Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Rep. Tim Burchett on Knapp and Corbell's show. Seems like a cool guy. He says he's been interested in UFOs and bigfoot since he was a kid, and he gives some hints about what it's like dealing with this topic from inside Congress, and the different interests involved:

(segment starts at 37:48)
Another interesting interview with Burchett.

The bit at 17:00 caught my ear. He thinks it's largely corporate these days. The people in government who were involved originally have mostly died out, so the program is largely in "private" hands and compartmentalized to the degree that most who should theoretically in the know aren't.
Another interesting interview with Burchett.
Interestingly, De Telegraaf (the largest Dutch daily morning newspaper) published an article about Burchett and what he says:

Congressman warns after seeing secret UFO images: 'Humanity cannot handle this'

Tennessee politician Tim Burchett was a guest on the Event Horizon podcast. There he said, among other things, that extraterrestrial life forms have technology that humanity “cannot handle.”

“If they're there, they're there. If they have this kind of technology, they can turn us into charcoal," Burchett said. "If they can do things like travel light years, fly at speeds we've seen, fly underwater, leave no heat trace, things like that, then they really are in a league of their own."

House Oversight Committee

Burchett serves on the House Oversight Committee, a committee that looks into potential threats and unexplained UAPs. "We can't handle it," he said in the podcast about potential alien technology. “We cannot repel them/fend them off. That's why I think they're not a threat to us, otherwise they would have been a long time ago.”

Burchett made his comments after whistleblower David Grusch, an Air Force veteran widely regarded as credible, claimed that the government is running a secret UFO retrieval program.

So he's even reached Dutch mainstream media and it's probably part of the whole alien/UFO 'disclosure' thing.
I watched the Isley interview last night and I couldn't sleep very well!
Well, it is something that happens daily every day at our side.

Luckily most only see a little, they have an image from a distance.

Finding a house where harmony and concord reign is minimal.

You would really be surprised at what happens in the homes of the people around you.

The tentacles reach everywhere.

A few months ago at work, we found a drugged mother in bed next to her dead eight-year-old daughter.

The mother had poisoned her daughter with pills in the milk at dinner.

She did it because she was separating from her husband and the judge gave custody of the girl to her father, to her husband.

You can't describe the picture of that fact.

It is the world that we have and we can do what we can in what we have to do, but what happens is what happens and it is sad, but it is where we are.

It is not necessary to go to an alien base to see the horror of this world, it is enough to peek into the daily life of the people.
The last C's session provided some nuggets of truth that I've been ruminating on. The statement that the PTB/SG/Consortium think that they've got a good handle on understanding the nature of the 4d phenomenon, but that they wishfully think they can control the outcome. 4d STS is a fearsome beast and no-one can dare to underestimate the level of cunning employed. Factor in also 3d STS individuals who are gearing up for a strange future, crystalising on the negative polarity. Pied Pipers sending people down blind alleys. You need only look at our mainstream culture and see the oppressive grimness of it all. And this undertow will drag down many a person in the general populace. I duly note the recent thread about Andrew Tate as an example. Take a little bit of truth and sandwich it between slices of misogyny and a casual pathology that seems in-grained. And there's a new sucker born every minute, with limited savvy and an abundance of energy, such minds can be shaped at will. But control an outcome against 4d STS? I don't think so!

We have been told that a 4d Wave is being generated somewhere in the solar system and is heading our way. Also it is said that this will bring strange events with 4d bleed-through. Such effects may turn out to influence and amplify tendencies hitherto lying latent, deep within. A polarisation of the population is predictable, between people who have a certain level of objective understanding of the general world. and those with difficulties adjusting to the new reality. So a schism develops.

Add to that a bit of savvy, the school of hard knocks, bringing experience to the table as we face situations beyond our imagination at this point. Yes, we have psychopaths already. And there's loads of them too. Plus we've got LBGT loonies and a swathe of mentally ill folk. An entire spectrum of the unwell. It will take a strong tribal unit to stand against all of that. I'm finally appreciating the information and perspectives shared on here more. Plus it has been suggested that 4d STS hybrid beings have walked among us. David Jacobs wrote extensively on them, man, he chose the worst time to retire, just as things were ramping up. It all points to a very challenging future, I want to savour these times because there's so much suffering to bear witness to. Ukraine and Jenin have been on my mind of late. My mind keeps saying to me that we are overdue some sort of Marker Event, but I hesitate to make a firm prediction. I feel very fortunate to be able to read all the posts on here in my spare time, it's a great resource. This forum has become a beacon of sanity for me in recent years.

Increasingly I have come to believe that having a good intuitive mind is the greatest of all natural gifts. That endless pursuit of what's knowable at the cutting edge of reality. We're actually spoiled in the 21st Century. We have the last several thousand years' worth of knowledge at our fingertips, much of which is also free to access. Always when I hear vectors on the disclosure scene like Greer I laugh darkly. As above, so below, the age old maxim. Everything eats something else to survive on this planet. 4d STS has a varied appetite as we have come to understand on here. But not enough energy is spent on the nurturing of the soul in the disclosure scene. A few points spring immediately to mind.

1 Always keep a journal.
2 Practice recalling your dreams, and write them down.
3 Learn the POTS, and recite it nightly with gratitude and reverence.
4 Hear people out, but reserve your right to maintaining a strategic enclosure.
5 Read, watch, listen, absorb, think.
6 Write your conclusions down.
7 Test the boundaries of what's possible to learn.
8 Get in touch with your soul, and grow it with due care and attention.
9 Laugh at yourself sometimes.
10 Always remember Caesar. No one will know the hour nor the day....!

The nest few years promise more disclosure narrative, the cat isn't out of the bag yet but I can definitely hear a few miaows! :lol:
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This is my first time ever hearing of Niara Isley
She is probably mistaken in her gut-feeling approximation / description of "light speed" travel in 20 minutes to the Moon as it would take not even 2 seconds. Much more probable she and her teammates were taken to a Mars base - confirmed by the C's -, which is about 20 minutes away at light speed, traveling 342 million kilometers.

She sounds convincing tho, PTSD "can be felt" coming off of her in droves. She even wrote a book about her retrieved memories. So there must be something behind her ordeal. I wonder - just hypothetically - what the C's would answer to a multi-stage question: Truth percentage of her account? Is there a Deep State-operated Moon base? Was she really taken there? I pondered if Greenbaum could plant such powerful screen-memories designed to be uncovered if a hypnotherapist attempts to touch these "memories". When at the same time what traumatized her so much remains hidden.
'Looking up the word "Moon" in sessions turned out:
1. 350,000 years ago the Lizzies mined the Moon for lignite and gold
2. Grays have bases there
3. Miles long mining strip on Moon is proof of underground mining. Visible strip is some kind of collapse..
4. Atlanteans built crystal-power conducting-gathering structures on the Moon and Mars.
Obviously Gray base on Moon doesn't mean Deep State can put their noses into there.. Same way you don't allow your favorite barnyard chicken to walk on your bed? So question-logic in above post stands.
This has been reported by others elsewhere. I wonder what the mechanism is, given that if a human can walk into a UFO, it must be a 3D object in 3D.
Not necessarily. We are talking about awareness density levels, at least that's how I understand the letter D in 3D and/or 4D.

Since it's a level of density, higher number means it's more dense, thus if interior of the functioning craft observed in 3D realm is of 4D realm quality (like a 4D container in 3D environment), then while being there 3D observer should theoretically experience more of 'awareness' in the same amount of the 'projected' 4D realm object onto local 3D realm 'external' reality, i.e. how 4D craft appears in 3D.

Maybe in a bit simpler words: awareness of/in the 4D space/room would be denser, which would be perceived as more space/room than it appears to contain when looked at/from 3D outside/exterior of the craft. That is, if those 3D perceiving minds could handle the sudden shift of their awarenesses to more denser atmosphere so to say when entering 4D craft's interior.

Hope above 2 cents makes sense.
New legislation from Schumer (D), Rounds (R), Rubio (R) and Gillibrand (D):

Full text of the amendment:

Interesting things: UAP definition includes the words flying discs, flying saucers, and UFOs.

Board members: "none of whom shall have had any previous or current involvement with any legacy program or controlling authority relating to the collection, exploitation, or reverse engineering of technologies of unknown origin or the examination of biological evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence."

The amendment would give the US government eminent domain over all non-human tech and bodies in the hands of private industry or persons. (One Twitter person pointed out that this implies that in addition to appropriating tech held by private aerospace companies, this also implies they can confiscate any materials held by individual citizens and then classify them in terms of national security - not that that hasn't been done before, mind you.)

Documents must be disclosed by 25 years after their initial creation, implying that all docs prior to 1999 would have to be disclosed to the board immediately.

The NYT compares this to the similar JFK assassination records review board set up in 1992, which doesn't inspire a whole lot of faith. Many documents may be declassified, but all the good stuff can still be hidden or withheld from release. Still, it's pretty wild to see flying saucers and non-human bodies mentioned in official draft legislation.
Oh, and the Congressional hearing is slated for July 26, the 6 witnesses to be named this coming week. Grusch will probably be one of them. Joe Murgia tweets:
NASA has pulled out of the hearing. Apparently, @RepTimBurchett and @realannapaulina have received pressure from the Pentagon and NASA. (As Ross says, Fuck 'em!) "People familiar with planning for the hearing confirm NASA’s stopped cooperating but one source adds, “I don’t care, because they’re covering it up anyway.” (If we have non-human, intact craft and bodies, who cares about NASA? ~Joe) A few weeks a ago, @RepJamesComer said there were some problems with the background checks of a few witnesses and they needed to "reshuffle the deck." Burchett disagrees that there was anything egregious in their backgrounds and wishes the public would have been able to hear from them and decide for themselves if they were credible or not. Luna says we won't be disappointed.
Article referenced:

Reps. Burchett and Luna confirm House UFO hearing date is July 26th

Not necessarily. We are talking about awareness density levels, at least that's how I understand the letter D in 3D and/or 4D.

Since it's a level of density, higher number means it's more dense

It is the other way around. When you go up to the next level it's less dense, less material:

The fourth level of density is a progression from the third level of density. With each progression upward in density level, the existence for the individual conscious entity becomes less difficult. So, therefore, the fourth level of density is less difficult to exist in that the third, the third is less difficult than the second and so on. It puts less strain on the soul energy.
It is the other way around. When you go up to the next level it's less dense, less material:
Unfortunatelly, I fail to see in Laura's cited words the relationship stated in the quote above, where it seems that 'density' is standing for 'material density' or 'density of matter', which by no means is the meaning of the word 'density' alone.

For example, what would be the 'meaning density' of the word 'density', i.e. how much meaning does the word 'density' contain/carry? In actuality it would be close to 0, because without knowing, explicitly or implicitly, what kind of density we're talking about, it just means 'amount of something in a container of some kind'. On the other hand, in potential, the meaning density of the density would be infinite, because we can think of and talk about infinite 'somethings' that can, in a more or less amount, be present in a container which is being 'observed'.

Additionally, if we assume that the lettter D really means 'material density', then we find ourselves in trouble differentiating for example 5D from 6D, which are both according to the C's ethereal realms where there is no materiality/physicality whatsoever. If no materiality is present in Beings of 5D and/or 6D beings, their (material) density is evidently non-existent, i.e. it's 0 in both cases and there's no point talking which is more or less 'dense' in that regard.

Hope I've managed to be clear and concise enough.
It is the other way around. When you go up to the next level it's less dense, less material:
When applying the premise in quote above to everyday human life, I reach a somewhat suspicious conclusion that every child by the sheer fact of having lesser material body than its parents, must be more 'advanced' then them. That conclusion, if correctly reflecting the premise above, seems to negate the possibility of 3D humans having OP children, which I think makes for a substantial portion of what can actually happen in our reality. Or, to phrase it in a question mode: are 3D humans really less material than their OP counterparts?

The fourth level of density is a progression from the third level of density. With each progression upward in density level, the existence for the individual conscious entity becomes less difficult. So, therefore, the fourth level of density is less difficult to exist in that the third, the third is less difficult than the second and so on. It puts less strain on the soul energy.
After thinking a bit more about the two quotes above, I still fail to see how Laura's words corroborate the claim, "When you go up to the next level it's less dense, less material". Maybe it's because I don't actually know what "soul energy" really means. :-/

Could you please explain the relationship between the two, i.e. how your statement follows from Laura's, or the other way around?
Unfortunatelly, I fail to see in Laura's cited words the relationship stated in the quote above, where it seems that 'density' is standing for 'material density' or 'density of matter', which by no means is the meaning of the word 'density' alone.

For example, what would be the 'meaning density' of the word 'density', i.e. how much meaning does the word 'density' contain/carry? In actuality it would be close to 0, because without knowing, explicitly or implicitly, what kind of density we're talking about, it just means 'amount of something in a container of some kind'. On the other hand, in potential, the meaning density of the density would be infinite, because we can think of and talk about infinite 'somethings' that can, in a more or less amount, be present in a container which is being 'observed'.

Additionally, if we assume that the lettter D really means 'material density', then we find ourselves in trouble differentiating for example 5D from 6D, which are both according to the C's ethereal realms where there is no materiality/physicality whatsoever. If no materiality is present in Beings of 5D and/or 6D beings, their (material) density is evidently non-existent, i.e. it's 0 in both cases and there's no point talking which is more or less 'dense' in that regard.

Hope I've managed to be clear and concise enough.

From the Casswiki:

In the Cassiopaean and Ra materials, density denotes a qualitatively distinct level of being. Each
density has its own structure of life forms, modes of perception and interaction, and typical lessons
for the consciousnesses residing in it.

Concept of density

Density refers to density of consciousness, or the level of being developed by a soul. As being is
gained, the state of existence crosses thresholds, each major step along the way being a density.
Development proceeds by learning the lessons of existence. During the third density – which for
us is our human existence – development splits into two pathways: service to others and service
to self. The chosen pathway determines whether the soul ends its development by attaining unity
with all, or by contracting into inanimate matter.

The densities can, very briefly and roughly, be described as follows:

• The first is the density of inanimate matter.
• The second is the density of flora and fauna (plants and animals).
• The third is the density of human life, and other life with a similar extent of consciousness.
• The fourth is the density of a semi-physical state beyond limitations of time and space.
• The fifth is the density of an ethereal, contemplative existence.
• The sixth is the density of a state much closer to unity, where life exists as thought.
• The seventh is the density of a complete unity of all.

In volume 3 of The Wave, Laura Knight-Jadczyk illustrates the densities in a form very similar to
the Cabalistic tree of life. This illustration is useful for showing the densities in relation to several
other important concepts.

The illustration shows, among other things:

• The duality of being vs. non-being, along with their unity in seventh density. Seventh density
includes all, including the thought of non-being; first density concretely expresses non-being
in the form of the most limited existence possible.

• How information (unified knowledge) is mirrored, or expressed, in nature. Biological life, and
the DNA that determines its nature, first arises in second density.

• The duality of service to others vs. service to self, in the right and left branches, respectively.
This duality can also be understood as creativity vs. entropy, and objectivity vs. subjectivity.

• How a soul might move between densities during its evolution along either the STO or STS
pathway, given the connections between the densities. (The fifth density is a contemplation
zone repeatedly visited in-between existences in the first four densities.) Following the fifth,
a soul would move into the sixth, either proceeding to go through that density if positively
oriented, or contracting back into matter – the first density – if negatively oriented.

However, the illustration cannot convey the full picture; it is a three-dimensional approximation
of something that is not three-dimensional. Among other possible simplifications, the top and
the bottom are presented as separate, when they might be more accurately seen as being linked,
similarly to a Möbius strip.

The concept is complex and third density language is not fully appropriate for describing most
aspects of the matter. The Ra material offers a somewhat systematic overview of the question.
The Cassiopaean material builds further on that basis. There are slight differences in emphasis
and definition between the two, but from the standpoint of the FOTCM, the essential message is
that a passage from third to fourth density is in some cases possible, and requires the mastering of
the lessons of third density, specifically survival, karma, and the formation of a truly individuated
being capable of consistent work in its chosen polarity. The mastery of self that is a goal of the
Fourth Way is a subtask of these.

The different cosmoses of the Fourth Way cosmology can be seen to correspond with densities.
Direct comparison is difficult because most of this material lies outside human experience.
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