Imminent Alien Disclosure?

So this guy says they only excrete through their pores, while the Cs say they feed through them. But he also says their digestive system seems to imply they only consume liquids, which matches. I wonder how much variation there is among Gray types. Are they purpose-built, with different functionality? Or is this guy just using his medical background along with some alien lore to create a plausible hoax?
Here's a summary of the post from Twitter:

I just finished reading, in its entirety, the Reddit thread on Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBOs). Like others have mentioned, if this is a larp, it is the greatest larp ever written on Reddit, 4chan, what have you. Just speculating, but whoever posted this could have been part of the current push for disclosure, i.e. like UFO whistleblower David Grusch, the Reddit OP was allowed to post this level of detail on the biological composition of the EBEs, which he/she terms EBOs. Wild stuff is an understatement. #ufotwitter#uaptwitter

Full thread here, but 23 key points summarized below.

1. Our biosphere and theirs share a common ancestry

2. Only 4 bodies were examined, none complete; died due to major trauma.

3. Lab is in Fort Detrick, Maryland. At Battelle National Biodefense Institute. Operations carried out in restricted part of the basement.

4. What's particularly striking about the EBO genome is the uniformity of these intergenic regions.The uniformity of these sequences is a major indication of the artificiality of these beings.

5. The presence of TPR (tri-palindromic region) cannot be explained by evolutionary pressure but only by genetic engineering on a genomic scale.

6. An individual could be genetically designed to have characteristics that give it an advantage in performing a given task, like soldier ants and worker ants in an anthill.

7. What's disturbing is that some genes correspond directly, nucleotide by nucleotide, with known human genes or even some animal genes.

8. I'd like to note before going any further that this heterogeneity of genes of known and unknown origin is an undeniable proof of the artificiality of EBOs.

9. They are morphologically very similar to the grey aliens that are part of modern folklore. Their height is about 150cm, they have two arms, two legs and a head.

10. Skin: The grey skin that is often described in folklore is in fact a biosynthetic film which, likely, serves to protect the EBO from a hostile environment.

11. Brain: The brain is tetraspheric, i.e. composed of four major sections.

12. Nodules on central lobe. It is speculated that these nodules are essential to interact with their technology.

13. Hands and feet: Their hands have four digits, including an opposable thumb on the medial side.

14. At first glance, the feet consist of just two digits, but a necropsy soon determined that each toe was made of two fused digits.

15. The blood itself is also analogous to that of a human. However, the proportion of plasma is much higher.

16. The color of the blood is brownish.

17. Waste system: Instead, there are countless small pores on the surface of the skin. Ammonia is key.

18. It is strongly believed that EBOs can only consume food in liquid form. It is therefore speculated that the food consumed is a sort of broth rich in sugar and protein.

19. Yes, knowing that they're disposable, unable to live independently without technological support, and that they're ephemeral. The only suitable hypothesis is that they are alive only to accomplish their task.

20. EBOs believe that the soul is not an extension of the individual, but rather a fundamental characteristic of nature that expresses itself as a field, not unlike gravity.

21. I have no knowledge of their potential influence on our evolution.

22. Only one genome has been sequenced so we cannot compare , but it is speculated that are all identical clones. Probably generated from the same source.

23. The hypothesis is that they were created to perform their tasks and be able to survive with only local resources. They must therefore be able to metabolize local organic resources.
I guess now would be a good time for folks to start sharing links to High Strangeness and The Wave on amazon in reply to these posts on twitter and elsewhere talking about the alien situation. After all, we've been saying this stuff for almost 30 years and I sure paid the price for doing so. Now we find out that pretty much everything the Cs said was true (or likely true).
So this guy says they only excrete through their pores, while the Cs say they feed through them. But he also says their digestive system seems to imply they only consume liquids, which matches.
Maybe their pores are "two-way streets?"
I wonder how much variation there is among Gray types. Are they purpose-built, with different functionality?
If I'm interpreting the next quote correclty, the C's said there are "many variations" of Greys. I'm guessing it's a large, variable number. I wouldn't be surprised if they are constantly re-engineered by Lizzies.
Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to these hypothetical aliens?
A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys. Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and 2.
Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'
A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."
As to the actual number of Greys operating on the planet, the C's gave an approximate figure. Yikes!
Q: (T) They're slaves. (L) Now, this leads me to a question that I have thought about asking on many occasions. In terms of finite numbers, how many of these STS aliens of any different group, or any combination of groups all together, do we have operating on this planet at the present time?
A: Specify.
Q: (L) OK, how many Lizzies are operating on the planet?
A: 300,000.
Q: (L) OK, how many Oranges?
A: 62,530.
Q: (L) How many grays?
A: 2,750,000.
Q: (L) This is not a pretty picture! (J) No s**t. (L) Are most of these inhabiting alternate dimensions or densities most of the time? I mean, it would be kind of crowded otherwise!
A: Back and forth.

Or is this guy just using his medical background along with some alien lore to create a plausible hoax?
If this was a hoax, it was a rather enjoyable one, aimed at curious intellectual types. ChatGPT must have been involved. :-D
One thing is sure, genetics are now a mainstream topic! Why not add alien-genetics to the mix?
Anywho, It's funny how we seem to be undergoing another form of social contagion, albeit now with the UFO topic, people will start to pop up with very real cases, but I am afraid some will jump on it with very fake ones just to catch a bit of the spotlight.

Yeah, although I'd hesitate to call it "social" contagion. I always try to remember that my focus on these topics is not representative of the vast majority of the population. And even though people who have been long-term UFO "nuts" are getting really excited now, and with recent "official" revelations more 'fringe' people are probably being pulled in to the mix, the number of people who give any serious credence to extra-terrestrial life is still vanishingly small. Just go do a poll of your family or extended family or 'normie' friends.

It's going to take an official (i.e. govt.) declaration for people to accept it and for it to become a real social contagion.
It's going to take an official (i.e. govt.) declaration for people to accept it and for it to become a real social contagion.
Yes, and aliens will have to appear on TV for people to really believe it, just as they believed the Covid because they were watching the tv. To do this, the governments will have to do some heavy editing, a la Covid. A dramatic montage, with ET's in the streets, flying saucers landing in the major capital airports, and so on. Is it possible? Yes. We saw when de plandemic, how Chinese did a hospital in 5 days, so everything is possible. Believe me. Make scenarios, a la Orson Welles when he made his radio program with Well's novel, "War of the Worlds" and it was so well done that people really thought it was real. If it's not on TV, people won't believe it.
So this guy says they only excrete through their pores, while the Cs say they feed through them. But he also says their digestive system seems to imply they only consume liquids, which matches. I wonder how much variation there is among Gray types. Are they purpose-built, with different functionality? Or is this guy just using his medical background along with some alien lore to create a plausible hoax?
This anthropologist claims a bunch of the anatomical statements don't make much sense (e.g. vestigial foot muscles):

Yeah, although I'd hesitate to call it "social" contagion. I always try to remember that my focus on these topics is not representative of the vast majority of the population. And even though people who have been long-term UFO "nuts" are getting really excited now, and with recent "official" revelations more 'fringe' people are probably being pulled in to the mix, the number of people who give any serious credence to extra-terrestrial life is still vanishingly small. Just go do a poll of your family or extended family or 'normie' friends.

It's going to take an official (i.e. govt.) declaration for people to accept it and for it to become a real social contagion.
That's a very good point, although on the polling thing, and I daresay that it's because it has been making the news to some extent, some people I have talked about the topic in the past, seem to be a lot more accepting of it.. or should I say, their default reaction has changed from immediate ridicule to at least consideration of the possibility. But it is true that it hasn't reached a point of general open discussion about it.

Which is what can be concerning I suppose, much like with covid or Russia, whatever form of general awareness of the topic for most, will take the shape of very superficial awareness of the official line and that's that.
But it's a 100% American narrative, with 100% American information and set in the USA, isn't it? I'm astonished.
What about the rest of the world?

Mais c'est un récit 100% américain, avec des informations 100% américaines et se déroulant aux États-Unis, n'est-ce pas?
Je suis étonné. Qu'en est-il du reste du monde?
Maybe their pores are "two-way streets?"

If I'm interpreting the next quote correclty, the C's said there are "many variations" of Greys. I'm guessing it's a large, variable number. I wouldn't be surprised if they are constantly re-engineered by Lizzies.

As to the actual number of Greys operating on the planet, the C's gave an approximate figure. Yikes!

If this was a hoax, it was a rather enjoyable one, aimed at curious intellectual types. ChatGPT must have been involved. :-D
One thing is sure, genetics are now a mainstream topic! Why not add alien-genetics to the mix?

Other than the sessions presented by yourself, I recall one about a booklet mentioned in the session from October 14, 1995 where the C's approved the (grays) variations presented in it:

Q: (L) I didn’t specify the density. Just in our immediate planetary area. (T) That’s how many of them are working this project. (L) Now, I’m sure that there are… here, hand me this little booklet here. We have here some drawings of supposed alien servants. This one right here is called a Rigelian servant. [The booklet says] It’s a proto-synthezoid, in other words, a cyber-genetic. Is this an accurate representation of this being, and does this being actually exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, that’s friendly. (SV) Which one is that? [Looks at drawing.] Oooh, I don’t want to see him… (L) Now, this one here… (T) Oh, lightning bolt man!. (L) Does this one actually exist? This mutative clone form?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, this one here, this little Tah-hay being…

A: Yes.

Q: (T): ET! (L) OK, they said he was real? Yes. OK, now this one is a real pleasant looking fellow… [S’pth]

A: Yes. Occupies Dulce base.

Q: (T): Can we make it easy and just ask if everything in the book is real? (L) No, because if there’s anything, I want to put a note on it. [Reading] “This is a cloned synthezoid form,” in other words a cyber-genetic, “whose specific job is to act as controllers. They are plus or minus four feet tall.” This is, I think, your standard gray. It’s just that the drawing is kind of crappy- looking. (T) Wait, the face… the eyes are smaller on the thing but the face is a lot like the one in the Autopsy film. (L) This is a lot like what I had in my bedroom, only all swathed in black. OK, now, this is what they call a replica. [Reading] “They are protosynthezoid form of human whose specific job is as a special outside agent. Observation: Face and body change shape at will.” This is like in the X-File thing where the guy… the shape changer. Is this a correct concept? Is this basically a… I mean of course you have to draw them in an ambiguous way…

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is there anything you can tell us about this in particular? Any hint or clue?

A: ?

Q: (L) OK, we’d have to ask questions. OK, these are the servants from Zeta Reticuli One… (T) Are these the Men in Black?

Q: (L) No, remember, the Men in Black… (T): OK, just thought I’d check… (L) Just cross- checking here…

(T): Terminator Model IV here… Mr. liquid metal. (L) OK, these servants from Zeta Reticuli One… this is another version of the one. I would also assume that these are the servants at the Dulce base?

A: Laura board. [Laura was holding book and did not have her fingers on the planchette.]

Q: (L) I’m assuming that this is another version of the ones that occupy the Dulce base. Is that correct?

A: No.

Q: (L) What are these guys?

A: Floaters.

Q: (L) OK, these are floaters. Let me just comment so that… (T) Floaters? As in how floaters? (L) I would say it was like somebody in a job… (T): Trouble shooters, they go from place to place… (L) OK, these are real friendly looking. .. I love these guys! (T) Are those the “Blues?” (L) The THROOB! (T) Are these the little short stubby blues that Whitley was into.. (L) Plus or minus four feet tall… Yeah, I think so. It says here “They are originally from the Draco Constellation and their job is to complete research. They are plus or minus four feet tall. Are these accurately represented here, both in terms and drawing?

A: Yes.

Q: (T): Are these the ones that Whitley Strieber has seen?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) OK, now, the degenerative clone form, which is the bottom image, is this also an accurate representation?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What is the color of the skin of these friendly- looking little guys?

A: Variable.

Q: (L) OK, I think there may be one more… Ha, ha! Are you guys ready for this one? This is a Cassiopaean! (T) Well, I don’t think that’s a Cassiopaean! (J) Let me see… Oh, lovely! (T) Cassiopaea, I couldn’t find a star called Cassiopaea… (L) There isn’t. (T) Well, I know that. (L) Well, he’s being sarcastic. OK, this is one called “a race of insectoids from Cassiopaea, whose specific job is genetic research”. Is this an accurate description and drawing of this critter?

A: Yes.

Q: (T): Is Cassiopaea a star? (L) No. (T) What is Cassiopaea? (L) It’s a constellation. (T) I know it’s a constellation, but they say they’re from Cassiopaea. You can’t be from Cassiopaea… (L) Oh, right, that’s right. What star in Cassiopaea?

A: Region.

Q: (L) It’s in the Cassiopaea region. Is there any star in particular that you would identify as their home star? They have to have a planet with a home star somewhere, so where is their home star?

A: No.

Q: (L) They don’t have to have a home planet? In other words, they could be riding the wave? (SV) Well, are they coming here? (L) Are these guys coming here?

A: All are already.

Q: (L) OK, hang on… (T): What about the one below? What’s the one below? (L) Well, that’s just a biological android. “The Nordics and Oranges normally use inorganic, high-tech servants.” Is this an accurate representation of an inorganic, high-tech. ..

A: Yes.

Q: (T): What are all the hieroglyphics? (L) It’s supposed to be one of their alien languages. What does this business say here?

A: Scrambled.

Q: (L) It’s scrambled. So it’s a combination of the various different languages they have back there.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Somebody just put the various different symbols together, because it looks like two or three different languages. OK, well, that answered those questions. (SV) Laura, are you going to get a copy of that for us? (L) Yes, I’ll make copies for all of you. (SV) That’s so if I meet one of those guys in my dreams, I won’t get scared… Well, I won’t be AS scared! (J) Speaking of being scared… (TK) Doesn’t seem to me like there’s too much to worry about… (T) It’s all supposed to be fun! (L) Yeah, they’ve told us it would be ecstasy dealing with it. (T) This is fun! It’s a challenge, and we’re supposed to enjoy this as the challenge that it is. (TK) Seems to me it’s something you’ve got to take as it comes, and deal with it! (T) That’s about it. (J) Roll with the punches.

A: Yes

I think this was the booklet in question: (PDF) Blue Planet Pulsar Project - DOKUMEN.TIPS
I haven't seen this piece here:

A Republican congressman has suggested that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) could be an "ancient civilization" that is hiding on Earth but has only just begun to show itself.

Mike Gallagher, a representative for Wisconsin and chair of the House Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, discussed various theories about the potential origins of alien sightings while appearing on the Pat McAfee show on Tuesday.

There, he spoke about the ongoing efforts of Congress to investigate claims that the government may be in possession of technology not from this world. House Oversight Committee chair James Comer announced an investigation into allegations at the beginning of June.

[...]Gallagher suggested that [another] possible explanation of supposed UFO sightings was the so-called "Terminator" theory—based on the film of the same name—that aliens were actually human beings from the future.

I don't know how he came up with these ideas because I didn't watch the interview, maybe it's just his imagination, but it's interesting that the idea of aliens as an ancient civilization is out there:

Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they're coming back? So they're technically humans.

A: Close!

I guess now would be a good time for folks to start sharing links to High Strangeness and The Wave on amazon in reply to these posts on twitter and elsewhere talking about the alien situation. After all, we've been saying this stuff for almost 30 years and I sure paid the price for doing so. Now we find out that pretty much everything the Cs said was true (or likely true).

I was thinking about creating a High Strangeness Twitter account - We could share interesting information, accounts, cases, and related quotes from the book, and the Wave series.
Another audio is revealed where a woman claims to see "non-human" beings (it reminded me of the woman screaming inside an airplane that "That's not real over there").​

Discretion is advised; one of the records that @RangerH338 has captured previously, where, having the camera turned on, he recorded what he apparently claims was his family's reaction to observing the presence of non-human beings.

Original recording

By the way, Jaime Maussan is a renowned ufologist in Latin America, especially in Mexico. He investigates the UFO phenomenon from a purely material point of view. For Jaime, aliens are visitors from another Galaxy, another planet, etc. but never hyperdimensional beings.

He recently cancelled his program Tercer Milenio on a television network to accept a contract with Televisa-Univision. His new program is aired at a time when many people are taking their meals in Mexico (15:00 p.m.). Thus, Televisa is betting on the growing public interest in the UFO phenomenon and other news such as "Climate Change" and the "Russian threat."

Jaime is one of those people used to divert information and will surely play an important role in the Alien Disclosure in Latin America.

Jaime is promoting in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies something similar to what is happening in the US with the UAP legislation.
I thank Congressman @Sergeluna_S and team for the attention to conduct the U.A.P. figure around the Mexican Airspace Protection Act; in order to manage the corresponding guidelines to establish its validity in practice and legally.
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