Imminent Alien Disclosure?

From the Casswiki:
It must be that I'm a bit dense tonight, because I still fail to see the one-to-one mapping between the density as expressed by the C's and Ra, and stated in Casswiki; and the physicality/materiality as to give rise to the conclusion, "When you go up to the next level it's less dense, less material".

Since they presumably 'see' only the material part of their existence, could you explain it in OP terms, maybe I'll then be able to catch the connection that's been escaping my mind?
Rest, sleep on it and then try to read the sessions later.
I am going to give my understanding on this.

The density of being is referred to the level of consciousness, which is accompanied by the appropriate vehicle for the work that is needed for the correct expression of said consciousness.

The higher the level of consciousness, the less tension in the soul, because the higher level of knowledge allows greater autonomy and less dependence on external factors.

The fifth and sixth densities seem to be non-physical in the sense of an environment different from the one we know, in which the illusion is made up of matter, both for the playing field and for the vehicles in which the soul acts.

However, the non-material world, which we cannot imagine or have a clear idea due to lack of information, is according to Ra (Law of One) just as rich or full of illusions in which the soul continues its path of learning.

In short, density is the level of consciousness and the higher the level of consciousness, the greater the ability to interact with creation, with fewer and fewer restrictions.

The density of the body used by the soul, in terms of greater intensity of concentration of matter, may not be correlated with the level of density of consciousness or may be.

It will be whatever is necessary for his being and his level of development.

Of course, behind everything I have said is a maybe.
I'm working on the next volume of the annotated transcripts. I keep having to refer back to the previous volume, the first half of the 1997 sessions and additional materials. There, in the April 5, 1997 session, is reproduced an email from Blue Resonant Human which includes a long email from Dick Farley AKA CloudRider. Those of you who have this book, please re-read that email from BRH and consider it in the light of revelations over the past few years and where the "gender identity" and trafficking of children has been revealed. BRH was really insightful and stuff we thought was largely unbelievable is now pretty much established as fact.
New legislation from Schumer (D), Rounds (R), Rubio (R) and Gillibrand (D):

Full text of the amendment:
Garry Nolan on the new legislation:

Nolan is upbeat about the bill's possible impact, and lauds the suggested inclusion of non-UAP-related professionals on the disclosure commission. We discuss the impact disclosure will have on science as an institution, and what to anticipate from the now-scheduled July 25 hearing in front of the House Oversight Committee.
Another example: spider and its web; which is denser, i.e. more material, and which is of which density level?
I think it could be helpful to understand Density as ordinal data rather than numerical (discrete or continuous). In case you are not familiar with this:

Ordinal data

Ordinal data is a kind of statistical data with a set order or scale. This means ordinal data can be classified into different categories with a natural ranked order. However, the distances between the values are uneven or unknown.

For instance, clothing sizes are an example of ordinal data, and you can quickly sort them in the order of small < medium < large. But there is no defined way to give meaning or note the differences between small and medium or small and large.
The density of being is referred to the level of consciousness, which is accompanied by the appropriate vehicle for the work that is needed for the correct expression of said consciousness.
I can't remember if I read it from the Cs or from Ra, but I believe it was stated that 'density' refered to 'density of light'. So yes, I think 'density' is more along the lines of consciousness than matter, as meant by channelled sources.
It seems to me that the confusion in the term density begins by not establishing that matter IS consciousness. A VERY DENSE consciousness. The C's used the word density to fit our level of understanding assuming that density can be used in the following way:

When a body is immersed in a fluid, the fluid exerts a force perpendicular to the surface of the body. This force per unit area is called pressure.

At a given level, the atmospheric pressure is equal to the weight of the column of air above that level, up to the upper limit of the atmosphere. Therefore, the higher the altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure. The higher the altitude, the less air remains above, which therefore weighs less and exerts less pressure.

Using the analogy, when you go up in density level, the lower the pressure on the consciousness. BUT! for the consciousness to rise to the next level, it is the consciousness that becomes less dense. For example, Helium gas is less dense than the air we breathe and that is why it rises and floats.
It seems to me that the confusion in the term density begins by not establishing that matter IS consciousness.
Yes, in addition to science determining plants have consciousness (they can react to even who murdered someone), there have been scientific papers showing inanimate objects have consciousness. Probably have posts on the forum referencing this. I was pretty amazed when I first read that objects have consciousness although I can't quite remember what the subject object was.
In 4thD we'll need conscious house walls, that will deny access to Lizzies trying to carry out their abduction. ;-)

In 4th Density everything - plants, animals, objects, clouds - must level-up, I think. I found the post, where I remembered (must have been pre-3rdD) an alive super-bright, stone arch gate. Writing that down caused me 'PTSD-strength'-homesickness, on two occasions, lasting for days.
Yes, in addition to science determining plants have consciousness (they can react to even who murdered someone), there have been scientific papers showing inanimate objects have consciousness. Probably have posts on the forum referencing this. I was pretty amazed when I first read that objects have consciousness although I can't quite remember what the subject object was.
Referring to consciousness, I remember a session in which Laura asked more or less, what is consciousness? and the C's respond something like What is not conscience?

I was looking in the sessions but at the moment I have not located it, perhaps in some exchange related to gravity and its unstable waves.
Referring to consciousness, I remember a session in which Laura asked more or less, what is consciousness? and the C's respond something like What is not conscience?

I was looking in the sessions but at the moment I have not located it, perhaps in some exchange related to gravity and its unstable waves.
Session 15 June 1996? Pretty much the whole session is about gravity and unstable gravity waves.
A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity.
Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis call it: the Source.
A: Please name something that is not gravity.
Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?
A: A mere thought.
Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?
A: Yes, there is.
As to the link between gravity and consciousness (Session 6 August 2005):
Q: (A) I asked a question long ago about mathematically modelling consciousness, and the answer was "visualise the inverted representation of the gravity geometric model" and that this would lead me to the geometric model of consciousness. But I couldn't find what inverted representation means. So what is it?
A: Do you have an equation for that model for gravity?
Q: (A) No. I don't have any equation. The model is a model and can have many different equations. Equation is something additional that makes the model work one way or another.
A: Find the equation, and then "invert."
Q: (A) Okay, so say I found the equation; I still don't know how to invert the equation. Read it backward? Upside down?
A: Gravity is consciousness "expressed."
And more recently, about "inverting" gravity to find consciousness (Session 10 December 2022):
(Ark) Gravity. I was wondering again and again how to include consciousness... how to extend mathematics and physics to deal with consciousness. And the answer was that it's necessary to invert mathematical representation of gravity. And I have no idea how to invert equations for gravity. But it occurred to me today that maybe I know. And so, I wanted to ask whether my ideas that it's something similar to what is called conformal inversion in mathematics, whether this idea that occurred to me today may be the right one. Invert like conformal inversion inverts, like, here into infinity.

A: Close enough!
Session 27 May 1995

Q: (L) What is the link between consciousness and matter?

A: Illusion.

Q: (L) What is the nature of the illusion? (T) That there isn't any connection between consciousness and matter. It is only an illusion that there is. It is part of the third density...

A: No. Illusion is that there is not.

Q: (L) The illusion is that there is no link between consciousness and matter.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density... (L) I got it! (T) Don't disappear on me now! [Laughter] The relationship is that consciousness is matter.

A: Close. What about vice versa?
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