Imminent Alien Disclosure?

In the Santilli session, the concept of "changing the units of space/time" is mentioned, to which the C's replied "transition from 4th to 3rd" and "density borderline cross awareness." Strange things happen at the edge of densities.
That reminds me of something Eric Weinstein said on Rogan about changing the spacetime metric:

Watched it as well. My impression is that she is telling the truth of what she thinks happened to her. As for the content of what she remembers; I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually happened more or less as she recounts it. And yes, it seems to be in accordance with a bunch of stuff the C‘s have said.
I watched couple of other video's of Niara Isley (here and here) and very disappointed with solutions she is offering. At one point she even mentioned that what she suffered is for good, with out it she wouldn't have written the book to message out. The solution she is offering are familiar new age - shallow LOVE that can conquer every thing including exhausting the energy supply to ET. No mention of REAL Knowledge.
  • Meditate, discern with inner voice, calm mind, trust emotions, chant Om as that activates Vegas nerve etc.
  • She blames Govt. and secret Govt. greed etc. almost ignoring ET's. She thinks there are good ET's and bad ET's. they can be discerned by feeling the resonance or dissonance. she completely underestimates the capabilities of ET's.
Decades back, New age teachers has "good" memories of ET's and promoted the same shallow word salad of Love as the gospel of salvation. It looks to me, now a days, they are getting attention for being victims of alien abduction and promoting the same Shallow Love.
It is possible perhaps to foresee the outlines of the materialist slant they'll be giving to "explaining" the different manifestations of the phenomenon. Soon someone somewhere will declare that 'an advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, take this new vaccine'. However, this technology is still presented in a materialist framework. Space-time, a purely materialist mathematical concept introduced by Minkovskii, is hundred years old, and bending/folding/expanding/compressing space-time with worm-holes are still old ideas that have been played with for a while. As remarked in the Skinwalker thread, the worm-hole thing is almost always presented as being a portal to another place and time in the same material universe. In these phenomena, something causes space and time, or weird phenomena where of space and time are weird. One way of a distracting narrative is to present the presupposition that weird phenomena are caused by the distortions in space and time (through some exotic technology), missing the possibility that space and time distortions are themselves part of the weird phenomena that are caused by the unknown cause above.Put simply, A can cause B, but also C can cause A, which causes B, or C causes A and B, giving the impression that A causes B or B causes A. Another view is that none of these effects causes any other: C, A and be are the same phenomenon parsed by our limited cognition through different interpretative lenses, but that's not helpful here. The devil will be in the details of how they will try to explain the weirdness with mundane explanations. To quote Admiral Akbar, "it's a trap". OSIT
It appeared on Sott as well, dated June 10th:
This from that article:
And he even said that the earliest recovery he learned of was a 'bell-like craft' that supposedly crashed in northern Italy in 1933.

'It was kept by Mussolini's government until 1944 when it was recovered by agents of the Office of Strategic Services [an historic US intelligence agency]. Ironically, it predates anything the public has heard about for decades, such as Roswell, etc.'

Which brings to mind the suspected secret Nazi space craft, the Nazi Bell (Die Glocke). Joseph Farrell has speculated on this extensively - one such article from a Yandex search::


Alternative theory writer and researcher Joseph Farrell has speculated that "the Nazi Bell" bears a striking resemblance to a UFO that crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, in 1965.
The Nazi Bell, or in German “the Die Glocke” was a purported top-secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or ‘Wunderwaffe’ in Germany. Current day hindsight has lead many researchers to conclude that a space-going, UFO-like saucer craft could well have been developed by the Third Reich. Mounting evidence seems to confirm that Nazi-era Germans developed sophisticated technologies that in some arenas current society is only recently catching up to.

Polish writer Igor Witkowski first publicized the Bell project in his book “The Truth about the Wunderwaffe,” where he claims to have discovered the existence of the Bell project after seeing transcripts of a KGB interrogation of SS general Jakob Sporrenberg. It goes without saying that Schutzstaffel (SS) was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany, which conducted many secret experiments and projects during its time.

Sporrenberg is said to have given detailed information about a bell shaped device filled with a substance similar to mercury, which utilized huge amounts of electrical power. The Bell was said to be a hazardous anti-gravity experiment, which caused illness and death in research subjects as well as in researchers.

An ancient Hindu manuscript called Samarangana Sutradhara, an 11th-century poetic treatise on classical Indian architecture written in Sanskrit language attributed to Paramara King Bhoja of Dhar, describes a machine very similar to the Nazi Bell.

"Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky.” ―Samarangana Sutradhara

Another famous Hindu epic poem, the Mahabharata, dating back to 4000 BC, tells of fantastic flying machines or vimanas used by the gods. These vimanas were shaped like a sphere and borne along at great speed on a mighty wind generated by mercury. These extremely sophisticated vehicles were described with great detail, which implies that they were witnessed by the scribes of ancient India and documented so that other people can understand.

A hefty portion of the Nazi dogma of racial purity and the concept of a noble Aryan race is largely derived from ancient Hinduism. The “Aryans” they venerated and claim descent from are thought to have invaded India eons ago from Central Asia and established a rigid social structure which has evolved into the infamous caste system.

Myths and legends of ancient India had a tremendous impact on World history and societies, in particular Germany of the 1940s. The Nazis, under the guidance of Heinrich Himmler lead multiple expeditions into India and Tibet with the intent of studying Vedic-Hindu legends and artifacts and to trace their ‘noble aryan’ ancestry.

One of the more notable of these was the Schaefer Expedition which many writers have theorized had a sinister hidden agenda. Other Nazi expeditions were known to have been conducted in 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936 and 1939 respectively. It is theorized that at during one or more of these expeditions that the SS obtained information that contributed to building Die Glocke ― the Nazi Bell.


Inside the Bell were located two contra rotating drums. Mercury (alternate accounts say amalgams of mercury) was spun inside these drums. Jelly like compounds of Beryllium with Thorium were located in flasks within the central axis. Beryllium compounds in use were called ‘Xerum 525’. During WW2 Jelly like paraffin was used as a moderator in some reactor experiments, thus by iimplication Xerum 525 most likely contained Beryllium and Thorium suspended in Parraffin. © Image Credit: Mystic Sciences
Before their deaths, the scientists who conducted the Bell experiments reportedly suffered from various ailments such as nerve spasms, loss of balance, and a metallic taste in the mouth. During various experiments, dozens of plant and animal test subjects were also killed by radiation exposure. So what exactly was the purpose of the Bell?

According to Sporrenberg’s testimony, Die Glocke was associated with “magnetic fields separation” and “vortex compression.” Witkowski asserts that these physical principles had become commonly associated with antigravity research.

According to some physicists, if you have a device that can generate a torsion field of extremely high intensity, it is theoretically possible to “bend” space around the device. Consequently, by bending space, you also bend time.

Could it be possible that the Nazis were utilizing the Bell to conduct scientific experiments in time travel? Interestingly enough, it is essential to note that the project was code-named “Chronos,” which means “Time.”

Witkowski also claimed that an industrial complex located near the Wenceslas mine became one of the primary testing sites for Die Glocke. The ruins of a mysterious concrete framework known as “The Henge” stand there today, and many have speculated that The Henge was designed to be a type of suspension rig for use when testing the propulsion capabilities of the Bell. Skeptics have dismissed this theory, claiming that The Henge is nothing more than the remains of an industrial cooling tower.

The fate of Die Glocke has been the subject of much speculation. When the German upper echelon realized that the war was unwinnable, key leaders and scientists began to evaporate, leaving Germany and disappearing from public view. Hypothetically, these Nazi secret science projects were dismantled and allegedly shuffled off to points unknown. South America and Antarctica rank high as locales of interest.

In 1945, “The Bell” was removed from its underground bunker under the command of, and accompanied by SS General Dr. Hans Kammler, who was also in charge of the V-2 missile program. Aboard a massive long range German aircraft, the very first aircraft ever equipped for mid-air refueling and the only one large enough to carry the Bell. It was never to be seen or heard from again. Speculation is that it ended up in South America.

In his book, “The Truth about the Wunderwaffe,” Witkowski claims that more than 60 scientists associated with the project were assassinated by the SS before the Bell was transported. Cook believes SS general Hans Kammler made a deal with the US military, in exchange for the technology.

In 1991, Vladimir Terziski, a Bulgarian immigrant, claims to have come into possession of a Nazi documentary describing some of their special weapons programs. Of particular interest is the secret V-7 projects, which were allegedly a series of circular craft which could rise and descend vertically and fly at extreme velocity and altitudes.

In 1952 and 1953, George Adamski ― the man who is famous for his claims that he had continuous contact with UFOs, that their occupants were from “Venus” ― allegedly photographed very similar bell-shaped flying objects. Though, the bulk of the Adamski’s story is bizarre, and had it not been for the similarities to the German projects, of which of course Adamski could have not had knowledge. So is there any connection between the UFO photographed by Adamski and the Nazi Bell?

Many theorists believe that a craft that crashed in Kecksberg, Pennsylvania, in 1965 was either “the Die Glocke” or a US Government attempt at replicating what the Germans had done 20 years earlier. Whatever the particulars of variant conspiracy theories are, the object that crash landed certainly does bear a striking resemblance to what the Nazi Government had built 20 years earlier. Decades later, in 2008, another craft of similar description crash landed in Needles California.

Yandex turned up many such articles on this subject including these:

It is said that during the Nazi occupation of Poland, the Nazis—specifically Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun and SS General Hans Kammler—were working on a craft that used electromagnetism as its propulsion. The craft was known as “Die Glocke” or “The Bell.”

Some sketches of the craft have survived, according to the History Channel, and they specify dimensions of 10 feet high and 5 feet in diameter.

There is no evidence to support the project’s use during World War II, but there is evidence of its development. As Germany was being invaded by the Allies, the entire bell project—along with project leader Kammler—disappeared.

Conspiracy theorists suggest that the Nazi Bell was taken to the United States—as were many German scientists—and that the United States has continued research on the technology.

Both von Braun and Kammler were developers of advanced German weapons and rocketry, including the V–2 rocket.

UFO supporters believe the German bell craft is related to the UFO crash in Kecksburg, Pa., on Dec. 9, 1965. Perhaps the most famous UFO incident second to Roswell, the Kecksburg incident involved many eye witnesses who saw a fiery streak overhead and a crash. There were civilian responders to the crash before the Army, National Security Agency, Department of Defense, and NASA showed up to claim the object, according to UFO Evidence.

Other sightings of bell-shaped UFOs over America include four bell-shaped objects sighted over Maryland on April 5, 2009, and a more recent domed, bell-shaped UFO floating over Colorado on Jan. 15, 2013.

More details about The Bell in this article:

The Bell’s power was generated by metals such as Thorium, Mercury, and Beryllium. A high-frequency power and rotating magnetic fields combined with the energy generated by those liquid metals had a great result: the most powerful weapon.

When active this Bell was supposed to generate wormholes and in this way, scientists were able to transport objects through space and time.

Physicist John Weeler claims that wormholes appear in anyplace, anytime and he explains his theories in ‘quantum foam hypothesis’.

Inside this device in the shape of a bell were 2 contra-rotating drums in which were spun mercury. In the flask between the central axes were located in a jelly form, Thorium, and Beryllium. Thorium was found in Silesia closed to the place where The Bell was located.

Dr. Ernst Nagelstein in 1944 in Switzerland on 2 November told to an OSS agent, that Auer was refining Thorium. Thorium was not used for any purpose until that time but he also said that with the help of Thorium or Uranium, Otto Hahn was working on an atomic bomb.

In 1944 when the Allies went to Normandy, tons of Thorium was shipped from France. One thing I can’t answer. What was the purpose of such a huge amount of Thorium in such a short time?

There are ‘stories’ about a U F O crashing in Germany in the Black Forest in 1932 and the Nazi military that transported the craft to a secret location. Are this only rumors or were the Germans helped by alien technology?

The Nazi Bell, a UFO-looking spacecraft was created by Nazi Germany to enable flights to the moon and other planets of the solar system and even the Alpha Tauri star system. According to some conspiracy theorists, the Nazis used an incredible anti-gravity system to develop such technology.

There also was a documentary that suggested that anti-gravity technology was used by the United States after it was captured and then tested after the war.

Below, this may be a picture/representation of the Henge as mentioned in previous article -
"Witkowski claims that near Wenceslas mine we can see the ruins of a metal framework named The Henge, which served in an anti-gravity propulsion experiment, done with the help of The Bell.

Now, what exactly was The Henge? It was the structure that was supposed to keep The Bell during the experiments."


The weapon was a bell-shaped machine capable of destroying almost everything. It was believed that the bell could even change the time.

According to the author of the documentary, Henry Stevens, the fuel used in the Nazi Bell was red mercury. It is said that this strange UFO has the ability to take off from the Earth and can travel to other Star systems. When the Third Reich was ultimately defeated, the technology was allegedly taken over and was taken into the hands of the United States.

Additional details in this article that questions assumed facts:

Die Glocke is described as being a device “made out of a hard, heavy metal” approximately 2.7 metres (9 ft) wide and 3.7 to 4.6 metres (12 to 15 ft) high, having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to an interview of Polish author Igor Witkowski by Cook, this device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be “filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color”. This metallic liquid was code-named “Xerum 525” and was “stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead”. Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal), “included thorium and beryllium peroxides”. The device required very large amounts of electricity fed via thick cabling from the nearby power plant.

Witkowski describes Die Glocke, when activated, as having an effect zone extending out 150 to 200 metres (490 to 660 ft). Within the zone, crystals would form in animal tissue, blood would gel and separate while plants would decompose into a grease-like substance. Witkowski also said that five of the seven original scientists working on the project died in the course of the tests.

In the end a SS run “Special Evacuation Kommando (command, team / unit)” evacuated the “Bell” and its supporting documentation prior to the Russians’ overrunning the facility. The research team of scientists was less fortunate;

“They were taken out and shot by the SS between April 28 and May 4, 1945. Records show that there were 62 of them, many of them Germans. There were no survivors, but then that’s hardly surprising.” ~ Igor Witkowski (Cook, Nick. The Hunt for Zero Point page 184.)

There are other various witness accounts and reports some of which include;
  • SS Lieutnant General Jakob Sporrenberg, Police Chief (ie Gestapo) Lublin (occupied Poland)
  • SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Rudolf Schuster, from interrogation report at Berlin Document Centre about evacuation of the Bell by air in 1945.
  • Dr Wilhelm Voss, Chief Executive of Skoda Works, Czechoslovakia given to Tom Agoston
  • Soviet plasma scientist G.N. Frolov in 1983 interview referred to Prof Baron Manfred von Ardenne as first hand witness.
  • Railway employee from Opole, Joachim Ibrom
  • Dr Otto Cerny (whilst working at NASA, recounted Nazi Bell to Greg Rowe)
  • Argentine Economic Ministry report declassified 1993 refers to Bell being unloaded in Argentina from a multi-engine German aircraft in May 1945
Some say we have two experiments based on similar principles, completely cutoff from each other due to wartime secrecy…and yet they produce remarkably similar results. They believe that these are both true torsion fields, in that they bend the fabric of time-space into a variety of shapes. (read more on this here) [pdf screenshots below]





The author concludes his article by debunking claims about The Hedge and the test-rig/the Fly Trap - appears to be a concrete structure for a cooling tower - and a warning concerning the Mulder-effect [Fox Mulder of the X-Files]:


Suggested reading -
Secrets of The Nazi-Bell – Uncovering The Mystery With Joseph P. Farrell March 20, 2007


NOTE: George Adamski is mentioned in one of the articles of my previous post - I vaguely remembered he had been mentioned in the transcripts - also another thread:

Q: (L) Who were the beautiful Nordic beings seen by George Adamski?
A: Figment of George Adamski's highly evolved imagination.

(1) Adamski, George (infamous contactee that claimed contact
with aliens during the 1950s)
Several researchers have indicated that George Adamski worked
for, or was duped by, the CIA or other intelligence agency in
order to cause ufology to look ridiculous and draw attention away
from authentic evidence [see Footnote A]. An Australian
individual that hosted Adamski during his tour of Australia
reported that Adamski travelled with a passport bearing special
privileges [See Footnote B].
[Footnote A] Discussed by Jerome Clark in his "The UFO
Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning - 2 nd edition :
"Volume 1:A-K" (1998) at pages 31, 34-35 (in an entry entitled
"Adamski, George (1891-1965)") of the Omnigraphics hardback
[Footnote B] Discussed by Jacques Vallee in his "Dimensions"
(1988) at pages 247-248, 250 (in Part 3, Chapter 8) of the
Souvenir Press hardback edition.
That reminds me of something Eric Weinstein said on Rogan about changing the spacetime metric:
In this excerpt, the C's give a high-level overview of what it takes to time travel. Notice how they put time travel in quotes, possibly hinting that there is not much "travelling" going on as it more about frequency alignments and the balancing of perceptions.
A: Okay. Get ready. First we must explain further time "travel" because the two concepts are closely related. The first step is to artificially induce an electromagnetic field. This opens the door between dimensions of reality. Next, thoughts must be channelled by participant in order to access reality bonding channel. They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge. The electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave. Then the triage must be sent through realm "curtain" in order to balance perceptions at all density levels.

Q: (L) Information in the event that has to be balanced or taken into consideration as to importance so that the program runs correctly. Is this the correct interpretation of triage as you have used it?

A: Sort of. Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality. That is it folks.
The humming sound Niara Isley heard near the craft probably had to do with the strong electromagnetic field generated by the craft. The field can also have damaging effects (Philadelphia experiment), as the door between dimensions of reality is opened.
Q: (T) Are the crystals still active?
A: Bermuda triangle.
Q: (L) I thought that was a myth?
A: No.
Q: (L) And what does that crystal do? Is it continuously active?
A: No. Erratic.
Q: (L) Is it still active in the sense of being a conscious or sentient entity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What activates it?
A: Many factors.
Q: (L) And when it is activated, what does it do?
A: Transdimensional window is blasted open.

Q: (L) Say a person was sailing along in the Bermuda Triangle and the window was blasted open and these people passed through or were engulfed in it or whatever, in what condition would they find themselves?
A: Something akin to suspended animation.
Q: (L) Would they be conscious of their state of suspended animation or would their consciousness also be suspended?
A: Either or.
Q: (L) Do they stay in this state forever, or do they come back out, or do they come out somewhere else?
A: Open. All are possible. Same thing happened to Philadelphia experiment participants.
Q: (L) If an individual were in this interdimensional state of suspended animation, does this mean they are stuck there forever?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Can they not die, is that what you are saying?
A: To them they may perceive something like waiting for millions of years.
Q: (L) Is there no one or no way to rescue them from this state?
A: Why do you think those sailors were hopelessly insane?
Also, Niara Isley talked about the "isolation of neural networks" in the brain to explain her amnesia, but there is also a non-material component to it.
Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind's inability to deal with the event?
A: It is an equal commingling of both.
Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished?
A: By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction.
Q: (L) Can you be more specific?
A: Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long wave or short wave cycles.
Scary stuff... we are way more malleable (in every sense of the word!) than we think! Dark forces are trying to bend our perception of reality!
That reminds me of something Eric Weinstein said on Rogan about changing the spacetime metric:

If according to Weinstein gravity is the observer, then it makes sense when the C's say that gravity is God.

A: Gravity is "God."

Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?

A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity.

Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis call it: the Source.

A: Please name something that is not gravity.

Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?

A: A mere thought.

Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?

A: Yes, there is.

Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations involved?

A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates gravity.

Q: (L) Now, did the fellow who built the Coral Castle spin in his airplane seat while thinking his manipulations into place?

A: No. He spun when gravity chose to manipulate him to spin in order to manipulate gravity.

Q: (L) Does gravity have consciousness?

A: Yes.
Watched it as well. My impression is that she is telling the truth of what she thinks happened to her. As for the content of what she remembers; I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually happened more or less as she recounts it. And yes, it seems to be in accordance with a bunch of stuff the C‘s have said

I also think that she genuinely believes that this is what happened to her, and her account is trully horrible. And I also wondered if perhaps some of the memories were screens for something else. Knowing what kind of things are happening, it's not hard to believe that all these things happened to her as she told them. But there is also a possibility of a brainwashing of some kind, because we know that this is also happening.
I watched couple of other video's of Niara Isley (here and here) and very disappointed with solutions she is offering. At one point she even mentioned that what she suffered is for good, with out it she wouldn't have written the book to message out. The solution she is offering are familiar new age - shallow LOVE that can conquer every thing including exhausting the energy supply to ET. No mention of REAL Knowledge.
  • Meditate, discern with inner voice, calm mind, trust emotions, chant Om as that activates Vegas nerve etc.
  • She blames Govt. and secret Govt. greed etc. almost ignoring ET's. She thinks there are good ET's and bad ET's. they can be discerned by feeling the resonance or dissonance. she completely underestimates the capabilities of ET's.
The videos you refer to are from December 2021, maybe she has learned something since then. In this video, she mentions psychopaths and dissocial personality disorder 6:44, she says she was able to control some of her anxiety by pranayama and yoga practices (5:57). We don't know which type of meditation, but some types can be very helpful. I looked up the OM chanting vagus nerve claim, and it appears to be real according to Neurohemodynamic correlates of ‘OM’ chanting: A pilot functional magnetic resonance imaging study. The result is not surprising when considering the long exhalation, as also done in the three stage breathing part of Éiriú-Eolas.

From book to book
Her book: Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light: A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening led to suggestions that are different from the suggestions you can get when scrolling through what customers of the High Strangeness book also bought.

Facing the Shadow is apparently frequently also bought together with books by a Mrs Elena Danaan including A Gift From The Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Race. Danaan styles herself as Author ~ Contactee ~ Awakener, Her about page says:
Elena Danaan is an Archaeologist who spent many years working on diverse sites in Egypt and in France studying ancient cultures.
Elena Danaan is going to talk about LIFTING THE VEIL ON ATLANTEAN TECHNOLOGY - GSIC 2023 ORLANDO. I noticed that Niara Isley, is into technology, she wants to repeal the National Security Act of 1947, do away with all the secrecy and give the secret technology free.

Video links
As I listened to the video, Niara mentions two videos by Dr Steven Greer: The Disclosure Project 2001, and Dr Steven Greer / Witness Testimony. Neither what Niara Isley, says, or what is said in the Disclosure videos reveal all that much. Perhaps looking for discoveries is more important than waiting for discoveries.
Also mentioned was Budd Hopkins, who helped her to recover her lost time. There is an article, an obituary, on SOTT: Budd Hopkins, Abstract Expressionist and U.F.O. Author, Dies at 80 --
Which ends with this:
Comment: For another take on the 'alien' abduction phenomena, see:

Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
  • Meditate, discern with inner voice, calm mind, trust emotions, chant Om as that activates Vegas nerve etc.
  • She blames Govt. and secret Govt. greed etc. almost ignoring ET's. She thinks there are good ET's and bad ET's. they can be discerned by feeling the resonance or dissonance. she completely underestimates the capabilities of ET's.

The C's did say that there were some good guys out there, too. Although it would take a good deal of nuance to get that message out without falling into the narratives of 'alien bros' or 'alien saviours'.
I also think that she genuinely believes that this is what happened to her, and her account is trully horrible. And I also wondered if perhaps some of the memories were screens for something else. Knowing what kind of things are happening, it's not hard to believe that all these things happened to her as she told them. But there is also a possibility of a brainwashing of some kind, because we know that this is also happening.
In this weird world, just because someone "believes" something happened to them doesn't necessarily mean it actually did. 😶‍🌫️
This has been reported by others elsewhere. I wonder what the mechanism is, given that if a human can walk into a UFO, it must be a 3D object in 3D.

That reminds me of something Eric Weinstein said on Rogan about changing the spacetime metric:

Have been thinking about this since revisiting the Travis Walton case, and I wonder if we are thinking of the 'craft' in the wrong way.
Maybe a better way to conceive of them is 'rooms' (that is, a static structure that goes nowhere) in 4D that then project into 3D - appearing as discs, tic-tacs, spheres, airships etc
The interface with 3D would appear as a 'craft', but passing over that boundary you are now in the 'fixed point' in 4D (or semi/sort of 3D/4D) - which could be much 'larger' and would connect to many other places.
You may be able to pass the "crashed UFO's" through this hypothesis, as most reports say they are mostly empty structures. If all the 'tech' is actually in 4D, and the 'craft' is the projection of the 4D location/tech into 3D that would make sense.
Just my current musings on it.

*edit to add* like the Star Trek holodeck, except it has an 'appearance' in 3D as a 'craft'
Have been thinking about this since revisiting the Travis Walton case, and I wonder if we are thinking of the 'craft' in the wrong way.
Maybe a better way to conceive of them is 'rooms' (that is, a static structure that goes nowhere) in 4D that then project into 3D - appearing as discs, tic-tacs, spheres, airships etc
The interface with 3D would appear as a 'craft', but passing over that boundary you are now in the 'fixed point' in 4D (or semi/sort of 3D/4D) - which could be much 'larger' and would connect to many other places.
You may be able to pass the "crashed UFO's" through this hypothesis, as most reports say they are mostly empty structures. If all the 'tech' is actually in 4D, and the 'craft' is the projection of the 4D location/tech into 3D that would make sense.
Just my current musings on it.

*edit to add* like the Star Trek holodeck, except it has an 'appearance' in 3D as a 'craft'
Or the TARDIS from Dr. Who- the exterior presented as a police call box, but interior was a large mechanism and rooms. I had the same thought @RedFox. You may be onto something.
Have been thinking about this since revisiting the Travis Walton case, and I wonder if we are thinking of the 'craft' in the wrong way.
Maybe a better way to conceive of them is 'rooms' (that is, a static structure that goes nowhere) in 4D that then project into 3D - appearing as discs, tic-tacs, spheres, airships etc
The interface with 3D would appear as a 'craft', but passing over that boundary you are now in the 'fixed point' in 4D (or semi/sort of 3D/4D) - which could be much 'larger' and would connect to many other places.
You may be able to pass the "crashed UFO's" through this hypothesis, as most reports say they are mostly empty structures. If all the 'tech' is actually in 4D, and the 'craft' is the projection of the 4D location/tech into 3D that would make sense.
Just my current musings on it.

*edit to add* like the Star Trek holodeck, except it has an 'appearance' in 3D as a 'craft'
Interesting - assuming this were the case, why would they appear so high up in the sky from our perspective and sometimes also appear in space?

Perhaps it's not all or nothing. Maybe some UFOs are fixed structures in 4D and others might be crafts of some sort 🤷
I watched the Isley interview last night and I couldn't sleep very well! Very interesting but also horrible, shocking experience. We could have easily imagined similar scenarios with the info we already have but it's different when someone talks from first-hand experience, and she does seem genuinely honest and as sensible as one can be in such circumstances.
I watched couple of other video's of Niara Isley (here and here) and very disappointed with solutions she is offering. At one point she even mentioned that what she suffered is for good, with out it she wouldn't have written the book to message out. The solution she is offering are familiar new age - shallow LOVE that can conquer every thing including exhausting the energy supply to ET. No mention of REAL Knowledge.
  • Meditate, discern with inner voice, calm mind, trust emotions, chant Om as that activates Vegas nerve etc.
  • She blames Govt. and secret Govt. greed etc. almost ignoring ET's. She thinks there are good ET's and bad ET's. they can be discerned by feeling the resonance or dissonance. she completely underestimates the capabilities of ET's.
Decades back, New age teachers has "good" memories of ET's and promoted the same shallow word salad of Love as the gospel of salvation. It looks to me, now a days, they are getting attention for being victims of alien abduction and promoting the same Shallow Love.
Ok, there are many who discover these ugly truths but then fall onto New Age-type of thinking or simplistic or shallow positions. But I think we should cut her some slack. Not only has she been under severe trauma, but if you don't have the luck of a network like this one and hints from the Cs then what would be your best response in the face of such 'horror of the situation'? Probably just what she's doing, or something along those lines like becoming a born-again Christian, etc.
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