like this.

If you’ve watched any of the “Yellowstone” type series, the stoic, serious, down to earth Rancher stereotypes are based on real people, like this Rancher.

A cattle Rancher located in a rather isolated area of Northern British Columbia province of Canada, made this Facebook post yesterday, June 21, 2023.

I’ve removed the names and copied the pertinent parts of the conversation that ensued after the Rancher #1 made this post:

“Heads up to the ranchers in the area, the cow killer is back. We found a calf out on summer pasture with the same ‘injuries’ as the previous cows that we’ve lost. Tongue, ears and sides of face cut off.”

Rancher #1: this our third in 6-7 years 🤬

Friend comment: Was it shot ?

Rancher #1: - no. When we lost the cows the cops even had a metal detector out but never found anything.

Friend comment: Yikes! How do you think they get them? And then are they cut with a knife? Pretty crazy!!🫣😵

Rancher #1: dart gun ?🤷🏻‍♀️yeah it’s always been clean, sharp cornered square cuts.
Another Rancher from the general area then commented:

Rancher #2:-we had this happen a few years back. June 20 two years in a row. I never even thought of dart gun. That makes total sense. I’ve got pictures if you’d like to see them.

Rancher #1: we were talking today, wonder if it is something around the Solstice. However our first cow was killed in late November. Second cow about this time of year.

Rancher #2: our first was a steer out in a big pasture middle of nowhere. tongue cut out and penis removed. No blood. No predators would eat it. The cow was the same thing. But we found her on top of a big manure pile in the middle of a 60 acre field. Utter removed eye removed and tongue removed. The creepy part with her is that there was a little tricks of blood running down her cheek. Like she was standing when it was removed. But same deal. Clean surgical cuts. No blood on the ground, no predators would touch it.

Friend comment: I started googling and this exact thing has happened in different areas. It's really disturbing. Poor cows!

Friend comment: Where is this?

Rancher #1 response: Milligan Creek - Fort St John area. Had been happening around the area for years.

View attachment 76650

This cattle mutilation business is going on for at least 50 years.

It is very well documented by Linda Moulton-Howe in her 1989 book "Alien Harvest",

An Alien Harvest, to document anomalous evidence in animal mutilations, human abductions and government documents that support law enforcement conclusions that "the perpetrators are creatures from outer space."

I didn't like all of these graphic mutilation pictures at the time I read it...
NBC News has a dedicated "UAP" section.

From that site, in one of the articles on that section

Pasulka said there’s evidence from various cultures that humans have believed in visitations from people from the stars for “as long as humans have been around." And she believes we’re on the precipice of meeting nonhuman intelligence, regardless of what the U.S. shot down this month, thanks to artificial intelligence that will allow us to communicate not only with computers but potentially with animals.

“There’s going to be a huge shift in our world view,” she said. “But it’s not going to be a dramatic moment like aliens landing on the White House lawn.”
This Pasulka person seems to connect aliens with recent efforts on AI, which reminded me of what the C's said in one of the last sessions.
And in 2024 we will see alien technology in the hands of the government or its agencies.

Senate Intelligence bill gives holders of "non-earth origin or exotic UAP material" six months to make it available to AARO​

The new UAP language (found in Section 1104 of the bill) would require "any person currently or formerly under contract with the Federal Government that has in their possession material or information provided by or derived from the Federal Government relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena that formerly or currently is protected by any form of special access or restricted access" to notify the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within 60 days of enactment, and to provide within 180 days (six months) "a comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic unidentified anomalous phenomena material" possessed and to make it available to the AARO director for "assessment, analysis, and inspection."

AARO is the Pentagon office established by Congress to conduct investigations of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), and to collect information on current and past federal government activity pertaining to UAP.

I noticed this video just came out today from Uberboyo on this whole ufo phenomenon and “disclosure.” I listen to him a little bit here and there as he is quite smart and has a good delivery that appeals to my personal preferences. I saw the title and decided to click and have a listen to see if he was anywhere near the mark. The short answer is Yes he is. The title is a bit misleading as he barely talks about what Carl Jung thinks about aliens, as if I cared anyway, and instead mostly talks about Aliens as extra dimension rather than extraterrestrial and speaks of the ramifications of that concept.

Obviously there are things I disagree with but I thought that this was accurate enough to share since he has a decent sized YouTube channel and it’s always worth looking at what other people are saying on important issues.

It is an hour long and obviously everything presented is common knowledge in these parts so I’m not putting this up to try to provide anyone with some mind blowing new info. I will also put in a language warning as his style contains a bit of coarse language.
From that site, in one of the articles on that section

This Pasulka person seems to connect aliens with recent efforts on AI, which reminded me of what the C's said in one of the last sessions.
Yes, I've been thinking about this as well. Here's some thoughts and moments that stood out to me after watching the video that Laura shared. The last half hour or so and had me really thinking:

Reference point:
Transcribed by me, Pasulka says:

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, he’s the father of the Russian space program and he was basically calling out the artist and mathematicians and poets and saying "we’re the ones who can access this information and bring it down and create things in our reality." So he was saying that humanity was a bridge between that reality and this reality…

Goes back to the protocol of what are these humans doing? You know, what if part of our job is to maintain or cultivate this ability to be this bridge to create things?”

Also, interesting was her kinda warning about “intent” to enter this “inter-dimensional” space - shouldn’t be for recreation but spiritual learning. So making claim that the purpose of humanity is to act as bridge to this “other world” in order to create things in our realm — an information conduit for creativity as a way to elevate the greater whole. It's a noble thesis and one I think is echo'ed in the transcripts.

This "bridge between worlds" could at least describe humans before the fall - bi-density beings / STO aligned. Since then we’ve been led into STS thinking and life style. Only in the last century or so as advancements in math, science, arts, etc increased our awareness of this “other space” has the opportunity arisen to regain our bi-density ability and create a more STO alignment - with the help of the coming Wave. And as excepted the more aware we become we can see STS forces and their puppets not wanting to relinquish their hold on our full potential given how crazy things are accelerating.

Going further, this also made me think about the “AI feeding tube” the Cs mentioned last session and AI mostly being co-opted by STS. Taking the hypothesis above “we are bridges to an information space” - What if the purpose of AI is to create this artificial information space (controlled by 4D STS) in order to trick people in believe they’ve entered the more “pure” or universal information space - if that makes sense? A more direct line of contact/control between 4D STS to play human host 😧🤔 No doubt, I think, this “access” to this world will be marketed in a mechanical way (plus $$$) - through tech and chemically induced states of mind (more below)…

Some questions came to mind about our purpose and the conditions to transition "naturally":

Is this our purpose - to maintain good health and mental hygiene in order access uncorrupted information and build a better more balanced world? This would seem to be accurate based on what the Cs have shared and practices here on this forum - eating right, breathing exercises and meditation, etc…

Will Earth need to become 3D STO before entering 4th density STO?

Is the concept of the multi-polar world promoted by Russian and China a step towards a 3D STO Earth?


The next video after the one above on that channel sorta starts off where the other left off. It focuses more on the use of psychedelics as a way to access this hyper dimensional realm (aka psychonauts) - what could go wrong, right?

This video is interesting from the perspective of how our minds interpret information and how our “conscience” reality differs from this hyper reality and how researchers intend to use DMT to enter and explore it. Apparently there are research teams developing ways to control the amount of DMT in order to sustain longer periods in these hyper dimensional realms for the purpose of study.

There are some interesting claims throughout and can see how certain “authoritative” groups might seek to interpret/control this space for their own benefit (STS alignment and understanding). Another idea - Could these DMT trips become the next “amusement parks” for thrill seekers? Or imagine a highly publicized trip that claims “we’ve made contact with beings whom are our future selfs…and don’t worry there good guys and willing to share information to help us evolve…” 😒

Psychonauts Are Now Mapping Hyper-Dimensional Worlds | Andrew Gallimore

- About the author/researcher:

Andrew Gallimore is a neurobiologist, pharmacologist, and chemist currently based in Tokyo, Japan, where he writes about psychedelics as molecular technologies for interfacing with alternate realities and for communication with the apparently intelligent beings that reside therein.



0:00 - Introduction

6:15 - Origins of DMT

12:39 - How our brain constructs reality

17:36 - Where is the DMT universe located?

33:13 - Can psychedelics harm you?

41:30 - psychedelics & the brain

44:39 - Japanese culture & living in Japan

54:48 - What is happening in the brain when you do DMT

1:22:41 - How the sense of smell is tied to memory

1:31:20 - MK-Ultra & amphetamines

1:49:12 - Psychedelics & Neuroplasticity

1:53:27 - John Mack, Karry Mullis, paranormal activity, & aliens

2:04:19 - Hyper dimensional worlds

2:25:31 - Is consciousness a living thing?

2:35:33 - Garry Nolan

2:38:12 - Extended DMT human research (DMTx)

2:56:13 - Mapping the DMT world & Timothy Leary’s ‘Experiential Typewriter’

3:07:48 - Ancient civilizations

3:16:39 - Whats next for DMT research?

Some questions came to mind:

When people are on DMT, are they entering a 4th density realm, their own imagination, the information space, or some other space?
Are people experiencing the same space?

Is the information space or information field the same as 4th density? Or is the information space more of an access point between densities? My thought is that it’s an access point and seems overlooked by the researchers (or not discussed)…

I see both Pasulka and Gillimore as good counterpoints to know about as the idea of a hyper dimensional space with intelligent beings becomes more mainstream. With Pasulka, I got the impression, she would advocate accessing without the use of "mind altering drugs" and Gillimore advocating a more mechanical approach where we just alter our minds with a controlled substance. Both could likely benefit from reading Laura's work and considering the Cs sessions...maybe even save them some time!

Anyway, always lots to ponder! :flowers:
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