Imminent Alien Disclosure?

When people are on DMT, are they entering a 4th density realm, their own imagination, the information space, or some other space?
Are people experiencing the same space?
People report about so-called breakthroughs at higher doses of DMT, after trespassing a certain threshold. Below that level, it's just an ordinary drug.
People report about so-called breakthroughs at higher doses of DMT, after trespassing a certain threshold. Below that level, it's just an ordinary drug.
All drugs are different. Most are not as potent, or as strange. Tobacco has been used historically for divination purposes as hard as that may be to believe although this seems to be a go to with members here. I’m not trying to claim we are using tobacco for divination but it may help in a minor way in everyday life.
Anyway, I wouldn’t say that DMT is just an ordinary drug even if not taken to an extreme. It is an incredibly powerful psychedelic drug even at low dosages.
When people are on DMT, are they entering a 4th density realm, their own imagination, the information space, or some other space?
Are people experiencing the same space?
It could be a combination of possibilities, not so much that they enter 4D, but their perception is expanded to the point of being able to perceive certain aspects of reality otherwise unavailable to a 3D consciousness. Or it could be imagination.

The trouble I see with this is that, well just like beer muscles or beer guts, it's an artificial way to expand an aspect that is otherwise dormant, and it is dormant for a reason, it's like cheating, which can lead to awful consequences, like a baby suddenly making it's way to the cockpit of an airplane and being in the pilot's chair.

the lack of knowledge, and awareness, makes these accidental steps into larger perceptions of reality dangerous and even traumatic, IMO.
@Alejo I am amazed. Very well said. If I can add my two cents I would say that imagination maybe a part of us that is far more real in 4th density than it is here so be very careful where your imagination goes!
If we are to think that with the wave our imaginations may have a bigger role (personally I think this may be the case hence the great blinders on 4d STS, and 3rd STS with regards to wishful thinking) it is best to have one’s imagination rooted to reality.

Trying to expand a consciousness that doesn’t understand reality very well, I’m talking about all of us here on earth, isn’t terribly helpful as we are all filled with self serving aspects of our imaginations that will gladly amplify themselves given the chance.
Concerning the mentioned DMT or similar effects being reported, how could one distinguish between a state that really allows perceiving 4D or any other reality, or a state where a manipulation of perception directed by some invisible entities occurs, which is subjectively interpreted as exploring other realms by one's own volition? My guess would be that the second scenario is more likely in a majority of cases and that a lot of wishful thinking goes into these "doors of perception" experiences. It's no wonder these practices are encouraged by the PTB.
obacco has been used historically for divination purposes as hard as that may be to believe although this seems to be a go to with members here. I’m not trying to claim we are using tobacco for divination but it may help in a minor way in everyday life.
The tobacco you are referring to, I think, is a much more potent tobacco that was the original plant used by the Native Americans. The tobacco we smoke now is much milder. It does help one be able to think more clearly and critically. That's why it is not promoted by those in control and why other drugs are.
I noticed this video just came out today from Uberboyo on this whole ufo phenomenon and “disclosure.” I listen to him a little bit here and there as he is quite smart and has a good delivery that appeals to my personal preferences. I saw the title and decided to click and have a listen to see if he was anywhere near the mark. The short answer is Yes he is. The title is a bit misleading as he barely talks about what Carl Jung thinks about aliens, as if I cared anyway, and instead mostly talks about Aliens as extra dimension rather than extraterrestrial and speaks of the ramifications of that concept.

Obviously there are things I disagree with but I thought that this was accurate enough to share since he has a decent sized YouTube channel and it’s always worth looking at what other people are saying on important issues.

It is an hour long and obviously everything presented is common knowledge in these parts so I’m not putting this up to try to provide anyone with some mind blowing new info. I will also put in a language warning as his style contains a bit of coarse language.

Thank you for sharing this. I found Uberboyo's YT channel a few weeks back, and he's an engaging speaker and clearly he takes his work seriously. Am now listening to his talk on Schopenhauer, should be an interesting expose.

I like how he puts the grays in their place nicely in the vid. The little dorks who muck with our minds on the sly, in the dead of night while we carelessly slumber. Someday there'll be a reckoning when 4d reality hits hone with the wave. Man I want to be a fly on the wall for that, the levelling of the playing field. As for DMT, well I haven't taken it so can't really offer an opinion. I did take mescaline in sub lingual form back on new year's eve 1999. It was an interesting experience. I didn't see anything weird like the grays but I do recall chuckling to myself a lot. Everything I thought just seemed clever and self-evident. Ha! I knew next to nothing. I don't regret trying it out (I'm a pretty curiosity driven person, that brought me to Sott in 2004), but I wouldn't recommend it to others. I think the C's once said that just smoking tobacco raises one's psychic awareness, so that's good enough for me.
I don't regret trying it out (I'm a pretty curiosity driven person, that brought me to Sott in 2004), but I wouldn't recommend it to others.

I just want to stress that I unreservedly think that psychedelic substances should be treated with extreme caution. Think of talented people like Peter Green, Brian Wilson and Syd Barrett, who peered too far into the abyss and never really made it back. It's really not worth taking that risk is it?

The very fact that these things like DMT and Ayahuasca are being touted in new age circles, for aspiring psychonauts. While tobacco is being forever demonised. Smells fishy to me. I think people like Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary and Graham Hancock are a bit too sure of themselves, and didn't really know what they were dabbling with. Some doors perhaps shouldn't be opened methinks...
I just thought I'd get back on point and archive the Coulthart interview with Grusch from 2 weeks back that kicked up this little frisson of late. We are living in potentially extraordinary times. Will this be a further drip drip of pertinent info (Grusch mentions extra spacial dimensional theory in the interview) or will some marker event make a massive impact? To be quite honest I will be watching for further developments with a keener interest after watching this vid. Well worth a watch.

The tobacco you are referring to, I think, is a much more potent tobacco that was the original plant used by the Native Americans. The tobacco we smoke now is much milder. It does help one be able to think more clearly and critically. That's why it is not promoted by those in control and why other drugs are.

Yeah, the old "pipe of peace" was most likely a much stronger strain. Those guys were getting stoked. As for smoking tobacco, I'm fully sold on that. Smoke 20 a day, and my lungs are fine. Goes beautifully well with a strong black coffee. definitely feel sharper afterwards. Just works like a charm. The PTB are planning a devilish move, seeking to make tobacco illegal while promoting the more dangerous alternatives. Surely a black market will develop from there, the market system always finds a way. Can't have an intelligent, sharp focused populace can we? All I know is that prohibition always fails.:cool2:

I still recall reading an article on smoking on sott by Laura back in 2004, it was mind-blowing reading objective info on the subject. The simple fact that Adolf Hitler hated smoking seals the deal for me. Why risk your sanity on psychedelics when you can be a sharper, more focused version of yourself with a simple ciggie?The PTB hate us smoking, that much is clear.
Around and around we go where stops nobody Knows!

To my mind, there are five main possible explanations, in descending order of probability.

1. The US establishment – Pentagon to press – is engaged in a complex cross-party conspiracy of psyops to unnerve and mystify America’s adversaries, especially the Chinese. Perhaps they want to convince them America possesses advanced alien technology, and America has been reverse engineering it for decades.

2. The US establishment has some incredible new military tech – something truly astonishing, like anti-gravity aircraft – and they’ve had it for ages, and they want to hide it from everyone: Americans as much as the Chinese.

3. The US establishment has gone collectively mad, or is suffering some mass hallucination, stemming from a few credulous individuals (a process known in psychology as ‘contagion’).

4. The US military/elite sincerely believes we are being visited by non human intelligence – but they’re wrong.

5. The US military/elite sincerely believes we are being visited by non human intelligence – and they are right.

Which is it? As I see it, they all come with major problems and caveats. Just think about any of them and you’ll understand why. Nonetheless, this entire peculiar phenomenon needs unravelling. And if the final answer turns out to be option five – and however distressingly outlandish, it cannot be entirely dismissed – well then we might need to do some praying, as well.
#ufotwitter #uaptwitter #ufos #ufo #uap #grusch #aliens

@Alejo I am amazed. Very well said. If I can add my two cents I would say that imagination maybe a part of us that is far more real in 4th density than it is here so be very careful where your imagination goes!
If we are to think that with the wave our imaginations may have a bigger role (personally I think this may be the case hence the great blinders on 4d STS, and 3rd STS with regards to wishful thinking) it is best to have one’s imagination rooted to reality.

Trying to expand a consciousness that doesn’t understand reality very well, I’m talking about all of us here on earth, isn’t terribly helpful as we are all filled with self serving aspects of our imaginations that will gladly amplify themselves given the chance.
Indeed, I think the C's mentioned something along the lines when discussing the variability of physicality, and how wishful thinking can become your reality in 4D, so there's that.

And think of where imagination that is rooted on lies would land you, or what most of humanity focuses their ideals on today, just look at social networks. Or even the histories we all carry and traumas and what not, imagine if our irrational fears, which are imaginary, suddenly became a "reality".
Get a load with the front of this discussion.

Incredible Testimony from Pentagon on UAPs, UFOs | House Intelligence Hearing Highlights
Replay from one year ago in the hallowed halls of Congress were held spellbound as the Pentagon unveiled previously classified images and footage of unidentified flying objects. Among these enigmatic visual materials was a captivating image of an airborne object, its nature defying precise explanation. With heightened curiosity and a sense of wonder, lawmakers relentlessly questioned military authorities about these uncanny encounters, which continue to baffle the world's most formidable military organization.Credit: U.S. House Intelligence Committee
I just want to stress that I unreservedly think that psychedelic substances should be treated with extreme caution. Think of talented people like Peter Green, Brian Wilson and Syd Barrett, who peered too far into the abyss and never really made it back. It's really not worth taking that risk is it?

The very fact that these things like DMT and Ayahuasca are being touted in new age circles, for aspiring psychonauts. While tobacco is being forever demonised. Smells fishy to me. I think people like Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary and Graham Hancock are a bit too sure of themselves, and didn't really know what they were dabbling with. Some doors perhaps shouldn't be opened methinks...

Yeah, I have a number of anecdotes on this topic that leads me to fully agree. A former friend of mine went to the Gabor Mate-recommened Shipibo ayahuasca centre in Peru. He told me that he experienced Grays performing brain surgery on him during the retreat. The guy was definitely not healed.

A different former friend of mine experienced two lizard beings taking him up a staircase during a Native American Church peyote ceremony. Also not healed.

I also heard of a medium who was called to check out a small land co-op near where I used to live. The couple who called the medium had concerns about their young child who was experiencing bizarre and hard-to-treat symptoms. When the medium arrived, she went let them know that some very bad juju was being generated on a neighbouring property. It was the host site of a psychedelic plant cult. The medium told the couple that their neighbour (another former friend of mine) was in the business of imprisoning souls. He was fully convinced he was in the business of healing.

Then there's the one about a music festival - called, I kid you not, 'Astral Harvest' - where a guy was found in his tent, having slit his own throat. Music festivals have transformed into a sort of psychedelic pilgrimage for many urban office-dwellers. When I warned a different former friend of mine about malign influence, I was told I was 'casting a dark spell' on the grand adventure.

In the book DMT : the Spirit Molecule, there are case-study accounts of reptoid rape, invasive worker drones in the shape of cactus men, people feeling themselves being reprogrammed or rewired by machines, and different types of insect, mantids or spiders.
When I was first going under there were these insect creatures all around me. They were clearly trying to break through. I was fighting letting go of who I am or was. The more I fought, the more demonic they became, probing into my psyche and being. I finally started letting go of parts of myself, as I could no longer keep so much of me together. As I did, I still clung to the idea that all was God, and that God was love, and I was giving myself up to God and Gods love because I was certain I was dying. As I accepted my death and dissolution into Gods love, the insectoids began to feed on my heart, devouring the feelings of love and surrender.

Anyways, chilling stuff.

Is any or all of this the product of one's imagination? Or is it a somewhat accurate perception resulting from heightened awareness?

I'd guess it's probably something we won't ever really comprehend in 3D, kinda like dreams. It's interesting to note that Desouza wrote that the alien invasion will come upon humanity in an induced dream-like state.

Whatever is going on, there's enough data to say that there is a link between psychedelic use and negative hyperdimensional influence, and it's definitely not something to be messing around with.
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