Imminent Alien Disclosure?

Dolan has some interesting remarks about what's going to happen next: the US government is taking back control of the UFO narrative. Also, 'death by a thousand cuts' for Grusch - meaning that they aren't going to crush his image or credibility at once but little by little take him down a peg or two. In a year's time or so they'll be back to there's nothing to see here - or rather 'we're looking into it, we'll get back to you'. People are so susceptible to manipulation by the media (think covid) that I totally believe they can be pushed back to whatever state of mind the elite want.

Dolan has some interesting remarks about what's going to happen next: the US government is taking back control of the UFO narrative. Also, 'death by a thousand cuts' for Grusch - meaning that they aren't going to crush his image or credibility at once but little by little take him down a peg or two. In a year's time or so they'll be back to there's nothing to see here - or rather 'we're looking into it, we'll get back to you'. People are so susceptible to manipulation by the media (think covid) that I totally believe they can be pushed back to whatever state of mind the elite want.

Kirkpatrick isn't wasting any time!

Need more 🍿

NASA Committee to Publish UFO Report in August

This decision was made by the head of the department Bill Nelson, because people have a lot of "doubts around the topic of aliens"

BUENOS AIRES, July 28. /tass/. The Committee of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will publish a report on UFO sightings in August. This was announced on Thursday by the head of the department Bill Nelson during a visit to Argentina.

"I decided as the head of NASA, since there are so many doubts around the topic of aliens, to appoint a committee of respected scientists. They are working now and will publish a report next month," he said, answering a journalist's question about the hearings in the US Congress, where the UFO issue was discussed.

"They will use our scientific sensors to identify these phenomena. So wait for next month and you will have an answer," Nelson added.

Ran across this clip of a Redacted interview on twitter where a grey alien is supposedly being interviewed and examined. The video does not have audio and some of the interviewers are supposedly telepathic to be able to communicate with the grey.

Here is the full Redacted interview, which came out today. Going to give it a watch now.

As it suggests in the interview, if that is CGI from '91 it's very impressive, literally incredible according to experts. The other possibility is a model, but as always the lighting and quality of footage makes it difficult to see clearly. If half his claims about the corroborating evidence surrounding this video are true the argument for this being real is compelling. It can't be easily dismissed, it's creepy as hell, but I can see how this could be safely dismissed as a hoax by most people. Perhaps that's one reason why it's on YouTube and the personnel in the video have been trusted to keep their secrets for many years.

I found it interesting how John Stewart summarised the findings of the government studying 'grays' for decades - they are "some sort of half synthetic robot and biological being with tissues". Very close to 'cybergenetic probes'. He claims that the new government program designation will be 'SABER' - standing for 'synthetic astro biological extra terrestrial races'. We'll have to look out for that. Otherwise he correctly predicts a soft, limited disclosure resulting from the congress hearings. He doesn't seem to have much understanding of the extent of disinformation, anything suggesting this is hyperdimensional in nature, or the complexity of the situation regarding the military and various levels of secret government.
As it suggests in the interview, if that is CGI from '91 it's very impressive, literally incredible according to experts. The other possibility is a model, but as always the lighting and quality of footage makes it difficult to see clearly. If half his claims about the corroborating evidence surrounding this video are true the argument for this being real is compelling. It can't be easily dismissed, it's creepy as hell, but I can see how this could be safely dismissed as a hoax by most people. Perhaps that's one reason why it's on YouTube and the personnel in the video have been trusted to keep their secrets for many years.

I found it interesting how John Stewart summarised the findings of the government studying 'grays' for decades - they are "some sort of half synthetic robot and biological being with tissues". Very close to 'cybergenetic probes'. He claims that the new government program designation will be 'SABER' - standing for 'synthetic astro biological extra terrestrial races'. We'll have to look out for that. Otherwise he correctly predicts a soft, limited disclosure resulting from the congress hearings. He doesn't seem to have much understanding of the extent of disinformation, anything suggesting this is hyperdimensional in nature, or the complexity of the situation regarding the military and various levels of secret government.
Oh yes, this is definitely not cgi from 91, but it can be a physical puppet
(or a 4d cybernetic puppet)
Oh yes, this is definitely not cgi from 91, but it can be a physical puppet
(or a 4d cybernetic puppet)
It could be a puppet- but it’s eyes- something about the eyes that look awfully real to me.
And the way it opens it’s mouth and seems in genuine distress-if this is fake it’s very convincing. How do we gauge something that comes from another density- whether it be a craft or entity? There will always be that element of doubt, that no it can’t be real, and this may be by design or just a byproduct of the phenomenon itself. Our first instinct is to brand it a fake, it’s CGI or whatever.
It could be a puppet- but it’s eyes- something about the eyes that look awfully real to me.
And the way it opens it’s mouth and seems in genuine distress-if this is fake it’s very convincing. How do we gauge something that comes from another density- whether it be a craft or entity? There will always be that element of doubt, that no it can’t be real, and this may be by design or just a byproduct of the phenomenon itself. Our first instinct is to brand it a fake, it’s CGI or whatever.
It makes sense that something completely foreign would register as fake to the mind especially when seen in a lowres video like that. but yes, Our minds are trained throughout life to differentiate between animals we learn to recognize and are even more spe ifically attuned to pick up on nuances in human behavior.
Something completely foreign, it seems, could be seen as fake more easily. That makes complete sense.
At least in a video context
I talked to my family about what is happening, but they are very indifferent, apathetic and I think many people are like this. It's like it's the most common thing, I don't know, something is going on with people's mood, the circus is not working. It's a global "meh"

Perhaps the PTB have taken some missteps and bombarded people with too much-what with Covid (they are ramping this up again BTW) bank fails, and the various shenanigans in governments - folks have just had enough and one more thing added to the plate is garnering little attention even if it should be “earth shattering” news. People are just overwhelmed and don’t care.
I quote only as a reference to Coulthart, this appeared at my twexter feed, and I'm just getting used to knowing who's whom.

Now on what he says. I assumed that the ones who decided to do the hearing were aware of the implications into opening de can of worms - so to, its kind of a surprise that that they (whom ever of the Pentagon) are... surprised.

Surprised enough to

Pentagon unreachable on UFOs sends 'shocking signal,' journalist says

Ross Coulthart says that there is a significant pushback going on right now from the defence department and sections of the intelligence community.

Ross also reveals that he just talked to a first hand witness of the legacy program this morning.
It could be a puppet- but it’s eyes- something about the eyes that look awfully real to me.
And the way it opens it’s mouth and seems in genuine distress-if this is fake it’s very convincing.

Yes, the way it moves generally and the top of its head when it tilts towards the camera. There's a lot of texture and detail. The fact that it actually doesn't look like the stereotypical gray depiction, but has round eyes instead of almond shaped ones. Compare it to the best that Hollywood could come up with at the time (gremlins, ET, Jurassic Park etc.). I can't believe I've never seen this before.
I don't know if the hearings count as an "official disclosure". It offers everyone what they want to hear while maintaining a plausible deniability. Those who are comfortable with UFOs will say "yay, the government acknowledges UFOs", those who are not comfortable with UFOs will say "It's only three people saying stuff, and the Grutch guy's reporting what he was told by other people", and maybe some others will go "yeah, Chinese balloons are an existential threat to America".
Most of the talking and negotiating and battling will occur behind closed doors, and whatever official narrative they come up with (according to Dolan, probably just before 2024's presidentials), the world would have changed in significant ways given its actual chaotic trajectory.

I think this obsession with "official disclosure" is understandable, but also a path to nowhere. You can see it with all kinds of conspiracies, whether Covid, 9/11 etc., where people desperately wish for some "official acknowledgement", whatever that means. This is often nothing but a wish for the abusive daddy (the government) to be good again and give us some sweets. Then what?

It's hard for people to hear this, but the government won't "set things right" or "save us" or finally be a good daddy to whom we can delegate our thinking and power. No, we must deal with the knowledge ourselves, with all the painful realizations that this entails: especially the absolute need for dealing with our fears, triggers and lazy thinking habits. We are called upon to grow (up), not to demand some people finally "disclose" something and we can run around feeling self-righteous because we knew all along and live happily ever after in blissful ignorance while we leave it to the - finally awakened - "experts".

I agree, this doesn't count as disclosure. But the fact that, essentially, higher dimensional beings with ill intent has been put into the congressional record to describe the phenomena is, in my mind, YUGE.

It is. At least the hyperdimensional angle will sound less crazy now to some people.
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