Imminent Alien Disclosure?

I haven't seen this piece here:

I don't know how he came up with these ideas because I didn't watch the interview, maybe it's just his imagination, but it's interesting that the idea of aliens as an ancient civilization is out there:

I was thinking about creating a High Strangeness Twitter account - We could share interesting information, accounts, cases, and related quotes from the book, and the Wave series.
The idea of most "ultra terrestrials" being offshoots of beings from Earth from multiple futures has long seemed reasonable to me.
Their numbers and vitality would be fluid in regards to changes made in their pasts (our present). The Cs have also hinted that this idea is very close to the truth.

Say we were facing an existential issue in the future. Let's say we reached a genetic / mental dead end.
Some groups would undoubtedly go back into the past to meddle, thus creating alternate futures for their race to inhabit.

After creating some new hybrids or planting new genetic information in the population, you check to see which new futures you now have access to.

Similar to exploration and discovery of new land to settle, except the new land is new realities.

It's also easier to come to terms with the existence of intelligent reptilian hominids when you begin to consider that perhaps there is a reality in which there was no asteroid impact.
Dinosaurs continued to walk the earth for millions of years until an intelligent lizard species emerged. When they were advanced enough to go back in time and experiment with Earth's biome, they created a reality / found one, in which dinosaurs are extinct and mammals are more prevalent. Then begin to design their new food sources.

This is interesting because it hints that what we do in the present affects which of these races would frequent us more. And "who we are" as individuals and groups would likely affect which groups we would likely be entangled with.
The fun never ends! This Reddit thread is creating a bit of a buzz on Twitter and, well, Reddit:
Where is the extreme fear in Geller, when he is telling about this? As personal meetings with grays are described to elicit a state of severe, incapacitating, nauseating, paralyzing fear / panic / distress on multiple accounts. Rumored, then inspired in the odd, realistic Hollywood movies. C's also describe how and on what Lizzies feed.
Pretty much confirms so many things Cs have said:

Confirmation why true disclosure would cause world-wide panic, chaos, a complete breakdown of society. Collapse of humanity. Collapse of religion.

Richard Dolan and his cohorts requesting Government Disclosure should realize / see this without just waving such videos away as "fantasy". Unfortunately they would need what they don't have in mind - the C's corroboration:
- You are an experiment.

Deep State Insiders were rumored to have said that masses of people would panic and lose their minds. Chaos, lootings, burnings would break out world-wide collapsing our society - upon real government disclosure.

Imagine representatives of a Government Public Disclosure Committee:
- You are an experiment.
The People:
- What do you mean?
Government Public Disclosure Committee:
- We "agreed" to give You The People to the aliens for abduction. Because humans are nothing more than lab monkeys, lab rats the aliens have been playing with, developing new models: the African, Japanese, Chinese, Caucasian models. Aliens have been introducing humans to many planets and have been meddling with everybody for millions of years. You and your ancestors have been messed with via DNA-edits for millions of years - on Earth and on other planets - along with the dinos and all plant and animal species in this galaxy. Without exceptions! There is no life on this planet that aliens have not created, GMO-engineered, significantly meddled with thus heavily modified.
All your religions are mere coping mechanisms with the horror of reality: near complete disconnect from your false myth that you are the "Creation of God". Aliens made you, not God. And they are NOT your friends.

That's why disclosure is viewed as dangerous. People would go bonkers if they heard they are created experiments and their religion is fake, a fabulous coping mechanism, a colorful book of tales given to children so they don't cry too much, instead the kids become MANAGEABLE.
I was thinking about creating a High Strangeness Twitter account - We could share interesting information, accounts, cases, and related quotes from the book, and the Wave series.
I like it, I'm in!

I've seen twitter accounts that share nothing but movie quotes... and they have reach, I daresay that an account with quotes from books about the topic might make a dent.
This anon claims to have "worked as a molecular biologist for a national security contractor in a program to study Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO)". He provides details of the body's alleged genetics, anatomy, biology, etc. As some commenters say, at the very least the guy knows enough biology and lab procedure to do a decent LARP.

I'm wondering if this is Dr. Garry P. Nolan:
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Baxter Laboratory, Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Nolan serves as a Director of the Stanford NHLBI Proteomics Center. He is a co-founder of Nodality Inc. He is Founder of BINA Technologies Inc. He is also a Co-founder of three companies, including publicly traded RIGEL and CellGate. He served as an Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology (Tenure) at Department of Moelcular Pharmacology of the Stanford University School of Medicine. A leading biotech industry figure, and scientific founder of three pioneering companies, Dr. Nolan is a global leader in single cell analysis. His work is at the forefront of developments at the single cell level using novel genetic and FACS-based approaches. Back at Stanford, Dr. Nolan's laboratory developed efficient viral delivery tools based on retroviruses and lentiviruses (Phoenix and Felix retroviral and lentiviral systems). He developed the first flow-based single cell gene expression analysis system using enzymatic detection with fluorogenic beta-galactosides (FACS-Gal). He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at MIT and Rockefeller University, where he cloned the p65 subunit of NF-kappaB and co-developed the rapid retroviral production systems based on the 293T cell line. Dr. Nolan serves as Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board at Nodality, Inc. and BINA Technologies Inc. He serves as Vice Chairman of PrognosDx Health, Inc. He serves as a Member of the Board of Directors at Nodality, Inc. He serves as a Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Fluidigm Sciences, Inc. He served as a Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Evolva Holding SA., and Intronn, Inc. He serves on the Editorial board of Gene Therapy & Molecular Biology, Cells to Genes and Molecular Therapy (ACS). Dr. Nolan is the author of over 140 peer-reviewed papers and holds numerous issued patents. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards, and was recently honored as one of the top 25 inventors at Stanford University. He was a Hume Faculty Scholar from 1993 to 1998, Trustee of the Leukemia Society of America from 1995 to 1998, Burroughs Welcome Fund New Investigator Awardee from 1996 to 2000, HHMI Junior Faculty Scholar Awardee, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Stahlman Scholar since 2000. In 2005 he was invited to speak at over 20 conferences and meetings including at MIT, Albert Einstein, Harvard University, Case Western, University of Washington, Williams & Mary Distinguished Speaker, University of Miami, Genentech, Agilent, BMS, Lilly, Janssen, Scripps, Novartis, Serono, ACBS Plenary Session, etc. He served as a Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Evolva A/S. Dr. Nolan received his Ph.D from the Department of Genetics at Stanford at the Herzenberg lab. at Stanford University, and his B.S. in Biology from Cornell University. Dr. Nolan was a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of the Nobel laureate Dr. David Baltimore at MIT and Rockefeller University.

Dr. Garry P. Nolan claims he is 100% certain and has proof that aliens are still among us

On Thursday, May 18, a highly respected Stanford Professor attended the SALT Forum in New York City. It was a short video that was shared to the public with some of the most incredible claims from a man of Nolan's stature. In the video, they do ask him what his credential are because they want people to know he is uniquely qualified to talk about this topic. Dr. Garry P. Nolan works at the prestigious Stanford University, a school that has worked together with the American Government for decades on a wide variety of projects. Nolan works at the Stanford University Pathology and Immunology department and he has innovated in the field of cancer research. If any specialist is qualified to speak about the probability of alien life on earth from a scientific standpoint, it would be Dr. Nolan.

From the Diana Walsh Pasulka thread, it's disclosed that the identity of James is Dr. Garry Nolan along with this link:

And on pg. 52 of her book, American Cosmic, Diana says he held an endowed chair of molecular biology and headed a laboratory at one of the top universities in the world. His account of alien abduction is detailed in her book with an entire chapter on "James".
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That's why disclosure is viewed as dangerous. People would go bonkers if they heard they are created experiments and their religion is fake, a fabulous coping mechanism, a colorful book of tales given to children so they don't cry too much, instead the kids become MANAGEABLE.
Suffering triggers questioning. However, people are still far from the point where they have nothing to lose. As any attempt to break the status quo is viciously attacked by the control system, people are afraid to make a move and wait for a savior. But saviors can come in a variety of flavors, pushing the limits of acceptability even further! How far is too far? Well, it's up to people to decide, because psychopaths don't stop when you say 'stop!'
I'm wondering if this is Dr. Garry P. Nolan:

And on pg. 52 of her book, American Cosmic, Diana says he held an endowed chair of molecular biology and headed a laboratory at one of the top universities in the world. His account of alien abduction is detailed in her book with an entire chapter on "James".
Here's what he had to say about it on Reddit:

This is a challenge to the community to determine if they can come together and analyze this logically.

So, here’s what I would suggest:

• Given that there are several obviously very competent molecular biologists who have already commented or asked the right kinds of questions in this Reddit thread… I would say they might organize amongst themselves and create a spreadsheet of all the relevant statements and answers to questions the original poster has put forth. Break them down into ideas and claims as individually as possible. Self-organize a subgroup, and report back in a regular scientific mode/manner.

• I would only focus on the biology claims. Though if a different group wants to address the non-biology issues raised that could be another discussion (and not one on which I am a sufficient expert to comment).

• Then for each claim break down the credibility, pros and cons from both a scientific point of view individually and a “how does this all work together, if at all”? And a separate set of considerations for whether this is an elaborate "misrepresentation" or a "larp" (I had to look that one up).

This is how many labs address putting together papers as well as answering reviewers of our papers under peer review. Businesses and project managers do the same thing. No reason it cannot be done here. It just needs to be done methodically by people with the time and interest/ability to do it. You don't have to be a card-carrying molecular biologist. ChatGPT could probably do a credible first draft...

I've been flooded with requests to conclude something, but I won’t assign any likelihood of the claims as there is just not enough actual data here for me to conclude anything. It is, at present, an individual anecdote. My question to the community is: “Can you come up with a process that is credible and scientifically deterministic to consider the merits of the claims” and "What would be the next steps if any of this is testable"?As with everything in life, believability is a chain of custody of trust. How much do you trust the data or the people presenting it?

I won't comment any further based on time constraints. I think this community has the horsepower to get this started, organize the alleged claims, and provide a template for others to be able to work from a common framework. It could be a model of how to address other claim sets that might come forward one day.
This post will make you nostalgic for the '90s era UFO scene:

Here's how it starts, to give an idea of what it's about:

From time to time, someone will bring up the topic of "Zodiac." By this, they mean either "Zodiac" is one name for the MJ-12 cover-up group, or "Zodiac" is the name of a crashed UAP retrieval program. Bits of information are scattered in a number of places, so I thought it would be useful to bring together the threads of information which I have come across while researching "Zodiac."

1998 UFO Magazine [link to pdf included in the article]

An intriguing article appeared in the May/June 1998 (Vol.13 No.3) issue of "UFO Magazine." Titled, "Deep files Trans "X" Communique:Letter to a UFO Recruit," it is attributed to "Greg Halifax." The editor of the magazine prefaced the article with the following:

"What you're about to read is largely unverified...But that doesn't mean it's not true. It's the type of UFO information that will typically be deeply buried, then carefully studied and compartmentalized by a small faction within the intelligence community, as suits any sensitive black operation. As such straightforward corroboration is difficult at best. But UFO Magazine has the advantage of more than a decade's worth of collected bits of information and broad-based facts on which to construct some fair extrapolations, drawn from a range of sources. The following incident reflects upon one of the blackest of American covert operations - that deals directly with the UFO phenomenon."
Following one of the links gives this, a comment on a YT video on Grusch:
One of the top comment by J. Allen there (you can see it on the above video):

"As a current Aero-Engineer for the US Air Force (26years and still going) I can help you decode at least some of this. First, I know that Grusch has only limited ability to talk about this subject. He did get clearance to speak to a certain extent but he MUST withhold quite a bit in order to avoid very serious law violations. So, expect him to be holding back some things he could say and this also necessitates rephrasing on-the-fly language he would normally use.

Second, this retrieval program is REAL and is the most highly classified program in the US. The program is called ZODIAC and this may or may not come out in the public hearings soon. Take this in when viewing this man's speech. He is 'trying' to talk to us about the most highly classified project in the world. People have historically died, lost careers, lost family due to this secret. So to say this is stressful to talk about would be an understatement.

Third, when he shook his head talking about the 'spacecraft' and 'alien' is because we don't really think this is what they are but this term is in common use publicly and is as close as we can describe the phenomena to the general public and be understood. These are much more than spacecraft. They are trans-medium-interdimensional craft to the best of our knowledge. And on the 'alien' aspect this is just the easiest term we have because we don't really know for sure but this term is pretty close. At present we consider most of these 'beings' to be advanced-biological-AI (manufactured beings).

Lastly I can tell you from my own experience while on duty these are REAL. I can tell you this because I was present on two occasions where these 'craft' were above our base watching us. I wasn't read in to this program I can only tell you I was there on two occasions (happenstance) and they are as real as the nose on your face."
Confirmation why true disclosure would cause world-wide panic, chaos, a complete breakdown of society. Collapse of humanity. Collapse of religion.

Richard Dolan and his cohorts requesting Government Disclosure should realize / see this without just waving such videos away as "fantasy". Unfortunately they would need what they don't have in mind - the C's corroboration:
- You are an experiment.

Deep State Insiders were rumored to have said that masses of people would panic and lose their minds. Chaos, lootings, burnings would break out world-wide collapsing our society - upon real government disclosure.

Imagine representatives of a Government Public Disclosure Committee:
- You are an experiment.
The People:
- What do you mean?
Government Public Disclosure Committee:
- We "agreed" to give You The People to the aliens for abduction. Because humans are nothing more than lab monkeys, lab rats the aliens have been playing with, developing new models: the African, Japanese, Chinese, Caucasian models. Aliens have been introducing humans to many planets and have been meddling with everybody for millions of years. You and your ancestors have been messed with via DNA-edits for millions of years - on Earth and on other planets - along with the dinos and all plant and animal species in this galaxy. Without exceptions! There is no life on this planet that aliens have not created, GMO-engineered, significantly meddled with thus heavily modified.
All your religions are mere coping mechanisms with the horror of reality: near complete disconnect from your false myth that you are the "Creation of God". Aliens made you, not God. And they are NOT your friends.

That's why disclosure is viewed as dangerous. People would go bonkers if they heard they are created experiments and their religion is fake, a fabulous coping mechanism, a colorful book of tales given to children so they don't cry too much, instead the kids become MANAGEABLE.
I tell you what, I don't buy the story that the main reason they keep this secret is because people can't handle the truth. I don't think the PTB care that much about people to be honest! Call me crazy for thinking this 🤪

Rather, I think the secrets are kept because its beneficial to the PTB ("whoever" they may be) to keep them. Perhaps it affords them more power and knowledge over "uninformed" people. I personally think that's one of the key reasons PLUS the fact they don't have answers to the questions that would follow and this in turn would jeopardize their position as "PTB". So in the end, it comes down to self preservation, at least in my book.

As to Aliens masquerading as humans from a lost civilization, I think it's a "short term" play at best. How long before the truth becomes obvious? Then what! For this reason, I'm not sure why there would be a "disclosure". Rather, I think "disclosure" is just a means of managing the narrative because there will always be "intrusions" to our reality and those intrusions need explanation. Personally, I don't see why the "aliens" wouldn't want to keep us in our current state forever because I mean, does it get better than this from their perspective? Complete control, maximum ignorance etc what more does an interdimensional alien need? 🤷

If I were them, I'd more focus on figuring out how to minimise the effects of "the wave" on our reality so that, god-forbid, what's behind the veil doesn't get revealed! Revelation is only bad to the extent it makes your cattle hard to manage or puts you in a position where you have to cull a large % of the herd! 😶‍🌫️
This is my first time ever hearing of Niara Isley and I do not know if she’s a part of the disinformation campaign, but I kind of hope that she is. Because if even half of what she claims is true, then my God..

Her story is like riding a rollercoaster with no brakes.

This is my first time ever hearing of Niara Isley and I do not know if she’s a part of the disinformation campaign, but I kind of hope that she is. Because if even half of what she claims is true, then my God..

Her story is like riding a rollercoaster with no brakes.

Just finished watching this myself.

A lot she says corroborates thing that the Cs have said. It's a really ugly picture.
This is my first time ever hearing of Niara Isley and I do not know if she’s a part of the disinformation campaign, but I kind of hope that she is. Because if even half of what she claims is true, then my God..

Her story is like riding a rollercoaster with no brakes.

She has a book too: 'Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light: A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening' (2013).
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