Imminent Alien Disclosure?

One thing I found interesting are the people sitting behind Grusch at the hearing he points out. The four men are James Clapper seated next to George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell and Charles McCullough (former Inspector General at Intel Agency 2012).
That wasn't Clapper. People have looked into this on Twitter, and someone who was in the audience at the hearing spoke to this guy and confirmed it wasn't Clapper. Also, McCullough is Grusch's attorney.
That wasn't Clapper. People have looked into this on Twitter, and someone who was in the audience at the hearing spoke to this guy and confirmed it wasn't Clapper. Also, McCullough is Grusch's attorney.
Yes, this is stated in the first DJ video by his assistant. DJ insists that has been shown to be false now and its Clapper. So some ambiguity there.

This was in the past when McCullough was the Inspector General now he's the lawyer, some detailed information on that man is given.
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Dark Journalist gives his take on the UFO whistle blowers and the Congressional hearing which he calls a CIA circus. He gets into A LOT of detail going back to the 40's to the present concerning the UFO files which he's clearly studied closely. The hearings, he says, are a creation of the CIA to steer the public and Congress to believe there is an alien threat. Grusch is their creation and he's gotten a lot of criticism for his very vague answers. I doubt this comes as a surprise for many here,

One thing I found interesting are the people sitting behind Grusch at the hearing he points out. The four men are James Clapper seated next to George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell and Charles McCullough (former Inspector General at Intel Agency 2012). Two high ranking spooks and the their publicity team, Knapp and Corbell, says DJ. Apparently Knapp is going along with this and its surprising as well as disappointing. DJ says many long standing people in the UFO community have suddenly lost their minds and are diving head on into this CIA fiction.

At the beginning of the above video DJ describes an interview he just had with Alex Jones on the subject which I checked out. He makes his points much quicker then the above video and it shorter. More interesting information shared such as Pres. Reagan was shown supposed pictures of alien craft in the rings of Saturn, a scare tactic concerning alien invasion which they considered rolling out then, now's the time apparently. Advanced technologies carried over from Atlantis in some way is speculated with CIA studying the Cayce files. Elon Musk was making plans with Trump to develop the dark side of the moon. I recall early on Trump talked about mining the moon.

Darren Beattie from Revolver pops in and there's a flurry of guesses of whats the purpose for all this. Calling a state of emergency due to alien attack just before the 2024 elections is one idea. An interesting observation is, they seem to be in a real panic to steam roll all this out quickly, why?

I just got through the first 20 minutes of Dark Journalist's interview with Alex Jones and they're both, as far as I can tell from just that little bit, firmly in the camp that there are no aliens. They think that the narrative of extraterrestrial beings is a cover used by a breakaway civilization of intel agencies and secret societies who've developed incredibly advanced technology to create the illusion of an extraterrestrial threat in order to scare the world into joining a one-world system as a protective measure against the threat of ET takeover. As they see it, both the phenomena itself and the attempts at disclosure are all part and parcel of a grand conspiracy by the breakaway group to scare people into accepting a fine order of control by the breakaway group.

Which is paranoid and deluded but nevertheless self-calming narrative, because it's really not some higher dimensional beings with incredible abilities whose technology and intent exists far beyond our capacity to control or stop but a group of wannabe dictators who can be punished if only we would see the truth and stop them.

Not what I would call the most informed or accurate of takes on the whistle blowers.
I just got through the first 20 minutes of Dark Journalist's interview with Alex Jones and they're both, as far as I can tell from just that little bit, firmly in the camp that there are no aliens. They think that the narrative of extraterrestrial beings is a cover used by a breakawayThey're planning an alien civilization of intel agencies and secret societies who've developed incredibly advanced technology to create the illusion of an extraterrestrial threat in order to scare the world into joining a one-world system as a protective measure against the threat of ET takeover. As they see it, both the phenomena itself and the attempts at disclosure are all part and parcel of a grand conspiracy by the breakaway group to scare people into accepting a fine order of control by the breakaway group.

Which is paranoid and deluded but nevertheless self-calming narrative, because it's really not some higher dimensional beings with incredible abilities whose technology and intent exists far beyond our capacity to control or stop but a group of wannabe dictators who can be punished if only we would see the truth and stop them.

Not what I would call the most informed or accurate of takes on the whistle blowers.

I haven't followed Dark Journalist closely over the years he's been covering the UFO topic so I can't speak to all he's said on the matter. But, I've never had the impression he didn't believe aliens aren't real. He makes the comment in the Jones talk that they're planning a fake alien invasion if the real one doesn't happen first! Where have we heard that very same statement? Is he following the C's? The work of Gurdjieff is something he's studied and values which he speaks of often, so there's that connection as well. He also talks briefly (in Jones vid) about the portals around the US and strange activity involved there so other dimensional beings are something he does seem to believe are true.

He's also covered the many psychic aspects of the experiments the hidden agencies have been involved in so he's interested in that sort of subject as well. Considering his very focused interests and research I wouldn't be surprised if he does follow the C's since he's so involved in studying the same subjects that are covered here.
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UFO Whistleblower Claims Massive Coverup, Retribution In Sworn Testimony
The U.S. has recovered alien spacecraft and bodies and has kept secrets for nearly a century David Grusch testified today.
byHoward Altman| PUBLISHED Jul 26, 2023 8:57 PM EDTA
A decorated intelligence official and Air Force veteran turned UFO whistleblower on Wednesday provided the most pointed public testimony ever given to Congress about claims that 'non-human intelligence' has visited the Earth and left behind craft and bodies, and the government has covered it up for nearly a century.
David Grusch, who served with the now-shuttered Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force (UAPTF), testified under oath before a House Oversight Committee’s subcommittee that he has evidence there is a cabal of people inside and outside the government involved in ongoing programs dealing with non-human craft and lifeforms. Those beings have visited the Earth, he said, and the cover-up has been going on since the 1930s.
He testified that the U.S. government possesses multiple alien craft and the remains of their crew; that government contractors have “misappropriated” money to fund these ongoing programs and that there have been efforts to silence those who come forward that may have even included murder. In addition, Grusch said the U.S. was working to reverse-engineer alien technology and that people were hurt in the process of attempting to do so. He said he had a list of witnesses, both cooperative and hostile, for future hearings that could provide additional answers through firsthand accounts.
He also joined the chorus of those who want to see the release of the images and video taken during the February shootdown of a Chinese spy balloon and other mysterious craft that flew over North America.
Grusch had previously raised these issues when he filed a whistleblower complaint with the U.S. Intelligence Community Inspector General about internal reprisals for his work on this issue. That complaint was deemed 'credible' at the time and the probe into it is still ongoing. He also spent nearly a dozen hours in closed-door congressional hearings and made similar allegations to two media outlets.

The Questions​

Over the course of a hearing that lasted more than 2.5 hours, Grusch addressed many inquiries from a bipartisan panel of lawmakers who came together in an exceedingly rare display of unity to learn more about the claims made by Grusch and former Navy pilots Ryan Graves and David Fravor, who each were party to some of the most known UFO incidents in the last 20 years.
U.S. Rep. Timothy Burchett, (R-Tennessee) asked the first series of questions.
Q: Is the U.S. government in possession of UAPs?
A: Absolutely based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years.
Q: Where?
A: I know the exact locations and those locations were provided to the inspector general, and some of which, to the intelligence committees. I actually had the people with the first-hand knowledge provide a protective disclosure to the Inspector General.
Q: Have you faced any retaliation or reprisals for any of your testimony or anything on these lines?
A: Yeah. I have to be careful what I say in detail because there is an open whistleblower reprisal investigation on my behalf. I don't want to compromise that investigation…but it was very brutal and very unfortunate some of the tactics they used to hurt me both professionally and personally, to be quite frank.
Q: Do you have any personal knowledge of people who've been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal these extraterrestrial technologies?
A: Yes. Personally.
Q: Have you heard that anyone [has] been murdered? That you know of or heard of I guess?
A: I have to be careful asking that question. I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.

Rep. Jeremy Raskin (D-NY) then asked several questions.
Q: What was your experience coming forward?
A: Well, it's only been about two months or so. So I guess my experience has been overwhelming support from former colleagues of mine, a few who privately message me, and I do appreciate that. But I do have knowledge of active planned reprisal activity against myself and other colleagues and it's very, very upsetting to me.
Q: Coming from where?
A: Certain senior leadership at previous agencies I was associated with and that's all I'll say publicly, but I can provide more details and closed environment.
Grusch added that “certain colleagues of mine that were brutally administratively attacked,” to which Raskin asked why.
A: I call it administrative terrorism. That's a tool in the toolbox. They silence people. Especially the career government service [personnel] who cares about their career, cares about their clearance, their reputation. the climb up the ladder. When you threaten that… career path, a lot of people back off, but I'm here to represent those people.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Florida) followed up Raskin’s line of questioning.
Q: In the last couple of years, have you had incidents that have caused you to be in fear for your life for addressing these issues?
A: Yes. Personally.
Q: On the 19th of April, Dr. [Sean] Kirkpatrick, head of AARO, said that he did not find any evidence of UAPs. You also stated that in your interview that you briefed him on information that you were uncovering, but they didn't follow up with you. Were the items that you divulged to him pertinent to national security?
A: Yes. Him and I had a classified conversation April 2022 before he took over AARO. July 2022 I provided him some concerns I had.

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida) asked Grusch whether as a result of his previous government work, he “met with people with direct knowledge or have direct knowledge yourself of non-human-origin craft?”
A: Yes, I personally interviewed those individuals.

Q: As a result of your previous government work, have you met with people with direct knowledge or have direct knowledge yourself about ATs - advanced technologies - that the US government has.
A: Based on conventional advanced tech, I was briefed to the preponderance of the Defense Department's both space and aerospace department programs.
Q: Do you have knowledge or do you have reason to believe that there are programs in the advanced tech space that are unsanctioned?
A: Yes, I do.
Q: And when you say that they’re above congressional oversight, what do you mean?
A: It’s a complicated question. So there's some I would call it abuse here. [Federal law] discusses the [Deputy Defense Secretary’s] ability to waive Congressional reporting. However, the Gang of Eight [the top four leaders in Congress and the head Republican and Democrat from both the Senate and House Intelligence committees] is at least supposed to be notified… [you can read all about how this all works in this past feature of ours]
Q: How does a program like that get funded?
A: I will give you generalities. I can get very specific in a closed session. But this is misappropriation of funds.
Q: Does that mean that there is money in the budget that is set to go to a program but it doesn't and it goes to something else?
A: Yes, there’s specific knowledge to that.
Q: Do you think U.S. corporations are overly overcharging for certain tech it's selling to the US government and that additional money is going to programs?
A: Correct. For something called IRAD. [That’s an acronym for Internal Research & Development Program, but he did not explain which specific IRAD program or programs it was and no one on the panel asked, so we reached out to the Pentagon and will provide additional details when available].
Q: Let’s talk satellite imagery. Are you aware, do you have direct knowledge or did you talk to people with direct knowledge, that there is satellite imagery of these events?
A: That was one of my primary tasks at NGA, since we process, exploit and disseminate information. I personally reviewed both what we call overhead collection and from other strategic and tactical platforms that I cannot even explain prosaically, and I have a degree in physics, by the way as well. And I am aware that you guys have not seen these reports, unfortunately, and I don't know why.
Q: Do you have direct knowledge, or have you spoken people who have direct knowledge that this imagery applies to crash sites - crash imagery?
A: I can’t discuss that in an open session.
Rep. Virginia Foxx, (R-North Carolina) asked Grusch whether his statements contradicted those by AARO’s Kirkpatrick “who previously testified before Congress that no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity or quote ‘off world technology’ was brought to the attention of the office.”
Q: To your knowledge, is that statement correct?
A: It's not accurate.
Foxx added that “this contradiction is a perfect example of why we need to inject transparency into our government."
Returning for another round of questioning, Burchett asked Grusch for “the names and titles - the people with direct first-hand knowledge and access to - some of these crash retrieval programs and maybe which facilities military bases that would recover material would be in.”
A: I can't discuss it publicly. But I did provide that information both to the Intel committees and Inspector General.
Q: What Special Access Programs cover this information and how is it possible that they have evaded oversight for so long?
A: I do know the names. Once again, I can't discuss that publicly and how they've evaded oversight. In a closed setting, I can tell you the specific tradecraft used.
Q: When do you think those programs began and who authorized them?
A: I do know a lot of information but that's something that can't discuss publicly.
Burchett pressed Grusch about who was denying access to these programs.
A: It's a group of career senior executive officials.
Q: Are they government officials?
A: Both in and out of government and that's about as far as I can go there.
Q: That leads me to my next question. Which private corporations are directly involved in this program? How much taxpayer money has been invested in these programs to your knowledge?
A: I don't know the specific metrics towards any of your question. The specific corporations I did provide to the committees in specific divisions and I spent 11 and a half hours in both intel committees.

Asked by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Arizona) about whether the classification of UAP information is interfering with the government’s ability to be transparent, Grusch noted that he helped author the UAP Task Force 2019 Security Classification guidelines, which he called fair. However, when it came to the shootdown of the Chinese balloon that traversed the U.S. earlier this year, Grusch said there was “a lazy attitude about declassifying videos. I mean, I've seen some of the videos of the recent shoot down and I saw no reason that couldn't have been released as long as they mask some data. The American people deserve to see that imagery and full-motion video.”

Rep. Eric Burilson (R-Missouri) asked Grusch for more details about aggressive or hostile activity experienced by him or his colleagues in relation to the UAPs
A: I know of multiple colleagues of mine that got physically injured.
Q: By UAPs or by people in the federal government?
A: Both.
Q: So there has been activity by alien or non-human technology and/or beings that has caused harm to humans?
A: I can't get into the specifics of in an open environment, but at least the activity that I personally witnessed - I have to be very careful because you don't want to acknowledge tradecraft, right? So what I personally witnessed - myself and my wife - is very disturbing.
Q: You've said that U.S. has intact spacecraft. You said that the government has alien bodies or alien species. Have you seen the spacecraft?
A: I have to be careful to describe what I've seen firsthand. Not in this environment, but I can answer that question behind closed doors.
Q: Have you seen any of the bodies?
A: That's something I've not witnessed myself.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-South Carolina) asked Grusch about whether “officials at the highest levels of our national security apparatus have unlawfully withheld information from Congress and subverted our oversight authority.”
A: There are certain elected leaders that had more information that I'm not sure what they've shared with certain Gang of Eight members etc. l but certainly I would not be surprised.
Q: You say that the government is a possession of potentially non-human spacecraft. Based on your experience and extensive conversations with experts, do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials?
A: Something I can't discuss in a public setting.
Q: Do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted these craft?
A: As I've stated publicly already in my News Nation interview, biologics came with some of these recoveries.
Q: Were they human or non-human biologics?
A: Non-human and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge of the program I talked to that are currently still in the program.
Q: And was this documented evidence - was there video, photos, eyewitness? Like how would that be determined?
A: The specific documentation I would have to talk to you in a [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] SCIF about.

Q: What agency, sub-agency - what contractors - who should be called into the next hearing about UAPs - either in a public setting or even in a private setting. And you probably can't name names, but what agencies or organizations, contractors etc. do we need to call in to get these questions answered, whether it's about funding, what programs are happening and what's out there?
A: I can give you a specific - cooperative and hostile - witness list of specific individuals that were in those.
Q: And how soon can we get that?
A: I’m happy to provide that to you after the hearing.
In another set of questions, Burchett asked Grusch if he has “a personal knowledge of someone who's possibly been injured working on legacy UAP reverse engineering.”
A: Yes.
Q: Was it something like a radioactive type situation or something we didn't understand?
A: I can't get into the specifics but you can imagine assessing an unknown unknown. There's a lot of potentialities, you can't fully prepare for.
Q: Are you aware of any individuals that are participating in reverse-engineering programs for non-terrestrial craft?
A: Personally, yes.
Q: Do you know anyone who would be willing to testify if there were protections for them?
A: Certainly closed-door and assurances that breaking your NDA, you are not going to get administratively punished.
As we discussed yesterday, the Oversight Committee hearing appeared to be a major first step toward learning more about this mystery and now it has gone officially from a focus on encounters with UAP, to the allegations of potentially major criminal activity and major conspiracy.

This is in addition to the claim that a small group of unelected people basically edited the course of human history totally outside any government oversight. These are incredibly tall and damning claims. Now that they are under scrutiny at the highest levels of government, it will be highly interesting to see what comes of them.
We will certainly be paying close attention and will update this story when warranted.
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Yes, this is stated in the first DJ video by his assistant. DJ insists that has been shown to be false now and its Clapper. So some ambiguity there.

This was in the past when McCullough was the Inspector General now he's the lawyer, some detailed information on that man is given.
Here's a screenshot from the hearing. In close up it's clear it's not Clapper:
Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 1.39.01 PM (2).png

Recent pic of Clapper:
Considering his very focused interests and research I wouldn't be surprised if he does follow the C's since he's so involved in studying the same subjects that are covered here
Another thought. Two people seating at an Ouija board communicating with 6D beings would really be his cup of tea. If he doesn't know about Laura and the C's I think he'd appreciate Them. All the info on Atlantis the C's have offered and window faller topics would hit the spot for him I bet. But, I suspect he already knows of this, but don't know for sure of course.
Ok, DJ got it wrong I guess. Like everyone else he can make mistakes. Do you think this invalidates the rest of what he says?
Not necessarily. It's a fact that all of the people involved in this latest development in UFO world are intel-connected. That network (roughly in chronological order of their involvement) includes: Bigelow/Reid/Knapp, Vallee, Davis, Puthoff, Kelleher, Green, Lacatski, Elizondo, Stratton (all of whom worked on the DIA-funded AAWSAP program or later informal AATIP DOD group), supported by guys like Mellon, and now Grusch, who worked for the UAPTF and has the support of all of the mentioned individuals and others within the intel community.

I'm just not convinced that these guys are anywhere near the apex of the secrecy pyramid and thus directing events at the behest of the real secret-keepers. Since the 90s they have been relative outsiders trying to get on the inside. That's arguably what AAWSAP was all about, IMO - they had no intention of making it publicly known at the time, i.e. 2010. Lacatski, Bigelow and Reid basically created it in a somewhat underhanded way to get their own "inside" program up and running without others in the defense/intel community knowing about it. (The program name and contract made no mention of UFOs, but the language was vague enough to apply.) And they set up the program parameters in such a way as to try to get legal SAP access to existing programs, data and technology. It didn't really work out. They ran for about two years before their cover was blown within the Pentagon and their funding was stopped. 5+ years later Elizondo and Mellon leaked the program's existence to Kean and Blumenthal and the rest is history. Along the way they have gained some amount of support from people within the intel community and private industry, like Grusch and his witnesses.

But none of these people have been insiders in the sense of those who have directed the programs and kept the secrecy over the past generations. I haven't seen any indication that those types want any kind of "disclosure" or exposure other than the kind represented by AARO, i.e. "there's some stuff we can't explain, but unfortunately we can't explain it, and by the way, there definitely hasn't been a massive coverup and we definitely don't have any UFOs or bodies - see, we're being honest about UFOs!"

IMO, this small group of intel community 'outsiders' has been very carefully framing the issue since 2017. They started by focusing solely on military encounters and pilot safety/national security. They started using a new name, UAP, and made no or very little reference to historical cases. In essence, they reset to 1947 and went from there. Over the past 6 years, they have expanded what they talk about as the Overton window has expanded, to the point where now they will publicly mention the entire history of the phenomenon, the cover-up, and even crash retrievals and bodies. It took the UFO community 20 years to start acknowledging "occupant" cases, and another 20 to take abductions seriously. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's where they go next. (Note that none of them have talked about abductions in this time period.)

As for their motivations, I think it's a combination of things, depending on the individual: curiosity, professional jealousy, anger at being illegally kept out of the loop, greed and technological/scientific desire (i.e. to be the ones to get their hands on the tech and successfully reverse engineer it). Most of those involved probably would have been perfectly happy to do all of this from the inside with no public exposure (as Bigelow and team did during AAWSAP), and many might still be. But having been stonewalled on the inside, they are using public exposure as pressure now, and that is having a snowball effect. I don't think Grusch was part of the plan, for instance.
Today I listened to the Redacted coverage of the UFO congress hearing. It was a good summary, but then they interviewed Greer. He gave a decent recap until the point when Morris asked him about the "interdimentional" aspect. What was it all about. And as we know, this is the key point of the UFO Phenomenon, as described in Laura's books.

You can listen to Greer's reply starting from this point. He essencially douged the question by talking about distances and speed of light. That this is how aliens travel, through dimentions. That "extradimentional" and "interdimentional" are interchangable because aliens have to go through dimentions to move through vast spaces. That's it.

I kid you not. What's for sure, that's not what Grush was alluding to during the hearing, even if it's not 100% clear. He did emphasize the compexity of the penomenon. Seems like what Greer said is deliberate obvfuscation at best.

Toward the end of the Redacted segment they talked more about the "origins" of the UFOs. You can listen to it here. Granted, it wasn't Clayron or his wife who wondered about thid particular point.

What seems to me that we are going to see more and more people expressing certain views that may explain the phenomenon to the people who are not particularly interested in it, but it will be twisted and scewed in such a way that it will be similar to the Covid nonsense (masks are beneficial, vaccines good for you, etc), it's not suprprising that we will have to find ourselves in the situation of seemengly sharp minded people buying into all kind of nonsence.
You can listen to Greer's reply starting from this point. He essencially douged the question by talking about distances and speed of light. That this is how aliens travel, through dimentions. That "extradimentional" and "interdimentional" are interchangable because aliens have to go through dimentions to move through vast spaces. That's it.

His explanation depends upon Einstein's theory of relativity. Has this theory been proven or disproven by anyone in term of folding space?

You can listen to Greer's reply starting from this point. He essencially douged the question by talking about distances and speed of light. That this is how aliens travel, through dimentions. That "extradimentional" and "interdimentional" are interchangable because aliens have to go through dimentions to move through vast spaces. That's it.
I listened to it today. Greer has been on this for 30 years, and he still hasn't been able to get over two incorrect ideas: The one that you mention about aliens being essentially physical, i.e. extraterrestrial as the movies usually present them; and two, that the elites of this world are evil, but the aliens, not really - or at least we don't have any reason to suspect them (we do!). In that interview he suggests that all the bad deeds attributed to the aliens were not really them, but just the elite trying to set the population in the mood for confrontation with the alien threat so that there can be a NWO type of global government or whatever. I hadn't paid attention to Greer in more than a decade - now I remember why.
remember the C’s saying something about the drip by drip reveal is to avoid scaring grandma
One can say that several times. After my mother saw it at the news yesterday, she commented that the news were so crazy. This morning, I asked her opinion about that alien/ET related news, she told me "I do not want to talk about it, I don't believe it, and do not bring that issue with me."
Oh well, she does not know yet, that the TV news will keep talk about it quite often from now.

Is understandable
- assuming, because she does not want to talk about it - her discomfort. Never want to know about it. My father, on the other hand, had an experience while being a kid, he told me a couple of years before he died, he told me that he had not tell anyone until to me. I guess, there are things that not even in marriage (50 years) can be shared.

One, already knowing the basics - so to speak-, can say that is not a big thing, what will be little by little little so as not to scare people away.

There are thousands if not millions or billions like my mother, and that's just more that enough to bring that issue at mass media suddenly released.

I guess we had not seen yet the repercussions for this disclosure or not, in the sciences and/or religions, just to mention a couple of fundamental aspects for people living on this planet called Earth.

Like for example, this post.

This was in the past when McCullough was the Inspector General now he's the lawyer, some detailed information on that man is given.
Interesting bit here about McCullough:

McCullough, the man at the center of Trump’s new anti-Clinton attack, served as the intelligence community’s watchdog during the Obama administration.

On Tuesday, Fox News aired an interview with McCullough in which, broadly speaking, he makes two claims about Clinton’s emails.

The first is that a number of her emails would have caused “harm to national security” had they been released accidentally or through a hack. He told Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge that their release would have placed “sources and methods, lives and operations” at risk.

The second is that he believes there was a covert campaign designed to silence him after he expressed concern about the emails to the Republican leadership of the Senate intelligence and foreign affairs committees.

“I’m well-aware there was a strategic coordination between the [Clinton presidential] campaign, the State Department, certain officials at the State Department, certain law firms in town, and people on Capitol Hill,” McCullough said.

Among other things, McCullough said that “senior officials” in the administration cautioned him against pursuing the matter with then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; that he received a threat from the Clinton campaign that he would be fired when Clinton won the White House; and that Democratic lawmakers attempted to undermine his work and credibility with various unspecified pressure tactics.
Follow the link to Fox News to watch the interview with him.
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