Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Rep. Tim Burchett on Knapp and Corbell's show. Seems like a cool guy. He says he's been interested in UFOs and bigfoot since he was a kid, and he gives some hints about what it's like dealing with this topic from inside Congress, and the different interests involved:

(segment starts at 37:48)
This is my first time ever hearing of Niara Isley and I do not know if she’s a part of the disinformation campaign, but I kind of hope that she is. Because if even half of what she claims is true, then my God..

Her story is like riding a rollercoaster with no brakes.

I watched it today, this woman has truly been involved in a nightmare but still managed to make it through, awsome. I think her book might be worth the effort to know her work and herself deeper, she also claims she knows she is on a mission in this life. I see her book's first printing in 2013 has nearly 500 pages. I will take a look and let you know accordingly.
This is my first time ever hearing of Niara Isley and I do not know if she’s a part of the disinformation campaign, but I kind of hope that she is. Because if even half of what she claims is true, then my God..

Her story is like riding a rollercoaster with no brakes.

At 29:36 she says she knows a guy who had the same experience but she doesn't want to make him remember.

One thing that jumped to mind is surely she'd want a way of verifying her memories because otherwise how does she know her mind isn't making up stuff? Not to say that it is but how'd one know?

The other thing is - really, how good can you remember the past? Can you remember what you were doing in August 2005? What about January 2011? Speaking from a personal perspective, I only remember things at a high level and most of the time I can't remember the precise year or month of the memory. At least for me, memory does not happen against a calendar. Obviously can't speak for other people.
How heart warming - a friendly grey
OK - the "friendly grey" is practically a dead ringer for Brick Heck of the sitcom The Middle, a most unusual kid in a most unusual family! Several scenes with Brick in this vid:

Of course, it's obvious that the movie Jules is intended to introduce/affirm the idea that grays can be harmless, just regular everyday non-human extraterrestrials with absolutely no malevolence towards people. And, it's likely this idea will succeed to be accepted by viewing audiences as it's presented in such a humorous and charming way, not unlike the many madcap situations the Heck family continuously found themselves in.
This is my first time ever hearing of Niara Isley and I do not know if she’s a part of the disinformation campaign, but I kind of hope that she is. Because if even half of what she claims is true, then my God..

Her story is like riding a rollercoaster with no brakes.

Just finished watching this myself.

A lot she says corroborates thing that the Cs have said. It's a really ugly picture.

Watched it as well. My impression is that she is telling the truth of what she thinks happened to her. As for the content of what she remembers; I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually happened more or less as she recounts it. And yes, it seems to be in accordance with a bunch of stuff the C‘s have said.
This has been reported by others elsewhere. I wonder what the mechanism is, given that if a human can walk into a UFO, it must be a 3D object in 3D.


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This has been reported by others elsewhere. I wonder what the mechanism is, given that if a human can walk into a UFO, it must be a 3D object in 3D.
Perhaps it's not the UFO that's getting bigger, but you getting smaller. Maybe the ship 'shrinks' the 'membrane' that envelops and holds the body and its cells together, i.e. your EM field?
Perhaps it's not the UFO that's getting bigger, but you getting smaller. Maybe the ship 'shrinks' the 'membrane' that envelops and holds the body and its cells together, i.e. your EM field?
If that report is true then I suspect it's more related to the idea of the craft being trans-density, where somehow the inside is more 4D than 3D. Maybe it's that by entering the craft the person is moving into a 4D reality, maybe only mentally - via their perception. That's my guess. I'm thinking of how some people mention the ability to hear color and see sounds, which the Cs said was how it might be perceived in 4D, if I recall correctly.
The Cs have told us that when craft crash in 3D they lose their 4D features which should include the mentioned spatial distortions.
Perhaps it depends on the extent of damage the craft suffered? If it is still under power as a 4D craft, but has lost its flight capability, maybe the 4D aspect would remain?
We have no data on retrieved UAPS except anecdotal reports-so no telling what might be experienced during encounters.
This has been reported by others elsewhere. I wonder what the mechanism is, given that if a human can walk into a UFO, it must be a 3D object in 3D.
In the last 100 years, technological progress has acquired an arithmetic progression. An invention leads to 2, these to 4, then 8, 16, 32, etc...

We use a remote control for television every day, it's something everyday and very simple, right?

It is not.

You would have a hard time explaining it to a person from 200 years ago.

So explaining how a technology of several thousand years of progression ahead works, may be somewhat difficult.

Variability of physicality, control of matter, control of time, etc...

What if a second is possible to live it for a year? We would not see anything that happens, because we would be frozen in time.

What we perceive and how, is directly conditioned by our machine and the machine can do many, many more things.

I suspect that fourth-density consciousness is given full (perhaps or surely progressive) control over matter and time.

Now, you person from 200 years ago, you can keep waving that little stick called a TV remote and wonder what that is and how it works.
This has been reported by others elsewhere. I wonder what the mechanism is, given that if a human can walk into a UFO, it must be a 3D object in 3D.
It appeared on Sott as well, dated June 10th:

Recovered UFO 'distorted space and time,' leaving one investigator 'nauseous and disoriented', attorney for whistleblowers reveals


Lawyer Daniel Sheehan tells that a whistleblower told him of a crashed UFO recovered by the US military that 'distorted space-time'
The attorney told that one alleged recovery, recounted to him by a supposed crash retrieval program insider, involved a 30ft saucer partially embedded in the earth, with some fantastical properties.

'They tried to hook a bulldozer to it to pull it out. And it pulled out a shape like a pie slice, almost like it was part of the way it was constructed,' Sheehan said.

'When it came loose a couple feet, they stopped immediately. They didn't want to destroy the integrity of the machine.

'They had a guy go into it. He got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so disoriented because it was so gigantic inside.

'It was the size of a football stadium, while the outside was only about 30 feet in diameter.'

Sheehan said that space was not the only warped dimension around the craft.

'He staggered back out after being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later,' he said. 'There was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion.'

Physicists have theorized that propulsion of an advanced craft could theoretically involve warping space-time around it to negate the effects of gravity.

But Sheehan declined to give further details - including a location and date of the incident - and said he was unable to provide evidence for the claims.
Perhaps it depends on the extent of damage the craft suffered? If it is still under power as a 4D craft, but has lost its flight capability, maybe the 4D aspect would remain?
That makes sense. There might be a field of some kind that can stretch/distort space from within the craft . As long as the technology is still operative then the expanded space remains. Maybe from the outside the space around the craft is Euclidian while the geometry/space inside the craft becomes spherical (or maybe non Euclidian?). Kinda like a non Euclidian triangle. FWIW.

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This has been reported by others elsewhere. I wonder what the mechanism is, given that if a human can walk into a UFO, it must be a 3D object in 3D.
In the Santilli session, the concept of "changing the units of space/time" is mentioned, to which the C's replied "transition from 4th to 3rd" and "density borderline cross awareness." Strange things happen at the edge of densities.
Q: (RS) Yes! I am interested in the propulsion systems of UFOs, the only way that I can perceive travelling the long distances involved in interstellar space is to have what is called a "space/time" machine. We cannot move the enormous distances unless you can fold, somehow, time and space. You cannot fold space unless you join it and fold time. You cannot have interstellar travel unless you have a space/time machine. But, a space/time machine means to also have the ability to move forward and backward in time, to manipulate time.

(L) Yes, you would have to cross distances and simultaneously move backward through time so that you would end up arriving wherever you are going essentially at the same moment that you left.

(RS) That is why I asked whether we can use anti-matter as a propulsion, because it would be repulsive in the right direction. The second question whether, when we use anti- matter, we would move backward in time. Because, some of those objects, you see them moving, and they can be moving in space but not in time, or they could be moving in time but not in space. If you see a UFO, it does not mean that it is in our time. It could be in a completely different time. (L) And, they disappear sometimes right before the eyes of the observer, and the question is: where do they go? They could be standing still in space, but moving time. Or moving backwards.

(L) And, there are a lot of abductions reported where there is seemingly no time lost at all. They come in, haul the victim out, do whatever they do, and then they slide them back in a fraction of a second away, if not at the identical second they took the victim out!

(RS) Yes! This article I presented is exactly about this point! If, indeed, anti- particles have lift, then necessarily they have to go backward in time. Then they manipulate this: you can have an abduction any length of time inside the craft, but in our time, in our level three, it is zero time!

(L) Yes, exactly! And not only that, there is the phenomenon of the craft that looks small from the outside, but inside is huge!

(RS) That is all tied up in it! This is very exciting. I am learning the language. In our third level, the motion in space and time occurs via the change of the unit of time and space, therefore, can we change the unit?

A: Yes, this is precisely what we mean when we speak of "transiting from 4th to 3rd."

Q: (RS) So, when they travel from 4th to 3rd, they change the units. That is precisely what is in the article in the journal! [Holds up book.] This is published in the Ukraine, [turns to page and displays diagrams and equations] this is the experiment to test anti-gravity. There is a two mile long tunnel which is a vacuum inside. They suck the air out. The first measure is to shoot photons to identify, at the end of the two mile tunnel, the no gravity point. The second measure is to shoot a neutron, and we know that a neutron is attractive. So, after two miles, the energy is very, very low. So, there is no gravitational effect when the neutron hits the point. Then, the third step is to shoot an anti-neutron at the same time and see what happens. This experiment will resolve this issue that this board has answered very scientifically. We call it the gravity of anti-particles because we don't know. It can be down... Einstein predicts this as attractive as a neutron, anti-matter and matter have the same gravitational attraction. That's what Einstein says.

But, when Einstein's theory was proposed, in 1915, anti-matter wasn't discovered until 50 years later. If now, theoretically, the only way a particle, in our theory, can go up, can have lift, is if time is reversed. There is no other possibility. So, if this experiment is correct, then the space/time machine is absolutely a consequence and can be tested in a laboratory. You can have a particle moving backward and forward in time.

[Displays new diagram.] This is the other experiment which is, in this case, is done by putting a particle which is neutral and subjecting it to... since we don't have a bunch of anti-matter - ideally we would have a pellet of matter and replace it with anti-matter - we don't have a pellet of anti-matter, at this point, there are ways to do it though and it can be measured as to which way it moves, up or down.

Now, the question of the units, it is very important, a fundamental question, because, say, you are outside a UFO, and you see the UFO as big as a car, say, and people go inside and report this enormous interior. There is no other way to do this than by changing the unit. What is for us one inch, that unit is completely different inside. For us the unit is the same along the three directions. Now, if you are inside, they can have different units in different directions. This means that if you are outside a cube, and you go inside, the shape, not only the dimensions but the shape even, can be different.

A: Density borderline cross awareness. Does Roger have familiarity with density definitions?
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